PAGE EIGHT V&OE 1!1011T ~~~~~THEMICHIGAN DAILY_____UEDYFBRAY1,92 TU3?:>DAY, FEBRUARY 10, 110-15 DALYOFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page Three) for new students; should be made Tuesday afternoon between 2 and 4 in Room 222, AngellI14all1.1. ans French 11: There will be a new class opened in French 113, Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00. Get cards in 1O4SW. A. G. CanfieldI. French 116: All students whlo wish to take French 116 of Mr. Delattre meet in Room 100SW at 12:45 Tuesday ,February 10. Important. Andre 1Jeattre. Observation In, French and Spanish: The courses in observation in French D115, andl Spanish 1D145 (Spanish 15,) will meet in Room 201SW, north corridor, instead of 205SW as statedl in the announcement. f A. G. Canfield. German 1, gec. 11 and German III, See. 11 of first senesler College of Fn- gineering : My sincerest apprecjsatlon of and hearty thanks for the beautiful flowers that came from you recently to cheer me in my illness. PfJ111ca1 Science jg12p, Special Studies In American (Constitutional Lazy: This course mneets Tuesday, 3-5, 401 General Library. E. S. Brown. Physles 210, Atomk $truture: Physics 2A , a41atJoan: The first meetinw for arranging hours will be Tuesday at 11:00 in Roonm 10.35, New Physics Building. Anyone interested in these courses who can not be presen~t at this hour should submit his complete schedule. E. F. Baarler. Phtysiological Chemi$stry (3). Laboratory Work In Blood Analysis: Students wh~o have enrolled for the course and who wish to be assigned to the Laboratory Section for the first eight weeks will meet in Room 319, Medical Building, at 5 P. M. Wednesday, February 11. Inasmuch as the number of students Who can be accommodated in this course is limited, no further consideratipn will be given to those students who (10 not attend this ,meeting. I.. L ewis~. -Graduate Stuidents, Phiysicfoglepl. Chemistry: The lectupes in. Physiological Chemistry (3) will be given on Tuesday and Thursday at 11 'clock in Room 319, Medical Building The seuinar in Physiological Chemistry (Physiological Chemistry 4) vill meet on; Saturday from 10-12 in the same room. If. B. Lewis. Psychology.102: Psychology 102 ;mental mneasuremenlts will meet Wednesday, February 11, at 4:00 P. M. Room 162 N. S. to decide on a regular meeting time. C. E. hRagsdale. Mr. Sanchez' Spanish 2 at,11:09) o'clock : This: class will meet in Room 205SW the second semester Instead of 20ISW as stated on the cards. Frederick Satncetz. Span~ishi 102: M4ry section of Spanish 102, at 11:00 o'clock, will meet in Room 200SWN, south corridor, the, second 'semester insteadl of 205SW. L. A..I erea do. meet in Room 302 Mason Hall at 5 P. ..\edncsday. The subject for the contest will be chosen at this time. AF. C( Iixon, Director Local Contester. lvaIngelicaI Student Clubih: 'The Evangelical Student Club will hold its regular monthly meeting lWednesday', Feb. 11, at 7:00 P~. MX. at Lane Hall. A discussion will be lead by Rev. (G. A. Neumann, pastor of the Bethlehem Evangelical Church. All Evangelical studlents are cordially invited to atted~. Earl 1. IRleinscliuidt. h~istory' 312 (Britisli Enipire) : This class will me'et in Room 35 Literary Building. j Arthur L. (Cross. Hygiene 101: 'This coiurse will be given in Room B of the Law Building insteadl of in the Lower, Leture Room of the Dental luilding beginning Wedlnesday, F~ebruary 11. Nathran Sinlai. L aniisc, ;le sC.OinI92" and 1112.(lyle linproveinent and City Iiinhg: I The place of mweet ing for these ,e hay been changed fron thte West Calery, ? emocrial [Tail, to 1loon 2 i, J,:nwes 11. An goll hll1. The time and p-iVac(,,or meeting fc r the qu i:, z cse~Btios in Courne 11[2 will be arranged later. I A ubrey ITealdi. iillctt'i4 aft '- (Ef~t e ofu L. & rut oe., Sciene, andd Elhe Arts': F 'roft*:sors lI ad -.a x', a i la vlcoywill nmod iasasin rooms as en- nocn dnael~y: j Profs:;-rorB;d11h c, nPoom I100, Ja son 11all. Pmrofcsu:or Mri] cy, in room '1010 .13 . Aungcll Hall. JIoseph L. 3Marlicy. ; Aatfie ai ts 1Ct0 or Aero 11: Studlents electing the cour ;e on 'stability- of lMotion will meet in Room ,18 West Engineering I~n ilding, Weainesday at 5 to arrange hours. P. Field. lPhihc:!sophy 10 7. .;t !h'sh la~tc': Students xxwho prol~os o to c(d this course are asked to meet for a few mmii utes in Boon, 106 AMason [Mall at noon on Wednesday, February 11, to decide upon a lperrna '1t hiour of 11meetingr. 