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March 08, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-08

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VOL.. XXXV. No. 117





. ., -


Borah Asserts Contemplated Action
Will Ie Regretted Later
By Repiblicans

Plays Tomorrow

Washington, March 7.-(By A. P.)-
Efforts of the Republican majority to
complete reorganization of the Senate:
were frustrated today by two senators
who are opposed to the program to
relegate the LaFollette insurgents to Margaret Anglin
minor places on the standing commit- With William Faversham, Margaret
tees. Anglin, the distinguished American
Soon after the majority slate of commedienne, will appear tomorrow
committee assignments was presented evening in Zoe Akin's play of diplo-
by Senator Watson of Indiana, Sen- mitic intrigue, "Foot-Loose." These
ator Borah, of Idaho, and Senator artists are now on their way to air
Norris, of Nebraska, objected to i extended engagement on the Pacific
mediate action, thus automaticallycoast, following a successful tour
forcing over until Monday considera- through the East and South.
tion of the matter. ____________________
While more or less extended debate
rs in prospect, administration leaders
are confident that their program willI
em apraosediabythe Senate, since theu YI L C [
Democrats have decided in party con-
ference against making any fight with
-respect to selections on the standing
SenatorWats in presenting the
majority slate as chairman of the Re- Basketball Center and Guard Chosen
publican committee on committees, By Team1 Mates After Game,
explained that, the insurgents had Last Night
been removed from their former com-
mnittee ranks by reason of the action NNR CIEU T R
of the party conference last Novem- NINE RECEIVE LETTERS
ber in excluding them from party -
councils and deciding that they should Richard F. Doyle, '26, Varsity bas-
not longer be assigned to fill Republi- ketball center and guard for the past
can vacancies on the commiittees, t asoi wseetdcpano
Asserting that the contemplated ac- two seasons, was elected captain of
tion not only was unfair to the sena- next year's quintet, following the
tors themselves, but also to their con- Chicago contest last night.
stitutents, Senator Borah sand that Doyle, the biggest player on the
within the next two years his Republi- squad, broke into the lineup last year
can colleagues "will regret this action "
will look back on itg as amistake." . as center, after the first few games of
Replying, Senator Watson said the the season had been played. With
insurgents certainly did not represent practice and experience in Conference
the Republican party as it had declar- battles, he developed into one of the
ed itself in its last plaform. Ie add- most capable pivotmen in the Big
eld that they had championed the
cause of another candidate for the Ten.
presidency, organized another politi- Changed from his regular tip-off
cal party, and held another political position this year because of a lack
conventionj of capable guard material on the
"If they had their way," Senator squad, Doyle made further progress
Watson said, "Calvin Coolidge would toward Conference fame. He contin-
not be president of the United States tued to jump at center when the oc-
today." casion demanded, however.
When Senator Watson asserted that The newly-elected captain is also
these men had left the Republican a varsity track man, winning his "M"
party in 1924, Senator Brookhartn of last season in the shot put and discus
Iowa, one of those read out of the events. I Je will report to Coach Far-
party, along with Senators Ladd and rell after a brief rest from the basket-
Frazier, of North Dakota, challenged ball race.
the statement so far as he personally Doyle was also a basketball and
was concerned. He declared he had track star at Kalamazoo high school,
not left the Republican party and was before his matriculation at the Uni-
a better Republican than Senator versity.
Watson, because he was champion of Coach Mather announced the win-
the principles enunciated by Abra- ners of the Varsity "M" for the past
ham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. season, nine men receiving the
awards. The muen are as follows:
-*1_ 7- l George Haggerty. captain of the

