PAGE TWELVE THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 1 93I . .. .+ Books and Writers + ' *+++ Barren Leaves THOSE BARREN LEAVES. By Aid. o0s Huxley. 1925. New York. George It. Doran Co. $2.50. "Ile is grandson of Thomas Huxley, the great Huxley, nephew of Mrs. Humphrey Ward, and grand-nephew of Matthew Arnold. He spends half the year in Italy, the other half in England, and writes all the time. From study he nearly lost his eyesight. . .," ---from the Publisher's Out of the Mouths.- , THE PRINCE OP WASHIN('TON SQUARE. By Harry F. Lisconib. New York. Frederick A. Stokes. $1.00. 1925. Another enfant prodigue. Of coures it is compared to The Young Visiters. They are both supposed to I have been written by children, butl in justice to The Young Visiters, onel must say that the similarity ceases, Chiefly Pif fle WILD) MARRIAGE. By B. H. Leh. man. 1925. Published by Harper and Brothers. $2.00.I "Wild Marriage" lives up to its! title and its hideous green and yel- low jacket pretty effectively. It leaves a general impression of chaos, lurid and distasteful. You have the feeling that the 'author flung his sit- nations together and hurled hisf I - This and That FOLLOWERS of the genial criticj William Lyon Phelps should greet with gusto his new book, "Human Nature and the Gospel," (Scribner's)' announced for publication in the near future. Phelps, best known as the ob- server of "As I Like It," uses the same method of approach in ,iis new book as in his earlier "Humnan Na- ture in the Bible." * * * LAXLCa there. "The Boy Novelist" possesses people at each other, in a most dis-I Guide to Reviewers. a phenomenal vocabulary and a cer- orderly mess. CRITICS are practically unanimous4 tain imitativeness, but the book is = in proclaiming Amy Lowell's new All I can think to say in review of utterly lacking in that delightful There is a complete lack of- fine- biography of John Keats as a liter-1 this book is so clearly implied in the naivete, for one thing, which char- ness, restraint, poise, with just an ary work of merit. It is a. monumen- booki oceryipie nteniee o oetig hc hr occasion gleam of piquant journal- tlaheeet n otismc quotation from Mr. Doran's acterizes The Young Visiters. tal achievement, and contains much helpful hints to hasty reviewers that ism. The flair of the book is this- fresh material concerning the poet, olneesrtofigte The "novel" divides itself into at the picturesquely journalistic. TheIr it seems only necessary to fling the . culled from Miss Lowell's vast pri-j excerpt at what readers this sheet least six sections done in six genres theme and the characters are so ob- vate collection. Five of Keats' poems may have and enjoin them to use the which are held together by the frail- vious that only a reviewer would and nine of his letters are published minds God gave them. est and most tenuous of threads. The finish the book. It is a faculty novel for the first time. It is lavishly illus- From the genealogy it is evident author was evidently deep in the of college life, with mouldering Cam- trated with new and unusual plates, that Mr. Huxley is born to the purple Alger books while writing the first bridge traditions for a background most of which are from the Morgan, ,of literature and that he writes with five chapters. His hero is described and a rearing Harvard freshman for i Colvin and Lowell collections of fluency and wit is therefore not re- as a "handsome, manly and superbly a protagonist. The character por- I Keatsiana. (Houghton-Mifflin) markable; the Italian residence ac- muscled youth of fifteen" and is sur- trayal is vigorous enough. counts for the local color of the pres- rounded by the entire Alger album,' Ela himself a rather fascinating . d. i ent work; and his scholarly attain- the Professor, Rastus, the motherly young animal, having "private the- th author tended the best thig in ments are only too evident to those widow, her "fascinating" daughter, the book to be a demonstration of Botlak atricals in his head" his married en- teiaeuc fteisiuini who will but open the covers of his Beatrice, Terry, a Crippled Bootblack, chantress; his moth-eaten profes- the inadequacy of the institution in writings. Should Mr. Huxley contrive and Tony, the Bully. Abruptly our i ate; his eancpated dealing with the individual, who, to gain favor with literary historians young author, modestly be-psuedo- mother, father; and his emancipated presumably, was an individual. and thus preserve his name and ef- nymed as the Prince of Washington ; mother, who turns up un the last One does n'ot quarrel with the forts for the mortification of scholars Square, delves into feminine psychol-d theason drinking raids and escapades of Har- he will be edited with footnotes whose ogy. He discovers ""Flappers," of Quixotic, from marrying the woman rd Freshmen, but certainly it copiousness