PAGE FOUR IAYMAh6,92TH MIHGN DIY __ ____ THE M ICI--IIGAN DAILY 1 rTRv , MAPICTT r, 1925 204 1~itgn a l I Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to thc us e for republicationi of all news diispatcCcs enduted to it or not otherwise credlitedt in this paper and the local news pub- lished thereiin. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigain, as second class matter. Special rate of postae granted by Third Assistant Post- mnasterC cu;ct'al. Subscription by carrier, 3350 by mail, I $4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi- uness, 960. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2114 and 176.31 MANAGING EDITOR~ PHILIP M. WAGNER Editor................ John G. Garlinghouse News Editor.........obert G. Ramsay City Editor............ Manning Houseworth Night Editors George W. Davis Harald A. Moore Thomas P'. henry Fredk. K:. Sparrow, Jr. Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal Sports Editor......... William 13. Stoneman Sunday Editor.......... Robert S. Mansfield Women's Editor.......... ...Vernea .Mbran Music and Drama...Robert B. Henderson Telegraph Editor...William J. Walthour Assistants Louist Barl'y iHelen S. Ramsay Marion Barlow Regina Reichmannl Leslie S. Bennets Marie Reed Smith Cady r Edmarie Schrauder Willard B. Q rosby Frederick H. Shillito Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens James W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet Joseph 0. Gartner Herman Wise Mawning Ilousewortk Eugene H. Gutekunst Elizabeth S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore Elizabeth Liebermnann Stanley C. Crighton Winfield 11. Line Laeonard C. H all Carl E. Olinmacher Thomas V. Koykka 'Wiiliam C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagn.-r BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 LUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER Aldvertisimng....... ...........1..I,. IDunne Advertisig ......... ..R. C. Winter Adverti-ingr;.............. A. Marks Advetisig........... .13.I. W. Parker Acunt:-, . .............. M. Rockwell t ~ircub t i"))..... ...John (Conlin 1'uic~Iut rn i ........................ 1. 1.). Martin Assist-rit? 1'. '01. Arnold W. T,. Mullins W. U. Ardussi R.11. 'Mast 7. Al. Alving If. L. Newnmann Irvin g Merman P. 1. Olmstecad Rudolph 1i)stcllfaii R. M. P'rentiss If. V. (lark W. C. Pusch J. C'. (\misroe 1. D. Ryan 11. h. Ientz~ N. Rosenzweig J. R. Delany Al. E. Sandberg (Gorse C. *Johnson 'x1.L. Schiff O. A. Jose, Jr. F, K. Schoenfeld R. K. Klein I. J. Wineman FM DAY, MARCH 6, 1925 From the clay when the earliest-f member of the genus ho()steppeti M USIClf out among his neighbors; antd forcily ; /IPLLAN assumed the leadership of Ithe first1 A~A organized trilbe, lprecedentsfor5P the ; /I 11A. DIa j i D RIM conduct of society have lbeen ('St al- II______________,______________ lished, have grown tra~ditionaiil, ani~ Chias. Dawes rates this (dedicationi 11 FE~O)N:TeOgnle have ever been reQvere'd by t he (igfli-; because he is the only guy that has i vialIae 4:") &e" irkillinhill atuditor- fled and decorous indtividual;, who live hollered at the whole Senate in theI. in cnstnt eamthatI hy tldynothist ory of these UnlitedI States; niot I act ''properjly." hibeca use we arie in sympathy with his Ancient customs andi ancient lC0Vips(Iit-il'lteilg])l'iciarhibutOcsioANyF IELwaDI 3ingshape pies of the nations oft the lEast have ;beca-use lie. shouted them at the Sen- wOrks inoalperfect sittin: air. becoe s reere, infad. tat heyate; and because lie told them to snap Richmarud Mansfield, sorely onie of the form the basis of a religion, a worship ;out of it, when they wanted to be1 of ancestors, so firmly (establisbed that, '\,worni in b~y fours; andl because le' most cliari ing atctrieses (Al (lcur st age; nothing short of an earthquake can said"Wellcomeon