Ff1 XV, AR'Ci G, .1927, THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIAGE Si"N r:NT THE. MICHIAN.DAILY.A.E .T... n A S I F E C UMTO SHOW WILL A3PM. ADVERTISINGCLSS PEWEESA Who Will Succeed President EBert? _t EDDY' LAUDS KIEV KITCHEN SUOPPORHT Paris. Mar. 5.-,nhe air ministry loniOlulu. lMar. 5 .--(By A.P.)--The is giving 1.{100,000 francs in prizes to. Japanese trainin" g rsqadron, which manufacturers of airplanes and air- has been on a Crutise of t he Pac'ific, pilanie engines w iliii 1(Id world rec- left yesterday for hle Caroline is- crd1s. Ia iids. il. IWIS xTll t'('p l0-js ?i lvertisi gIs for your benefit, and you art' rged, to take }vangeof these eoluininls. *immiie 11.ll1he glad to 'r help Yogi fijid your lest aricliles, to help you sell or buy lbrui this med(Ilm. (aIll at lthe Press building where yon will be ,ivenimminrediaile and efficient Plevaro .111.1 l oi ier-cutl elti('le's All Types to he lhsplnyed at Yost Field llofise' 0I FOR ~SALE ,.,.FOR SALE--violin, $25.00, call 2744-W 1 FOR SALE'-Ford coupe, 1922,iex ? cellent ;condition.. Call 3051-R. FOR SALE-Grebe tuned radio fre- quency amplifier and loop. Cost * $72, sell $25. Call 2643-J., FOR RENTI F OR RENT-Very attractive single room with lavatory. 315 Packard St., Phone 2124-R1. FOR RENT-Garage. Call 2<878. FOR RENT-Two well equlippedl, Connl- pletely furnishedI rooms for students. All new furnishings in newly de - oratedl, warm, modlern home, $3.50 and $1.00 each. 3041South 5th Ave. Phone 3507-J. WANT'1.1 IRE+FINED) MIDDLE aged Anr Arbor lady desires laidy companion to tour England, Holland, °France, etc. this June and July. Entire expenses less than $500. Write box 67, Michigan Daily, for interview. 1WANTEI)-Students to see our type-' writer bargains. Good machines for sale or rent. S A. Moran, 711 N. University Ave., Room 2. WANTED-B3y experienced cook, posi- tion' in Sorority or Fraternity house. Phone 287'-AL WANTED-Representative for Nor- ' nandie Full Fashioned Pure Silk Ilosiery. Lib~eral commission. No collect ion or deliveries. Sold at less than retail stores. Write C. A. Pet- ter Co., Inc., Gloversville, N. Y. BEAUTY SHIOlPES Bi,(' FBl I) 1A hR SHlOP~ :; NICKEL'S ARCAI ---3168 h , ° ., s ;. h: R Y . ! ;. 1 y ', ryr ; p p. 1 }; t fi ,f I' 'R { ' iS a, t f F; M ' ) tt §', t, a' ;f r , : s' 4 s . , Pi 2, 1, 0 ! , .. 'r;: M:: FOR SALE- house on gage or ~t1er 11;i5 -No~tq betorail Meitlwers oithe Vtniver'sity: :ra il addr1essed as follows: "care of the Univer'sity" has been delilre-re'd to idhe office of the Secretary, Room 3, Univer'sity H-all. It will be, held until March 11, and should he called for at once, giving late of* this putblication' i. e. ;alt~lnEl i. This list will not be reprinted. Lee Albert Agniem Lotus Johnson Jiohni A. Alien Clarence Archamtbeau George F. Keiper. Jr. no tre Works On .S, Economics Dislaved At Clements' Librarv j Last year the Mchigan Bell Tel&' phone Company's expansion was one of the greatest in Michigan's telephone history--and that program is being continued. 108,984 miles of new telephone wires were installed during 923; 98, 501 miles to give additional local service; 10,483 miles of toll and long distance wires. 1,110,369 mailes of wine now connect the telephones of this Company's subscribers. 96, 805 new telephones were connected> with the switchboards of this Company, for a net gain of 36,117, during I923; 49,686 were added through the purchase of another company, both factors greatly increasing the value of the service to every telephone user in Michigan. More than 437,000 telephones are served, by this Company over its own switch- boards; its connecting companies in M cigan serve 112,O49more; 14,000,- 000 others can be reached elsewhere in the country. $10,320,380 represents the total increase of telephone plant made by this Company in Michigan last year. And an organization of 10,279 loyal telephone workers now serves Mch- igan. It is their unanimous desire to g ive the people of our state the hihest possible grade of telephone service. I offers Rare hooks and1 manuscripts illus- were all addressed to Lord D~art- A K1N(~ (4ti'~I1 'Il ?.3 t1'ating the economic history of Amter-, mouth, then colonial secr'etary, but We cayry a complete line of ica in the eighteenth century are on I ar'e not found calendar'ed among theI P'OPULARI MUSIC AT '.343 AXSl) .0 exhibition this