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March 05, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-05

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Tl[URZ S DAY, w ncu

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-------------- = ,-

-- °'

ruiRlished every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
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Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
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Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
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'editor,...... .....John G. Garlinghiouse
News Editor.........Robert G. Ramsay
City IEditor............Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
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Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thai
Sports Editor......... William H. Stoneman
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F. Johnson S. H. Sinclair
L. H. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer
TI UR DAY, MARCH 5, 1925
Night Editor---EDWIN C. MACK

gress it has, a riglit f ,? expiect such
unity of action as will ilwkc the
piarty majority an cit ective intru-
ment of governmnent:'
Nothing could be nlorfi imely ta
this plea for a rect or. i on of piaty
government in the bestsns of theI
expression. 'The10past Cong;re~sal ,Mer
the trust placed in it by the nat ion in
its absurd policy of ol) t i-act ion and
and quibbling over incon!-etquent ml
matters. The nely v-eIect ed bodyj
should realize that its vict ory is niot

were rightfully their, possessions. His
coil tent ion is as follows:
"I (lestroye( tmy inaccurate
working infidel because I believe
in the inalienable right of an art-
ist to his own creation. The an-
thlority and final control of an-
tliorshiip has b~eenl recognized
since the beginning of creative
Tl'he problem with which the Sculp-
tor is grappling is not a new one.
iArtists in all fields have fought for











so much an Ven(Iorsemtcnt ofI the Re"- such rig hts. The copyright and latent
publican party as of the sound poli- laws are more or less rigidly enforced
cies of Coolidge. They mnay well take in America, but it has Peen found
warning on the necess::iiy%(of unified I practically ixmpossible to devise a fair
action. measur-e that will adequately protect .
In similar vein one mi iht; endorse the artist. It: is not always in regard
practically all of the speech. There! to tinancial remuneration that these-
was nio resort. to pctt y and personal cont roversies arise. U~sually* "steals"'
criticism of opposing fact ions. Con- and misuse of the work of profession-
struction was emphasized thre ughaout al are the causes. An idea is a diffi- .
It i. safe to say that the nation and tI ec-tlt thing about which to legislate. .
world have already placedl their stamp1 Whether or not Mr. Borglum is jus-
of approval on the address t Ihey like ;tified in his action is first a matter of.
to hear an adequate exipres.sion of a ethics and then a point of law. Trhe
sane attitude. This mueb is certain. two rarely agree. Whether right or
President Coolidge has gined thej wrong thle sculptor is faced with the
confidence of the people and h"* seems same problem which many other art-
sure to hold it thbrough t1 h coining ist s have had, and probably will havie

Il ON l II'I : ,Inlterna~tiol INight" at
S 1) O'clock in 1ill111 1tiit orbim
..I'ONI(C lIT: Tlhe Stutdents' Rlecital in
the Recital Tall of the L'iiversily
ISchool _of Music ait S o'clock.
A i-eview, by Arthur Gnau.
The concert in wvhichi Igor St rawv-I_
inisky, the eminent; composer, appe;ar-j
edl at Orchestra, hall, l)et roit, Tuesday
evening op~enedt auspiciously with the
delightfutl Overture to Mozart's "The
IMarriage of Figaro." For many years;
this was the last port of call before a
v oyage into the unknown, tor it w as
followed by Strawinsky's Concerto for,
piano andI orchestra-. dharmonie, a.
combination of windl and percussion
instruments. The composition is a
queer blen ding of jaz;z with I hich
According to the composer it, is a





We are now making a smaller sized Masterpen for
Ladies and for- those who prefer a smaller pen than the
regular Masterpen.
It will hold 100 drops of ink--enough to last for a
week's ordinary writing.
They 'will be ready some time this week. Call and
see them.
Rider's ]Pen Show
302 State Street