ou andwatch the -aiercl 've" Ile e .x shake them from their (deeply rooted! inaugurat i now" wen they were allsadistbei'en drdyat(r foundations. Tradition, formaism,;swor in, aiidl becauise he got the noon, M~arch I1.3, in t he Whitney the and finally stagnation is thle order~ of' whole Senate out of the building with-l atre tinder the(!auzspic es of thle I v~o life where. the l~~hil~s~l~hy of the post out one of themn remembering to movemotauiiis ornitos m ple becomes that embodied in the we adjourn. i such an attraction, the American As- phae the good old1 (ays." And b~ecause he got more publicitysoitnofli(riy omnalIh A perfect exampjle of this kill(V fhs itl hftseedne !hnMichigan Theatre Leagtte. The play is state can be found in the U'nit edth President did with his cautiousisacm y 1olee anrsba States Senate of the Sixt y-Eightht the Michigan autltor----"The (Goose Hangs Cnrswhc clstitlat economy. *' *High" by Lewis Beach; and the pro- Cductionswillcservesto introdlcet essi sion a few momients before the in-111,UpI'dcinwlsevtonrdueJse I '1EIt IllI LS RnBnmdpell and heri :~veryrnat ionailly 1!0 SPRING FICTION I I. T GA HA M'S BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK ..... ... r r e ... .., ...Y ( r~rNights .- -gct 25 ~j1t\1lPOpT. mats. Wed. ad$15 Sat 50c to - "THE POTTERS" DONALD) MEEKĀ£ ,w i 1. i+ I i E i. i I V I i r o olleeSea ationerv with1 NAME and ADDRESS lrzc--~i200 Sheets. 3j .00 100 Envelopes. Iu.Po s Your ",Laned addrseein three line. with or without College Seas or cret of ny National Sooial Fraternity printed in deep dignified baj1 on 200 shets. 6c7 in. heavy kid fiplah 24-lb.Bofld an 100 envelope. to match wit'h seal omittd Write order at~u*l sad send with $1.00 bill or =1.10 if want of Denver, .COLLEGIATE STATIONERY >aCI1nOk 304 S. Dearborn St. Chc o.lioe f i jl I I THE QUALITY SHOP 303 Southii 3lsnnSt. Last week we told you about our MANY STYLES of CORSETS and GIRDLES. Of EQUAL INTEREST to the well dressed woman is, our FULL LINE of BRAS- SIERES. Everything you can need. SMOOTH FITTING LONG BRASSIERES. STYLES for the LARGER WOMAN. BEAUTIFUL SATINS and LACES to wear with party dresses. The NEW UPLIFT bras- siere and bandette in DAINTY COLORED SILKS and LACES. auguration of President C'oolidge.' Shackled by formalism, (lelayed by rules, and impeded ini its ctourse5(of action, sometimes b~y a. single Sen a-' tor, that august body of tradition- bound men whiffed and poofed Over vital legislative mecasures and( closed j its last meeting with. uitaity of its Wuist important taskis on inished. The tra- (itional right of any one of its nin-- bers to present his views uncheckoed for hour after hour, to i libustercif t you please, orce more was the means of blocking every rove t oward the settlement of matters of no little mo- ment to the en4 ire nation. Only an earthquake cotuld have ch~anged the situation.{ The earthquake(-cne. lp through the crust of formialisnm shot the head I of "Hell 'an Maria" D~awes, America'si Sonie may long for the soothingi touc(h I Of lavender, cream or mauve, But the ties I wear must possess the glare Of a redl-hot kitchen stove. Thlle books I readl and the life I lead Are sensible, sane, and cowed, I. like calm hats and I don't wear1 slpats, But I want my neckties loud' Glive lat a loudi tie, brothers! ()lue wit a ('0511k icrge! A lie that will swear And rill and ttear Wihen It sees lay old blue serge. 