Feature Section i:l - r Ar AV 4iltr t g an Ar att Feature Section VOID. XXXV. No. 117 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, '; UNDAY, MARCII 8, 1925 EIGHT PAGES MICHIGAN'S LI LvrEN IN KIEV 4l-T An Outline of the Work Accomplished by the Funds Raistd on the Campus Last Year for the European St udent Relief Instances of Privations Suffered by Russian Students in Their Struggle for Learning Further Relief Shown in Conditions Prevalent in Foreign Universities Need for I." i.- I,, "Ilk . By George W. Davis WIDESPREAD misery, poverty, and disease form a large part in the Russian uni- versity student's life, yet they are but minor obstacles compared to the lack of educational facilities which greets his untiring efforts to secure an education in the Russia of today. Professors and their families living in hovels, wear- ing second-hand clothes, existing upon nine rubles, or $4.50, a month, are typical of the state of the pres- ent Russian educational system. A short time ago, so many students were cutting morning classes in order to use single copies of text books at the libraries that the library schedules were changed to afternoon and evening hours. One teacher in a Russian university manages his daily nourishment of meat and potatoes on 10 cents. Moreover, he shares this slender sustenance with his daughter, and buys the wood for cooking out of the same 10 cents. This pitiful aftermath of war is being combatted by the Student Friendship fund, which has been co- operating with the European Student Relief of the World's Student Christian federation for four years. During the first two years the total want of Euro- pean students was appalling: food, clothing, and shelter were scant to the extent that unless assis- tance were forthcoming, bare existence was impos- sible. Financial aid, largely supplied by schools and universities in less afffflicted countries, have enabled students to progress to the point where offering them opportunity for self-help is almost sufficient. Russian students today are in a position where by work, made possible through capital supplied by foreign lands, they are able to subsist, the while con- tinuing their schooling. Remarkable results have been accomplished by means of this financial assis- tance, as well as the desire on the part of the stu- dents themselves to progress. Students of the University last year contributed $4,000 to swell the foreign relief fund, money which was applied to operate a student kitchen in Kiev, Russia. At this kitchen, food was dispensed daily to Russian students and instructors, the average price per meal slightly overreaching five cents. The kitchen was not operated as a bread line, but as a measure 'to allow students to obtain the benefits of decent food at low prices. The Russian students, after the establishment of the kitchen, erected a large sign above it, in Rus- sian print, which called it "The University of Michi- gan Kitchen". American workers among these stu- dents declare that their gratiture to American stu- dents is measureless, and that no other single thing has done as much to establish international friend, liness. Immediately following the war, money and cloth- ing as gifts were indispensable; today the students have managed to forge ahead until they are able to support themselves if the opportunity for work is offered. In the Michigan kitchen, student help was employed under student direction, and other stu- dents contributed largely to the operative fund of the enterprise. Some idea of the effect occasioned by the timely aid of the Student Friendship fund is obtainable in the expression of a second year student at the uni- versity in Kiev. He says: "I had a different notion of Americans; I thought they were only dry diplo- matists. But you gave me a right conception of what this great people is. I hope that you will make our American friends acquainted with the conditions under which our scientists have to work, and that your organization will help us to improve our lab- oratories." This same student's father and two brothers died in the cause of the Russian working classes. An examination at the Kiev Student dispensary shows that he himself is in poor health, his vitality under- mined by impossible living conditions. At the time of his statement, he was dressed in clothing collected in America by the fund association. He is, American representatives say, still energetic in working for an education and the betterment of his race. Professors, many of them known to the world before the war, are likewise forced to resort to the assistance of Student Friendship relief stations. One kitchen, maintained particularly for professors, was patronized heavily for five months in 1924, during which time a record was taken. An average of well over 200 professors purchased daily meals at this kitchen, which was practically the one source of their food. Out of their meagre salaries, (few of them receive more than $20 monthly) they contribut- ed nearly $4,000 to help operate the enterprise. This very kitchen, Edgar MacNaughton, an Ameri- can worker, reported was on the threshold of abandonment for lack of funds at the close of 1924. It had been forced to vacate its original headquar- ters on the campus street, and was relegated to the .,- r- - li n i, .rnnl fnn ilrh. - w 1~e 4L U U VIEWS of. th Michigan Kitchen at Kiev, Russia, lPhich was organized last year with the funds