, -, DEDICATED TO JUSTICE C, 11 r t Itan joat1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS -VOL. XXXV. No. 115 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICIIIGAN,, '7Ru1)AY, MARCH G, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS ..._. .. SELEICT CAMPBELL C e.P ANIDT FOR MAYORS' POST, JTREASUR ER E)F 1VN l I ERStITCY CAR- 111ES ('II' PRIMARIIES 1) EtiISI VELY DEFE XTS SUGDEN Receives 11586$ Votes of 1.,500 Cast;f Other City Officilts Are 'Nominiated G. 0. P., Nominee Union Plans Benefit DanceI For Student Friendship Fund All Iproce ds of a. special matinee !orchestra was recently chosen in a lance, to 1)0 given at the Union Sat- I competition as the regular Union : ,,*, dance orchest ra. Trhe musicians have' P, ur day, lvarch 141. will be tturned over to the Student Friendship fund drive, it was announced yesterday. Tickets for the dance, which will take place from 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock, will be sold for $1 a couple. arrangement of the :special (lance was suggested by the Union as its T3ha re in the Friendship drive, which will start on the campus next week.I Matinee dances having proved suc- cessful in the past, Union officials ex- pect that it will aid the campus large- ly in raching' the $4.000 ouoiita set for I also donated t her services for the af- ternoon, in of der to add to the total, 'Union contribution to the Friendship fund. Tickets for the event will he sold at the Union, beginning tomorrow and continuing until sold out. Stags are invited to attendl, although they are not permitted at the regular week- end dance,;. Special entertainment has been pro- mised during the afternoon. Although the exact nature of this entertainment has not vet been annoned. it will. FINISH PLANIS FOR SECOND STUDENT RIENDSHIP 0DRIE MIARGARET QUAYJE, RAY LEGATE TO ADDIRESS MASS 31 EETI NG S PARTS TUESDAY Pl:mi Booths at Proinient Points on C'ampus; Letters to Solicit C'ontribuionbis , w Ii I DEMOCRATIC CLANS ASSEMBLE FOR ANNUAL CONCLAVE TODAY15 HOLD PRE-CONVENTION RALLY SL.OSSON, CUMMINS AND COPELAND SPEAK; COOLEY WILL DELIVER KEYNOTE THIS MORNING P U DE, ------------------------------the-form of inItru. I Arrangem ents which will set the Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of 1I- th rv. ihby ctakusStheenformenofipinstrufo 4 Music will be supplied by F. G. mental solos, singing, and featurecapsSuetFinhpdrvfo the University, was nominated as the Photo by Rentschler Woolcott, '27, and his orchestra. This1 numbers by the orchestra. $4,000 into full swing 'Tuesday morn- Roipublican ce'ndidlatc for mayor of HoetA.Cmbelig were formulated yesterday by the Anni Arbor in the city primaries which Rbr A. Campbell, treasurer of the { lIflr i~ student committee in charge of the erheld Wednesday. Mr. Campbell {University, who was nomiinatedl as the iiiii E III Turn [A P91 ITV campaign. A genrlmass meeting reevd156o h ,50vtscsaRepublican candidate for may or of IJU II II I VJT[~ on the day inugrlurating the drive was deetn al .SgepeietiAnn Arbor in the city primaries held{ also announced, with Miss Margaret efteatngcMarn1i.lgwho resideontyWdnsay apbl rcivdQuayle and Ray Legate, well-known 920 tes.t onil h eeie ny1,5636votes, defeating Mark B. Sugden, IVIIA[ i P1 N OWO O C 51"as ekeris. oth fud gaiton p2 voe.peiln ftecity cuciby 600 Mr. Campbell carried every pre- i votes. At the mass meeting, which will be cinct in the city with the exception Uniont Will Sponsor Second Gra.theri ng Both Parties Moe To Fore Cons~ider held at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday in Natur- ASKS itTueiwih ae r o Foster Closer Contacts aitioni Of Q ueton In Preset al Science auditorium, the activities Sugden a majority of six ballots, th r e en U o~s___ i iv usa il b ec ibe, total vote in this 1)1einct heing adUthrUacsIeltig o hea--n ius en 58 anpel,5.astation of fie money raised last 'lownnrscre ajrt - o o M R-.Iyear in 590 schools and colleges of the more than 100 votes in the first ward.