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March 05, 1925 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-05

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(Continued from Page Nine)
enshrined in our Constitution, all
these need constant effort and tireless
vigilance for their protection and sup-
In a republic the first rule for the
guidance of the citizen is obedience
to law. Under a despotism the law
may be imposed upon the subject.
He has no voice in its making, no in-
fluence in its administration, it does
not represent him. Under a free gov-
ernment the citizen makes his own
laws, chooses his own administrators,
which do represent him. Those who
want their rights respected under the
Constitution and the law ought to set
the example themseles of observing
the Constitution and the law. While
theremay be those of high intelli-
gence who violate the law at times,
the barbarian and the defective al-
ways violate it. Those who disregard
the rules of society are not exhibit-
ing a superior intelligence, are not
promoting freedom and independence,
are not following the path of civiliza-
tion, but are displaying the traits of
ignorance, of servitude, of savagery,}
and treading the way that leads back
to the jungle.
The essence of a republic is rep-l
resentative government. Our Con-t
gress represents the people and thel
States. In all legislative affairs it isc
the natural collaborator with the
President. In spite of all the criti-
cism which often falls to its lot, I doc
not hesitate to say that there is no
more independentand effective legis-t
lative body in'the world. It is, andI
should be, jealous of its prerogative.t
I welcome its cooperation, and ex-
pext to share with it not only the
responsibility, but the credit, for our
common effort to secure beneficial
These are some of the principlesI
which America represents. We haveo
not by any means put them fully intor
practice, but we have strongly signi-o
fied our belief in them. The encour-
aging feature of our country is notd
that it has reached its destination, buta
that it has overwhelmingly expressedA
Its determination to proceed in theo
right - direction. It is true that wes
could, with profit, be less sectionalp
and more national in our thought. It
would be well if we could replace
much that is only a false and ignor-C
ant prejudice with a true and en-c
lightened pride of race. But the last
election showed that appealsto class
and nationality had little effect. We
were all found loyal to .acommon citi-
zenship. The fundamental precept of
liberty is toleration. We can not per-
mit any inquisition either within or
without the law or apply any religious
test to the holding of office. The mind
of 'America must be forever free.
It is in such contemplations, my
fellow countrymen, which are not ex-
haustive but only representative, that
I find ample warrant for satisfaction
and encouragement. We should not let
the much that is to do obscure the
much which has been done. The past
and present show faith and hope and
courage fully justified. Here stands
our country, an example of trnaquil-
lity at home, a patron of tranquillity
abroad. Here stands its Government,
aware of its might but obedient to its
conscience. Here it will continue to
stand, seeking peace and prosperity,
solicitous for the welfare of the wage
earner, promoting enterprise, devel-
oping waterways and natural re-
sources, attentive to the intuitive
counsel of womanhood, encouraging
education, desiring the advancement
of religion, supporting the cause of
justice and honor among the nations,
America seeks no earthly empire
built on blood and force. No ambi-

tion, no temptation, lures her to
thought of foreign dominions. The]
legions which she sends forth to
armed, not with the sword, but with
the cross. The higher state to which
she seeks the allegiance of all man-
kind is not of human, but of divine
origin. She cherishes no purpose save
to merit the favor of Almighty God.
Despite his desire for simplicity,
President Coolidge took the oath of j
office yesterday in surroundings thatj
contrasted strikingly with the lamp-'
lighted Vermont farm house where he
took the nation's helm in the early
morning hours of August 3, 1923.
All of the solemn dignity which the
American citizen demands shall ac-
company the installation of a chief
executive attended yesterday's .cere-
mony, and the climax, when the black-
robed chief justice of the United
States, in impressive fashion, swore
the President to uphold ,the Consti-
tutton, was far removed from the
tragic midnight amtosphere of the A

Plymouth inauguration nearly two
years ago.
To look upon this scene John Cool-
idge, father of the P"resident went to
Washington. Although the ceremon-
ies were much more restrained and
simple than in some former years, they
were filled, with pomp and splendor
in comparison with the night when
the duty fell to Colonel Coolidge of
swearing in his own son as chief exec-
utive of the nation.
On that occasion, acting in his ca-
pacity as village notary public of
Plymouth, John Coolidge called his
son Calvin into a small room, where
an oil lamp was flickering, stood
across a table and pledged him to
fidelity to his country and its insti-
Unrest Fills
Hughes' Term
With Anxiety,
When responsibility for the conduct
of the nation's foreign affairs shifted
to new shoulders yesterday with the
retirement of Secretary Charles E.
Hughes, the transfer marked the end
of a crowded chapter in the history of
American diplomacy. -
Four years ago, when he took over
the post, Mr. Huges found the country
still in a technical state of war with

Retired Diplomat

Charles E. Hughes
Charles F. Hughes, who retired a
noon yesterday from public life afte
serving as secretary 01fstate sine
Mfarch 4, 1921. The rosponsihilil.

