VOL. XXXV. No. 114
Executive Tells Policies
HELL AUDTRU 1)110111 M 4)SCE "N I
O1 xii 11 IN I 'ri- v iIa j
Administers Oath
M~11i Furnish MuiwcalI
Dr. Lloyd C. Douglas, minister of
the First Congregational church of (1p
Akron, Ohio, will speak at the next ( ti
University service to be given by the pr
Student Chriistian association March a
15. Dr. D~ouglas' subject has not been(a
Special music will be furnised by a
chorus of 100 male voices (directed a
by F. S. Rockwell of Jackson. T.]his ;ss:IL~
group of men have organized in Jack- rr::::C
son and are drawn from all vocations :<:N..
of life. They will sing several se-
lections for the service and will lead i(
the audience in the singing of theg
usual hymns. The chorus of men will I12
be brought over from Jackson by au- V
tomnobiles and will return immediately
after the service.
°Dr. Douglas, who will deliver the ad- t
dress for this service, is well known1
in Ann Arbor. From 1915 to 1921 he { R
was minister of the Congregational12
church in this city. Previous to that 't
time, he was director of religiouse
work at the , University of Illinois1
from 1911 to 1915. During the war,
Dr. Douglas was director of publicity :
ill colleges and universities, United ":r::;: :
States War Work Council. He is au-{
thor of "Wanted, a Congregation,"
published in 1921. ii1
Dr. Douglas is at present engaged j1
as the minister of the First Congre- President Coolidge who read his first inaugural adrliess yesterday {i
gational church at Akron, Ohio. lie1 from the speakers patorm on the steps of the White house. The Presi- 1,t
weas last in Ann Arbor when together (ent spoke in a clear, forceful, con-vining tone, his ertrcs frequentlytP
with Dr. Herbert Jump of the Con- Ipunctuated1 by long outi)u1sts of applause. v
gregational church, lie officiated atb
the funeral ceremonies of'tlie late , n
Pres. Marion L. Burton. The sub- IA f O R I T [ D em ocrats Toj
ject of Dr. Douglas' address at the ir aIuTuw .{uiri
University service, March 15, will be lIIIIWI L UWII 1 eaI-l r o( I , 1
announced by the Student Christian d..~W
association in the near future. T 1 H SD N a
wN , IHill i UNE(W , 122.d loyal S (Copeland Unitedv
~eInd1( (ouni; & Cleluet5 Satessenator fm Nw'.Yoik ad a;
iN, H IS LST RACE H ERE B [ " Ie nt Bd f"2ermyor of Ann Arbor, and Prof.
WO4?RK TOGETH IER ! ii Oi (0y deatmen~t will he the prin-
New York, Mar. 4.--Paavo Nuruli I-(i1)Zil;;pea hers at a banquet held by
ran to1,qaworld record for 1. 1-8 mile {Professors Jesse -5. eeves of th iatC, )e~oct 5troig ll l ai'1 htohett
1n 4u~it 1 oliica ino'tlock5I4on5gsetoatsthetltnei;nTh
In miute, 5 45 scomisat hepolticl cienice (eartlnelt,lie rbert a nquet tonight, will peede the
1Q~h infantry gamles in Brooklyn to-Dmcaicsaecovnin1hc e
uight. ". Sadei' of 1t1he engineering college, irls hre tom sato ntonwiow.-
The former record of 4 minutes 58 and (. Carl Iluber o the meicl e trCpeadwl oko
secondls waiinmade by Nurmri at the i school wee mamd by 1,lie Seate "T °he Fnc~ion o' Political Parties
Brooklyn college competition Jan. 24. 1Ol <etra llcrona i ihiePoesrSls;ni ceue
in his raceedayartrtonightthe! helePdefeatedoson s shedle
ln i raoodw inoft l eeNeYoka.d. fly senate co~iiiittee to work withteto talk on "The lecague of Nations.''c
li Godin o te ewYok .4. yAva h Cummnins, a formier guberna-1
a third of a lap. Andy Craw of New! coniiiitteecof liet~g(h i'i le stint toial candidate will discuss state is-c
York was half a "lap behind and 1- tion of names and ieconuiendat ion ;<s,
mar Prim of the Finnish Americani for' a new president for the Univer- George J. Bunre, local attorney, will;f
A. C. was distanced. it y. i ct lsip oa si natr at. tcs gathering(1
The flying Finn failed to lower his rj.(5( u'e W ii W](dd 1!will be ilirioduciedt by 11125. W il-'t
figure for 2000 yards run gUse-If'i y liani I. Anderson o (Grandit Bapid s,
onds loiwer than lhe did at Biuffalo,l ballot of tile council n six IMM' ; pi gO 'i vice-elli ran of the state cntraI
Feb. 12. ented by Lhe ciiuiit ee nammid by ;cemminit te'. i r. PalVekr, presi
It was Nurii's last appearamnce in Acting P resildn 1. AlfIret 11. L loyd for denta of Olii 'et college w ill give the in-I
the United States before partcipating ithat lpupohc. Ti: imary. voca I io1.