may well rival those in which there seem to be two classes, he has compromised. She also man- seems a shame to (1 up the deli- Herr Zeller's history of ancient phil- "respectful" and "disrespectable". He ages to be beautiful though fat. She cate charms of Cambridge in such a osophy. uses slang which is already rather is quite the best thing in the book. slipshod fashion. I am not going to be bothered with stale. Here, however, he writes from Although one has the misgiving that D. W. the story of the book It is well. experience and shows himself a con- known that a book reviewer is a robot scientious and relishful realist. He, of sloth and weakness, all too will- describes two petting parties and the ing to shuffle out of his rightful participants and reveals an aspect of work by any means whatsoever. Mr. adolescent life which appears to be E Doran's publicity manager panders to these small vices by an insinuating really authentic. description of the book which I ap- His righteous desire to reveal the new shipment pend' to this review*. " disrespectable" flapper and her cake- It is my public opinion that Mr. eater "compeer" in their true colors j Huxley does not precisely or even leads him to stark but eloquent des- oBne enzol just approximately know what he is about. criptions which are at times rather The publisher's stuff maintains with startling to the bridling reader. For p customary generosity that he makes the rest of his novel, however, he has p "an assault on the whole scheme of relied upon the movies and his read- modern life." On the whole scheme ing for inspiration and has acquired your engine fre of modern piffle is more nearly right, a love of action for its own sake. In your en ineEfr Discounting for the insularity of his six pages he deftly subjects Terry's usin this anti-kn point of view as nearly as I am able bed-ridden mother to assault, rob- BIRTHDAYus and extracting the generalities from bery, and death by fire; Terry is his statement, it seems far more like- branded by Wing Sing, the China- ly that he is satirizing an ungeneral man, goes insane, and is run overAdltL herthat's diletante depravity. - -Ad to her happinessthats Those Barren Leaves is a far ad- by a taxicab; Wing Sing is justlyI struck by lightning; and Mr. Liscomb the thing to do vance over Crome Yellow of such uni- ends the chapter. que promise in its day. His power to sustain the book at an abstract The narrative is certainly spirited, height is improved almost to perfec- but there is a conscious imitative- Send her a real tion. But that is an improvement 'ness, a precocity about it that creates Till Up a over Antic Hay I doubt greatly. I an unpleasant impression of the BIRTHDAY always felt that one of his greatest author. J. Stanley Hall has doubtless gifts was that of being elegantly vul- turned over and over in his grave at CARD gar, and that therefore Antic Hay is this appalling revelation of the mind his monument to that talent. of the American child.Cd It is this relatively absence of the R. W. Greeting Cards for all risque in the present work that is so disappointing. One recalls with favor ' * * * * * * * * *® Occasions at from Antic Hay the breadth of sympa- thy with human nature somewhat * Not Whether You Shall reminiscent of Rabelais, and a certain . But Which Comrpany.2 ®1 0. D. MOtRRILL'S wayward delicacy in these affairs a Cmpikel.D. M rRade little like Restif le Breton. But this ® NORTHWESTERN 17 Nickels' Arade time Mr. Huxley makes only some wanton play on the Spanish verb UThe Statonery and "rabear" (and that in a very learned * Phne807M Typewriter Store manner.) Even his most gallant episodes are conducted at such an " U U U U U U U U - elevated and intellectual level as not to quicken the circulation of the most nice-minded.- r1TCIV1 C mr A RT TUXTrT" Cr1f1Tr'T' _ "TROUBADOR" is the title of Al- i fred Kreymborg's autobiography, to I4 be brought out in March by Boni and I iveright. He has also recently! written "Madragola", a Florentine1 I romance, which is to be presented by the Little Opera of America, as its1 first production * * * One of the books published last fall. that received less attention than it merited was "The Spanish Farm" by R.H.-. Mottram (Dial Press).