collected on the canpus during the European Student Relief drive here. A I ie left is a slacI, of clothing which was donated by Michigan students at the same time. rendered has been through the assistance of the American relief funds. One dispensary rendered medical treatment to more than 60,000 students in the course of a year, charging for treatment only when the case demanded." In almost every instance, the professional men in charge of relief stations have been receiving only sufficient money to main- tain their own health, and have consistently worked as long as was necessary to care for cases. Were the poverty stricken students able to obtain essential text books, his burden would be lightened considerably. Elizabeth Bredi, former director of. the Student relief in Moscow, cites having seen a geometry book, completely written in longhand,, in use among the students there. Paper books; she says, are torn into several parts, passed around and copied. The library supplies are out-of-date and inade- quate. Medical students, Miss Bredin affirms, apply for certain desirable books six month in advance, and many others arrive at the libraries as early as 6 o'clock in the morning to be first on hand for popular texts. If they find four men already there, they go home, as only four books can be issued, and the same four men will read them all day. The competition has been enlivened by changes from the lecture system to the recitation class, which re- quires text books, and students must first think of warm clothing before they can turn to text books. For almost three years, thousands of students in Moscow and Petrograd have been able to continue their studies because of meals supplied by the Stu- dent Friendship fund. This year the students are trying to meet the food problem in their co-opera- tive dining rooms. Following the policy of helping the students to help themselves, the American kit- chens were withdrawn in the two northern cities, and attention turned to the new text book famine. Into all text books purchased with American funds is inserted the name of the organization donating the book, together with a sentence expressing the friend- ship of the giver. Even book shops and printing offices, where the students are enabled to produce their own needed books, are supplied by means of the Student Friend- ship fund. Other self-help enterprises sponsored by the organization are dormitories, feeding kitchens, co-operative stores, and all kinds of repair shops such as shoe, tailoring, and barber shops. This is the chief aim of the directors of the fund: to use money to afford the student opportunity for employment, rather than donate the money as simple charity. Russian students have expressed their gratitude at being permitted to work their wa through school without the necessity of being objects of charity, he is not only able to earn money, but the necessities of life are provided at a price cheaper than the retail price in his district. Relief in all cases has been administered im- partially, without regard to race, nationality, creed, political affiliation, or any other criterion than proven need. It is attempted to confine help to de- serving and ambitious students; only those who are working to aid themselves are assisted. To make sure that every possible benefit is ex- tracted from the relief funds, overhead expenditures are decreased to a minimum. Wherever possible, aii is administered through indigenous student com- mittees in order to increase self-help opportunity and to encourage the students to assume greater responsibility. Last year in the United States, 590 schools and colleges contributed to the fund, and the Student Friendship fund forwarded $427,012 for students and professors in Russia, Central Europe, the Near East, a portion being reserved for foreign students in the United States. Of this sum, more than $150,000 came from American students themselves, the remainder being contributed by individuals or committees who recognized the great activities made possible by such an organization. Campaigns are in progress on dozens of other campuses in the United States to equal, if not sur- pass, the total amount subscribed for the purpose last year. Speaking for Vassar college, President Henry N. MacCracken declares that "the story of the Euro- pean relief, whose activities are almost wholly in the hands of young American or British students, is an outstanding instance in the higher idealism of the students of today. It would have been unthinkable a generation ago. If the national public opinion in each country represented were only identical with the student workers in this humanitarian enterprise, the world would be a better place." President Mac- Cracken recently spent a year in Europe, where ht had every facility for seeing the European Student relief at work. Michigan's quota for the Student Friendship drive, which will start on the campus here Tuesday, has been set at the same amount that was subscribed last year-$4,000. A committee, composed of outstanding ing even pittances for their sustenance, are giving way to the former reign of hunger and dispair. Mac- Naughton also reports the case of one professor who received $15 for his month's work, and immediately settled outstanding debts with $10 of the amount. The remaining $5 he intended to use for reprovision- ing his larder. At 3 o'clock on the day he received his