inltwoCnda rc et tHm totOehnrdad11ysueton and Toronto. Hie left for Can-teconsisted of Prof. U. . 1l'ihl~ ollii~ emers of the Non-Partisan League
'ada immediately after the race. of tie histor'y (Iot~alIiii oit, ha irilan, ;(o Nat icls asscia tion2, will be guests{
__________________________i Dean J. A. lu rsley, and P ro'. F . ( .t Ithe banquliet thlirough (.e court esy
Classes will be started on March 10 RNovy of t heieicl ischoo, who wasj of W'illi hn A. (Comst ock of D etroit,
In the Mermrill-Palmer school which isutstituted for Prof. It. W A igi r o ID)imra tic na tionl (olmililtteenani
is to be established here under the al-tela eoo det li ater; I-fo li!gannd(i i1(5i.By,
spices of the Faculty Women's club. nSS. Detroit manufactumer.1
Work is now well underway toward i JDefinite( reason1s5 f01'coo sing te I i~'i1e are epecially invitd to at-j
remodeling the University building; six 1m011 eltct( wetre pr(i'(S~te o(I 1(1 1icI iebanquet and already a large
on South Ingalls street where classes ' thisi Senateo council by tiw primairy llli)l fIhmhv xrse hi
will meet. Children from 3 to 5 cormmttee. Therse ireasons are ulnder- ~111iu0 111gl1C~l
years of age will be enrolled,to ohv me asdciIh a
____________________________________________that the fa culii y omhno 1thlit joint
coiillit tee of teg('i nd amlSeria~t 0 will 1 Cl lJ
. _ _ r . of a nd la s> a clm one]l or thle ( u mu n i [ T
:cation of faculty (opinion01. CVSLTL ED
I!rThe ('0111 itte('(1is also iunderst oodtl r
SN) Ito have sletthenmie.,fo i hot- v rnbr fte!iiia
Rseveral different schools and ('01leg(sfobl t
opin~ionl as 1posible 1ight hoerepro- t it 1tq4( tis1igtinths semblyt
seted. As the Regents on t he ('co-ne II itf 1) Ui on togv noffcial
iittee erscut:t.the a2niinita t ie sudol
o j ~~~~~side of tihe Uni vesit y, it was floirihtfobl ucifrthiratreyas
I atvisable to have the Senate comitt e (,1J) V.14will 2n-V 1' 4~v lo 44 sak')L41J1XhR
Proceeds From "1 miterimatlonial Migt'!
To b e Gliven to Fund For
''o nel B l difnt,ei'uat on 'l N ight,'' tihe 'osno-
politan club's annual exl bition of
;e talent of mnany nations, will be r
resented at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill
ud itoriuni. Thle box office will open
All r'eceip~ts, other 'than a smallj ilwHoad'ftCheJuic
moun. t heuse iiiconlucing(10 of the Sunreite (Court of the U~nited
amont o e ued n ondctig os-1,States, who administered the oath of
no politan club activities duiring thei office to President Calvin Coolidge at
oning year, will be dtevoted to thej the inugural1 yesterdiay afternoon.
uihdiug tuntd of the Women's League. This was the first t inge a former presi-
' ho League, in cooperetion wiit im the (ldent has adfministered the oath to an-
Cosmopolitan ('lull andl various or- ohr
;anization's of foreign studients, is
handimng the s 1e(c f tickets. Derek
Van Osenbruggen, '251+, is generalt
Seeley, '26, is in charge of the activi- FIIIi iS A~ R S
lies of tile League.
