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March 05, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-05

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T rI~iSDA)-, MARCH 65, 1925

WAO tm!:Al w



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and Hinl wsota Bringt's
C( inh Joseph fnarss and nine mom-
hesof the Varsity hockey squadI re-
tu!rnecd ,last night fromn Minneapolis,
A inn., where they won. the Confer-
01 C c chbampionship) for the first time
5113 cC the ice : port wajs established
o: a recognized basis at Michigan.
Starrin-. out on. their northern trip
a'1 n tied( quantity andl with only
1wvo preliminary games behind them,
the Wolverines played brilliant hock-
ey against stiff 1lopoition,. iand by deC-
feating both Wisconsin and Minnesota
in the two series, won a clear claim
to the Big Teon crown.
Minnesota had previously diefeat ed,
Wiconsin Itwice, giving the North-
]tien the lead in the race. B~arss' men
dupllicatedl the Gopher feat and down-

C,[ [UH[[5Boxers Do P11ell 1SWIMMERS H[o
IT TI E IN H ST R ' idgan's boxers unlder Coach FOR Alivn iGIEdtheM E ET tae
The crucial game, played Tuesday ships at the Detroit Y. M. C Aion- he .11"11Thi1.11rnos
in the l~r .11. A. C. (lash att East
night, was as fast as the first, and n ei- past few days, andl emerged with three
lher team -was able to score in the knockouts and two wins on points in LInzstg
first two periods. With five minutes seven contests.I
to play in the last period, Reynolds "Bill" Walker won the most sensa-! LINEUP IS ALTERED
broke loose, carried the puck the en- tional knockout of the championships.- -
tire length of the rink, andl sent it At the tap of the bell, hie rushed into Mlichigan's Varsity swimming team
hurtling into the Gopher goal. The the ring and put 1three hard lefts to wl ev t2ocokti feno
Gophers came back game but werej his opponent's jaw, immediately after-;
unable to penetrate the strong Mich-; wardl he crossed a right to the samei for 1,.tnsing w here they will meet the"
igan (1,efense and the crown had chang- spot, and it was all over, in just: 1 Aggies in a dual meet tonight.
edl hands when the final whistle end- secondhs. I The squad will not be as strong as
ed the 'contest. Skinner, in the 145 pound class, wVon! the one which (defeatedl Indiana last
Although Reynoldls was the conspi- the secondl knockout, when after one Saturday. as neither Starrett: nor Gow
cos player in every game on thes minute of hard fighting, he landed a' will participate in the meet. Gow is
straight left on his opponent's jaw, I ursing his injured leg, and Starrett
schedule, the other members of the
?andt he took the count.i will take the opportunity to catch
team played fine hockey andl earned nhsst~elWt Sart u
the laurels which they won. Start-! Dave SnB'ser accomplished the third 1 i tde.WihSarf u
Michigan knockout. At the start of_ of the dive, the main burden of the
ingtheseaon iththre rgulrs nd1 the second round,. he put his oppon-j springboard will fall upon Papengutlf.
two the menwhosawservce n aent on the ropes with a left to thej while Oliphant will also compete for
few games last year, Coach Barss was ,rha ihgn
forced to shift his head aicly As he bounded off the ropes, ihg.
before the trip. Denton and McGinmi- lie connected itl vicious rightto Gwsaene hs ecsitd
nis reulr wngs wre eclre the jaw, and ended the fight.I several changes, Johnson being with-
eligible, and MacDuf'f was the onl'l Troy, a student in the Law school,! drawn from the relay to fill in the
plaer o bcom elgibe aterthewon another bout for Coach Sullivan. 100 andl 50 yard free style swims,
plaer o bcom elgibe..aftr te 1after staging a sensational comeback. ;while either TPapenguth. Captain Kerr,
first semester endled. Ie won a place
at oe wig, ad SortyLindtro Sanm Roberts gainedth le final (heci- i or Mayer wil11 swim in the relay. Dun-
sion by winning on po(inits in the 112; akin will probably swim number one{
r)5y~ h te.Lns oo(i pound class. ii an, while Samson will tale care 01
nariy acenerworkd ito he om- The two dlefeats (can lbe traced to the anchor p~osit ion.
bifnat ion excetlingly well1.Captain Zivic and Young. Both lost on points 'There will be a 50 yard dash sub-
Peemnpaeahsuulsrn after three rounds of fighting;. 'fh, stituted for the 40 var'd event as the
gam aton (ltese hroghut hesemi-finals of" the State Champion- 1p001 is only 20 yardls long and the
I -eason, while Levi, from the reserves shp!illehl nieri tth wmesne oeta 0yad
1" - ,t lv' ernrrid nhinit. t o teth e i r siswl ehl nDtota h wmesne oeta 0ya


