y TUESDAY, FEBRU7ARY 10, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THlS TNIS LASSICOLUMN CLOSES CLOSES At 3 P.M. I ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. JWOlt SALE---$10 rTenor Banjo for $15. Good as new. Call Walter, 870-M~ between 7 and 8. 'FOR RIENT--Sing]le room, X\ ('II fur- nished, quiet house. 648 Tappan,: four doors from Campuzs. TO RENT-Nicely furished room!,, newliouse. 336 S. Iiiin 'FRRN -agedul rroom with private family. No o,!r students in house. (Cal-l after 6 o'clock, 1364 Gleddes A-v-. FOR GRADUATE 5h1)iT,~un desirable suite and single room. ,;Steam lhcat. I-lot V:ale(r. 811 Thompson.j FOR RE~NT-Large room, don ie or single. 1127 Church, Phone ;:t lW. FOR RENT-Single Room. $4 per! week. 1127 Prospect., Phone 601-W. ' FOR RENT-Room for one or twvo {:boys. E~xcellent location. Close to 'Campus. 429 S. Division. FOR RENT-One suite. Also fur- nished apartment for light hlmuso- k~eepinlg. Meals if desired in pri.- vate family. 1007 Monroe. FO RENT-Double andl single rom1s S'M ere rooms are large, light andl warm. Separate sleeping rinartoCrs if~ desired. FRTONT ROOM--Good heat. Ojio bloc'k fr~omi the camlpus. Phone 1235-Al. ' :our <, womian for part {~ I- oi1{c in cap and gown depa rt Aciii pAC-- at o(Al(, ce, eatnd floor, I1Finuk & (Co. WVAN"'PCIP St udents and others wanted to organize parties to .Europe. Free trp o.' caDsh. Optional. Write City 'P WRIT IRI WANTIE l)-Remington 01'r lider wood iPortale, second- I hanid but in good condition. Phone -:. . To Study In U. S. City. Rcm1g1. P rt P~s GEOICRGE REGISTEIR 1809 i A1 lilt:( la.-s (eriy wednesd, P 1'c flew I192.)latest model 1 IerCP(ir( c Todd~le .;d l i'an Io Fox 'T'rot a 22 Wtierth Arcade P~hone 241-R1 WIIIIRE !ayj rn Fri QUALITY QUICK SERVICE I - ~ -~ p :1:t1tFOR BOA I 1). --I roue to iix iluole tobmird i piil e .1111 IY. ('1)t a nt change cof foed. 1007 Mlonroe. ANlrj, )---Musicians f'or dance or- cl(stra iim~feditely. (Call :-641-J. I W.1,NT))---,Al. !once, tenflor mlore ex- Veren )cud'( student s ale,,men. Big coin-! Ci~oo~ ':,11 1319 S. University. 4OS - aturdypen part of lady's gold flilled \Wahl EPen, 0o1 Church, Ii ill or Forest letween Prospect mnd s. U n iversity. Liberal Reward. Call 1.52(i-M. lOSt; Cold foIilnt am pun. Initials, Ei. W. 1'. Call 1325. Rweward. 1,01, '. J air of Born rim glasses. ('all 882 ? . jet ICson )t. 0r p1ho1neC20l96- XV Rtewardl. TiOTINTAI'1IN P1'1 -Le Boeuf, 1st Toes-. d,,y of examis on fi't' htenau, S.,N. or ;>riiptts. Ite\Vaird. 1052 Baldwin.I 2'11. I t l i ({ { i You should sue outr lovely niew b)1;n- dette brassiers in colored silks and laces to match your party dlresses. TIHlE QUALITY SH OPG 30:3 South MainC A vicious ink may work for a short time. It will wvork only for a short time. It clogs the delicate mechan- ism of the pen anrd cannot be re- mioved by any oriina ry meanls. It is chemically antagonistic to a good ink whlich will work and renders he good in-I colorless. Con.=ult R(ider's Pen Shop. where you wvill alwayI find a fresh supply of t:' ibest govei'iiiiet ,standards' writinzg fluid. It is the only :rat s fact ory ink for the foutavin pun. ItIDElIS112N 51101P PlN AND INK SP'ECIALISTS. all, ©0. L. Co. The Rik Building, New York City CARRWRE & HASTINGS "Ds~grnig in/i Masses" P011 RENT--Warmi,light and in ways desirable room. At+ Church. Double or single. l . F~OR RENT-One sinigle ro4 m...i very large frntal.room f or 3I IOo 0 three, steam heat, plent~y. of. hot. p ater, near c(ampt)1u.. .Picites very reasoinble. 337 Thomip~ii 'OR RENT-Extra large slice, doublej room ; also nice single room. 516 Walnut. 26318-W.. R RENT--Rooms for meni. Single, dobeand vacancy in new sie Also garage, Stewa heat. Plenty Sof hot water. Three ha ooiiis. 422 E. Washington. [?hone 1194 -M. BLA\CK 511AFFIE F'oumntain IPen- JLo,t, hursday of eaiii . eward. 2949. I.{?1'T'L' I 'ar r lcnfeld fount ainpen,1 So ,turdlay inl the an nox to School of A rcbitoeu rc, l~ewa rd. Return to Katherine Patterson, Betsey Bar-j 1)011' 1house. LOST'- rA Parker l~uofold pencil just s)t Orc exams. Ret urn to 1008) E University. Reward. ''Q.' ~AI N .'h':1 ;, : I1 riends whlat a wond"erful ')Vii you MV A( strimullis. You have lw i lo; t, it. 