Inaugurations come and go. The
new Presidents of the land with cer-
tain not able exceptions utter the same
01(1 platitudes, enunciate again the
planilrs of their party platform, and
devotve much time 'And energy to the
]egishltive progr-ams of the future.
And th('n the world continues along
the sam ne path, not much edified or
electrified. Addresses on such oc-
casions are of necessity dull, monop-
olized as they are by a gloiifcation
of the Constitution, of our institutions,
and of our world fame as a people.
Presidlent Coolidge's address de-
partedl little from this precedent. It
wa s in no way startling. The Amer-
ican people were reminded of their
posit icn as citizens of the republic
andl of the world; conservatism was
declared to be the dominant note of
ire-;ent-dlay government; and econ-
omuy was urged not as a means of sav-
ing money, but of conserving our re-
sources, both human and material.
Th is vas. all anticipated. Coolidge
pri:lously has made clear his stand on
all nat ional and wor-ld matters. His
address was merely a remarkably
lucid exposition and summary of the!
position of the new executive cif the
Ilandt, bsed as he rightly believes on
thep ma~indate of the people in the No-
we mbe:r elections.
Tlwli,i are some points that deserve
secia l nostice. Instead of spending
nmuch time niaking promises for his
new term, the President made clear
several ltla~or issues:
"In conformity with the p~rinciple
thatt a display of reason rather than
a threa;t of force should be the deter-
iin~ifactor- in the intercourse
VImo n; nations, we have long advo-
cated the peaceful settlement of dis-
putes by means of arbitration and
have negotiated many treaties to se-
cure that resiult. The same considler-
ations should lead to( our adherencel
to the P ermaniient ('oturt; of Interna-1
tion; al Jumst ice- ....We can not barter'
awa or independence or our soy-
reoign I ,,bhut, vwo ought to engage in no!
rctimen its of logic, no sophistries,.i
and nto su i,('rfuges, to argue a way thie
udoc led duIty of this country by
reason' oflthe might of its members,
thle l,, rcif( its resources, and its#
pesti i':1 etPadership in the world,
act ienv4m con preliensively to sig-
rif it;a proval and to hear its full
haicof t he iresponsibility of a candlid
andl di'unferested attempt at the es-
ta)hibri ititeiof (even-handed justice
bet wN (namt ion and nation.''
This, is a true expression of thej
feelings of all lovers of peace through-
out the United States. In his past
acts, lPresident Coolidge has shown-