0, sonic will say that a gent's cravat Should only be seen ,not heard, PIIIt vv fav L 4tUUit, tb IIw i Jl I&make Imen 4 a f jig I i. J .t f kj f I Ii I i l I 1 ' I(( 1 i fainous repertory c~ompany ini Ann Arbor. Of Mrs .INIansfield. the list of ad- jectives has run ot --youl must trust to your judgment. that she gives a per- formance, beautiful, impressive anti profoundly moving. Of thie platy itself there is the remarnon 1le record in its favor: presentIetd last; year in Newx York it immnediately b)ecamie a success and ran a capacity season, it was se- lected by :Biurns .Mantleit s one of the ten best plays of the year, on t lie road it met constantly packetd Iiouses, andit nowv the current:lprodlution bmy Al iss lBonstelle is a rouising; such en tluiasni that its lDetroit run is being ext ended to three weeks. . Oc casionily the way things happen wvorks intto a per feet, situnation. A review, by RiobertManisfieldl. H ill audi11tori umn Ias an elevatIor ont. the stage,---of t hat anon. Initeima- ticna I night opened imost a uspiciousl] v withl an ove'rture'Oxwhiitch xxe vaguely recognsized. TDarlmnss fell, and shad- owy forums saunteored ont o the ,;agie-to (liape themnselves effect ivelIy about.a conventional es ltn un cacotck I Ii ine. lty its part. Thiire in Iin i- stngo thlere r'ose anot her spirit; who deli veredia Plants add greatly to the attractiveness of a room. I There is a great variety of them at Cousins & Hall r _ -q i 611 E. University Phone 115 m Night Editor-NORMAN It. THiAL W'I'lEWOR KE D EXECUTIVES For a long time it has been per- fectly evtiident that our national ex- ecut ive is overworked. The strain of being President of thme United states, is one that only an exceptional physiolue can withstand. Yet nothing has been lone, even though the mat- ter wvas br-ought forcibly to the na- tion's attention by the complete phy- sical b reakdowm andt subsequent death both of the late Presidemnts Wilson and Hiardiing. With this deplorable situation a close analogy can lbe drawn. Many have recognized time fact that time ex- ecutive heads of our great state unt- vemrsities have more to do than any man can possibly handle adequately wvithoutI physical injury. The modern state institution of higher learninig requaires aim astuite business niAn, :a cabeorator, a careful scholar, and ammgei personality-all combined in one, man. Seldom it is that suchm a merging of qualities is procurable, and wheim it-is, at 'least, one phase of this nliencrnenal' person's activity is Janieretl by overwork. T'vo such mcin have literally given their lives in the s(-;rvice of midwest institutions. Yet nothing has been domne about it. In a recent statemenmt to The Daily, ('hiase S. Osborn, former Regent of thne University, suggested the substi- t utiom for tlie present system of a di- tarchy in which time respofisibilities could be diividedh between a president and a chairman of the Board. It Is his belief that in this way the ex- ('cutiv-xwotuld better combine thme qualities of a maim of business and a scholaur. neither of which would neces- sarily i,,terfere with thme other. An- other scheme which has been success- fully tr ied( out providhes an executive depa i-I mont, compihosedI of the president who represents the university on pub- lic occasions, welcommes visitors, and touirs the coutrtiy speaking to' alunmnt group~s; and two vice-presidentsI whose, duties are respectively to, su- perviw-f the business anmd scholastic1 (lepal'A _i('fnt 5 of university administra- tion!. 'f'hesc are onily suggestionms. Nevetheessit should be clear that some1(' change in thte adbministration of iunivc rsi v affairs is essential, -just as is thecas with the nationmal admin- 1st rat is.[Bothm offices are swamnped by, an enlarged scope of activity. It mnay be 1 a loiig time Ibefore CongressI gets a roundt to make any changes-- itore Presidents mayylie sacrificed to public dii' y. 