I Fight Against Confirmation Opened
By Walsh; Expect Reed
WIl Continue
Washington, March 7.-(By A. P.)-
Proceeding in open executive session
over the protest of administration
leaders, the Senate today put up the
nomination of Charles Warren, of
Michigan, to be attorney general, but
failed to reach a vote after three
hours' discussion.
The fight against confirmation was
launched by Senator Walsh, of Mon-
tana, a Democrat on the judiciary
committee, which has twice approved
the nomination, and will be continued
1 next week by Senator Reed, Democrat,
Kansas, of the same committee, and
possibly others. Friends of Mr. War-
ren expect favorable action, however,
before the end of the week.
Mr. Warren's nomination was called
up in executive session, as required
under the rules, and Senator Reed
moved that the doors be opened. Sen-
ator Moses, Republican, New Hamp-
shire, president pro tempore, held
that since this in effect constituted a
change in Senate procedure, a two-
thirds majority would be necessary tol
carry the motion.f
Senator Reed appealed from the de-
cision and the chair was over-ruled,
39-38. The Reed motion then prevail-
ed, 46-39, with administration Repub-
licans voting almost solidly against it.
Thirty-three Democrats, tweleve Re-
publicans, and the one farmer laborer,
Shipstead, supported the motion. j

Bloomington, Indiana.--Ohio State's
basketball team won the Western Con-
ference net crown by defeating Indi-
ana 28-26 in one of the closest and
fastest contested games of the season.-
Ohio State has now 10 victories and
one defeat for first place, with Ilinois
in second with 8 wins and 3 losses,
while Indiana slipped from second to
third with 8 wins and 4 defeats, Pur-
due is in fourth place with 6 victories
and 4 losses. Illinois and Purdue
play again, but the results cannot
effect Ohio's standing. Ohio State
meets Wisconsin next week for its
last game.,
The play tonight was nip and tuck
throughout,j with the lead changing
six times while the score was tied
five times. Indiana led at the half,
Iowa City, Iowa.-Iowa defeated
Northwestern" in the last basketball
game of the season for both teams
here tonight, 26-15. The Hawkeyel
victory put Northwestern in the cel-
lar position: Iowa finishes in seventh
The game was ragged and slow I
throughout. Iowa took an early lead
on a goal by Janse. Janse, with five
goals, and Laude, starred for Iowa.
Detroit.-Bill Walker of Michigan
tonight won the amateur feather-
Weight championship of Michigan, de-,
feating Ted Crevier, Grand Rapids,
in their 3 round match in the Michi-
gan A. A. U. tournament.
Ames, Iowa.-Iowa state college I
wrestlers had little trouble winning
their 'fourth intercollegiate dual mat
meet by defeating Minnesota here to-
day 15-2.
The Cyclone grapplers won six out
of the seven events.
Iowa City, Iowa.-Bettering West-
ern Conference records in three
events, and piling up a total of 46:
points to Iowa's 22, Northwestern uni-
versity easily defeated the Hawkeyes
in a dual swimming meet here today.
Captain Breyer (of the Purple was
the star of the meet,hsetting a new
Conference record of 19 seconds in the
40 yard free style and of 53 and 8-10
seconds in the 100 yard free style. He
also was instrumental in hanging up
a new mark of 1 minute 18 7-10 sec-'
onds in the 160 yard relay. Iowa won
the water-basketball contest 7-5.
Urbana, Ill.-Illinois took first in 9
of 12 events to defeat Iowa's track
team 73 5-6 to 30 1-6 in a dual meet
in the armory here this afternoon.
Illinois carried off all places in both
the high and low hurdles, Orange and
Blue hurdlers alone qualifying in
heats inrthetwo events.
Two records were shattered and
one was equalled in the meet. The;
mile relay team established a new
Illinois and Conference mark when
the quartet raced the distance in 3
minutes and 28 2-5 seconds, beating
the old mark by 3-5 of a second.
Dauber, Iowa, put the shot 45 feet
5 and 7-8 inches, 1 foot and 3-8 inches
farther than the distance made by
Schildhauer last year for the Illinos
indoor record. Ponser, Illinois, tied
the armory and' Illinois indoor record
in the half mile with 1 minute 58 2-5
Princeton, N. J.-Yale wrestlers de-
feated Princeton today, 14-13. The
Blue scored one fall and three de-
cisions, the Tigers won two falls and
one decision.
Princeton defeated the Navy in
tswimmingand water polo here today,
winning the swnming meet by the
score of 40-22 and the water polo con-j
test by 41-17.