four years, to face. for many years. The fact isImdr eso f eetet etr
______________________that their, creative efforts ar-c liable nsem'nheveisiiomsevententG t cn ry
THEusic. Theo esofrocuoach'ssusminor
THYIENWEl opioucosmss n as soon and D minor Fugues stated in i-ne
In cmmeting Up~ th i-((~It a they are given to the world the contrapuntal fashion by the piano fra-
statement of President Er.nest 1). Bur- owesi.f hi ratoisfr ternize gaily pue jazz in the tiom-
ton charging that. "the cairdinal vii- fited. !boes, while the slow movement bears
tue f te nwspaex-is ~i'ttlltli'55, la striking resemblance to the slow,
rather than accuracy as in lhe case Millions of people listened to Cool- nmovement of the Bach Italian Co -
with the university,'' Pro. Edw\iniG. idge yesterday. Pour- years from nowv certo. The work is full of peculiar
Burrows of the journa lisni c uriculia as many will watch the Inaugural, if libt ipoweful ryt hs which show tdie
mel-ly tuche upo som, of time are to believe all the stories about I composei's lpreference fo hal(I nut-
facs hic h miht I~V( ponted lithlis new pict nccarrying (device. sic. Certainly a work containing so
in support of the I1Cwslap r ini conyi-I much borrowed a teiia can ha v110
parison with the university. Generl Mitchell, as well as the rest claim to real greatness. The con
"Acuray lwas"is hewath-of the world, knows that the financial poser' at the pia no hadl an ext rmtely
"Accufery e A ei olwas" itie waustlI- rewa rd in government posit ions is har-d tone but its very haudess con-1
asn, thIneligpicpeo hdua irdly worth worrying about. trbtted to the remiarkable effets of
tion,; especially as ca irrie'dnt in the -- --- - rhythm and touch which he ot ained.
university, is the relentless search for When Ithe 01(1 English estates areI "Fireworks,' a shot, scherzo-like
the truth. As Professor Burrows dope away with, what will the Amer- I piece for orchestra was amusing, It
stated, neither theducator nor the ican plutocrats do with their money emloys all the variety of color and
jornlitha terihtt aniewhen they go abroad? rhythm the complloser has at his Con-
that he has more nearly a lm roa (-ed ------I11h- h ceroFnathu si
the truth than the othi(r. Not eve Irftalk has any psychological effect,1 much the Sae style ut is longei-
the most astute philosopher;; of all we thle people of the United States and more boring. The first tiill
the ages have been able to ktae al ought to 1)0 economical rather soon theme reminds one of the oening o '
stand on any Jpreviously unknown !no1w, 'aiti Sesleutd'mlal n
matter and 1)0 cemrta in that they have - --__-_ __the__suceeding develoient hw, sue
discovered the absolute t rTli, for, I Bonder if there isn't an illegal wa 'gstions of everything fromtHeI
without fail, sonmc of his successors to transport prisoners by airplane? Sl~mherazade Suite to the Magic bemire
in the field either comipletely reverses Imsco Wlu0"''lti mc
formr vewpint o rat eas nso stongly of the seond a(t of ''T'ris-
etwists it into an essentiall new iea. " that even a. genuine W agne rianI
Surely Presidentflux-rton (cannot ig- EDIT'RIAt music.
eore the fact that many fI alse theories ________porta________ n til musru(ikc.e av trw
fand even pure fi br icat ions of the !I h Ptoci~"w aeSrw
BI%; xAiINE jnsky in his most charact eist ic ad([
imagination withl 110pract ical applica-,I
tion have come fromt the halls of -The New Student.(charming moo0d(. One should renieii-
learing f evry ounty sa or The Ilonos course plan popoersi ber that this is dance miusi, that tie
of evexyI action of te ballet covets te long
cvry age, declaimled as the trutil that; the s'ult, ,who has become a'fgr -pttin hc lcs oii
I Ytinarabysoic ;t 'rth'O-Ltman or a woman is to 1)e given ai in the orchestial performiance. Thlis
comes along andl ovei'thriows these so-chnetgeawyfomtehg ishrig luiluthudnt1)
calledl "truths." Like wise in Itle fheld iac ogtaa rmtehg Ii hrigmscbtSol o.h
of ouralim. ccu-ac istheillschiool class. Hle is to 1)e released taken too seriously s it is in the light
enfournwismchuyi the ledigdewlal~e from the daily drudgery of class at- frothy Fiench style. The themres are
menarealwys I mvin. Tuthis 0)tenolancoe, careful supervision of his trivial, sometimes cheap, bult, they aie
earnstl souht hatany epoterchokce of studies, regular quizzing 'cleverly handledl ad interesting. One
earnstl soght tha aty rporerand testing, text-bookasinetgsadsreodncfotths11-1
Iwho wilfully disobeys this rule hplaces asgmns es eietIlnc rmti u
I hmsef i dagerof ~eienitt~y ~ a 11( all 'the maciinery wihich is neces-j sic but nmiOetotional, aesthebic reac-
I hmsslf.ndne fprepoydsary in igh school and necessary for i tioti-that only comets from tie propem-
Men ho annt s~o'i ~~ bI f high school minds in college. Ile is coordination of melody harmony ard
to choose the field in which 1ie wamts rhythm. Thie latter alone never made
the articles which they are assigned; to work, and in 1)e released into it. gra music.
to write, never snake successful jour-gra
nalists because inaccurac-y is not tot- (lie will have the guidance of teachers Strawinsky as a conductor dIoes
erated. Copyreaders, who go0ver~ thi-hough pemsonal conferences; lhe will muchd junmping around ad at tmes
ireporters' accountscif the evets of t he be saved from the most fatal ilis- achieves an effect. He understands
takes. i that the principal element, to b)e
day ar iiciide il i 1('Wl~Pe stff Ile can use his imaginationIlie can brought out n his msic in rhytm.
primarily for acc'u racy in facts a4
wela nsye nfcni e spend long hours in the library when This he does: as a great conulco' lie
his mind is well -oiled for one big is not to be considered.
newsape no- te uive-siy ~ Search. lie can come close andl then Strawimskys is not, radica ituuscj
claim mor-e ,.animailhonesta lt emtiptto l
discver nd pesen tyr troh. ;skutaniff an get. pespective : all ac- i nor is it hard to understamd. It has.'
I(cordlinig to his own need. form of a kind, melody though ti vial,3
I Of coum'e he must show some sense0 and suprisiigly fewv dissoances. It
SELF-S5ACRIFIC(E VN PUBLIlC (of(direction. And at 11he endlie nust has very clever- o1chi('s[rat ion 'a11d the
In the demotion of ilr igadici- (Tno-m- give a group) f exai ners proof that, le rhythmi is astonishing. Ay composer
al Williami Mit chell, assi~,atllchief of as become master of the domain he whos sole bid fo gieatress depends
the Army Air Semrvice, the inevitable has mapped out for himsef. He must" upon a contmiution to only one le-
has happened, It was to iv expect ed be able to, talk completely and ac- iet of miusi can not seriously 1)e
that Secretary of War Weeks would cumaely, to develop ideas amd en- considered. Strawirsky is just hat--
not allow Mitchell to dlisagi-e ith thusiasmis about it,Ile will, !a rhythm maniac.
him so publicly wit bout, comriing hw-ki Insteadl of monkeying arournd with***
atlmmnve-ydeisvey mdjut as honor systems, let the entemprising J HE ~STUDhiI)E1 i R IE('JTAl.
pulicly. No daubtt his ws inade ones begin a movement towardl havingI The following progiain will be offer-_
even more certaiin by tiet act that Fio the llHonors Courses adopted. Now ed by tie advanced students of the
much of the test intoiny ptc setc d be-most, collegelpresidents won't acet University School of Music this eve-
fore the Senate investigation coitimt- the plan without a struggle. They am-e ning at eight o'clock in the Recital
tee vindicated the Cc inerai in his accustomed to accepting tie fact of all:
charges that the Aim'Servce h'bad been the, high school calibre of college stu- Scherzo................ Mendelssohn
Seriouisly ne lectedt by the A rilty ents. And they have their own fears Impromptu---------SchuberC1t
treados. beside.oic colleges kill the plan eyl Magart. Strauss
The ireal signiticame of I whole . adoptimng- it. and then surmounding it Siciliano from First Solo-Sonata
.affair, however, liesil the facIt that. i with samfeguards, really it becomes I................fath
General M~itchell broufgt about, the mnothing else tian tihe old high school Hungarian Dance, D minor .--
disclosure of thle ( srp c'sin I le phanin t a new (disguise, amd as such.............lraliuns-Joachium
Air Service pu'ogramii. At one Idine succeeds ill nearly fooling the faculty Gertrude Fi-edrich
(lurimng the invest igati'n b statedI withIout quite foolimng the studemnts.' Sonata, Op. 2, No. 2, Allegro . . iv.tiaio.h
timat le carcd vey lithe about Itis own Such devices as Honos Courses--------------------------hetioven
fate in tie matter but was jiritariily can only work when themrc is a basis! 1el10n Vain Blois
interested in bringing lth tthlxcf the for trust. Do students want to be re- Ave Maria................... Luzzi
situation to)irlight. is advocai cydof Ibnaesfront heir hpre enltigh school Margaret Calvet
a uited lt Sm-vceas tt m-dnt- Iboohtge ''lin hy mus prove *TwociEtud1(e ....Chmnuin