( As a ieult of its success last year, Washington, March 5.---1yA.1.) nited States will b given. Mr ambllsvoethrws21_n another student-faculy mixer will be A. move to force consideration of the I Miss Quayle, national secretary of Sugiden's was 95. The second ward gene( itfijltio hp*ced tw 111bel at 3 o'clock next Tuesday in the Worold court question at the present the Student Friendship fund, will not also went to Mr. Campbell, who re-1 main Assembly hall of the uno n.. limit her addresses to the mass meet- ceived 211 ballots gis 153 for his ltiillt(P Ras Previously G (AII'i Numerous re ests have been receiv-( special session of the Senate was aainting but will appear ibefore churches, opponent.i Approi il ed by the Uniioni asking for another-liice tdyb ti e~biasfraterniies, soroities, and other or-r In the third war-d the candidates j- -- - of these mixers, andi it was (due to ' and Demiocrat. ganizations (luring her stay here. Miss wvere! separated by 45 votes. Mr. NEW i APPR VED t i tha one was arranged for this Senator Swanson, Virginia, rin~ig I Quye was a lage. factor in ealn Campbell received 185 votes and Mr. - year.( Democrat of the foreign relations f the University to reach the quota set] Sugden 154. Tphe fourth ward gave Washington, Mach 5.-(By A. P.)- The purpose of the mixer is to committee, re-introducetd his resolu- by itself ii the Student Friendship Mr. Campbell 212 votes and hris 01- give members of the faculty and ~he i . fund drive last year, and has succeed-a pqnont 188. The sixth ward, in cast- President Coolidge today agai daske d Istudent body an opportunity to 1)0- tioni for adheenc with reservations,! ed to the same degree in campaigns ing 29-4 votes for Mr. Camp~bell andi Senate confirmation of the nomination conic better acuaintedl. Entertain- and at a later executive session, Sn- on ot~er campuses as well. 104 for Sugden, further' increased the of Charles B Warr;en of Michigan as I mnt will be providled and a few atovr Willis, ~epublica, Ohio, also a. Mr. Legate, the oither principal lead of the former. attorney general, so as to round out speeches will be givelij by faculty member of that committee, referred speaker t the mass mueeting, is the The seventh ward] went almost three th i members and students. Ihumorous his prioposal 'pe~]eiotl~ying r3E ~ executive seceary of the Eastern to one for Mr. Campbell, the first te cabinet With which he beginsi lsI speeches by several faculty nien last . .z Studentirelief, a post which has precinct giving hlimn 202 votes as year lproved unusually successful. Lin pioedb "eiensladn brought im into Intimate icontat agis 9frhso~~nn nIteIThis nomination, togtrwihha Letters of Invitation have been sent A ohil( with unvers;ity students (f other Aninitation leadelrrs hav'e not lands resujits in the second precinct being: of Ilarry S. Nw~ of' Indiana to suec- !to every member of the faculty, and cte cisdelal ftis . nd Although are has lparticipatedl Cambel,31; ugen,1(.ceor i himsclf as potmaster general,f a large number of responses have al- the tentative pograim they had ma-i campaigns in other institutions ofj "l: want' to express my apprxccmtion 1 u rteaastilfrslcynui been receivedl by the committee 1tecuty r eaewl aeIi o.tevtrofAnAbrfrtewas s readyasth frs1cm nn(1i odout for the special sessionl)but tecuty r eaewl aeh t hevtrofAnAbrfrtecation from the chief executive to the inchre fthaor.Cairman Borah of the foreign rela- frtapaac nAnAbrTus confidence they have placed in me by' Prof. W. D. Henderson, in comment- ions coilnitte saidl that, if the mnom-cay nominzating Inc for the office of mayor.ne Sna. ing on the mixer, gave the i-al ra- hr vselte ioit aeu h In the actual work of the drive, IfeetdMirilb.y miint Mi' ew's nomination was confirm booths willebe locateduat allepromih If elected, it wedlnldibelyybumthationMr.oW