New York.-The 1925 outdoor track
and field championship of the inter-I

Undergraduates Are Mediocre
Thinkers, Claims Percy Marks

Seventy-five per cent of the under-
graduates of American colleges are
common place thinkers, not capable
of doing work above mediocrity," says
Percy Marks, author of "Plastic Age,"
in an article appearing in a recent
issue of "The Bookman."
"Under the grading system used in
most colleges 75 per cent of the stu-
dents receive a grade of C or below.
I know from sad experience just what
a C stands for. It stands for work
that is commonplace but accurate,
work that is without a scintilla of dis-
"Granted that most of the teaching
is bad, granted that some intelligent
undergraduates are indolent, the fact
still remains that most of them were
denied at birth the mental strength
ever to attain intellectual superiority
"The intellectual standard of our

undergraduates is low and they are
low for the good and simple reason
that God did not give even half of the
undergraduates minds capable of un-
derstanding or reaching standards
that are high."
Mr. Marks criticises the middle
Western universities for especial
laxity in maintaining standards. "I
know of one case where a student was
dropped from an Eastern college on
account of scholastic difficulties," says
Mr. Marks. "He went to a middle
Western university of a thousand stu-
dents. There he passed all his cours-
es with satisfactory grades. On the
strength of these grades he was ad-
mitted to the courses in the Colum-
bia extension school, where he repeat-
ed the courses he had passed in the
middle Western college and failed
two of them."






Scott Nearing
To ,Speak Here
Next Thursday
Scott Nearing, noted economist and
lecturer, will speak on the subject,
"Industrial Chaos/' at 3:15 o'clock
Thursday in the Natural Science audi-,
torium, under the auspices of thef
Round Table club.
Mr. Nearing's lecture work, which is
chiefly intended for labor unions, so-
cialist and student groups, colleges,
churches civic forums, and other
organiuations ,in economic and so-
ciological fields, has carried him to
widely differing groups of people, not
only having lectured throughout the1
United States, but Canada and Mexi-
co. Each fall he arranges a tour
through the West, each spring to New
England, and during the intervening'
time lectures in the vicinity of New
York and Philadelphia.
Among the positions that Mr. Near-
ing has held are listed those of secre-
tary of the Pennsylvania Child Labor
committee from 1905 to 1907; instruct-
or in economics in the Wharton school
University of Pennsylvania, 1906 to
1914; Assistant professor, 1914-15; In-
structor in ecor4om. cs, Swrthunore
college, 1908-1912; Instructor in so-
ciology, Temple university, 1906-07;
lecturer on social science, Chautau-
qua summer schools, New York, 1913-
1917; professor of social science and
dean of the college of arts and scienc-
es, Toledo university, 1915-1917; lec-
turer in economics and sociology,
Rand school of social science, 1917.
The lecturer is coming to Ann Ar-
bor through the League of Industrial
Democracy, with which the Round

A9UTO 519
Band Will Play
Numerous fea
of all auto shov
by the committ
Automobile Dea
whose auspices
benefit of the U
presented at Yi
ning Wednesday
In addition to
which more tha
of all makes wi
will be boothsf
bulances, tracto
motorized and
Indications are
manufacturers a
bile accessories
air-cooled motor
car equipment
some of their p:
teries, tires, to
other general
Several displa
ed tops for old
be shown. The
spection some u
paint shops, sho
ing processes.
f The most rece
of automobilev
the first time i
five section-viev
operated, will
many motors.
air-cooled moto
after the show
the engineering
One of the m
of the show w
the University
every night an
During the oth
show the band
concerts given
ganizations. At
presented by t
wrestling, fenc
The automobi
bor have been
make this show
order to insur
the handling o
during the curr