All tri'outs forin' t erschohias-
tic m tainiagerships will meeci;at 2
Io'clock tomorrow a ftern oni atI
Gthe field house.

also swim in this ra ce. In the 1)1un ge,
Seidman and .Alen w ill rspresent:
Capta in Kerr-an d: , lt ee Till take
care of t ht' ha ck~trake isc.Kerr
has only been belaten on( hsn n hud i ih Iite is sl-
culty tomorrow.
Not much is known orf the A-. A. C.'
aggregation as thev have had only
one or two meet s thliis sea son. l(
only event in which they arc almnatt
certain of a winI is in 1the tfancy(live,
in which they have t wo veteranis.
Richman andl 'Burdeaux.
Washington, IMarch 4. - Senator
Walsh, MVIontana, lUenm ara i, central
figure of the TeaipotlDonme in ve.t iga1-t
tion , tdayint rodhucedh a iesolutioin to
authorize the senate pmublic landis
commit tee to investigate.

t'bicao G in' ore
vs i'sit v basketball prac'tice was t'e-
S tll('( last; nightf: ci' era one-dlay lay-
off g.iven the men to rest them tiup af-
er their recent tirip.'
Coachii \Is her driilled his tecam thor-
osghIlyon (Icfensive' tactic's, hoping to
onis0 lhe fautlt which resulted in t he
loss of the Indihana name M'onday
nig ht. at Bloomningion.
ThII e asiewr gamne was or a rather
pculiaisr naturiie, dlue to the large num-
her oi1 points s('oredl by botth teams.
Michiganl, Iilosing, 5('ori'e(l meqenly
enwigh, to Winl the averago game, but
tI hewiii nets xvei'e constant ly "sifting,
ilrought the defense andt dro'pping
baskzets frillm all angles. K m'tter and
hoganl were especially 1ace ulrate, l}Iii
the ent ire H oosiert' ea int Was inl goadt
((Contitited on Page Seven)

18 Wolvrines
.in Aggie Meet
E highteen men have been Aelected 1by
Coach Farrell to partic'ipate in the
I Miigan Agricultural School relays
at Lansing tomorrow night.
EThte men going are: Sterling and
Parker in the 40. yard (lash; Walk,
Sn1ider', Lasser, Voelkner and Ifulse
in the hurdles; Ihuff in the pole vault;
Roth, Watson and Buirgwin in the
bigh jump; Beam in the -300 y-ard
(lash; Freeborn, Likert, Walsh, and
iWagner in the two mile relay; Beals,
r'eserve in the relay andl Ieath in the
Eshot put.
This sqluad, accompanied by Coaches
Farrell and Hoyt. a trainer and Mans-
ger Herrick will leave by bus from
IYost field houtse at 2:30 womorrow af-
I ternoon. They will arrive in Lansing
about five o'clock and will have a short
test tunt il th-e meet begins at 7:30,.1'.
M. The team will leave directly at'-
ter the meet axnd arrive in Ann Arbor
late Fridlay night.
Read the Want Ads

;l iiI

the :Badlgers in two tough giuinnn(s,
Which the Michigan goal was not
;;used. ThCe scores were 2-0 and 1-0.
M1innesot a, who held the cliantpion-
ip last year, furnished the opposi-
n for Michigan in the series that
Id the title as its trophy. The farst;,
noe, Monday night, was a fast and
Iously-contestcd affair, which en(l-'
in a 1-1 'tie after 20 minutes of'

flfl, ttL, W t ~tl-KV Cly U1, Met O.LI V \ IA -

ovei'tine platy. Reynolds, the Wolver- and w on a regular position. Weitzel
Woietetr, scored Michigan's only' playedl goal andl showed even bettera