Germany. The peace negotiations had which he cools was w it nessed by th
brought bitter controversies and unsettled foreign conditions of fou
tangled relationships. In the Far years ago.
East there was reason for anxiety1
over American relations, and on the i
southern border Mexico stood still in- mineni eo, o tretn gil
volved in internal turmoil and unrec-
ognzed by the United States. : various maritime countries in a new
Since then more than three score attempt to stamp out rum-running
treaties and international agreements iagreements ith mandate powers t
r nsure equality of opportunity fo
have b~een negotiatedl, ranging from American eneisin1thetrritie
the group that grew out of the arms A i an inti i n aietrtoi
conference to such routine matters as rvolve,iitiation of an arbitrato
copyright and extradition pacts. InI Tr a dwA i and er no-
all this Mr. Hughes found himself Tacn andi Arica, and the bringing to
beset by constant difficulties inherited gether of.the Central American power
behind a group o1 'treaties dsigned to
from the League of Nations bat tle.{ foster order and sialmility.
To the last important act of his tenure On one oidlili. Iluges stood lik
of office, participation in the Paris a iock 1 ronghout his adi nistiadliok
reparations agreement, the aftermath a throngheut i nisfrati-
of the League struggle, pursued him. ?hat was on the (etion of recogni
Beyond question the outstanding ion of the Soviet regime in ssia
Beyod qestin te otstadin IFrom first to last lin refused a ibso-
diplomatic achievement of the Hughes' f 1 s bs
administration was the Washington Itely to have any o icial correso
Arms conference, which produced not ence or dealngs with ft.
only the naval agreements but also
struck at the hovering clouds of sus- Washington, March 4.--Street (ea
picion and distrust in the Far East. service )onl the Penisylvania avenlue
It is difficult to rate the others, but lines was halted aloiit an hour be
they included the peace treaty with fore the inauguration and automobile
Germany and the subsequent commer- trafflc stopped soiiwhbat earlier this
cial treaty with that country; diplo- morning.
Men's Suits and Topcoats
Caps and Shoes
College Representatives
Showing at George Moe
711 North University

in, -March 4.-The Con -~N 1~ -~
WrMr . of 1)lo5-the Sixty-eighth LMak e Money Thr Uih O1 r
passeld into legislative history t noon
yest erday.
It is succeeded by one in which the E x per in ce
Jlepubticans have an actual as well -
a1 a noiminal majority and which the 1
La'ollette insurgents will find them- YOU-can $100h summer
-&'ves istripped of the power to mould make $1,000 this summer by proiti
Iegislation. through our name and experience. TFEl I HAN-
shiis (cange has been brought about NAN REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE is
as a result of the election turn-over! -
which decreased Democratic strength backed by a remarkable record of forty-one years
in both houses and reduced likewise
I the number of insurgents in the Sen- of successful real estate service in Detroit. The
ate. Vith clear working maorities = subdivision department of this pioneer real estate
assured in the two houses the Re- J E firm-the oldest in Michigan-recently itsedit
publican organizations have excluded "e^^t .dal ubi"i igA ReopenedIS
the insurgents from their councils newest ideal subdivision-DEARBORN HILLS
depriving them of committee promo- MANOR-at the outskirts of the city of phenom-
lions in the Senate and stripping themJ2 enal growth-Dearborn. There will be an opening
of committee chairmanships in the
House. for a limited number of ambitious college men who
This change has brought many new = wish to sped the coming spring and summer vaca-
members to the halls of Congress to tions pleasantly and profitably. See next Thurs
replace men retiring, some of whom =d ' Dail f p
have long held a dominant place in daysDalyforurther particulars
the legislative life of the nation. r
Constitutional p' P * Exh
rCoolidge Takes H RnnaE t tdL E nh -
Oath Of Office 300 Lafayette Bldg. DETROIT w
The oath of office of the President
is prescribed by the Constitution, and
in that form has been pronounced by - -
hi every President from Washington to __iH 111pi_____ I 1111t11 1i__ii_ _i__iiiiiilili__ _iiiili_ _iii ilI ill_ _II_ _t111_11 11
w Coolidge. It is as follows: jI1 -
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm)
o that I will faithfully execute the office2=
r of President of the United States, and
s will, to the best of my ability, pre- =
n serve, protect and defend the Consti- 1
'r tutioen of the United Sae.
When President Coolidge first tookt
s the oath at Plymouth, Vermont, after;=
0) the death of President Harding, he-
added:So help me God."
e i
. Washington, March 4.--Every avail-
able hotel room and apartment is r
. filled by persons who came to Wash- lx
- ington for the inauguration today.!W O LV ER
- The crowded condition is expected to
last for several days.
r Y oI'il1[1IIII IIIIIiII1iii1i1iJ11I Your HJome W hile In Detroit
T IH E courtesy and quick, willing service from eery employee-the clean,
pleasant, modern rooms-the exceptionally fine meals-and the low
rates--appeal to all our guests. Every room is an outside room with 5
bath, A special reduction in rates will be made to college students for week
ends and vacations. Write for special preference cardsr
- -
- *r
I - -
Where styles are
always correct, X
service pleasant,
and prices modest.
206 East Liberty , %/

_. - mss - _a :
Phone 1390-R
at Elizabeth Street East and Woodward Avenue
BS, Etc.
-in the heart of Detroit Canbenient to all amusements
Phone 889-R
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A Complete Line of


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