-MAl,('11 1-), (!25 TI_117. MICHIGAN DAILY PAC;i lCrVTNT TII1IRSDAY, \1 ARCh 5, 1925 PAGI~ VPN THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..,. S. V~E~i./ L.F~'~55'i. LA .'~~L3 asi-oAacC-althsFRmorning airplanes from the naval air i EMLO ENT OF SUDNT :,tation and from Bolling Field circled ;T~i ~i iS i YOR PFRi" I"'Y '° F ,i r t . s; -' , . :;;FV oZ:: " , k OMmN ASSI IE1N "COLUMN CLOSES 0 'I1CLOSES AT 3 P.M. AIDVERTISYING AT 3 P.M. R1 AlIE!~' A I~ii N'' 1(IN -Ths a~ t t iingis o yourbenefit, and -youI "1-' ur.-" d$oau d 'ntae ( Ill cina u.,il ij2e 11i1lbe glad(I t Itoi) yo, l111d your e1, i idses4, I i h y, i r uyItlinit !s 1uledinu. (')I I at the ije s ,* iidill£N,f v re You 11 tit I eia I.J fI1h1o med'ia U andI 1eficeit; FOR SALE FOR SALE-Violin, $25.00, (all 273;4-Wt E'OR SA L--wo (iivl OD)f ( all Mary (iorchiofs1ky, 2031,-11. I ! J.VUL4/ &.vuck" T T1 .l.A - -- #-/^ 17 - B~EAUT'Y SIIOPPES BIRD 111)HAIR Sfllt' Othe i ollges, over thle...ity.,an{i a continuous air , c(ircu(s was cairried on Ithronighoot th,, tiY. y" c . 1 :;:3 1{7 FVialhc' . Kel- Kansas-After two wveekis of worki.; Washington, !March - =.--The person I :t. AID1% zi , inhian the choruses and leads of "GCreen out side the WVhit e H-ouse to whom Si Iel 't2 w with a rc prosvul aliv' of D~ays,"' tho all -university must)ica1 lie inauguration t.odaylymeant the ]t(.\lNiv-e staO"te fal.t the comiedy to be presented Maurch 7, at most was a silent New E nglander Who aril lcatb: s< c~yit owinv DDO Il IV(hoge"t! the Unlivcrsity of Kansa~s arc pralcti c-! came to see his own son inducted into cr~ti i Li3ta-; o; (>"' ninl. I Ii s ally ready to give the show. a ccoiring! the highest office of the bandl. lea son: S 10)Qgre atIi aue iii ib e ipar t - to lDick Matthews, dirctor of chor - ---__________-__ rl(iir[A t, t uner z(I i opnl~zritY uses. FIATE YOU SUBSCRIBED YETI (;I 011 as o-rV~(Q, ith ll iti.; lltlor(lrlilty fo Vouu;fle, a andi the Massage of the McGill. -- Present dlay methods of Rcerill, which incea sedthe sal- university education axe sadly in need ar V (of mo1m11ill thle sc;,1i-e.ena d doff :o01 revision1, Ira. F). Mackay, acting aw'A i I "te nt 1 rnceeofi plitic- dean of the faculty of McGill umiver- kan. ill Vth l lelllrtmer . stiy told an audience Tuesday after- ----- noon in the Royal Victoria collegeE ('zi nI. -Cornell unitrvisitys Col- ;}lie claims the mlodern school substi-{ GRI to<0 of A r';anld Sciences recent ly in- tutes ready-made lectures for the s tt ^t " a ;sY-ternl whereby in formal :g .Knd of priva te st udy which the stu-' slmiy m r liecar rijed on under thle, dent in former years had to undergo. At Ocix ision of . ,. -- . __ _. ,. - -::,., . .. ..,a ,,. Z you. intend to work du.ring the ::ummer months, it will ply you to investigate ouir prop- otition AT ONCE. This work is of a religiis, Satd, educational nature ;or which you arc tspe- cially fitted, Students employed by .13:^eed hav'e no further worries corlcerniin, tinanr:es for the next college year. Our guarantee °s- Scsures you of a minimum of $;300.00 with "opportunity, of earning several timnes this amount. Many of our student representatives. earned from $500.00 to $x000.oo last, summer.' No capital or experience necessary. Write today for full particulars and organization Eplan. Universal Poi k and Bible House College Department zoto Arch Street Philadejphia, Pa. Uhe OIZSAL -Fod cni 3, 92, n <_ 1 give PIER1SONAL SE~RVICE, and 1O-rAE-or ope I22 nOX- specialize in expert *permT~anent waY-; (ellent cond~ition. C al 8051 -It.. ______________________________________ ing. li'OU tSALE--Gre' oI ttned rruth State St. 1 306-R All new vfurnishin«;s in newly oiateol, w a 511, imodlen honie, idt $4.00 eilmli. :104 South A-ve. Phone 8597i-.. dc-I $2.50 . thI IN TI CE TR'lY OURiIIlot Tioasted g aildwichles. They0 are delicious. Arbor Fon- . tolin.I 0 t: fi 42: W; i; Y i S T1 'I ii, I. v 11 I I I Olur moderate prices mrakce it possible for all to have IE I I I i, (111 ItwiNFLO E,1.17) ANN ARBl.OR +lORtATCO. 