- Somehow or other, the book did not catch hold in America as it did inj England, possibly because a war at-f mosphere pervaded the plot. .But the;' recent awarding of the Howthornden! Prize for 1924 to the author has given enthusiastic readers of the book reason to believe that it will at last be acclaimed more widely. * * * DEAN INGE, "gloomy dean" of St. Paul's, London, is coming to America this spring to deliver the 'Beecher 1 lectures at Yale. It is reported that he may visit the Middle West. RAFAEL SABATINL, hailed from f time to time by various critics as "a modern Dumas," or a "modern Wilkie Collins," or even as "the prince of all story-tellers," turns his 'pen to the delineation of American History in his new book, "The Carolinian" (Houghton-Mifflin). "For a long time," Sabatini writes, "I hesitated to attack a phase of American history as a subject to lay before the Ameri- can public, lest these good friends of -!mine should be afforded the means of ' discovering me for an imposter." How successfully Sabatini has fared with his new background is a question of odorless Knock- whose settlement, ers eagerly await. * * * ROLI O WALTER BROWN, whose book, "The Creative Spirit," will be published by Harpers on March 18, in an article on the creative spirit and the American public in the March issue of "Harper's Magazine," says: Throughout the organized life of the nation, chief consideration continues to be centered upon the overfed, un- productive, and but passively appre- ciative group. The members of this group, it must be remembered, are living always from the point of view of consuming, of satisfying them- selves; therefore they are always Sabatini's admir- iently upon the creative spirit, wheth- er this spirit appear modestly or in genius, we must shift the center of educative efforts." BRUNO CASSIRER is publishing a German edition of Lewis Mumford's Sticks And Stones (Boni and Liver- ight) this spring, with an introduc- tion by W. C. Behrendt, editor of Neubau, the journal of modern archi- tecture in Germany. ** * MARJORY STRACHEY,. sister, of Lytton Strachey, has written a life of Chopin in the style of a biographi- cal novel under the title of "The i _ r asking for something and are very Nightingale." The book will be pub- much heard . . . . If then, we are to lished in April by Longmans, Green have a public that will look benefic- and Co. Martin Hailer 112 East Liberty St. E - - Day Beds Make a comfortable couch by day- open to four feet, four inches by six 6 feet. Thick cotton felt mattress covered in colorful cretonne. Priced from $18.50 to $45.00. . received. Enfljoy )eration and keep ~e of carbon by ock motor fuel. t William and Maynard r GASOLINE CO. Distributors MEMMMMMMI 11 11 * Mrs. Lillian Aldwinkle, an English lion-hunter (in the social sense), has taken a castle in Italy, where she en- tertains a rather extraordinary house- party in the hope that she will be able to repeat some of the romantic epi- sodes of her youth. There is Miss Thriplow, who writes every night in her diary; Mr. Carden, a relic of a former flirtation of his hostess's, now in a penniless and disillusioned old age; Falx theGuild Socialist, who is shocked repeatedly; Mr. Calamy, forty with a remorseful weakness for women; Lord Hovenden, an immature youth who fall in love with Irene, Mrs. Aldwinkle's niece; and Chelifer, poet and journalist, for whom his hostess conceives a violent and inef- fectual passion. Thus broadly characterized, the per- sons of the cast of this remarkable drama progress inevitably through the plot, each in his own way. The tale is amusing as Huxley is always; the situations which arise, their small climaxes, and the final denouement ! are all written at the top of the young Englishman's form. Huxley is a sat- irist of morals and imanners without a leer. He writes sincerely of human- ity's gentle idiocies, and makes a skil- ful assault on the whole scheme of modern life-mental, spiritual, sexual, social, and commercial. -Panurge. CH!riRu5ILTIAN SILNCE.. SOCAIETY of the University of Michigan Announces a Free Lecture o Christian Science John W. Doorly, C. S. B. London, England Sarah Caswell Angell Hall On the Campus Sunday Afternoon, March 8, 1925 4:00 O'clock P. N. g y Y C T Of alu Collegiate Clothes Conservative, yet attractive clothing is the mark of a gentleman. It is our aim to help you select the most gentle- manly, well tailored and moderately priced Spring suit for this season. We are confident that we can be of service to you after having TWENTY years of tailoring experience. You do not have to buy-just drop in to see our new shipment of suits and topcoats from Adler of Baltimore. The money you invest. in a Kodak today will reap big dividends in the future when you reflect on some of the incidents of your college days. Get a Kodak today. Music at Granger' Frequenters of Granger's Academy are attracted by the music furnished by Bill Watkins and his Granger Eight. They immediately recognize the perfect rhythm of the music. They are pleased with the number and variety of the popular hits played. They find that the orchestra is just as much a part of the crowd as any- one on the floor, and is always willing to' play a particular number when requested. You, too, will enjoy and be well pleased with Bill Watkins and his Granger Eight. .w; I Dancing every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights ICAMIERAS CAN~ [ERA 3 UPPLIES FIL 11 For Sale by V& CONrPANIY LYNDOJ I I 11