'there is no reason, how- ever, 1- y the University should fol- low r f the analogy. Let it be suf l- cient jirool of tithe need for a change that i'm-eitit Burton gave his lifeJ i _ -, z ' 1 r _ lj L J _j _I new Vice-President and leader of the cry Senate. Out, over' the beads of thle And render thli]r visionl blurred. Senators p)oure-d (lie red hot declara- tions ofIfals xcuieaioa , yearui, 1lomg for a tic so strong of afearessexective .tvoca- i It, will take two men t) tie it.. ing reform in- their presenit, methods i uhIhmc1e utso t t of doing business. No wondver they I m- wvere astoundled. With a single ges- Wiat1'ev- Itle price, I'll buy it, ture lie swept. away the old custom of swearing in the n wmember,, 01' (f 1 ildltlrtir that hodly in ,grotups of fouirani di- (ne101 altlofsis rected the whole lot to comue fcrwardl Atictts- 0 lz for the ceremony in a lody. Bravo, { Ill. a l eefl( gaze, General! Another wxord, the descent. of the official gavel, amid the assembly D Iowni where the zest lbeginls. was dismissed to attendti I heinaug- * he om bv, sth ok*fMr iuration ceremony. 'hepei bv s(i oko r Notonl ths otwad iianfosa-Iiadfield, Cretdit Manager of Van- tion but also the spir it atack of it,.1 Bvu, rsanlhopolor indcats tatthenewchi~fof th port ('(1. We consider it masterly- indiate tha tie mow cief theantI as they say at the bottom of the, Senate mmeans, to Raccomplis h thins. Iy If he (10esntt infuse -hs ttitutde intoltatae--They Ilave Them. f every Semnator, b~th old and 'hew, and bring about a nexw era of lhiOdtlile It delopdtis that all those who got legislative activity it will be because inivitaitions to (lie Demmocratic b~anquet the legislators are juist as stubborn can go for nothing. as they have so long showed them-- I, So we are going. I seves o he- IIf anything funny happens, patrons of this departnmenlt;. will hear all abouti ANOitTtl.IIJ'R EFOR~M ii I! it-povided that it doesn't inv;olve Time thrteen riginalUnitedStatesparty secrets to which only{ -of America started a gi't'at wxorldwitle sanIad Iile eorut r tmovement whenm they bandied tGgethR * * toluformmwhit. ii xx-becbendifferentadini i F- 20o~ Discount You can depend upon us for prlompt delivery and courteous attention. A mice saving for you on Biri)(l at y gift or Wedding7 cult. that pres- "At the Drug Store Becautiful" w= - IIr I- IN0 eetI it iat R F.w. u rnRr w 108w7NcesAcde--- . 'IQ~J (utle In i-i-ble tihe good. selection Is APPLIED ART 2 Nickels Arcade Opposite Substation i I ________________________a________________________________ _.,.__.. A singly trial' will tdemocratic republic of Itle day. Ispe - year.we undrstand. Itdiferemmtreti r dally since the World NNvar, dyniastyyeweudrtn.IisuireI Yafter dynasty fiahs fallemi anud ruler fi 'l ierinore, that the Printer's con- z upon ruler has cit her descended frol;trathsbenmmnedwae of a~-* * k'oui' ~ I ihat inea ns-andt that therefore 1 his tmthoe uig ' ' Pnsian will lbe Itle betst in thhilst ory 1nonentity in tI n'govem-nmnent- (d thme of col loge annuals. r I nationm.l Well, it will be hkindt of mnice to seeN The latest- move for thle spread of Itn epu lr nti ls.Te ee a sn~lrge fdemocracy is that which is eo~jmctedthmiepmslt'imthsca.TenerlVu Oebuge to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ -z tk llaei Jwnmxxil oncanm con dtemnmtheumiall sort of xGeneral clair'man of '"Internationmal zortie Abilpoiigortewhole--heaxtedly aind justly .. . Neight'' renfmanchisemuent of 16t,000,0100 maIle rl~eal ie~ly:lp riltllt citizens of Japan i drty yenarsof' age I H ROVER BOYS Obi THE 4Att'S1 vi leee-traan I.xa e l and over wxasmreport ed (oit. of conmiit - N.' ultegcl tee to (h lotmse of Rtepre'aemtativesr I Three rollick'inig boys stood oni the As was [lie case last year, Stefan EMonday and passage by this body was Icu-b holding their sides. Thme object r IKozalievitch, Rus;sian -baritone of most. expected (lhe folltowing day. mI hron of t helmr mirimth lay wmrithing in time ooze I pleasing voice, too)..amid held (ie stel- there the bill will go to the 1 lonrt' of of the street, where a passing taxi 1 Iar role amrong _the: vamiotus ierfoii- Peers, which wouldh scam-cely d.o:Ire to j linocked h init as it sped rip)thme street. er-5. 