PAGE EIGHT 'THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIR"RSD AY,'MAIC4IT r, 1D25 DAILY' OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice toe all members of the University. Cop~y received by Me~ Assistant to the Pr eldent until 3:0 p. m. (11:30 a. nm. Satuxrdaya T0o11 me 5 THURSD)AY, MARCH 09 ,192, uN omer 1l1 'f t Notice to all Memubers of the University: Mall addressed as follows, "care of University of Michigan," office of the Secretary, Room, 3, University Hail. It will be held until Mlarchi 10, and should be called fo~r at once, giving date of this publication i. e. March 5. This list will not be reprinted. L. A. Agnew Riussel F. Lawrence Williams -S. Armour Clhas. F. Lyman Julia TI. Armour Alpha Epsilon Phi W. F. Moore Alpha Delta Sigma Glendon Mowitt Peter P. Brender Makgretta Barr Thain Iliaja~t Ruth Cheng Hi. C. Coffmnan Mr. Chandan It. B. Corwin S. T. Chan Z. E. (Clark Rtuth Cheng Alfredl "B. Connable D. W. Clephane Hi. Ti. Chapman C. C. Davis Bess M. Davis Miss Janoki Edaroictek Mrs.. Charles Frost L. A. Gee Andrew Goodman Oscar M. Gunderson G. S. Haggerty James D. Hubbard Martha 1. Hank Frederick Healy Catherine B. Hieller 11. S. Maentz L. A. Maeder' Frances Mack (2) Stanley Monroe Paul Moore A. It. MacLaughlin D. J. Miller Edna Morgan Janes 1B. Newman E. F. Osborne M r. I'raclham II Torsten Peters Everett Andrew Piaster Albert 1). Ruedeman Mary Rosss Prank F. Reed Margie M. Schneider Fa~y Snead Camipbell Seit~z Sukunai A. K. Mr. Sick, 11. T. 11. N. Schmitt Hide Shiobara Leo Tabin R T. Thomas It. S. Tucker H~arry Vain Every Mr. Verinan L. C. (1. Wilson L. 0. Wlttnian C. HI. Williams It . G.Walker Albert Wandersee I Untiversity Club of Antn Arbor: fClub night for March will be held onl Friday evening, Alarch (i. E vat ns i Hol brook, (ha ii'ian, ProgriamC omi ttiee. Ch'iambe~r of (Commece: Proflessor It. L~. Masson will sneak on ''Opport unit los inl the F~inaldll Field'' Thu rsday evening, Al a rch 5, alt7:15. 1 town "102 1Uni1on. _ F B. (Catse, Sec. t Arnuticail Socwl y- %l r. W. 13. Stout., President. of 1112- Stout :Metal Ai rpla ne Co., will preser a paper and1( show slides rela tive to the'Cons~triuct ion of the all muetal air p 1lane, at. 7::30 P. M. 'Thursday, AMarch 5, in Natural Sc'ience Aulit oriurn. TIh 1 public is inlvited. No adml~liss~f ion cha '' l I. It. Graichen. I (xee ('lar: 1E]%eryorne is c- pectcd to he at the Union at 6 :30 tonight. for the Stat IDenc('ra tic convention. inifoi'iial. Th is wxii take the plaice of the regula r'ehiearsal. (Carl 13. Slanwi maktler, 31atiagter. l're h 31 : w ;lyv sectio 11)' f Ircli 831af.I1:00 o'cloclh will mieet, . einnling T [ilxrsda' lin Itooml 22! hAIll Iha !fied C. Browni. IPolit i c ience 2512,,Juuureal C(A111 TEhe regular mieeting 0of t he Jo~urnal Ch ina) v: i 1 1)2 hi I'llT rsdalav. Ma"C J, at1:3 P. M\., 4106 C ene2'a L 1ibra rr. " l. ".Peve's. i\ vIusy;ooa 31, ~.Fitnal 111) e- p xaimiluail A maku p ~i~iexali~iuat len for t1houc''who)))w(r,'en(It, frm Ithe tinal ex I inilatjoi)last 1~i(] iib wn f)l~ay lrl ,at 1:380 I1,' .A. i Statileiaf5'Recit al: '1"1e following programtiiito Xwihich the publ1)1ic is illvi ted will be given 1) aidvanced studlents or: the U~niversity chol of Alusie Th ursday evening a 8:00 o'clock in the Recital JHall. I Scherzo (Men delssohn ) Improm~ptit ( Scha bert) Margaret Strauss Siciliano from First Solo SonatIa (B3a cli), Ilunga 'ian Dance D) mina: ll(Irahins-Joacbimx) Gertrude Friedrich ; Sonata Op. 2 Allegro (Beethoven Holen Van Blis; Ave Muria (Luzzi) Margaret Calvrt; Two Etudes W(ho