0 TUESDAY, MARC14 10, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUDSDY, MACH 10 1925PAGE T!IIf EXRAMEN RUSH -POOL GOMPLETION 0tilItn4 dearly 'Finislhed, Jt4oer gnsatd Fixtures InistilledI; Wtills Are painted LA13OR TROUBLES OVER --- -- Stoe O S'>n:~.CourtBec r"he Camptis I i _ Credo E obier. Crouse, Jr., '28." Yes. I think ning for so many public offices, she lat a. women bas as much right as al is as much entitled to such a position man, if she has io proper qualifica- as a man. And "I think that she is ti015. It is 1)(1. to lily mind, so much perfectly qualified to fill a position, ? (IUt i hc' of S-x as aibility 1.0 hold Ion the Board." suchi a position.' u~i~iilre s Peckl be ' 7xvoni ei n tee choeanilHenry M.Bates of the Law ,. csoldb .wmnontesho il ~desteMichigan Al- Board 0of Regents. Nowv that the wo- uni club of Kansas City at its an- Sman hia entered polities andI is run- 1nal banquet t oday. New York, Mar. 9.-:ill eg. ngh- BaeRt eue opyVI)owes to a bookmaker for racinig h~ Harry Licenerstein has entered suit in the Supreme court against the hromte run king. Vera Cruzz, March 9.-Pedro Gon- zales, former rebel general, and h~is aide were assassinated. With the tiling almost entirely com- pleted, the walls- painted, lighting fix- tures,,in. dace, lockers set u) anl al- molst everything in place, the new Un- ion swimming pool has taken on the aspect of Icinuetiss it has so far' lacked. Scaffolding and piles of sand and building material have given the tank- an unfinished appearance, but with the removal of much of this the pool itself miay be mnore plainly seen.. Extra ilen have been engaged by the Union to rush forward the work o constr~uctionf. Dificuty in obtain- ing expert tileirs slowed up this ork for some timeo and there is still a1 small amount of thie to be set but the bulk of this construction has been completed. The lockers have all been set upr in the locker room ad while the room itself has not been finished of, this is ~t expected to take much time .nor to hold upl the use of the pool. A count- er andl clerks desk '.ave 'been r~siall- f.. _ t the entrance of the 1)001 room, as a clerk will lhe necessary to take fiets in payment for swims. SDA1W ADVISES AGAINST RADIO FOR UNI VERSIT Y t A radio broadcasting station good- Senough to be a credit to the Univer- YgA s .y would probably cost too mouch to ,E warrant its purchase, according to s°6 Wilfred . Shaw,- '4, general Sucre- yof the Alumni association. "A station such as the one operated hereatyrisbudoaosedvse f lfiticismr. It is necessary, if we are to have any station at all, to have one of the best. "At the present time," lie contin- Sed, "the air is so overloaded with ra- Sdio programns of every imaginable na- ture that the establishment of one more station would snake the sita- ion even worse than it is now. It has been urged that a radio .here would be a great advertisement .for the University, but it hardly seemis to me that Michigan needs to advr- tile. I suppose that a broadcasting { station would be a desirable addition1 -to the University, but the leens of smel an outfit appears hardly jsti- fiab e." DEAN EFFINGER *FAVORS HONOR S COURSE SYSTEM/ _ Dean John R. Effinger of the lit~r-' iary college has declaned himself aWholeheartedly in favor of the IHonors course plan of study for advanced -7students. lie has niointeci out that the >Enlglish deartment here is alreay tryng his1)hn, s wllas th hs ory deatment in exaiat ions tc - c ne small extent, as indicative of tt 1 tt tat the recent editorial Grit-i .~icism of colleges and uivrsties byE " 'New Student'' is unjust ilfis .qaians aie now complete for a con- vrltion a';t Iowa. univesit within a- *,~rt time fr discussion of the I Hon- cpcours . At that time Dean Efing- twill present al paper before sone of; t leading educators of tie country C1tis topic. 