TI-IF MICHIGAN DAIL-Y P~ACE SEVEN ...___., "First ad"And Mrs. Dawes AT3PM lADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. iu i1; :, E~~A_ E",lN Yii t rikng for your benefit, and you arf VPP W';., ,4.adI 8 1a tlin '~fll 11. .1 i Ii 19kill be glad to ."1 1 Yoiil filliarliiedI Yw..Jn you i s'ii or lm y I bin this ilediuni. ('lat !lie Press building where Yogi FOR SALE icoftR iAla14E F cyl- ''inder, side fen lt a lis , Ii res , 1i1It iii. aIn nnlmln jeally AA. The 1)w est unbuy in towri for $125. V)923 IFORI) touring in good liape. A bargain at $100. ANAIIBOlI lICk 3li 1Asiley J'OR SA. AF, - X ylolhclv, .brand new, half lprise. (',all 214-l3. 100111 With l18va ory. 8151 a ekRad St., '1-i oie2124-11I. 11i- I b~e giv ,ll iha nlediate alld! ('iheldnt 31 IS'E,1,NEOV'S "\t some, Itime or other your watch will need cleaning oir repwiring. It is ebsoli tely nec'essa'ry for you to faeke PROPER C1ARE of your jewelry, for a watchl is one of the most deli- cate and ea-,lv damaged machines Shrat: has ever been created1 by man. 1DO IT! NOW-- DON'T DELAY. See STAT'E STREET JEWELERl As in the past., we are following our precedlent; of an early spring sale. You w Nill find 1tle choice of nicety among thiis gigantic assort ment; of 1fIa lis dainties. H ERIC IS T.111 SPECIAL. C ownsa~, (Chemise and Cot ton Rloomers.a li.eso anlltip.. EXQUISITE ('ORSET SHOP 10,9 V. Liberty Kh IIIPIE I1TI1 - '. O/pposife We IDeliver S Phone 7'9.1 Open 4 p mn-I a mn "Iwaitel 'I'liks Sp~ace'Daily.' SUN PARLOR~ ,oval ion :Sovd 1i aw, '' V ZIvii v a l s t a r " iiia~c o iti irepla cc . A 111 (it c i designed for (oil vellilnvi' aind ocolimofii efformlit. L arge, well- lii.,lti ed oroomfl 11ilt-jn 1) il tN4, oak floor,,, e de°:=erl iii ISII, sinlgle galrtage antd 5sol1ace ' rv fine~ slitadv rees. Mr. Josselyn WVit h C. Louis Andrews lIE A Li tr 11 512 1Fir'st N..ionaal Blank i i ' 4 r TYPE WRITER REPAIRING'- PHONE 866 For Typewriter Repairing (All makes) Dealer in Woodstock typewriters, 11Tnd'dztrsrl and Port~able 'Adding machines. -im. tArbor Typewriter Eychange II AVE: Y011 Nl'BSIj'ItHjjl' VIC'PY TYPE WRIN TYPE'WRITING & mriMEoGR1APHING pironiptly andi neatly doane by experi- encedl operators at niomlrate rates. 0. n). MORRITL 17 Nickels' Arcade Established 1908. Phone 1718. Subscribe for The Michigan Dally Distinctive' Wall Paper Will Give New Life to Your Interiors Soft tints in a variety of shades will be found in our complete stock of wall paper, together with dainty borders that give any room a. finishing touch. It will pay you to select wall paper for spring decorating now while stocks are at their best. The niew spring, wall paper books are readch for your inspection 207 East Liberty a. n c Tel. ;~o$a.. I ', v , I I I I 1! ., 28 1 1 - W fc 1 j 1? V )_ ":. " =f dz . ,"fi r,= yp i Eft Y f PN _ V, }'Y ,d g, , ;S y9' y''"a t' "{ 'z fi' F Lx 5; .p" '} '0 : f" . JCj~FO N 'G liC,(all 287 '. I" Spec:ialize ill ('(port, pc(iIIlai('iii 1t'\vV- ing. T A>7y MJ+ .i R r i)I)IAR.I). 707 N. University. Phone 2652; Rugs shanii iiooed o01ridl=t cleaned. Ann A rhor CarpelA ('lean1Ting \Wai s. P )one 5 0. WATCH THIS l)AII Y I er, thir'ty yearvs e poieic,. :man- dolin, guitar, banjo, anld chord jcn t u to , e e h n 7 1 M rjl'.Y OUR lot Toasted Sandwiches.! 'T'hey are delicious. Arbor 1omn- Our moderate prices make it possile for all to have FRESH lhOM EI G ROWN FLOWERS.l ANN ARBOR FLORAL GO. 122 E. Liberty. Phone 16,30 AI'IiELS' AJ1?CApE offers A RING ('01N rT FORI1$25.00) We carry a complete line of POP( T4A II311USIC _AT11.30 AND) A0, MIA RIIA WA SillNGt'OiN (AC D Fr'eshi every Fridaiy.TIice's, 119 . Liberty. trims. roft -waler used at all timges.