r son for holding such an affair. lie two roposals.ilbelcte t l pol give Ann Arbor thle best I can," saidem easeerredut thet of Mi.iarc- said, "The University has become so0 i Senato lepeReuliaPenn- entlpoints of the campus, as well -as Mr. Campbell in commenting on the 'ite wihodeelaavrbe r ge that the faculty men have found slaisi i ol o Itmilieat othe' student centers. The co- primary. !I adradhre obcm ni ite ncag f ote a n port at the last session on which the ! adrad ade obcm ni until after consultation with leaders iitei hreo otshsa- Mr. Sugden congratulated his op- Snt a*~dl~ti (tm mately acquainted with their students. whether lie would prshirso-ounced that they will be found at pontent on his victory and said: "It ! eoeths oiuaimsweesnl attended theo mixer last year and ;tn proposing teetbiheto Tappan hal, the ~ Library, Barbour or, leitttheoeus t having maay othIeatto e-abntofiesi found that it was the only slution tWoi1(1court totally searate from thej gymnasium, the Engineering arch, in was leftotheotrs t h oosgmae aany-wtotseapntetnwcaetrorecesly of its kind to promote congeniality eau of Nations, front of Angell hall, ad at all of the campaign. and Mr. Campbell is theirI coniimed, toos the oath of office-; and good feeling among the students ________pincipal eating houses. ehoice. The nominee is a capable Frn,1 elg ssceay o and faculty men." i . With the start of the drive, letters mhan and will make a ,good mayor for state, succeeding Charles T+.Thighes, Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L, president vvate i ereares will be sent to all students, towns- Anin Arbor." and William .11. Jardine as 'secretary of the Union, has appointed a con- ! ~ et A ,;-i people, and faculty members, explain- Other city officers nominated at of agriculture, succeeding HI-oward M. mittee to stage the affair consisting Fitre Aril ing the purpose and benefits of the Weodnesday's primary, there being no! Gore, who became governor of WestI of Gwyn H-ughes, 26, chairman, Wil- F'r!av e+it Friendship fund. Special checks will opsto foanofteofcsac:Virinia ye terdiay. 1am C. Bilshop, 28, RusselIow, e enclosed with these letters They JenI P. Woodbury, for president of the Mr Coolidge edit] not return to thej '27, Hlowaird Blake, '27 Donald 1y4. -I will also be obtainaile at the campus council; Isaac G. Reynolds, city clerk; Senate the nomination of rIhblmas S. Dunning, '27, Frank Blymner, '27, Da- "Iresistille lnipluse and Ciui~inal P;booths.I Ilerbert A. Crippen, city assessor; Woollock; of New York to be a momei- rvid Rowell, '26, Eugene Power, 'I iability, by 1 rof. John lI. Waitej Organizations as a whole will con-1 John D. Thomras, justice of the peace. her of the inter-state coumor~Ice coen- I Mnford Innes '27 and Thomas Kyk-; of the Law school, editor of the Michl-! tribute to the fund, and letters will __________-mission. Because of the pronounced jto '27. ! igan I otw Review, is the feature ar e sent to all campus groups. The to- Cl y N Ai T opposition in the Seniate to this con-- tide of the March issue of the mazg-i ta amount contributed last year by fayuiration, it is understood that the !z n hch w s pu lsh d yctr fraternities and sororities, including Grades, Aln Say executive is considering the selection ery School Isily.. .geeadotin frm owsop, of5)Ooees o h lc.Ready For0 ni IPfesrVat dicus se i-ilfie was $1,5t0, while the canpus receipts Aiefrom these nominations, !