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March 08, 1925 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-08

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'SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 1925



i-I \


° "" -- -

The Cauldron
4'Rough tactics" is a term which
M]ras.;served generation after genera-
lion, with alibis for athletic defeats.
So mnuch has it been used, however,
that its use has been outgrown byj
every self respecting writer. Inter-I
collegiate athletic contests are played
by full grown men, capable of taking
care of themselves ;presuimably, and
when rough tactics" is shouted after
a game in ;providing excuse for. defeat
}it sounds ridiculous.
After the Mlinnesota-Illinois foot-
ball game last fa ll at Minneapolis
the Daily Illini caine out with a
"Irough tactic" story in regard t~o thej
'injury of Red Grange. Red Grange
'..himself saidl that it was no one's
f4ault° that he had been injured and
Jhthe wished nothing to. said in re-
gadlard to the uttter. Grange was in-
~jured 'in a hard fought football game
adit was to be taken as a matter
of course. There was little. cause for
criticism of the Minnesota team on
.ae~ccount of it.C


Veteran Hurler Barometer 01 Chicago Club

Gets Diamond Dope From Afar, Not In Camps

Detroit: Prospects bad be m.: , Ty-
Cobb has announced that 'hpsto
plug- up the hole at 2nd base t h sea-
son and that is the same, oflw tr cry
that Ty has been giveing s-'nce Pep
Yours forgot his reading glasses so

W I ~s SGnt g: ;.:et
OURSEt* YFO vq '
MUD 04(4te
etc --~L'T UTR
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4 " .P tt
AS svw-LT t'
x ntV- 'OL16 W<TSR£N
64 VS 4tLLFK6, "' 74~rNE~
$t~G- ut TEE tM-AsRAGS ip. e (LO
... .,.... ! n ' A ;. # ". O k / WS PjA'°U.j r . .' ; % "i
/ 1M1Ji "- l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f_ -f_ \ A_ ,..v{ -clw a~kf ,1 " E4"(

- - -- - - - - 110 [iCC 'lUfl1 tread tnc iaob 11011 tne ball
To the editor: Now is the times I Motels witch in the southlands i s i i v towards himl. Cobb says
l~i as 'i ifii;"'fl)evlp a keystone sake'rr
as somelbody once has said for all the t'very bta good a Ann Arbor's best2dveo
bos n oe socald9bi lag es toand you know writr1 mean. tow the (end basemian)lhe can win the peii
boso n tiersocalhisbiwhatues ow n nt and that he is sure he cean (I re
start their chasing around under the ou iteo i ra oeeeyoc velop one. The Tigers should fes
bomnby sy of the suhad as se5 ;otaltleo i ldp eey ncith' the first five.
skys outhandsin a wile witch will make a monkey
cral of my fellow writers has put it out 01 all the ball hounds down soulth Philadelphia: Good because Connic:
and now is the times for most of the and wile they are mocping the in- Mt'ack hasn't said nothing with rega.rds
p~apers in the V. S. to advertise in the sj irationsi off their 4 head, this writer to building up new combination, witch
I coumn tht teirsports expert is will be in h~le comfort and piece of i it has been his song and dance sence
going to debark Wit'h the home base- home. 'Ihl( point is this writer dloesf the 100,900 dollar ($1000,000.00) in'ield
b~all It andl cover all their workoults in ;sot have to watch all the builis in the was) busted upinto dimes and nickles.
person witch will insure thIe reaiders baseball world go through their Boston: Have a bunch of promnise-