pin) El'.izabeth D~avies ; Trio No. 213 flat major (Mozart) D~orothy H~aab: Piano, Orien, Dailey, Violin, Earl Adams, Cello; Scotch Poem (AlcIowell, Polonaise A major (Chopin) Dorothy Maicolmnson ; Papillous (Schumann, Virgin ia Tice. Accompanists: D~onna Esseltsyn. Anne Broene and 11leen Blahnik. (Charles A. lime, Secret ary. Alpha N1u: In the interest, of International Night at l1ll Auditorium, the regular in eeting of Alpha Nu is post pone'd till Friay night at 7:30, at which time the freshmen will try out for their dlebate team. Gun an id lade Cata1, j Ther~e will be a meeting of t he Gun anml Blade Club, 'Thursday, March 5th, at 7:30 1P. A. in Rtooni1102 -Michigan I~nion. All members are urgedl to attend( this meeting. 11. E.1. Arlhiuar. Senior Engineers: There will be an imlportan t assembly of all Senior Engineers in Rooln j '48 Engineering building, on Thursday, March 5th, at 11:00 A. Al. It is (e d-sired that everyone be present on this occasion. Professor Ralph Aigler o1 the Law School will be the speaker. C. E. Nilson, Ientor Sci~or Engineers. Presses Charge PROGRAMS TALLY CARDS PLACE CARDS BRIDGE SETSI The eJery-P'layer- Your-Partner System Copyright 1923. Patent Applied for. Charles S. Clark Company, New York The thoughtful hostess will appreciate the advanitages of TIhe Every-Player-Your-Partner System. It is not only fair, from the standpoint of tile score, that every p~lay~er should have as a partner ever'y other liayer-whether good or indlifferent--but it also ad, much pleasure to a. party for each guest to meet and talk to every other guest. THE MAYER-SCHAIRER CO. PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS, OFFICE OUTFITS 112 South Main St. Phone 1404 14 _ _ ._. --_-v c "The Blimp" A Broad Toe _pattern r T Blollhns Randolph (abov e) AI t lt E. Jold Mrs. Prank Klinowski Vern Kinietz Rosemxary Lawrence Carlton Lindstrom Harry Loikree Jarmes C. Liebman Joseph Leta, Jr. Alan Loose College of Litern~turr, Scince, and the Art:: All X's .and Inconmpletes must be made up) by Monday, March 9th. Un- less an extension :ofA time has been granted by the Administrative B~oard, a grade of (- 1 point) will be recorded. tIlian A.linglies, A ssistant Riegist rar. To AX1LFraterniity Pledges:# The attention of all fraternity pledges who failed to mnake the scholastic record last semester which entitles them to initiation into the fraternities by which they are plediged is called to Section 2 of Article 5 of tihe By-Laws of the Interfraternity Council. That section reads as follows: "Inl case b~othl requirements for initiation as stated' in Se'ction 1 remain unfilled by a pledgeman at the enid of the semester in which he was pledged, the require- ment will be automatically raised so that he w~ill have to obtain (13) thirteen hours of 'C' gradle or better in the succeeding semester, in order to be eligi- ble for initiation. Failure to fulfill this requirement shall render his pledge null and void. IHI cannot thereafter be repiedged to the same fraternity or pledged to any other until after he shall have received in one semester in this 'University fifteen (15) hours credit of at least 'C' grade," Thiomas F. Flske, Seery, interfraiteriiity Council. Iativyer, andl president of the associa- tioni sponsoring tile (confedecrate 1110111 oral on Stone Al ountain, iln Georgia. is pr'essing charges against CG titIzon Blorgluni, world famous sculp~tor, wvho the association accuses of mal- ciously destroying thle model and plans of the memorial. Borglumn has been dlismisedl as a res~ult of coi- trioversy of long standing. IWashington, 'March- 4.