salary, neither he nor his family had eaten a scrap, and the small remaining sum would not per- mit them to take a meal at the kitchen Of the 150 remaining patrons of the kitchen, one half of the portions handed out are carried to homes in lunchboxes, where two or three others may share the one substantial meal of the day. One professor in Odessa said: "Without the meals in the kitchen, I and my family would perish." Yet these famished people can find the strength to push their scientific work. Original research is continued despite the paucity of equipment, scarcity of fuel and heating, and inadequate salaries. One American worker mentions a visit to a professor's study, where he found stoves improvised of brick and mud, constructed by the instructor and his grat- uate students to carry on their work. Clothing in almost any condition has proved : boon to those subjected to these conditions. An extract from a personal letter of Edgar MacNaugh- ten reads: "If the 'effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much', Stella and I ought to be blessed in our lives. Every night a grandmother who holds together a family of artists and grandchildren re- members us before God. "But we both are not deserving the prayers of this able woman or of many others-we happen to bo the ones who represent the many friends in America who have touched the hearts of those people through gifts in one form or another. We wish that some of the people who collected the clothing could have shared in the joy of giving it out to those who re, cently came to our office. An advance shipient of clothing and shoes-a token of what is l rtly b come in large quantities-arrived in Septkemhr und we discovered that for the most part it was to women and children. "The situntinn of the nr oY-ors n! lthir famlilies Hearts were lightened as these wonen who have carried heavy burdens found a dress for the daught- er, an overcoat for herself, a shirt or underwear, or even better, a pair of shoes, for her husband. "It is hard for Americans to picture the wives of eminent professors who are ranked in the third and fourth categories could .revel in a stock room where second hand clothing was being distributed!" Two dollars in wages for 30 to 40 hours' work a week describes the state of one fourth-year Russian medical student. To earn this $2, this student tutors, gives massages, and engages in other such work, all of which requires that he miss lectures. At last reports, early symptoms of tuberculosis had develop- ed as a result of his underfed constitution. He wears no socks, a thin suit, and his overcoat is stuffed with cotton to add in warmth! One dollar a week is spent by this student for food. His other expenses, such as rent and heat, reach the total of $5 weekly. His two sisters, both of whom are students also occupy a single room. Their morning meal consists of breal alone, while supper is composed of cereal or boiled potatoes. When the pitiful fight of this man -was discovered, he was permitted to eat in the reli'f Lhtchen. He is re'cgnized in his vicinity as the best-qualified a - s inant in analyzing, and his one goal is to enter sciinitic research. Women students are no less; ambitious, although they are subject to the same circumstances that af- fIxt the men. One womatn, who cares completely for time to the local clinic for the sake of practice. At last, because of an increase in the budget for the student relief kitchen in her district, she has been able to secure a meal card. "On the street just a moment ago, as I was com- pleting my evening walk," says MacNaughten in a letter, "I met one of our staff of the Student dis- pensary, and he smiled all over as he said 'I am a real American now'. He had been a recipient of a suit and overcoat from our recent clothing shipment. I expect to see many more such as this young man, who have received an outfit which for most students and professors is entirely beyond their means. "In our conversation he told of a number of stu- dents who live in the dormitory opposite the dis- pensary. They, too, had been in the office yesterday and, upon returning to their rooms, he said 'They jumped for joy over these gifts'. "Several students appeared at the office this morning," MacNaughton continues, "to get the ad- dress of an old professor who received a load of wood yesterday. Since he is unable to cut wood, I had offered to see that some one did it for him. This student and his three roommates earn their way in college by cutting wood, and they all wanted to do a good turn for somebody as their hearts were seek- ing a way to express their gratitude. Not satisfied with one address, the student suggested two places himself, one where lives a blind professor, once brilliant, and still vigorous, in mind. That's honest appreciation. .". . One professor friend greeted us as usual with a cheery word. His suit badly frayed, and his shirt minus a collar and tie, gave evidence of poverty. But if we could have stayed, we would have sipped tea as though all the world were aglow with sun- shine. We paused but a moment to leave a little money. It may have been more than he received all mIonth. Two of the children in the last family described are aflictel with tuberculosis, and a third child is not normal. The father is without definite income, al- thogh before the war he was known by name throughout Russia. The :spread of illness, especially of tuberculosis.