22. . Liberty. Pho lne 110 1 TRY 'OUR.New Wa.3y Toastedl ,and-_ wiiCICs. Best you ever ate. Arbor, Fountain At the little Educator shop in the Vu1c1th Arcade you can save $1.50 per pair of the Eastern Boston mailde shoe $10(.00 elsewhere, $4.50 in his shop See his s510001 h tan leat hers for Spring before you buy. 'You are a, frienld of TY I1 'IOWI rj fINC & M IMIEOG RAPIJING pr'ompltl y and neatly lone by experi- (encedloplerat ors at.:lmoderate rates. 17 Nickels' Arcade Est ablishedi 1908. Phone 1718. UJSED) CARS ISLI ('AR BARGAINS! FNord I 11101'sedan f.........1924 C hevriolet(coupe......... 1923 C'hievrolet coupe)0.......... 1922 Chevr-olet touingtl........1923 ('bev rolet. touring .......1924 'I'lese are selected from t he best ,ised c'ars o0 thle mnA rket of Ann Arbor OpportunI itiy knocks at your (1001. E. k. (1. ChEV4'ROLET SALES 192 Ashley St. ONE1',1919 OAKLAND) SED)AN-Good up~holstering, good engine, good mitleage.--$125. 1920) :\ARMON Sport roadster; five wire wheels, I)uco finish; especially priced at $ )S --this week only. 1922 OL 1)MM(BILE-New top, new curtain~s, new paint job).Priceo and termsl1 to )suit your. pocketbook. II' t ; ) 1 MA IhES m 01(SERiVI('E :101 1.\\ sinto Pone 3902-M.. trunity in Amet lea. The other cay P(he_____________-- ________ took up his new 'dultiesasvrprs ZIuiAn Drna INrhetn-naectcnas ident of the Bank of the iict 7 l~r M scA dD a a IoNrhetr.Itrcn avs States, New York, a $68',tOO(,pttt in- ('ont inued fromn Page F+our) ofteNrhsenuivstycm stituion.pus, it was found that the students _______________________ae opposed to the closing of movies -- the followinag programn was preottStnay. BASKETBA ,LLSQUAD W '4'iRKING sttet: ________in__-_,__Major____________ TOW11IARBD 11EM Al NiG (tS(' 11 E DU e,- ('] d. "..........Etd"i 1Mjtlllllltiil111h114t~fE111=/ (Continueld frio age Six) Elizabeth 'Davies-DL thome h eryfo h a~et i TindunWinds.- e Inn forme liep istc I 'er rml~. .........Tad id weakeoned theo \'olv't'iiiit' a t in .........W ayfarers Night Song- ServesaMeatHOT'_ dfcneconsidecrably, and I laggett'-Sthniiial111.......II( Two (renaodiet s fref'shness" fineshotin wa no. enughto olo rSandwiches with the fast scoring victors. TilOtoeoc score might have beenl closer had,(1 lwe \Villian Premune, Accompanist Made From rest~~~~~ (I h eanhl hi ht t P........ .......Siciliano thle basket toa the saimie extenti. Sa1i 4.....Hungarian Dance The Freshest, . Coach tber i tis nor.t I lkin fli;te'. t 111(10 Pi'edrich- piy am._ e game( wVith ('hicago Salurlay a 1gm 11 (Helen I labaiik, Accompanist Siyqas light ly. Realizing 111a1 the hVfidwtaly Pala deiho.......... . ...Psyche We Use Crisp_ five will be out afterII'thlier'ectn iii jXviiM nt teidi .... ....Liciatem Mi~orire ndAdtii eaoSii ~ehsl oIf the seas5on ovter his 1team, 1the V i -nearlaitii......Alaquisto le glo ia - Rioln aI sity mientor is wasa tigno t imle prc- a rre Hll]RlshA o 1paring the Michligant I am for tte toin- I (est er Whit ehead, Accompanist Wt steas yrLI test. (Cberry will be back in barnoss Ch.lol.......octunet. 01. 62, No. 1- Apeing. best. for the contest unless his ifljutll 1he l Wailtz, op 4, No. 2Z-Tase. taks s.1ltenItinfo te oreIi( ire-MAiir......Apres tin Reve _ Sop in and Get one cortding, to Trainer Fallon. Baii..........nemz' Washington, March 4. --The Metro- Lois Iaier i polit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n anPle oc XV51i~' l mCrabe Aneslmos fl LI dot~ail feloili ' force of ., an ~1IIIIcl DETROIT - CLEVE AND - ANN ARBOR ate yest (rdiy ratifidIthe Amrican Don't delay-Pay your Subscription ._______________________ loan bill. today. ea he W n d i . Pay's whether you btuy or not. Bill a visit. Pay NEW POIIIHE'.T MODELS in the Als,(; a full line of sizes in MrA D.ti off(;X BIASSIEIES and( 3IDAHE X IUN1)EllVESTiS T~l QUlIT 5111 :1(13 s uth Main Str'eet; T)! X I E 1TE LAN()511(11' -- NI(IifOLS' AAil .1)1W Ii iOUIIcOs retceip~t (ot lcwL'slsprinig 1mode1s