'Brand Blanshiard. Pho4ti's : Students of my eour-e in English Phonetics No. 15G, who had pianned to ' take Course 1, 5 " ercnE-lish'' the seccnd semoster, may elect C en- oral Linguisitics 110 (Si llleeift iiy announcemcnt) Introduction to the Science of Languae as a substitute for 155, which will not be given except to one section. I would likze to Wreet th s sect ion February 10 at 2:00 oo'clock in 2006 IAnzgell Hall. J. If. AMiiysiells. 'Z vo First Y1v1 ud l i t Second And I 1Third IYear (Courses Are i Offered ADD TWO PROFESSORS Opening on June 16, the 1925 sum-I' rarer session of the Law school willi last ten weeks, the regular class workj being divided into two periods of five weeks each. Tphe work: given in the, summer is the samle in kind and amounts as that-given !in the corres- I-nding subljects ill tho regular ses- si-,doa atd LiwheoOloltion of any course in rihe su:~lime ' gives the student full (ceditin ,,ach subyct toward -[1 ai "iaIsht ents '1111) 1114eis ast I an e h a ll. J u s t 1 1 - ' t a e e i e f e v 3 a~ f an R . 0. TP. C. (drill hall. WeT are a W 1® u ®u* ® ®® 0 ® *.O N ®B am a o I ' SECOND SEMESTER 10,000 SECOND-HAND BOOKS THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY w OK9 UN IVERSITY * S'mmAmO U U p S U U U I Internationa*l Committee Meeting of the S. C. A at Lane IBall Tuesday, February 10, from 6:00-6:00 o'clock. All members are requested to be present. A. Y.. Boehringer, Commu. VCh. U. S. Naval Reserve Force: The regular meeting will be held Wednesday evening, F~eb. 11th, at 7:30 P. M. In the R. 0. T. C. Drill Hall. flatleniatlelca Clubh: Regular meeting will be held in Room 3003 Angell hall, this evening, at 8 o'clock. The report of the Committee on Curriculum in Mat hematics will be considered. Mr. Raleigh Schorling will present a paper, "How wvell do high school students know their mathematics, and what are some sug- gestions for improvement?" All persons interested are c'ordially invited to attend the meetings of the Club. W. 11'.lDent on, see'y. Athena will hgld an important business meeting at 7 :15 o'clock tonight. All mnembers are requested to be present. Ellura Harvey, President. Adeiphi: The Adelphi House of Representatives will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 in their rooms on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. The Child Labor Amendmenrt will be discussed. All active members are requested to ire pres- ent at executive session. Officers for the semester xill be elected at this time. W. C. Dixon, Speaker. xdenilyorsi e~ru Cclntesl: All students interested in extemporaneous seaking are requested to To ,coat Coats for this Season. We have for your considerationa t Value LErer ,Produced I Tailored. Splendid Materials in Plain Mixtures. the coat you have been looking for. iso showing the better grades <)s high as $!;0*4 7 . I - 7Th 'ii :/L ! THIS IEK LAST CHANCE ,TO GET MICHIGINENSAN Opportun ty will amain be given to subscribers to the .19'5 Michiganen;sien during a drive which starts tolnarroxv and ends Saturday afternoon at 4:130 o'clock. TFables will be placed in Angel ball and in the lib,°ary which SO. STATE STREET AT WILLIAM STREET 2 + .; +.a:;. .> ..-,. ;.' o- ; x- . .. s . s e.A r.r . M .""t:'+ ,:4r' .a ' ' h f " f. ". '. r'". e "+ " ''.. ".I'"1.+/. /.r"r: '".!" I", ".~./"./.t PJ.I"111d./11~"11.d. r':"s:°.WO0~.. '" . '.1".+e"'.A~. '". i°,s".o'. , ° °. " : p .~ ... ."e.' . ;ee"i..i' .,...."0 . ' .s s;;''? .:._ "zt' ' '',...