Every Night; Campus Professional Orchestra to be Heard
ations to Give With "Castles In Spain"
formances Tuesday, March 17.
tures that are a part Music for "Castles in Spain," the
ws are being arranged 1925 Junior Girls' play which is to
ee of the Ann Arbor have its premier performance Tues-
day night, March 17, at the Whitney
lers assoclation4 under theatre, will be played by a profession-
the auto show for the al orchestra under the personal di-
niversity band will be rection of Phil Diamond, well known
ost field house begin- Ann Arbor musician. He will have
y noon. eight pieces in his ensemble, and it
o the many booths, in is expected that the music, which has
an 100 passenger cars been specially orchestrated for him
ill be displayed, there by a prominent professional, will add
exhibiting busses, am- much to the production.
rs, trucks, and other All the melodies for the production
commercial vehicles. have been composed by members of
that more than 35 the junior class. The songs were
nd dealers of automo- written by a committee composed of
and various types of Myrtle Sanzenbacher, chairman, Eliz-
r will be cut open, and abeth Davies, Merle Gee, Doris Sling-
will be represented, luff, and Gwendolyn Wilson, each
roducts including bat- member of the committee having com-,
s, camping outfits and posed several numbers. Those who
equipment. have heard the music of "Castles in
tys of detachable clos- Spain" claim that it is not as jazzy
er models of cars will as many similar musical shows, but
re will also be on in- tht the tunes -are quite catchy, and
Mork of the automobile that many of them, particularly the'
owing the latest paint- dance numbers, have a great deal of
pace. The Spanish setting of the
ent model of one make second act lends itself unusually well
will be on display for to picturesque music and chorus
n this state. Four or work, and songs for this act are not-
w chasses, electrically- able for their typically Spanish
be included, and as rhythm. There are 14 numbers in
The latest model of the complete score, which will be on
r will be cut open, and sale beginning March 16. The score
it will be presented to cover will be a reproduction of the
school. poster, which at present is being dis-
ost attractive features played throughout the city.
ill be the concerts of The mail order applications will not
band, which will play be received after March 9, according
d Saturday afternoon. to Eunice Rose, who is in charge of
her afternoons of the the ticket distribution. The seat tick-
has arranged to have et sale will be held beginning Fri-
by other musical or- day afternoon, March 13, at the box
thletic stunts will be office in Hill auditorium, and willI
he University boxing, continue there all day Saturday and
ing and gymnasium also Monday afternoon. This sale
will be open to the general public,
ile dealers of Ann Ar- who will be admitted to every per-
working diligently to formance after the first night, as that
a financial success in performance is given for the senior
e sufficient funds for women, who attend in a body.
f the University band Rehearsals of the entire cast and
ent year. choruses have been held during the
past week, and those in charge are
confident that "Castles in Spain" willi
Leaves be given a quite finished performance.
--- I Withdraw Action