goal with a beautiful long' shot in !foriattan last season. Jones, Sibil-
the first period, while Edson tallied h sky, andl Bendry were the three spar-
for the htome team in the following es to take the trip, and should be
periodl. George WVeitzel at goal play- valuiable gten for next year's team.
ed a fine game, making 1.9 stops, many M"'icl-igan's Conference i'ecord shows
of whvich were (ifficult. Numerousj three gaines won and one t4ied. The
injuries marked thme contest. Rey-, team defeated M. A. C. and lost to
nolds, whose indlefatigab~le work was! Assumption earlier in the season.I
the featuro of the clash, was knocked Minnesota finished second, with two!
ulncons;cious twice, but resumed play Conference victories, one defeat and
both times. Captain Mann of Minne- one tie. Wisconsin lost all four of her
sota was playing Itis first game of BPig Ten games.j
the secason, hut was injuiredl and1 cam'-
1ih l. f" t)+ ic: Bro's'i the Minnesota
centeri', was also sligh ltly hturt.1 ReAd he Want Ads


u. A'1 X t. IALo SLg .
Snlh~ivmIn hd., Mare'cii4-Officials of
the City mine, in which 51. miners tmet
death. as the result of an explosion,
apparently were not criminally neg-
ligent, Coroner William M. McGraw
saidl in his verdict.
Suliserihe for Time 1fieliigan D~ally

to get going aft er thteir turn. Dun-
akin. Johnson andl Papenguth will be
thme Wolverine hopes in the 50. In
thte 100 yard free style, Johnson and
Samson will compete, while Dunakint
and Samson will also lie the Michigan
entries in the 220.
Whittinghanu and Mtielziner shtould
have things their owvn way in thte 200
yard breaststroke, while Mayer' may

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It / h Ya" iw
" 1 4 Q.. '1 l rt ' Zsy J
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O O oo A\ Tn s



i'q ___-_--_-_--- ---




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A real opportunity to buy shirts! Phiglish broad-
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.a.;. ~v

' , l ~i lta 4 6 i~i i I l l I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 l l l i El 8II I l i I I I I I t [ 1 UII h I l #I I I Il I I I I I Ifl f l I I i i i i l i i i H l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 Iii i l 1 1 1 1 1 [ I I l l I t i 3 ll l l I 1I I IIIIt!¢I
The Nev D ofbbs r
Has Just Arrived It's -w3
17 heStudent Prince
- .See It, it's A Dandy

IALm W. RBnet, Pr'esidemnt.......I)etrioit
I). 3I. Ferr3- Jr., V'itcIi'risjient . .D)l roil
i ighit Cutler, lVrIf c-Iiesdei ..I)iri
JI. S. Bleatont, Vice-'Presiltt
anld Trews crer .......... Det roil-
'tial'drly i ccIit !12sit;,ezc' (E ,n/ralij
J. II.r'1Q1 _'j('('.1'VOPt~eiazi(.....i. etroit
.Sta~dh!(pf It-cd,'JliI,' IIni zc' (_( oniPall
Ki. It.0 Owens, Vice-President.....tetroit
I:..,,SchofieldI, Asst. Sece'eary . . Detroit,
.l a ! I (l cc 'clc7 / 1IJ'tU'?l.'ra ' la:; / 7an

h it.i'W. (hark, Di rector'....... Detroit
Presv. F!'irst \alio;no/ ol l.'lil Pel'roil
irb iit . Whit e, Director .......D)etroit:
CGee. Ii. il. ss 11, I)imeclor
11 i1 wit ukee, Itise.
Jiaumes S. Holdlen, 1Director.......Detroit
lPres. James S.~. I/olden Co.
Leo. H. Hiut z6, iriiector... .....Detroit
.S'tF<' , :2. c1ivol , ('m n'p'ztcar & 1? iii~a
St anili 11. Bacekus, IDirect or.I..elloit
Arsa. Iturroni, lis A/ddun alac/i jje'Co.
Wi.' i 1.1. Ste venls, B'ire(*tti........Detroit
oic' ,-Plre's. IJas tS. Holden CO'.

fThese tttcin t re adl well knmownIti .Michtigan and hav e long been associated
J w~itht the Stat ndard Accident hns rance 'impanyi. tanagopo on e
for goodsalariedi ]posi tios nthe casualty aitd Srt isrtc ui sa
t hejir IHomte( )fice anid in thield. i'ttey till 1)e Well paid1 while lear'ming. Also,
thley will lie enabled to}imla y lt' te illc~tlge oif thle subje~cts thtey stud~ied in
',1 is (op h)rtllmtit V will tnot last lon g. IBettetr xwrite 01' phone atets toda i for'
IM tt(IOtif irmtati am. \ pplicati"'it list clo)ses \pil i1st.)

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