SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 1925 TEMCIA AL ,rHE MICHIGAN DAILY r 00 n ii-sthn sua. E xcue e" turns into a middle aged woman of l' I~pr Ilughes' prodluct ionr will be poverty. The only thing left inl her the tir ued picture. An unusual cast life is her son and her ambitions for in m .inldn Cord Ngl Nrmj his future wvhich she wants to be 'so X71Ic , r r Renee Adoree and Wa0 oclock will b c ''Rema..rkable Faith."''PTle student lill) will nieet; First 'hiri-la iScience ('Iui'cli at the parsonage at :31) O'c'lock when The I1 topic which has been chosen Mr. IV. It. iiiiettiiei, of the pialeon-! for the morning sermion is ''Man." Juan de las Vinas (C'ontinued from Page Thir'teen) took part in last year's .Junior Girls' Play as wvell as in presentations of Miasques and Munmmers. Douglas Whittemore and Marshall Levy both took important p~arts in last year's Spanish play, "Dona Clarines"; Mr.. WVhittemore played the part of the I0octor and Mr. Levy that of the Miser. Loth deserve praise for their excellent work. John Jay, having taken special - "---- i 1 A Becoming Bob Contributes much to one's personal charm. You Will be well pleased with the service given by our expert barbers. Arcade lirber Shop 6 Nickels A rcade interest in c(iivii5 dra t! ics apd d'- bating, should not (disappoint anybomdy, in thes interlpret alien of his character. The rest of the east have lity of talent and assure us of satisfaction in their respective roles. The play is tinder the (direction of Mr. E. A. Mercado of the Spanish do.- partment, but a gireat deal of the credt- it for the training of the cast should go to Prof. Herbert A. Kenyon, of the Romance Language dlepartment of the Engineering College, . 'I 1i , to be Mvont' fins rst starring pro- dcuction. This is said to bie a clever Thme Areade ._omedy, showing M~onty as a you~ing 'Fie scr'eeii version of "So Big";, one Italian who, in fallingr in love with Of t the best selleirs of the year, read a retauantkeeer'sdauhte, ~- I hi pact ically everyone, will. appear curs thle enmity of the head of a I at the Arcade theatre today for a five dreaded band of gangsters. The Cetlay ruin. Colleen Moore, the star of may be left to the inmagination. a? to~ pic'ture, is surrounded by a cast The WbIlfor the lat ter'part of theIt'ieicy might aeybe termed a1 SChurches r C 1 1 i, rezdd y4<. ' t ncuds alae eeyin St Adenhsapscp-l huc Tom Mix who is, ably -supported'(Iby It he role of a :Dutch farm Hand, Phyl- The morning prayer and sermon Tony the horse, anti Duke, the clo ). lie I "laver and Rosemary Theby, Ford will be held at 11 o'clock preceded, 'tom Mix and Tponyl'efluioish, thi,'i' terling, John Bowers, and Ben Lyon. by Holy Communion at 3 o'clock and usual place iii the lime li, ?t to) The story take Colleen Moore out ofj Church school and student Bible "Teeth",as the lof; is cr;Iled!.ie not IIIls erstwvhile .tfapper characteriza- classes at 9:30 o'clock. The Rev- only is called upon to save the,, lives I tioiis which wvon her fame in ''Flaming erend Frederick C. Lauderburn, 'Trin-I of Tom and the girl in the ease sev- Yout1h" and "The Perfect Flapper" ity Church, Pittsburgh, will deliver oral times, but also has most of the ,ae id gives her a role which entails the sermon. At 5:30 o'clock the work of combatting the villain, and( ' mueh greater dr'amatic power. it young people's supper will be served takes the final fade out, happily, all!I shows her as the refined little school; in the old Chapel.- Rev. Lauderburnl to himself. Some of Cie scnes a teacher who becomes the wife of a txwill speak at the student service, and taken within -the region of a forest poor truck farmer near Chicago. Iti again at the evening ser.vice when his,, lire where permlission to take pictures .t sutrprisinig part for the young' subject will be "Peter." was obtained only on conitioji that t--' and nothing could be more re- the men in the company aidl the For- in o efm om the giddy flapper of yore First Baptist Church est Rangers thr'ee days in fighting the as, w ith the passing 0 years, she The subject for the morninug ser- fires. I - Tihose who have beeni regrettinig tilei absence in Ann Arbor of' a real vaude- villeIhousde shouldI le more than pleased with the peiformnance at the Majestic theatre this week. "Plan- tation Days'which -is made up of five Keith acts in addition to the revue proper wil be presented. The production is a color'ed revue with a company of 25 people, which origin- ally played as a full, legitimate roadl show, lint is revisedI at piresent. to a performance of one, hour. N umerous ; ervlc" wavin zlcm For the First Bluebooks of the Semester Get Your Supplies at the Bluebook Store - I -I IT E , ModayNigh, Mach r VI ( "~ ~~.i0 $..i0 9,.0),$10,$IH) pusra lis ~mgmm ud i.I twshaii hicioe~whwl iditetlri - ii Don't forget to order -our SpecialBrick of I Strawberry andChoccihite.. From our dealers or di- rect. Phone 423 Homne of Pure Milk. +' r.- '__ _ _ _ ' I-1111 Sout~h Vniversity Ave. 1PhioieI 160-IK specialty acts are lput on biy the black, face Keith players who have appear-dF throughout the country undler th e headings-Farrell rand ('hadwick, The a Five Crackerjacks, Scott, Allen and Lee, The Three P'eppe;rr Shakers, lone and Jones, and whose clever' stunts,; and amusing lines have insured the y an enthusiastic recepiti on always. Tbhe Octoroon Chorus is said to be onie c0t the best drilledl (horuses on tour, and' their dancing is at least equalled b the. quality of their voices. Tlii Alone should give a very eintertaining evening, but the screen program is to Have somec of those corn Pllincl iasc plug~s wired iiin right by Ernst Brothers w ELECTRIC SHOP 104 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 281 4-M ao9r~74~ "famed for freshness" Candies A ]FRESH SUPPLY OF blo ndes - - - 75c a lb. Peanut Crisp - - 50c a lb. (h Jit429Dcmf~ SEE OUR NEW ST. PATRICK NOVELTIES U In ZOO AKIN5 Corned4 Drmamoojnkrique _ Next to Arcade Theatre =40 ° «i. o ov.. ~co~oocI -_ l' IY I I~llllf 'IS ONE OF TrHE MANY McCLURE HOMES INI ANN ARBOR ER100 Drecf ioni of GEORGOE CGTYLER cmdflItH FOPD 4QUALITY.o F RI0 To know that an article is just whiat it is represented to lbe, means buying it wher'e experi- enc(e, lion esty and cord ialI coni- sidIerationl assures you that ev- erythinmg has been done to make the article all it, ought to be. T1hat is why our wxares ('can be Whlen you buy of us, you buy just what is suited to your par- ticular need. For Service at thlis store means a careful conl- sideration of your requirements in teverythling we sell to you, to seeC thlat it carries out all you expect of it. Less than that 0 StyleIs A Spring Tonic- -and it doesn't come in bottles either. Step into a suit smartly tailored by A.C.Barth--CustomTailor and get the mental and temperamental stimulant that these clothes give. Here is the fashion plate of the hour. Four nobby college creations that'll put "pep in your step." AN I F-? III I,'