of ottn te sraiSI~ doe fom hespaces to hilow whlat they is like but Iug rookys, includeing Bob Ye; - Ira
r :-;mps is -oliy I ohie lozleschneidor I amitgoo00 enough to be, able, to ring I £lagstead, Steve O'Neill, Jac&
camn get it--"y''ou all readl liinie's th'e chlilly dope fr~om the ('amlps with- and other new namies to the 1: ,+~~iI
daily coluimn-D-itheor an(d Thither in out I should be there. hollowing is a world. Chancet depends on 'siuw! t!
vSo rt Land." If this hsere writer was ;few rude and nientary remarks re: the of these bush leaguers.
to sta-t out and go to wyork to name; standing of the teams in the Ameorican IS oc:Awne ntesm
the pap~ers "witch lie will send them l0 ege, which this writer has termedE town as the Mound Sity Blue Blowers
dope aihoiut the training season, I it thbe ilnio crcut,
w~~~~~~~,,ould beal adIhv.u~u ici:sol wreckt havoc with the
writng naht ,hin n: 0. K. except for Nick j'Brownies.
only to say that th1e Sunday Star and Alrc.Nc4a nyafwmr Ciao di oln rvdls
theie Union County Clarion is amongA-tok Nikhsolafw noeiCcg:EdeClisprvdat
te~e list witch 1 will send them stories, good yrs. loft ill his systems as ai year that hie Is a good "dependable' bal
~Never and the less, this writer is going !pthrpn hs rtrwol hym ~er and may bo looked to for big
Co g;o on to say that he is not mongpend that Mvgv.]ilarris quit 'useizni things this yr.
to go withbthe teams gsnohmuteyhward(ly.A oynaed Clevelaid : Pulled a t g bonr in.
sc>I110 sport writers has pti it hut lhe Walter Jc'iinson appears to have theotnC'elsi.,hoh' u
is goig to make a bum out of all the ihalcei1hUs of a1 goo( thr'ower, and Withii valu.e was crossainy up 0Q P'.),l
restof te wrter siting t hoe ~some of t hIs writer's experience could laieawoSOi -Oii' ih i~
-h .sd orlwieteohrby in somue hIllgames for Mgr. harris'rin onhw Xoe'hb m e
Ae sideboard ile othr boys is vFlgolhwc. aonliealtknwt- ~roI()I ia've namred Bu.eky in a spirits ;lie -v'roild whiO:i
of rorzgmo la hicele'allI' Iltun.St ne
out nlo heads on the field and in 11h± as.sed I here
N4ew YeS.; : N ot sio good since Bab(}! h~ab y
Roth _(I ce;1Ai i Babe) has decided' to
191, henbewa reovi'ng roi;et. into s11 IC. _With Babe's waste < RADEhR'S wh1o could not obtin
the effects of hisi war service. In 1920 . tlrset ecil oe h
Pc rang up tweicnty-seven victories for!woeote atr a hswrtrhscon y of George MoIore's "Anthology of
the Cubs. ;Pulre PIoetry" recently published in a
adde coor o te tem. ie s 'namied the ot field and Mgr. H-uggins, I limited edition will be pleased to hear
IIlieadecoototeta.Iei; could have mioved Witt and Meusel uipI "
ofvalue to the club as a coach of to support the faltering Everett Scott' that the book is to be0 published in a
young pitcher,;. !whrlo in the writers opinions canl stan'd trade edition by Boni and Liveright.
Figured as a cold-blooded business u tp fet only another 1000 games with- **
p'ciiosItic'u, he might be a poor riski out slippinlg. Ihow, the so ever Rluth ONEI of Mlichligan's men of letters,
for a two-year contract. But onl theI the big bum has decided! that he will Clarence 13. lKelland to wit, has de-
other band iimighit it nrot be just to' induce his weight so luggins will parited for Europ~e where he' will
;show himn some measure of apprecia- half to use 3 gardeners as I "call field-, bang a'rouzi~l through Italy to Paris"
timfor his loyalty and service? ors. as he slangily says.