~r scooialviwon.teueo were more than $$1,700.! Moeep101 would not improve theirj Coolidge has yet to send to the Senate 47i 25a F' pils the "rresstible impulse" as a 1,oS31- Miss Quayle will arrive in Ann Ar- marks, in the opinion of many slu- ieai fascesrt ~iair__ l ees gis rscto o .,. ilenieo:ascesooBiadeiedees heit rseuinf r orin tCmto address the congrega-j dents, according to statistics comp1il- General] Willianm Mitchell, assistant jWt iiuiecar andi tables crime. Ile defimnes the term as being, i tions of several churches Sunday, and eel by The Daily from questionnaires !chief of tie army air service and storm ;nIlc h erllPle usi to the accused's lawyei, "something' from that time on will speak in the to seize when nothing more tangibleIinestofhedv. Some few emphatically stated that ! and that of assistait secretary of iscoo will be opened Tuesday at 2lOG is evident." Professor Waite is es- thieir marks would ,be improved if; agriculture. Ingalls. Already 40 children between cotr mens well ingheampusro they slept longer, while several stn-______ two and five years of age are on heiayinrstdntmefldoci-Icnrbuoswllnlue id rm dents were doubtful whether sleplite waiting list; only 25 can be ac- nal law, and is conducting ali in-: the local theaters, which last year vestigation of law enforcement. I were responsible for $500 of the suim had much to do with scholastic suc- i SP[cIAL SVMMEfl Thf .j[1cepted at present. A medical exam iue ni-flsMcuhnu e sa aieofda.seilmaie ac Coss, ination tnder the supervision of Dr. Icue ntm ac nme sirasd ni pca aie ac Boh en aid woe aerge~-r~-n n "ra ~ un.InD. 14. Cowie of the Medical school will! purely legal di"usino.The effect Saturday, March 14, at the Union. I about 50 hours sleep weekly, soeiHlLTES " [I S UD'b e tie first order of the day for cil- ofeom Pdethoftd ,ai oit y aqanig temmeso h stu ent getin as litle s 3 a d"" d V I Idron enr lli g.standing offer" by Pr f J. L. Parks faculty with) the aims a md activities others as high as 62 hours. Those -----~ The nurser'y school is to be directed'o ~eUiest fMsorai n fteFinsi udt rae who are engaged in camopus activitiess For I'he- benefit of teachers andh stu - byMs M. I lord, who has been actimig atid3ce of a more poular~ natunrol extent than was (one last year, the hav a aergeof42 lors Wme 3demnts, the sisof the Nrt.Gemman 1 isseenl sjh "edofalag. War Cies." by Capt. Ethridge Col-;(drive committee hopes to increase thej haveb anfaveragenofa42shours.tWomenhshipsnNomthcuntilbrecentlyoasttie headcof aalarg spiendl eight andl one-half hours in I joyd line are offering afttractive children's school in nothemn Englandbro h eea safa ahntn cmt-bto!rm hssuc.Fcl work onl activities, while themen-on"third class" accommodations for !Miss Lord will 1)e assistedI by MissImTeseyCndtand Coul inge install-gtyvembrolnato hmwr spend I16]hours weekly.,trp to Europe. In fact, the entire. Edna White. Mrs. Helen TI. Woolley nn yCpanClywl10pitdgvm potnt oadi h ok "tidcas nsnctrips isbigolh erl-Ple col3 e y tie Law Review next imonth. ;donatedl more than $800 toward last - "tirdclas" o soe tihi is ein ofthe errll-almr scoolin o-Ihe Nots and Comment department years goal. i eserved fom f those en~gagedh in educa-1 troit is to have charge of psyholog- TeItrrtriy cuclwl I ~ 'i' el tde i ie colhee ir this month is the work of fLaurence ;TeItrrtriy cuclwl roatte" ~d UDIu.A. Masseiul-, '25.. Cyris N. Tavares, mreet at 4 o'clock Monday to hear drive Special airmangennts have been educational work of the ntew sczcoohI'5 dad(.M(ob 2L ud paes n odsusteaon nimade to rrovide for the comfort oif! is to be (one in connection with the this class of ton m1ist, and tours through I graduate school of the Univei'sit y. Moyer Al. Brown, '25,, thle article by that each group will collect as part of an agn io 4t 2(as 'r~ ups ftesho satof theltter on etimonsobeng omarkin nth ounvemet joa.fclyomt -it a cost of $110t to $Z60 will be offer-j oughly practical one: it is intended ofbloli lciisbigo noneeto aut omt ed T es tip h ve be n rr ng (I th t he chld en wil e nd r ir ctmore popu lar n matur e. tee to assist time student com m ittee ed. The rp aebe rrne httecidemwl eudrdrc;Te agazime concludes with I, a was made yesterday. This committee, in co-opierationi with the United Ger- observation of uppercass womzeni-! - d) suhn ois w o vl ae t-etd i ta hn r i hl y I suim mary of recent important