Ste in Kozekevitch, wellt-known
ing role, that of the prince wilo wins VVLL PL Y H R
he princess, Minna Miller, '27. In--
elutded in his songs are the ''olga' l1iIo of Riad Maiishield to Ap-
Boat Song" anti otherls that wre c- pear in "Thle (Goose llaii~;s high,"
a0ied bly crmitics as the hest, of tile Friday, Mrcm13
Internat ion~al Night nmulmbers last, year.
Other headliners of tile production, AR RAN GED AS MATINEE
whc scahdb ro.A .Moe!o the electrical enginleering delpar't.- lfinal arrangeents have just been
mleit, a ndIMm's. M~oore, will be time
po~ili folkc dancees, dione bly tile Pol- toiie lt leei ms ihr
ish " Wirazysci" society of D~etroit, and Manmsfieild, witdow oIf Richard Mans-
11e songs anti (ances oIf Mr. Lion1 field, tihe famous; American actor, ill
Piskovpceff, a native of' Moscow lti'o- Miss B~onmstelle's production (If "The
vince, Russia. All t he nummbers will; Goose Hangs Iligh'' by Lewis Beach
be outfitted in time costumes of their foe n ma I me performance Friday,
nat ive lands. MVar chi13:, initime Whitney theater.
Among the members of' the I niver- ! iYlrst fill is 11(1W apJpearning as
city whor will taket parmt, in thme shoare ! t~hIi i lot l ,ie,1in Iis comedy as guest
Miss Marian iMiller','25, who will ta't ist wit 11 line Itonstelle company at
lance afterthi ie fashion of the( Ara,1 tthe Porn-it ile playhouse, Detroit.
Miss Hielen Alien, grad1(., wilt)wilhl pen- 'The Ann A rbor'nerformance will
The largest audience in time history
of thme world, it is claimed, listened to
Presiden t Coolidge's Inaugural ad-
dmress yesterday by means of the ra-
dio. Twenty-five high powered sta-
tions scattered across the American
continent from New York to San f
Francisco relayeJ the details of the
cerenmony and the speech of the ex-
ecutive. Estimates of the number who
listened approach 10 millions.
Beginning at 11:45 yesterdaymon
lun-g the broadcasters swung into ac-
tion with details of the preparation
for the inauguration. This was fol-
lowed from 12 to 1 o'clock by a con-
cert by the Marine band. Following
this fans from one end of the country
to the other heard the president take
this oath of office and listened in on
his inaugural address.
At a late hour last night telephone
calls and telegrams were still pour-
ing in in such great numbers at all of
the stations that no definite count
could he made. The broadcasting wasj
done by two systems of stations underj
the directions of the Radio Corpora-
tions of America and the American
Telegraph and Telephmone company, re-
Seniors Vote
To Subscribe
For Alumnus'
Seniors of the literary college will
subscribe to the Alumnus as a class
thisyerfolwn a decision at a
meeting of time class yesterday after-
noon. A refund of fifty cents on eachm
subscription will be turned over to the
miemorial fund of the class by the
Washington, D. C., March 4.--(By
A. P.).--Calvin Coolidge calumly and
quietly assunmed fth'e duties of the
presidency totday for four more years
and Ciarles G. Dawes swept into the
' a
.. __ _
1. tA(. lAl4 Ft t>.141Vt 11..11va acawaa.vv x +++
form1 time Scottish iimghland finig ando be under'time joint auspices of time Alumnus. g
also time fammous sword dance, and time Ann Ai'hor br1ancl I h e mria Thvlu of the Alumns i bid-
'Juvesit gm'l' andli clbwhih'Association of Uniiversity and the lug time graduates to the University
will play "Serenata Veneviana" anti Miciigan Theater leagume, which adas sablei o ls n
'GldnSpin.sponsrs uthe Cleveland Players. nouncements was emphasized by Wil- p
Hawaiian music b)y Tang and~ Ta- Mrs. Marnsfieldl was for mnany yearsfrdBShw '0,sceayotep
cane, atI MayilnaSunLoog,"a ,her husband's leadlig lady under the} alumni association and editor of the s
Cjhinese melody playetd by Graham name of Beatrice Cameron, having Alumnus, who spoke at the meeting. o
Pimn, oseh ina '2, a~fI SengH.played] Portia to his Shylock and Lady The plan of the class subscribing as p
Tao, grad, finishl a pm'ogram gathered; Anne to hiS l~ichanrl ill, as well as awhl wsinttebyheni-s