week in Clements' Dartmouth Papers. There is includ-} ____________________________-library. The works included in the ed a table showing the goodls, both FOU-ND display are recognized as of first im- kind and quantity, imported into) the ___________________________________portance to an understanding of the !port of Philadelphia from Gr'eat Bri- Found-Fountain 1)0e1 on camnpus, period precedling the Amer'ican Revo- tain in the years 1769-1773. Wednesday morning. Livingston, lotion. A portion of the "Political Papers" 1390-M. Richar'd Price and Josiah. Tucker, of Lord Shelburne are also shown. authors of the printed books of the______________ TYPEWRITERS display, commanded a wide audience ___________________________in their (lay. Pr'ice was an eighteenth ( MuiSc And Drama j TYPFWRITER1 century Liberal, who corres pond'olI ___1 IIEADITART1ERS( with Benjamin Franklin and David (Cniuo imPg or New and second hand Corona, Rem- Ilumne, and dlid not hesi Late to express of the East, will resume his series of ington and Underwood portabiles. L.. his sympathy with the Americans ini organ recitals this afternoon in Hill C. Smith, Underwood, 'Royal, Renting- the struggle for independence,.uioima :5 'lc.Tefl ton used and factory rebuilt machines. I His "Observations" expressed hris Save $40.00 or more by buying froinm opposition to) the policies of Lord lowing program will be oftfered : its. Easy terms if desired. Renting Noi'th and the popularity of his paml-Fatsand ugeiC phlets in England indicate that he was minor .................... Bach and repiinga RpeILy not alone in his opinions on this sub- Air in D ...................... Bach 17 Nickels' Arcade Ijet. Tucker, clubbedl "The Dean of Minuet .................. Bocchet'ini The Typewriter &z Stationery StoreI Gloucester'," argued that a shop-keep- Grand Choeur (Tempo (Ii Min- Open evenings. Phone 17158I! mo nation like England would not uetto..........Cuilmantj itnm~ve its tr'ade bY che~ting its Ncumnii isItenih' PhOE 86 oustmer. I Dream)............ Mendelssohn For Typewriter Repairing The manuscripts were selected to pIngSn.........oln (All makes) further illustrate the economic his- AvepariaSng... .. .. .. . . . . .Hollns Dealer in Woodstock typewriters, { tory of the period in which Price and I Allegro (Symphony 6).....Widor Sundstra md and Portable Adding jXtuicker' wrmote. One group, the Str'a-1 machines. y chey Paper's, ar'e on exhibition for 1 I kw a.5-B ..-V Ann Arbor Typewriter Exchange 1 the first time. Trhey wer'e secured for . akw a.5-(yAP) i the ibrry astyear anl cme hi' Pei-Fu, for'mer military head of the ka desocendant of Sir' Henr'y Stracheyj central Chinese government, has sail- - 1 of Sutton Cour't, Somerset, who was,1 ed from Ilwangchow, H-upelb provin('e, R.ead. the XW ant Ads in177J, sec'retary of the CommissionI for. Yochow, H~unan province. 1 I fr Resoring' Peace with America. Thlese papers, most of which have War'saw, Mlar. 5--S lSenate rati- nteer been publishedl in any for'm, fled the Amer'ican loan bill today. JIoll11. Rlikor :Hlarold A. llallom Le'slie Barkoer It. ALi iParker F". E. lBartchl INewxell Beb~out D~avid L. Beers D)avis Lynn Beers R1. S. Pegg R~ W. Benkley I-Ilnrry Bentley j . 'W. 1issehl Clarenoce D. Dowser t AValter E. Br'acher .john P. Brtady Will. II. Btromine, Jlr. ,Bob Brown 1 ,]i ei-son I uckwa lter C. Fr-ancis Byeors Rafael Cabezas Arthur R. Carr Frank" S. ('arson Ciro A. Costa. Cecil C. Craig Lee Culver. Mrs. ,I Edwvin Davis Richard I-I. Davis Frank Deans Ruth TDeemer Margaret. C. Dixon Gieor'ge A. Douglas George Winl. 1)0 x e IC~than F. EdlotT Hloward Ibwd-,d R1. Kimpton Donald HB.King R alph S. King J. E. Kirkpatrick (4) Frederic Klaeber Mar'ia Lansar Leona L-aumrence Thonmas Lavery Chas. W. Lewis Marian Lipson .Johin Liske Laurice L. Lockr'ow Chas. D. Loomis .John :U. Aalnight Mr. & Mrs. lM. Mann Arthur Markel Edwvard J. Martin Edward Mason John J. Mauriel F. B. McAlvey Elizabeth McDowell 1V11. J. McGill Andrew L. Miller S y Virgil T. Moore Kenneth 0. Myrick I' A I -/ I t.7' I-Iorice L. Olson MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY' , iU Gustavo E'. Padilla (2) Elizabeth Pamrrott Ral Cole 'T'ellett Fodward E. Pettibone Phii Alpha Gammia Lawrence Pierce Ruben Portnoff' Lester A. Pridgeon (Continued on Page Eight) I . ... .. a Read The Daily "Classified" Columns --------------- I: /ii; -