-Many spe- cial trains brought governors, high governmenat officials, and~ persons from every state in the Union into Washington early tis week for the inaug ural ceremonies. !iHotels at the Capitol adopted a rule requiring that no reservations could I be made for March 4 except for a four-day period. Ad 6t erhppnss h at' BIRTHDAY CARD, I BOYS--I'T'S A FACT We can show you the snappiest Oxfords for spring in Ann ,Arbor-and what's more our prices are from $5.00 to $8.00 - Only high grade footwear. Come in, look them over-- It'll pay you. Ziefle & Nissle, I ~4 Doors South of Liberty Street--On Main Girls- For evening dress Silver or Gold Pumps $6.50 to $ 7.50 I When downtown we will gladly showQ you the prettiest line of evening dress slippers to he had-Satins, Patents, etc. Our Tan Pumps and Ties, Suedes, Satins are real snappy for spring street wear. , ,,..{{ 0 V 0 a ° D DEN'~ ~erviC0 I ~JJPPLY~LJGRE 1I0 JR%1TE YOU NOT'Fn DOURJ WIND)OW IhIPl4AY OF (LBER'' BIT'lTE R SWEE'T CHtOCOLATEFS? A it ChEtE V T(AND)Y, D)ONEF UP IN ATTRhAC(TIVYE LITTLE BOXES 1111 South 1University Ave. VIlolle 1160-Rt i 1 i4ake"::p ExH.11tluattlonis for E: ghIsia 1:t ,A make-up for all English 31 stu- 1 dents who missed the final exantina- ( Lion will be given Friday, March G, 3- d, IP. M., in Room 2209 A. 11. 0. J1 Camipbll.{I EUUE UEU UEE UEUE EUU EEE EU....... j U U U B JUST PUBLISHED- Backfurrow==C. 0. EATON 2.00 WH-AT'S GOING ONI I Notices to appear in this column miust. be 'left in the box at the Dtof ftice provided for tnat purpose before 4 o'clock oreceed.intnte dayof isue I. I. Arrowsm"ith--SINCLAIR LEWIS $2.00 New Arh inn ally)~J Special Pice to iL ibies andai d k ig-, Cluabs Ui S !j f ii r , i Gr'chIng Cards for Occasions at all I' THURSD)AY - 11:04-Prof. R. Algler speaks tosel ior engineers in room 348, Engin- eering building. 3 :001, Spanishi play rehearsal held in s room 305, South Wing.! 3 :OOournal elub meets in room '106, Library. 41:15--Conira~d MoIehiman speaks at Lane hall. 5i:00~-congregationail choir holds re- hearsal at' the church. 0:130--Varsity Glee cluh nicets at the Union. 7 :00}-.Public speaking isseanbly -for engineers in room 348,.NWest Engi- neerinig building. 7 :14-- 1rof. R% L,3Masson spteaksoil "Opportunities in tihe Finance Field" in room 302, Union. 7:1'0-W. B. Stout speaks on "The Construction of the All Metal Air- plane" in N. S. auditorium. 7 :30-Gun, and Blade eltb mcets ins room 302, Union. 7 :3(t-ClhrIstaan Science society meetis at Lane hall. 8:04-GnStiivo )fllhiad lectures son "Twenty Years in Costa Rtica" in roon. 203, Tappan hall. S :00-Students' recital given in the recital hall of the School of Music. FRIDAY. 3 :0-Spanish play rehearsal fheld in the auditorium of Lane hall. a;:00-Kappa Phi, holds initiation at the Methodist church. 6:00-UnIversIty clubi)meets lin the; Alumni Memorial hail. w ! - - i s E t I WAHR'S U N IVERSITY . BOOK STrORE I u ,. mEUa1EEU0®a ® 3l- 0. D. MORRILL'S T be Sc Mii lery and il3p 94'i iil(' tor'e t . WALK-OVER'S FIFTIETH ANNIVERSNRYI Wak-Over 4frm ladies 2 FOR YOUNG MEN SMADE BY EDEKH EIMER STEIN COMPANY _ wa I Smart lothes- - / Jy hlored. Ou~imr aextenvCoreindiof ly tailored.rus il.lae-h _ -a - Wurextha ve s wingvcd f - . shipment of the latest thing in Spring Suits and Topcoats,. SUITS $35 to 150O .TOPCOATS 1251to0$35 .r M -a 1 wTom Corbe-tt THE NEW COLONIAL Light "Tan Calf J} Exc lusive Buckle, matches the leather. Exceptional style for early spring wear. To slip it on means you cannot resist it. Price $io 1 00% I I-?