Haggerty, Reason, and Landre Play
Last Game With Michigan
Michigan's Varsity basketball quin-
tet closed its 1925 season by handing
the University of Chicago court five a
decisive defeat, 47-14, at Yost field
ouse last night.
The visitors uncovered a whirlwind
attack with the opening whistle and
assumed a four point lead before the
Wolverines succeeded in scoring from
the floor. Michigan counted but three
fouls in the first five minutes of play,
but successive baskets by Cherry,
Haggerty, Reason and Haggerty plac-
ed Michigan in the lead, which they
never relinquished.
Playing his last game for Michigan,
Rex Reason, substituted for Landre in
he eary part of the contest, played
he stellar offensive role for the vi-
tors. Reason scored seven goals from
the floor and five from the fifteen foot
sine for a total of 19 points, which was
more than the entire Chicago team
ccounted for.
Captain George Haggerty, also play-
ing his final court contest for Mich-
igan, was another outstanding per-
former in the team play of Maize and
Blue five. Haggerty ,garnered five
baskets and three free throws for a
total of 13 points. Joe Landre also
played his lastgame in a Michigan
Michigan was slow to start anything
that resembled an, offense, but once
Reason was injected into the fray, the
Wolverines buried the Midway five
with an avalanche of field goals. The
Maroon team started the game in fine
fashion, but once Michigan took the
ead, they seemed to lose the team co-
ordination and basket shooting that
marked the first few minutes of play.
Starting the second period with the
score 16-11 In their favor, the Wol-
Verine players scored almost at will.
Chicago scored but one field goal and
one free throw in this half; Captain
Weiss shooting a basket from the cen-
ter of the floor and Alyea counting the
lone foul. These two men stood out
for the losers, Weiss making three
baskets, although he played but a
short time in the game.
Last night's victory gives Michigan
a total of six games won, and five lost,
and practically assures the Wolverines
of fifth place in the final standing.
The hold-over contest with Purdue
will not be played off.
The summaries:
Haggerty .......L.F. ........ Gordon
Chambers......R.F....... ..Sackett
Doyle .......... L.G............ Barta
Cherry.......R.G.......... Marks
Field goals, Michigan: Haggerty
(5), Reason (7), Chambers (2), Doyle
(2), Cherry (2); Chicago: Weiss (3),
Alyea (2). Free Throws, Michigan:
Haggerty, 3 out of 4; Reason, 5 out of
8; Chambers, 1 out of 2; Doyle, 1 out
of 3; Landre, 1 out of 2. Chicago:
Gordon, 1 out of 2; Sackett, 1 out of
3; Alyea, 1 out of 7; Barta, 1 out of
1. Referee, Young, Illinois Wesleyan;
Umpire, Feezle, Indiana.
Atkinson Contest
Manuscripts Due
.Before April 21
"Student Character, Moral and Spir-
itual, for World Citizenship," has been
chosen as the subject for the annual
Atkinson Memorial contest, the finals
of which will be held May 8. Stu-
dents who intend to compete in the
contest must submit written orations
to W. C. Dixon, '25, director of the
contest, prior to April 21.
Orations are not to exceed 1,850
words, and must treat some phase of
the general subject. From the con-
testants entering manuscripts, six
will be chosen to deliver their ora-
tions at the finals. Formerly the three

winners of the extempore contest,
held each semester, were the only
ones eligible to compete for the Atkin-
son award.
The Atkinson prizes are awarded
annually by Orie Atkinson of Battle
Creek as a memorial to his son
Maurice, a former student of the class
of 1922, who was killed in an automo-
bile accident just before commence-
ment week of 1922. The contest to

rinnzsn marvet
Defeats Hahn In
Record Mile Run]

Buffalo, March



Finnish marvel, tonight added a third
and decisive round to his duel with
Lloyd hahn, of Boston, on the world's
mile record honors. In a race whichj
featured tme 174th infantry games,
here, Nurmi laid down a mile in 4
minutes, 12 seconds flat in his fourth
track competition in as many days.
Hahn's record was 4 minutes, 13 2-5
seconds, set at the New York Athletic
club games in New York, Feb. 14.
which at that time clipped a fifth of a>
second off the mark set by Nurn i at
Madison Square Garden Jan. G.
v ,
-~ ..n' . e
looiks for either rain or snow early
this morning, with not much chanig'e I
IiL temperatire.