; And now the Wisconsin's Daily
S Cardinal" snorts dlepartment comies
out with just as ridIiculous a "rough
tactics" story. _It seems that during
( hio course of the Michigan-Wisconsin
h~ockey game at Madison Friday ;night
S four Wisconsin players and one .Mich-
Sigan man were laid out for short,
Speriods of time. The Wisconsin pdi-I
ater uses every high school term :le
can-coniure up in describing the :play
the Wolverines. "Outroughed, theI
Wisconsin hockey team went dlown to
-i 2-0 defeat at the hands of th'e ,IVIich-
igan squad," the stoiry start. "The
' Wolverines lost their heads" is anoth-
cr~ comment. Reams and reams of
S similar petty comment indicate the
,~attitude of the writer. Toa cap the cli-
max the writer says, "This afternoon's
y.game prompises to be a thriller due to



the fact that Wisconsin will probably!ls
be in the game with Michigan's "tac- By Norma! E. Brmva. Three years, ago Alex won but six- Alexander gene at his early seas>on
tics" of last night to beat the Wol- Hustling William Killefer, Clb) teen games. Thle Cubs finished in see-; Lcehe 11001Id have turned in some-!
verines at -their own game." (Michi-! manager; and his aides will leave no!oand (division. ' inf litre twenty or twenty-one vie-ct
gan won the second game, 1-0.) stone iuturnedl on the p~aradise island Two years ago Alex the Groattoi.Antoseghorneadd
Whether the game was rough or i of Catalina to mnol a team that wiil stepped out and wonl twenty-two gamines would have kept the Cubs in
not we cannot say because we didl not give the other NRational league clubs! games. Tfhe 'ubs finished in first-, ,the fgt
'ee it. We can say however that the a run for their money the coming' division. Fourth place, it i:; true, b~ut fgt
gaebtenMihgnadMnn-cmag.i they weri'n ithe thick of things. IAlexander is working under a one-
sota at Minneapolis three (lays later H~e and they will labor diligently' a, erAo o u ~evc''a otatt:i er hr em
wvas just as rough as any hockey to make a nearly finished shortstop) games. lHe lost his fit,> rst gae. Te (td~o od o the iniaio of thebaellma
game that ever took place and failed ( out of "Spark Plug" Adamsi in the he steppled iin and won eight in arw iiX~ mtsi h cino h lbi
to draw forth any "rough tactics' hombpe that his playing will make 1 The Cubs t, unndered along at a+ clip , PF . rhim uhacnratoe h
story from the Minnesota papers. the fans forget Charley hllocir. tatbI]firt cry them to th lg. winttacer.rth
"In the Tuesday night game Re ynolds All have hopes that the presence' Early in .June Alexander sustain ne Aexra. echdte~geween
of- Michigan was knocked unconscious of Rabbit Alaranville at secciod andola crippledl wrist. The C ubs lilt, theonex ca t ell chedtth g heen;
twice and two Minnesota lplayers were }Charley hrlyGrimm on.first will give sid(s and sie ecnt 1wa nte esnwl Fmcontinued to siefor some. ,"m i. Buit li haso i se a gonew-ll
carried to the sidelines, altough they( the team a muchlmstrzonger infieId, ie.I was the retur'n of Ale£, that ma ker f'or the Cubs ever since he
ou ocui.later resumed play.j You'll recall that i1aranvilie and checked the slide. ioedtaoutftf'mPiaepi
Th eeSo we draw orcnlsos h Grimm, wvith Pitcher Coolper, wr The team finishedl fourth. THad with the exception of the first season.1
same spirit which enables Minn esota grabbed fromi the Pirates over thetaedftinhcywtouajwnerssninyhngfrGa-
'whimper enables Minnesota to take fl'an, Aldridge and Neihaus. -
football or basketball defeat with-; The outDiediseemsslel Prepafed
out awhjmer ad thedefets w i with Grigsby, Mliller, Statz and heath- ;F o fco sP e ae
we take at the handls of the latter1 cote ready to fill the fields, regularly.,
kind of an aggregation are just that The presence of the experienced it's the little thingsinthe food !al
tuhls itrta hs hc eI n rfysuhaCoei x ake from a whining loser and %t pectedl to s>treng-then what was a good ' mAke a.meal Just m ediocre Or extra fine.
glaigwne.pitchinlgstaff last se {so n. Kfauzfman, Those 'ii ticl thiriglS' are just right hcrc ¢,
Keen Dumvic, Blke- ll ill e I--added to the dishes as only a woman
This apiplies to the writ er of the ready to °do their best.
article in Saturday niorning's Daily But when all issidandlon can do it. Try us today.
an o~,yCardinal, and, not the players on the 1 Brother Ksillefel'i p;( jending once
Wisconsin hockey team. Undoubted-'mr ixneGoe 'ovln lx
ly they are as dissatisfied with theI ander. to make or break the Cubs' '' Tt T ''~t §r
writer's tone as we are. And with ! team. C 7- Ji i~~ly i LV
this word of reprimando to the writ er ( lFor as Alexander goes, so goes the ( '
who shouts "rough tactics" we mmay teami. If this yveteoran 1itt.'hi' ltas; tit . t;t{ M~onroe
also hope that George Little may not another gnod year ina his system. be- IM nro
only better the performances of the ware the Cu )s. U lbeyfalters, ai victimi D , .y -'vid /ea~~'~t
Wisconsin athletic teams but also bet- of time or aeeidents that comec easily
ter the performances of the Cardinal to crumbling vets, the Cabs will haveI
sports writers, a b~ard jol) staying iii the fight. __________---___________________________






,F"Mother, The)
h-li ndreds are now (135
covering that the finer
photography is is
'ientscller's c a s e s.
Make the discovemry
Re yourself!


yNeed One


They waut your portr'ait,
Mother! They nieed1 it. And you
want then to have it.
A uore fitting remembrance
couldn't he named. They can
possess no greater treasure
than your portrait, Mother,
for it beconmes a living person-
ality in dlays to comec.
Rentschler spiecializes in por-
traits by Ipiotography--in por-
traits thzAt everyone admires
andl ('be;ihes.
See the disp~lays today. Ar-
range a sittIing by phone, if you
like. Thiey wvant your portrait,
Motlhe ':

Ar you tired of th
Sane Id Food
7'here is one place in toiwn
wher-e you can get a real
-'eak dinre .
'I~t at -
Across from 1). I. iiL. et

March 17 thru 2-1
Saturday Matinee -

Boxsceats, $3; orchestra seats, $2.50
Balcony, first four rows, $2,00; second four
rest, $1.00. No gallery.


.-' 1 .

Mail orders now being received. Check or money order
must accompany order for tickets. Apply to Miss
Eunice Rose, 1501 Washtenaw.
AlIalId r,.utB nB
Mondy, M'-rc 9th


$7.00,'to a ).j
Th41e Dozoss



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