dcis- which will meet with' the students, is ~En lis spe kin gui es t th di- ch log . ions, and reviews of recent books of com posed i of Prof. reston W . Slosson, - ~- -- ) 5a f th o m-ss he F c lt o en s cii) h s i -legal subjects . I is a lead e rin ft an d l Prof. W illiam iC. P rayer, both of poalofth luistd.entheiraclty ome's club h ile field of college law reviews, accordiing thue history department, and Prof. J. Thrie rates lstdabove include all !o hi uldng an diden, whito,(tlProfessor Waiteids wthprbabe xanss bdodrhasad bardacirculaerot-cholRasgiencopydent Pofsof Withean hpoliticalR. scienceoliicl cinc -e pt s l o ri n; t ius, ing th pi roa blre !ep n e b o d alr a , b a d a d t e D t oi c o l h s g v n c m let ion of m ore than 2,00. department. stoworran rsig eiii(raub lodlgiing entrance fees to tie various Iequipiment and has supplied tie teach- tkhroughjout Itin 3dY. sWI useumshi, andi all minr exnepenses. Gnumbr lig oeinstaff. ofMiss thLord ehas ha!h - - - I Y e l s ( ' h rl utbate l e p h o ednu m b e rtoe r a t i o noo COSSECYwt l ifrmtindsrdwr,_bohteclbai!im o histian Resumes MC fN UER I .3091, will furnish anyone interested li-it organizatiomi in her preiminaiy RecitalsB7XERd aIy Tb di vs wrk theschol ill------ Af~ll I OC' IiI IETD~l By THOMAS P. HENRY JR. ISanity and demagoguery held alter- Inate sway last night when state demo- ?.:5cats nmet in the Union for the ban- quet which is to precede the state convention. Before a crowd which . :::.:;:::...:.jammed 'to the walls the assembly hal, Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department advocated Amer- man membership in the League of Na- tions in apowerful address, and two prominent Democrats, Alva M. Cu- rins and Senator R. S. Copeland, :cj rallied the sons of Jefferson to their Istandard in two fiemy denunciations of Republicans and all their works. "The League is as important as slavery," declared Professor Slosson. " .";:<:.."The Republicans lost much moral prestig hld since the time of Lin- col innotchampioning the League, whic wasnotdefeated at an election, but assassinated by a committee in the United States Senate." The great majority of eading Republicans have at one time or another voted for it, lie pointed out, saying, "The Coolidge administration would like to join the League but does not (are to take the j step" The world, the speaker declared, no Photo by Rentschler longer consists of many parts, but is P l'ri. Prston ooneo andi isolation of the United States Prof Preton lossn Iis no longer p)ossible. The League Prof. Preston Slosson of the history, was killed, Professor Slosson believes, department whose adldress champion- by mis-representation, the issue be- ing American membership in the ing whether or not this country should League of Nations was thle feature ofI ally itself with the rest of the world. the progr-am at the Deniocratic _pr- lHe showed that of the major powers, Convention banquet last night. United States, Russia and Germany are the only ons rot members and h . that time last two are beng kept out F'aculty O pi o by the other ntations rather than by .~ ~ their own free will. '' drc Can LN ewj Thebspeaker then pointed out the accoipishmnts of the body since its Coolidge I'olicy formation in 1919. 'These were mainly steps toward the prevention of war, --- repatriation of families driven from (Commzentationsr on President Calvin their homes following the last great Coolidge's inaugur'al adldress by fieI world struggle, steps leading to the Univrsiy pofesor yeterlaydh>curbimng of the opium traffic, building Uniersty roessrs eserdy ci:- zup of tie World court and formation closed a general tendency to disagree of tie protocol defining aggresion. with some of the policies of the Presi- Alva Cuimnns, defeated for the den, epecaly hs plic o Tn~era-governorship two years ago, spoke on den, epecall hi poicyon ntena"Stale Affairs," roundly scoring the tional