squad; Richard Doyle, '26; Royal
Cherry, '26; Edward Chanoers, '271d ;
Edward line, '27; Walter Kuenzel,
'271.; Raymond Hutzel, '26; Joseph
Landre, '25E; andl Rex Reason, '25E.,
Chambers and Line are the only1
sophomores to win their "M's" in has-
ketball this season.
Dr. Carl Ilenedicks, director of the
Metallographic Institute of Stockholm
Sweden, will deliver two University
lectures on scientific subjects at 4:15
o'clock, March 10-11, in room 1042
East. Engineering building. The first
lecture will treat "Some Views on the
Kinetic Constitution of Solid Matter,"
and the second will be "On the Theory
of I igh Speed Steel.'
'he scientist has gained an inter-
national reputation for his contribu-
tions in the field of metallurgy, receiv-
ing several awards for his work in
metallography and allied studies. Mr.
Benedicks received the 1908 Carnegie
Scholarship and the 'gold medal
award of the Iron and Steel Insti-
tute of London. lie was May lectur-
er in thermo-electricity at the Lon-
don Institute of Metals in 1918, and
received the 1922 Prix Henry Will at
the Academic des Sciences in Paris.
He was a member of the Royal Acad-
emy of Sciences at Stockholm in 1924.
Following his first lecture here on
Tuesday afternoon, Dr. Benedicks will
speak before the Detroit chapter of
the American Society for Steel Treat-

'ableclub is affiated. collegiate A. A. A. was formally
awarded to the University of Penn-
Sylvania, which will hold them on
ORERS May 29 and 30 at Franklin field. Phila-'
The award was made at the annual
meeting of the Intercollegiate associa-
_tion, which also voted against reduc-
I ing the distance of, the varsity cross
Mail order applications for the per- country championship race from 6 to
formuance of "The Goose Hangs High," 4 miles.
which will be presented Friday af-
ternoon, March 13, at the Whitney OF
theatre, are now being received at ;ORDER COIF
the box office of that theatre. Public EE I
sale of tickets will begin Tuesday.E
To avoid further misunderstanding, 1
it has been announced that although At a meeting of the Order of Coif
the Bonstelle company, with Mrs. yesterday, the following senior law
Richard Mansfield, is being presented I students were elected to membership:
jointly by the Michigan Theatre league G. D. Curtis, J. T. Dasef, L. A. Masse-
and the American Association of Uni- link, Leo Mellen, L. H. Notnagel, C. N.1
versity Women, the regular series Tavares, V. J. Voorheis, C. E. Enggas,
seats for the theatre league programs ! A. M. Keep, C. C. Kreis, M. G. Leath-
will not admit members to this per- erman, B. J. Manley, B. S. Wendelken.
fnrmance. The next 'nroduetion on The date for the initiation ceremonies

Prof. Alfred S. Warthin of the path-
glogical department in the Medical
school left yesterday afternoon for
3 Washington where he will attend the
joint annual meeting of the American
Congress of Internal Medicine and
the American College of Physicians.
The session will commence Monday,
March 9, and will last until Saturday,
Marce 14. Professor Warthin expects
to return to Ann Arbor the last of
this week.
At the present time, Professor War-
thin is the second -vice-president of
the American College of Physicians.
He is also a member of the board of
regents and of the executive com-
I mittee, and editor of the college jour-

Against Borglnm
Greensboro, North Carolina, March'
7.-Requisition papers looking to the{
extradition to Georgia of Gutzon Bor- 1
glum, the sculptor, were withdrawn
late today and Borglum immediately
decided to remain here and fight to
save all indictments against him in
Georgia nolle prossed.
Habeas Corpus proceedings insti-
tuted by Borglum after his arrest here
last Saturday were dismissed by or-
der of Judge Michael Schenk of the
superior court, after representatives
of the state of Georgia had dispatch-
ed requests to Governor McLean at
Raleigh to return;th-e requisition pa-
pers to Georgia.
Dues of the senior literary
class will be collected from 9 to
12,rand from 2 to 5 o'clock to- f
morrow at the booth in the cor-
ridor of University hall. The
dues are $3.50, and must be


Music Of J-Hop'
Heard In Hawaii
Music from the J-Hop, which was
broadcasted by Detroit News station
WWJ the night of the Hop,; was re-
ceived as far as Honolulu, Hawaii,
according to a letter received from
the News by Clayton Purdy. '26L. who

is a term ifor everything.


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