'flin Vagrants " i kd; Get aMeal tichets Not ash 1Berlin ,"(r., March(Ii9-A last a so Nation to thet problem of getIing rid 6-f lrofessionz; Ibeggars ba been reached by Ithe( BerIlin' Women's [tub. It has issueds books of coupons ii denonutnations of five and ten ljennigs, -which families can purchase 4x"ithl the purpose of handing them) to ~eggars. The beggar may take the coupons to the municipal district welfare ofice 711here, in exchange for them lie will zceive a free meal. At. the smie t ins' his case is looked into by dis- tfrIct welfare workers. This method has p~roved iii i rely sisfactory for it is said 1that. )10105 - sional besggars never return to a houlse in which they obtain a Ymeal check in-s Ihl't~lG lICuesim)l: IDo You tllhm k that a woman should electedI to the; B~oard of Regents?a. ll re asiied: Rhetoric library. 0 Th~le ainsivrs : Albert marckwardlt, .---Jsee no( good reas}on whya w omani should not be elected. A w o-' DIVan xith the requisite qualiticat ions h iould he a ble to fill a place on the t iloan d equally as well as a maun with tie =.1110 ii ll lf'i('ItOX15.' b Dorothy Ornstein, '28.-"Since the4 Pjoair(l of Pegent s represents the en- i" ti1 e student Body and since the stud- w ent body i'7 coimprised of both mnei ?nd w on x, the wonlen shollld be re. ° ,ire: ent,.d on the Board of Bygents as sell as; the men." f- .. x 4 " : :r . ". '"../'.or! ", .,a"./'"qsr" ". ." .r ..f", f".rl"' Y,. °.P ./"1. +", "d./ S/ ".e"°,W":e'"1 ".r "J"« ",slid""1.y '"«lw "'./ "" '"' , °". ' °' , . ' , '.; ' " so ogns 1High," by The 1 -O 'WITH kl~rs. LUGARD mANSFIELD1 4 , , , n y ' e ( . v e Q ,, r D I t t: W ITLY THEATRE, F I AYq MARCH 13, 2:15 P.aM" Seat Sale af on a o'clock T013DA Y at # he 'Wh tascey (r) t E'Smf()f (.a i(h((fl(; .00. .r ON X3 3 .acmT ' . Now s PLAYING La Ii-e 'de aof B A a . ~ w i: ,"eest; iii(-nbc r of the Unte t s - 1sin enl a9VI1 ' I',in l"'10robes oli an a, 5 S.et I U Saturday and Sunday's n ewpapers carried criticisms froin metropolitan sources. Will violate a theatrical ruling to gain your confidence and prove our sincerity and print our report which goees to the general manager on all productions. This report is nos: Intended for the public but is done to tab ulate SCREEN ISUPREMACY SIGNIFICANT IN ITS MEANING i ': -,S .. w W A a..... S7''3. era. public. I ~ ..,.......... ..... . _______ __________-- 7 i ,e , s i ,;+ ; , .. .+w~+wta:a<;.t ,.wart.-:'.:. . r-A'SL aL== '+'41fi1[ i i , ', 3 a T'TLBI--VDNA ]'RfER'S STORY "SO P IG" with COLLEEN MOOREI and ALL STARD (', .ST~. r P -'- llC sP ~ i: V'l7 kS / ^ \ } t.:: ' i faist k.-. :: r~.; e t7ac a l B iV ' :v ± ''' ^A1mEn,, VALUE --Great for Ann Arbor audiences and all classes. 9 'Story b 1 10). ZCISTIUIATED PERCENTAGE OF 'TERAL VAI UEO,--- Thei very bzest from the pro- dincer's studios. ~t~~l~ii~3-~li~sreport will no doubt surpris~e you, 1lair. Bleatty, since I am not iii Itlh- Us hit of gi ving such flowery reviews. j It re~ thazt a brief recport in writing uip a, great story, a. great1 picture and ' Y ' :srri ~~ wt l oosgig e ole omshudsf ed eleven Miof cssio nal reviews and they all agreed that it was apoi- lure and the gr-:star was ade foir thelie icture instead o (if d- her'.' The iet ion moves with lighl~tning rapidity andte h. ictulre stays close to thiu,~i %'r iil say that a .y of the: boys playing .this picture on thme circuit should feel lion o edi to present to their audiences such an achievement of entertainment in " ~t ( c :- of nubbec demnand. I can truthfully say that not one word of this rrv fW is elaborated upon. JAS . S. IIELSDOnN. the novel that has for 11I cop- sccuti'le mo~nths led al! ot'_cr book -ales ! .2" "' - I") . r _ tt 'with 7v& jy t~ IN -° 4' , I ii II stead of cash. played on the tre givenmlhere ehtecks onlly" is 1cway. Subscribe for In fac t the sign di s- house, reading, "Allms in the f'orum of meal enough. to scare thuemi The Iflichiman ia tmily '. OP~EN VECTTE SERIIES 'Vocational UGuidance leturmes will begin at 4:15 o'clock WNedl- nesclay. afternoon Mlarch 11. M4iss Marjorie Porter', a imembeir of' the staff of the Det roit oew, wviIial, about.i " XVwsm i 4 . A~ i. J 7 rr.# r ti...> ' P k q _.' 11 I GLAD .YS BROCKWELL, FORD STERLING i I