in drcsses, bonnet.,1, hats.j S t'ater s for jutnior girls. Al so ad- 4 vise we will 1)e equiplped Awithl SA STEIr R'()YS FOI? l'TIF iii )1)1 ES Pay the ititle s1h(op a visit whlilet' the collectionl is complete. MI LL GILLESPIE, Soloist and teach- er, lthirty years exp~erience. Man - dohin, °gtuitar, - lbanjo, and -chord, con struiction Telephone 179 1-M. Comtpacts, watches and picture Irames of time most exquisite jewelryl selections. '11.hc e'arcs especially pri(cetd for the spring season. State Str'eet 'Jeweler F"reshl every Fiday. Tice's, 119 1a". Liberty. LOST---Lorge cloth (cove'red note boo0k. Findter caill 1144-J- and ire.. ceive reward. LO)ST---M1onlay m~orninig aboutt eight o'clock, black leather notebook Be- twe FOl ilet cher IHall -1i1d thle tin iofl. C'ill 16618, Caruuiehael. 1'sf1--- Parker Duofold pen with name L~. 1).Wesley on ideoI. FliiCI' l)lea15(1 ret urn to 503 Monroe or p~hione 3507-M.- , TYPE WRITERS T'YPEOWRITER~ FOUNTAIN PEN INK A vicioutts int inay work for' ashort t 0m1. It clo th111* (elicate mechan-' is)) of thlie len andi cannot be reniov- od by ordinary means. It is chemi- rally ant agonist ic to a good ink, which' will wo-k and r('nde'rs tte ink color- ('onslilt Rider's Pen Shop, where yoiu will alwvays find a fresh supply of the best Glovernment standlardl writing fluid, It is the only satisfac- Cory ink for the fountain pen.- 111ItS P EN SHOP 'en and :Ink Specialists i I -... I M -UNTAIN .'fI'I0NSi' 'l'ICL yotur friends what a wonderful p1(11 your MaIsterpeni is. You have been doing it. 'Thank you. RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St. "IF0IN TI'AI N 'IN SERVI('E SAV[0j~ that long wait while having your' pen sent away for repairs. We relpair it the same day it is brou- glint inn andl insure that it will be ad- junstetd to your hand when you call for it. BH)IER'S PE-N SHOP 302 State Street VS SAMPLES Per'manently on D~isplay at Guy Woolfolk & Co. 33:6 Swith ste street Ami Arbor, i~chi. 7 asis and Patterns exclusive y or o ,idsSn Ii... i I . .. . ..;plfi JRPHYI_ ___ WHITEHOUSE, & HARDY' I NCOR PORATtJ) "BP.OADWAY AT 4O0"' STREET 144 WEST 42ND STREET "METROPOLITAN OPEI HIOUSE BLDG. KNICKERBOCKER BUILDING 84 B31CADWAY-AT WALL STREET ii "CHEER UP" We give you quick service, and high class work. If it can be cleaned, dyed or pressed, we do it. 109 W. L iberty Phone 644 New and second hantl Corona, Ilern-j jigto and i Undl~l~erwoIod II(ttables. L. C'. Siitl1, l.T1iiel.wood~, Royal, Rleining;- I on used(1011(1factorWy rebln iaciilts. Save $40.00o or more by buying from its. Easy 1t('rms5it desit d. Renting antd replair-ing a splecialty.- 0. f7,.l4TtItith.II1 - 17 Nickels' Alrcade TTrx.fp\r1it (i'& Stat ionler'yStore hiquii not t ~ I ND _ eat andNaul s 'peasing, refreshing ,d tonic keeps the hair bed all day. GLO-COU is a mineral oil or grease, drug counters and barber shops everywhere. wz~~smfq fl ? SrComb) :.1 C F It P :tr"': "Fn CS t A Memory Tonic It is surprising how the ever-red iesof Eversharp prompts the* jotting down of passing thoughts, and facts-and how quickly the, habit of " writing it down" improves the a~bility for accurate remembrance. Six new features make Eversharp a finer writing instrument than before--non-clogging rifled tip, quick reloading, complete inter- changeability of parts, are the most important. Put a new Eversharp in your pocket. And for complete prepared- ness, match it with a Wahl Pen. Prices $1 to $45, at all dealers. , Made in the U. S. A. by THE WAHL COMPANY, Chicago- Carnsdiani Factory, THE WAHL COMPANY. Ltd..,Toronto Manufadturers of the .Wahl Eversharp and the WAh4 All-Metal Fountain Pen I Open evenings,. 111,01101718 ..qlJI IIIIt1E1ti1Dil g111hI 1111iF~I~1 PHONE 86- xeiental - For Typewriter Repairing - (All makes) EW\ork of- Dealer inl Woodstock typewriters . Sundstranid and Portable Adding f- AllNi nct machintes. IE GRINDING - Ann Arbor Typewriter E~xchangeN _______________- Microtome Knives r WA ' N kl)-Ground- I a +