from many points of time' world. To ' hl a ntae yteegn
add to time international atimosphere, creating the roles of Riajia in Shaw's eering class last year, and will be }c
Chnee ni apnsegilswll~clAm ns and time Man," Nora in Ibsen 's continued by them this year. 1C
I "Tihme Doll hcuse," and the leading "The Alumnus is the largest alumni 9
time programs at the lpreforlmance. lpr in Shamw's "','he .Devil's Disciple." organ in the country," declared Mr. II
Time centem' sectioni of tile main floor Ile reetrtuntote Igels
only is reservetd, the tickets being '7; l~e uoetrtmi otesaels Shaw. "It has a circulation of be- t
cens. he estof he udiorim i IMonday even ing was niai'ked with un- I tween 12 and 13 thousand, several
nott reservedl, and tile tickets are 50 uuletmsall t a eotd thousand more than its nearest rival. f
cet.The cui tain will rise at 2:15, and And the lead 'inqi'eases with* each e
cet.the seats will be priced as follows: graduation class." i
enire umin floor, $2; first four rows The $3.00 subscription price of the c
; f tihe balcony, $1.50; remainder of.) magazine, optional for each member t
M NIH I O TAION balcony. $1. Mail orders acre now be- I of the class, will be collected through
SCHOOL UDO~E n g received at the Whitney theater I the treasurer's office at the time theI
SCHOO CHOIt istime hone of the local com- The 50 cents refund will be used for
1 pultteeC alsto to hring M'viss Bonstelle's whatever memorial is selected by that1
Senior Education sch'ool canmes have 1 companmy to Annl Arbor for a series committee.
beeni chosen by tile class coummittee I of plays next fahi if tile response tos Reports by committee chairmen t
headed by Russell Brnumbaugh. Timei the perfoi'mance M\arch 13 indicates a were heard by the class preceding
sticks arc tto be as unmique as possi - efinite inteirest in such a course. time Alumnus discussion. Honorary
ile this year, with tips anmd etchinmg;' - officers were announced by Robert V.
time imaterial is a pple wood. 'LCE Halsey, '25, chairman of the commit-
A commuitteeto niake arraingemients PL FRLICTICET tee, and amre as follows: H-istorians,
for class day festivities has been all-r ILIXI Robert Ramsay, '25, and Verena Mom'-
pointed: L. C. Beck is chlairmlan. nu inl~ t ffI1 an, '25; Prophet, Samuel Moore, '25;
Plans of the class iniclude a dance to ;W EL ItflL D1L UV Poet, Francis Bonner, '25; Orator,
be held March 27 in time gymnasium, HowadCr l, '5
I' o th Uniersty igh chol. Tickets to time Frosh Frolic, to be
wil e laced in thle Union ballroomM OA H IN 9
nDwill tie placed on general sale from2
:GOPERS LOS SEAON o i5 o'clock this afternoon at thel
U[ILII IregrlesoclsnyprheteUnon. Any s;tudeilt in the University., C ODOC E S E C R ETRY
nrrr~~iarn tickets, accortding to [tanny Grinnell, I__
i28E, actmig gencmral chmair'mian. I Washingtonm, March 4.-(By A. P.)-
Minneapolis, Man. 4.'--(By A 1.)-- One humudred anmd sixty of thme 250 veett Sanders of Indiana, was sworn
Thbnvriy fMneo asket.(- Itickets off'ered for sale were purchmas-iinasertytoPsdntCldg
ie tneamclseitsy1f2Minn )01ota c ed- (eI by fr'eshmnen yester'day The pa'ce timis afternoon in the executive offices
miehr<'nigl ii 7 to 17 vie - $~0 helicue of the White House.
tery over Chicago. The triumph pult I Iecagdfo aosnx Mr. Sanders, whose term as repre-
tihe Gophers back on tihe middle ri'mg Te fom cumi tewsapone sentative from Indiana expired today
in the Big 'Ten standing with 6 gaines a acigo iei'oi omte was administered the oath by N. P.
won and a like number lost, last night, and is commposed of Rich- ebtrchfclkofhe Wie
am'l avae,'28 cainmmn, eoge n-House. The ceremony was performed
I ek ~in time presence of Mrs. Sanders, Wl
Ge erlIibruy mble, 28, IHoward Wioneger, '28, Jac HasofSlia,-ninoreGn rlGn r lx. 3 L,
1I l'edrieck, '28, Sari Wettlaufer, ,28E, Hyo ulvn ninfre
Addus Rare B ooks and William Wiener, '28A. postmmaster-general and a few inti- I
I ____________ inate friends.