'Y']laifk you. OR RENT- Suiteof or omrs with fire-F placr.e. 1317 Washtenvw. P'hone _-8 . M rs. M u rph y.p W v E 1I rA NTEI}-- Everyone t1c0 try oln' ~ Delicious "Toastwich" Sandwxicli ~electrically toasted with f'illing in. < BE'I'SE.Y iwss si 911w iNICKiELS l CAhi lli'OTN D-SOMEI [TIJ TNG NEW, -roa st-, wick" Sandwich. 100) per cent better than Ordinary ,so niwichcs. :E 11:1 1ETFY IIOtS~4 SHP1 hilt!KfI4S AR('Ai)E WdANTED-Three stud( n isfo. s";hod 1selling campaign. Part time v work. Edsells' Drug Store, 208 5 M1ain St. j. i FOUNTA IN IPEA 1RE VA 11IN(I S.A.VE that long wait wite,, havint V{:)11' 102pu ll et aw :iy for 're~a irs. \'r' repair it the : aie (lay it, is brou- gWin] aml ;oaii ll°e that it i11be ad- Duisk.ed to ymir hand when you call for it. " tI'ICE 14l El -, C jJ,l'S PIE, Soloist and teach - er, thirty ;year's experience . Manl- ; dolin guitar, banjo, andl chord cull struilt iol.. lelc e1791-M. 1.x,. 1 '';ia' VTC'(F1 111"A i PING lA rue d NSte street J('ilher 1 :}+'02 Sou ;h St}ate P'ermnanent Waving and 1Mare-lling ( MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor M.ain St. ' n1 :'ItE JE':RT 'MARIMFJLERI Phone 29189 for appointment. State Street---Above Cushings I)IMM1'ATT1IA I1PI IT 'SIIOPIl odrtFLOWXERIS Our noderite rices make it possible' for all to hauve FRESI HOME GRIOWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FiLORAL CO. 1 22 11 liberty. Phone 1631) ANIS(A LIjAN IOVS PHONE 866 I For Typewriter Repairing (All makes) I )e1r in Woodstock typeowriters, ,) dfril dI and Portable Adding mamchines. Annl Arbor Typewriter I xc.thago 9 Savings Bank 1k RUGS SHIAMPOOED) or dlust cleaned. Anxn Arbor Carpet Cleaning 'Work, Phone 50. SHOltlA NVuerth Theatre Arcade. See the Style I'r yourself. *TrHE new architecture transcends detail and expresses -the component solids of the great buildings of today and tomorrow. Gigantic profiles are teared against the sky-true expression of structural facts has now come into its own in architectural design, linking architect and engineer ever more closely together. Certainly modern invention-modern engineering skill and organization, will prove more than eqiual to the demands of tie architecture of the future. 0OT IS Offices in all Principal Cities COMPA of the~ World 11, Ing N y STEIN-,BL~CCH Smart Clothes I I .,,-""\ e ,. Mi t Y r N t tekc-f BEFORE and AFTER M L~ j;(. ti Your Sheaffer pen will prove to be your most valuable assist- ant in the game 'of school or business. Give your pen, a r n fMk tebest pen w rite better. HEAFFER'S Lifetime SPen is the master of all writing instruments. The 46 Special is made with the same care and precision as all Sb.eaffer pens and pencils. The Student's Special is de- s laned for students and is Fit °A Shaving. Before shaving, an application of Mifflin Alkohol will soften your beard and remove the skin oils and greases which defy or- dinary lather and water. Then, after shaving, Mufflin Alkohol is soothing and refreshing;. it relieves the dryness and drawn feeling; it makes for soft, smooth, glowing skin ! And Mifflin Alkohol has a dozen other daily uses, too! After bathing, a Mufflin rub-down is cool- ing and invigorating. After exercise, Mifflin Alkohol relieves tired muscles and many "sore spots." Mifflin Alkohol is denatured by a formula which actually improves it for external use. College teams and many other athletic organizations use Mufflin Alkohol regu- ' arly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in the handy-grip one-pins bottles as illustrated. M'ifflin Chemical Corporation PHILADELPHIA, PA.WI Ics Agents. HAROLD F. RITCHIE & Co., Inc. 171 Maidison Ave., New York Toronzto .Sydney WIellingtons ili MFFI ~ HAE Y I K OVNTAGE OF~ O U S u "L A A M ' its an d O verco a ts o n e-th ird off Formerly $30--$,-' Nowv $20-$33.33. Odd Trousers ojic-fifth off 4 Formerly $2.50-$10; Now $2.00-$8.00 t~lWe have a few suits and overcoats Smade of the finest wool and :carefully. Stailored that we are selling at one- ~fourth. off. These suits and overcoats formerly* sold at $30-$75. During this sale they~ ~ar e specially priced at $22.50-$56.25. SHIRTES REDUCED: I $3. $4, $5 SHIRTS 1 $2. $2.50. $3- SH-IRTS Lifetime 46Seca $8.75Seca S3 ' $5.00 5Il O' y Student's Special $3.75 ,; w Z?-Lt-