- DIMA°UI"'A BE1AUTIY SH() I FE (Above Cushing's) II UJE 11111) hAIR 51HOP 5 NICKIELS AR(C'ADE-3118 ('ard t abes---bigh gr'ade substantial r aihogany finish-green leatherette .'ridge lamvps, wrought iron, coin- 1)1i~ wdXi thIi (ecoi'Sedl shade~-$3i.45. 200 S. , ain. Phone 50 TRY O1iUI New Way Toasted Sand- wichcs. blest you ever ate. Arbor Fountain WA NT El1) lUCFINED MID)DLE aged Anr Arbor jlady desires lady companion to tour England, Holland, France, etc. this June and July. Entire expenses less than $:500. Write box 67, Michigan Daily, for intervieiw. WANTE1-Students to see our type- writer bargains. Good machines for sale or rent. S A. Moran, 711 N. University Ave., Rboom 2. W1A NTE)-1-3,y experienced cook, posi- tion in Sorority or Fraternity house., Phone 23-:CM. 'WvANr1i1D--Girl for housework, daily I l :3t0 to or 9 P. M. Inquire 1202 Olivia, Sunday between 11 and 1. Phone I8SS . WANTEI)D-Students and family wash- illf5 . 1'lioie 28-P-3-Mti. "Watch This Space TDaily." A LOT OF FOLKS APPAIMINTLY' I)ON'T KNOW THAlT'I'WEWRI'TE INSURANCE. !FA'TC11 I'ITI!IS QtiAINTED. MR1. MUNI)US WVITHT C'. LOIS ANDREWS . PHIONE 34)6 "Watch This Space Daily." TA ILO IN A TA IIAW-HAD)E SITE Will satisf'y your taste, and fit you best. WILD THE ~TAILOII 113 South Main St. SUITS $25-$30--$35 HER31AN THlE TAILOR 802 South State Street ft, unst ha v ~' spring I hlon s thatengrossed Mr:-. (NalIM ( 't andc i\r, M('arks G . iDawes so completely when the camhera caught theeihn-ui we. 'es. ''l,";<<. I SEIP BAS LOST'l----P~air. 01 glasses]11illdaek Case. ( - 'all 1029-.1. ON' B1919 OAKLAND )SBI)AN -Good --________________________ nphiolsteriIi go od engine, good I.OST --Large clothI covered notebook iiiileagc.-°1i . contaiining Dental notes. Reward. 1920 .1AAMO N Sport roadster; five ? Phone Thompson, 922-R. !wire wheels, lDueo finish ; especia l1 y i priced at $5S5 ill is week only. FOUN ITAIN PEN INK '1922 (IL [ISMOB IT - Niew top), neCw: -- en rta ills, new pja ill Ijob01).I''he and; A vicious ink may work for a short 1 eimn:s to suiit your pl)ckelbooil. time. It clogs tihe delicate mechan- 31 I)DSON SA'1 I S and SERIVIC'E 'ismn of the pen and cannot be remov- B o1. Xshjn gIon Ph1onie 002-M 'ed b~y ordinary meanus. It is chemi-I- - --- cally antagonistic to a good ink, which' '$125 SB;.fII N OAK LfAND. good inn-j. will wo-'k andl rendlers the ink color- LEARN TO PLYAtPN In these days when. "jazz Bands" are a: necessity at every party, the man who can play an instrument is in a position to make money. A CONN, INSTRUMENT with all its exclusive features is the' easiest of all to learn to. play. Many have learned to play a.tune in a half hours practice-You can do the same. ANN ARBOR Y PSIL ANTI 11I1g orderires IIS'S upo~l)osterinug i in good I llI)''. Motori'just gone over. HUDSON SALEiS & SERIC(E AS lOr SJpl'eniii r('. Washington St. l"! esty. Consult Rider's Pen Shop, where. you will always find a fresh supply of the best Government standard writing fluid. It is the only satisfac- Itory ink for the fountain pen. RtII)EI' s PEN SHOP Pen and 111k Specilists Intramural terns ' t I LosT-A pnrse----black I(toliel--con- taing a ten dollar bill. Lost, in ba soienlt of An gell1liall. Return to 1),aily offhee. Thank Yon. AN OLD ten or' eleven room house(' close t'o the campus that can easily he remodeled for small appa rtments andl would show a large income. Owner is living a long distance from Ann Arbor, and has made a very attractive price for quick sale., Call 24u8. (Continued from Pago Six) LOST --Ladies silk 5( :il'f at lIlion, 7:4'1, Sigma Nu vs. Hlermitage ; PMP l{ ridm~y niglut. 'l'oii at o shade wIith . Bet a Delta vs. Sigm-ra Phi Epsilon. 