relationships and governument present Republican administration for ownership. "it, usurpation of tie rights of the Trhe trendl of opinion in regard to people, as set forthi in tie constitution the ormr poicvwas hatalthughof the state, and its willful violation timeforierpolcy ws tat lthughof the power entrusted to it." ICoolidge's plan for international re- Mmr. Cunmus further~ elaborated on lationship is all right in itself, it the sins of.the present "vicious ad- should b)e more extensive and provide ministation," maintaining in strident for the entrance of the United Statos tones tat it had wantonly violated Int tie Lagu ofNatons Ca- Ithe law, that it had disregarded the intotheLeaue f Ntios, om-desires o the people, ad that it had nents follow: unscrupulously imisrepresented its- Prof. Preston W. Sosson of tiej activities. "It has brazenly cied out," English history department: "I aim shrieked Mr. Cunmmins, "for tax re- duction and maintained in it propa- very glad that President Coolidge I anda that it has achieved this aim; Iwent as far as lhe did in his policy of I but in practice it has actually raised international relationmships, but he the taxes instead of lowernmg them, should have been muchm mor'e exten-I by tapping new sources of taxation." sive in his policy. The United States Senator Royal S. Copeland, formerly should be in the League of Nations, of Dexter and Ann Aror, and now of "1 see nothing novel in the address1 New York, was given an ovation when of the President except the repeti- le arose to speak,le commenced by tiomu of previous measures to Congress. ;lauding the Demnocratc party in the His statenment that political parties approved fasihion, and amid enthusias- should support their programs and tic bursts of applause, following his their administrations, I believe, was( eulogy of the Jeffersonian party with a hint to Congress not to repeat its a bitter denuncation of Vice-Presi- action of last year in opposing the dent Dawes' "laying down of the law" administration policy, and also against in the Senate Wdnesday. He charac- the insurgents such as LaFollette. terizedl the vice-president's behavior "Althbough I agree with some of the as comparable emly to a man's damc- Presidlent's ideas on government 'Iing a jig on the coffin of his grand- ownership, I do not favor his rigidI mother policy of no government ownership 1Following this, he discussed- for at all. I believe that each particuarj more than three-quarters of an hour case shiouldl be considered as to its ;the iniquities of tie Republican party, ~ ow ert. declaring, in Senatorial ire, that it (Pr of. Zenas C. Dickinsonm of theec- - was the friend of the "commuon people" I ulincs epatumnt "Ihav 1)0mmU-only on election lay, tat it lacked presed iti may godlpo)mmt inpurpose amd coherenmce in its leisla- Coolidge's; economic policy, but there tive program, and its continuance in is much ground for criticism. For! power was a shame andI a disgrace to isacin teMellon ad thever loaldemocrat. ilnsance the gnra edency omen;At ii o'clock this mornimg the reg- plan, wen he eneal endncywasular Democratic state convention will to reduce taxes, with tie wealthier i pn with Dean Mortimer E. Coley classes as the chief benefactors." of the engineering college, temporary Prof. Arthur L. Cross, head of tie chairman, delivering the keynote ad- English history department: "I am drs.Tepma enchianwl glad that the P resident hmas taken thio then take charge. -ie i Charles liberal stand oni international rela- 1-emans of Hlowell. It F. D~onnelly of tionship that he has, hut I for oneI Ontonagon, who was to have presided, would like to see it more extemnsive."! was unable to attend due to pressure Prof. Claude H3. Van Tyne, head of of his duties of pro~secuting-attorney the American history oepartment:I ther-e. F4ollowing adjournment for "Pridei~lnt CTolidgeis not liberal; 1111tn m,. r xrll An.tn l~