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partmnent. of natiomal lin'it'ise was } trustwuomrthby. At colleges where the , z~huDve
shown to be hot h inh)1~'t u-al vnud un-- f plan is 'iig really tried thmey do.)'.Tile Tm-io, No. 2, B3 flat major (K~och(,. No.
desir'able, but ho' has renidered no in- j plan appleals to thme ver'y ablest 502) Last M~ovemnent...... Mozart
conlsiderab~le serice t0ill aroiusing l pb- it1den onthe Ocamps--not to time Dorothmy Haab, Piano; Or-iemn Dalley,
lie andl offliial interest, whero it wasi grinds. The course is being takemn by Violin; E~arl Adams, 'Cello
needed. football cap~tains, mamagers of teams, Scotch Poem..............IVMc~owell
____________________headls of activities. They find oreiI~ Polonaise, A major........... Chopin
TI T~E IIIGIIT OFAL satisfaction in it: than in thme small pay, Dorothmy Malcolnison
Thfo rvrym gn thrsit which s0) many college organizations Pa iions.................. Schumann
Tecnroe y--i;na e r bring in retu'i for so much effort. 1igxaTc
b~etween Gutzon Horgluni. sc-ultor of 1crc s gcane orth.immtu'cet
-the Confederateimemnorial on Stone win for themselves matume'pivilges.Acc Bompnisseon setn
~mountain,. andl tiememenorial associa- ~ - piiee.An rem, and Hlen Bhahnik.

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