8:30( tan fiawe.trs and irin ;'c l ends. Re- Th eta Delta (Chi vs. JIMh Mu Alpha ; wa id. Cll 42-E Alpha, Tau Omega vs. Delta. Tau Del- YourSubcritio is ayale ow.ta. 9).15, alpha (Chi Rho v.. Kappa You Suscrlltionis ayale owNu ; Phi Lambda. Kappa vs. Tau Del- t fa Phi. IDue to thle ('lose competition b~e- to play another round of prelimiinar- ies ibefore the finals can be played. Thlis 8(11!iiioral round will he contest- !~ ried Wednesday night. March 11 at 8:301 ~P% AT. 1'aollowingteams are sche-' -1; Group 5 vs. Group 7; Group 3 vs. MYr -TIr C I Cou 6 Come in and "CULTIVATE BUMP"-it will. pay you. Sheet Music, 30c and 40c. AcGesso YOUR MUSICAL pries and Orchestrations Permianent Waving and Mar c1ling TY'LI 'EWIITI';RS MACK AND CO. { 3rd Floor Main St. I'I'I''P{WRITER HEADUARTERS FOI'TAINPENSNew and-second hand Corona, Rem- TE'ILL your Irje-ids what a woniderful i igtoni and Underwood portables. L. pen yo-rmu ~a;erpenl is. You have ; BRIPR Splendid machines. been doing it. Thank 3011. EBest makes for rent or for sale. RII){R' S PEN SHOP I 'hon~e 32-R X02 State S't. I LI'MI4 WiN BUSIN ESS COLLEGE _______________________________ --______C. Smith, Underwood, Royal, Remning- *SAVI+. that long; wait while having } toll usedl and factory rebuilt machines. your pen sent away 4'or repairs. !Save $10.00) or more by buying from We r')air it thxe sme day it i , brou- ' us. Easy terms if desired. Denting ghtrparigi and insure that i " will be ad- afl . l'pairiiig a splecialty. i t i 1 i i OUR AIM--- TO SA ~oln lfusic Zbop 14 Nickels Arcade r""Yrw r 'I r i t I I S ' 1 t : : /./.Ys". . '". ".dad". .. ,:N"~./'°.1:a, .A.J' .i°./1.i .I.s'././, . ''"./. !.d. l./.!.do'.~"./. './.r .edr ""1"1.. ",/ /... 1/~ .r'. : ". I"1./. Y.Y'./°~~.I"1 just ed to your hand when You1 call for it. 002 Slla'e Street! The (Iol n'u O. I). MVORRILL 17 Nickels' .Arcade TypewvritIer & Stationecry Store evenings. Phone 1718 i P'ATR ONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS READ) THIfi1C7MA-SDAILY Al1mIi n rbol. Croly'!" Owner will con- sider trade for smaller good section. house in residential 338 Maynard ~ Corn ell --Coal - N it"M it p A Cornwell 0 piHit) t waive N+I! Scranon, . & H andPilison ' oili Iiil itln PhoScrnton1-FaD22H.-andi P1('orn itell.B:ot ttill lii n IIE m i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ UiC C 111 nraie e tn . $4.5.Gn PU.RCHASE $1,000 THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK 101-105 S.MAIN ST.---ANN ARBOR, MICH.---330 S. STATE WOULD BUY A HOME OR AN AUTO- MOBILE. MAKE A PAYMENT EACH WAY YOU I I i WEEK ORMONTH. IT'S VERY EASY TO O AND YOU 'WON'T MISS THE *-1 MONEY. YOU CAN DO IT IN 'ONE, I I 1515CMBWEROAD I_. T >_X 140 1 ,ix'isig l3 ;.:. ? :9'-}'die lug) room, 141,,"x21-,impllorted marble fire- i la ce ; Ia m'ge -,,11 ros:;n ( ir uldsfireplace) : library; kitchlen ;four ha ge1)1! O~ o- ;lun 'llslepngporch ; linen closets; bath c;omfplete wxith ia. A ".hi hoe,t rI:th tc;loom for serv ants' quarters on lii nil floor; denl illas et liecently mie(orai :( 4. (n ovis( ry modern convenien'e. Vapor stvuanii lieatin plIantill. m01110 ;-ae. lbeaut ifully developed gr'ound~s. 'rUj(''ha lie ueci great iy i'('(nw('(J for1'anlearly sale. 1:1,vappoint ment onily. b'or i' li t i n l1'P8Wti®: 'fol o for an < a llointmiellt. (all 31r. Newvtpn Iwithi CT-ARLES 1L.. OOKS, Realtor P1Ei'0dll 131x-;3 :2 21") irst Na1 jonal Bank BItlg. Evening; 2-146 TWO OR THREE YEARS. ,ASK ABOUT THE PLAN AT EITHER OFFICE. .,J .~"..e1..~ . "., Y". ~. ...i"..J.d Pd,.+ r".JMJ. ,"../.. ".JJ~!',J ~.Y ". sll.,l ./. "..d',. ' ,, , '" / t, ".: !" .r 1'I.'.IJl.~lyd"IJY./~1. iS If 1 .. :. l matter how. gre~ -at !- A .,~,,ea,.-d__In1gdesire -- A 619 East