1ii; splendidl i-cd itioun of t he Vol - reject it if pdassed -by thletower lbody. "'Whue" sobbed Samn (for it was time g:onu'iSon lullthe lieroduzc- SSince time success of tlie proposition( Royver boys themselves, as oumr dear lI lion MA)" a.a Professioma I standzrard on would incmease the vo)tPig )1ppla I ion I nea;tdema; lhave a leady guefssed) "will which it, inn iaged l i mon in In in a pi'e- of he outryfroe ,00,00 t a ot~~lI you lplease look at that, hole ini hiscaiubane rogu. Gof 19,000,000, it will1 un doultdily have heanlt:'?"'' orthi le vitctimi of (lie acct.i Nateb A rabic, danced by Mamian a great' effect both (ndimhe hpeople and : tde~nt., evidently' in great pain, was no Nliller, hiennathias t) toe amid heel, was upon the policies of thle mation.- What less ridiclous5 because of time lam-ge I(qite well received., Willard Sp-anagel it shall be cain only be conjectur-ed. mremnt which had accompanmied the col- aid II. hymIian Bright supplied light l______________________________ ision. j comely. Spamma gel a ssisted hate'in by 'Amidbis face'' sneeredl Coeto) 1le iIs oc-heir, Trt;mu an( id avares CAMiPUS OPINION wxhomithle mnovelty of the sight had aIt hlayeth -t ie y nede n o futimt hotr'1)ralso. Anonymous comimunicationls will be vast, appeal '"le should have chosenI The I Aittic ; paniishi Danocrs" wxere disregarded. The names of cominunt- l, anigmr crfly h apdI ct n wkadbVuns u ue cants wil. however, be regarded as h sh ljgmo' nrfhy'legse tt mdawwmdb i-s utsr- confidential uvon request. inartmicul;ately. i )01 ei"sde ly ade to thme entenrtatininenit in full "Dont ng (.ie oor evi" sudeny mesur. Th ChneseNlistr hinbd ('I;ILHI NA LS BY AIIIPLA NE. put iii magkwhot becautse (if his age time umisfortune to be playing to) an ITo (lie Etditor: I w~alale to undemrstand thlie gravity of I uitiene of strangers to their utusic--I oei ispg ril ~d- 1 .trto dellybhr. tw~ nobel oi hns u the st atethemit was mtade lbfat. so far SI E itinrg his actions to his words, sic--- but. we couldnohu't m iiderst anti it.- as caim be w ct'rt aineo I lie r cemt ithck st epped for ward to r'ender a ssis- I 'te (iris' AManidol imi (lub lpla yed, fol- transportation ofI a Geriman) pisioiem taige t) the unfortunate muan who was 1 owecd by a Stottisht sword dance. The b hy airplane wais the first Li ue (hi is still gm-tveling iil lie gutter. Bending biagpliper wais inl time saute sit ma tionl as 1 novel nmethmod of custooly had ever over, lie made as though to m'ise hulim lie(Chinese Nlinist rels, but.I ie sxwtordj been used ini umniver,,al pol ice hiist ory.,Ito his feet. I danucte sored xxwell.- And thlen Al r. It is asmall poinuitto ftars{', andmiiyet I ''i tands off Me You youmrs villain"' I Pi >biio'fphiyedth Ile I-hi]alaikca ori jiteresting, thati roeadcimi a mhews burst forth from the injurm'dnan. "'Yott I some suobhItaint;, andm wbiien lie wound sheet a year and a halIf ago I ran I young sntos imay hldlt the upper panel up withnthme Vi et om's.time audience I across erni recordiing transfer of 1 now when 1'iim bail Butrt. ..H'' is jquite ahipirovedo. Wit hi I iz' I 'olish daunc- three prisonertAs by ( host en Conmner, voice trailed toff. Ilie was umcounsciouis. ern ht leir color-ful1 costumes, tlhe 1m- j thme County sherifftfr-tmiiWic-hita, Ka n- )ickpeer-edIthrotugh time thick coy- termediary t'nterla irnent camimo tom a sas, to thme SItate' Prisomn at Leavenl- ernmg oil mud oi time unknown man's cltose. It remulaimod for KLozalkevil el wVorthi, Kansas, iny the use f thre' f-me". ;silent, lie gazedl at his; two I to sine; again, and thme -haracteris to go prove to you tne superiority of WThite Swan lau'ndering. Clothes are softer and whiter, buttons a-re replaced and Ph rone 165 repairsmae If you are not one of our customners, get acquainted. Wbite xvan I