Aumong sonme recent acquisitionsi11f1
nmadle by tile Uniiversity librar~y I ~eMM R O C N RS AL H R
Catalogue of time Royal Library" at ' fhmnnlflht
The Hague, a book valuab~le in ref-OEITORIALIUM1W N IFIILTV RC
attered mamy precedents.
In a brief inaugural ceremony,
hich never deviated from the decor-
,program laid down by him long
advance, Mr. Coolidge renewed his
Ath of office on his gradnfather's
ible and in a short inaugural address
>stated his policies (of governmental
But General Dawes furnished a
Lcession of surprises and thrills
rat stirred senatorial ire. First he
ad tiemiot act to the Senate on. the
eessity of revising its rules to out-
w tie one man filibuster. Then, in-
:ead of swearing in the new Sena-
rs in fours as was tie time-honored
stonm, he ordered them brought up
ra hunch to save time. Then h
it short the cerenmony of Senators
igning the book, and finally, without
y Senator having made a motion
the fact he announced that the de-
berative botdy would proceed to at-
nd tie inauguraion of President
oolidge outside.
The Senate and its distinguished
uest, thereuipon trooped out to a
astly different scene on the east pla-
n. where thousands already were
Baiting to see the induction into office
f Mr. Coolidge while millions more all
ver the nation waited at tuned in
dio sets to hear what he said. The
am, measured tones of his inaugural'
ddress were carried to the greatest
utdience ever addressed by one man.
and as his last words ended the brief,
,imple inauguration, mnllions muit
gave heamrd also tile calling of the bu-
es to set in imotion the short inau-
;ral parade which wound up the day.
Back at the White H-ouse under es-
:ort of trotting cavalry troopers, the
iresident and his guests took their
laces in a glass enclosed, reviewing
tand to see the passage of the score
of governors who had places in the
)ageant, the marching foot troopers,
>ailors and marines, the rumbling
,olumus of artillemry and a whole herd
If squat battle tanks, which had
rumbled and rumbled their way up
ennsylvania avenue in a steady
The service bands in their gay un-
iorms gave color to the procession
s they marchetd with trumpets blar-
ing, flourishing for the comnander in
hief but the whole familiar trappings
f past inaugurations were almost all
bsent, and the whole parade had gone
y in little more than an hour.
rlut despite the shnrliclty of te
eremoy Inilsed lay the wish of th?
president himself, 1M. Cooige took
office, this time in his own right, by
tie overwhelming vote of his fellow-
ountrymen amid scenes strangely
ontrasted with those at the other in-
auguration 19 months ago in lisa fa-
tier's home in Vermont.
(Continued on Page 11)
Lauds Beauty Of
Clemnents Library
Clememts' library is tie imost beau-
tiful building on tie campus today,
in tie opinion of Prof. ENie Saarinen,
visiting professor in the College of
Architecture. But, adds Professor
Saarinen, it is tdificult to say which is
truly the most beautiful building0on
the campus, because all tie edifices
are not properly placed to hbring out
their beauty.
Professor Saarinen, also commended
the beauty of old University hall. _The
trees and vines, and tie landscape in
general, hie pointed out, all hlped to
give the edifice a college atosphe
"The proper surroundings and en-
virons are necessary to bring ut the
beamuty of amy building," Professor
Saarinen continued, "and even Cle-
ments is not properly placed in re-
lation to the other buildings on the
In Paris on the Boulevard tie build-
ings are not beautiful in themselves,
the visiting Professor' pointed out, but
they are beautiful because of the way
In, whih t, hey~'v are raned. Playing~
---foriecalst: iiisett ll W"°e etherV Iodil
11it loult imue cl cange ii teuiperam-
t tore.
is a priocess o(f evolumtion--so is
d cvertisin mi As man a dvanced
asI mmmut'b aseall itlrmy mtassuteme
represenita mchasposilemidt ies of'tiirector of athlnetics at time
scholastic side. Uiest fWsosn
Other consiterat ions, Such as ox- I Untiri ot WiSomei ofthen.
cluding all deamns frome time commmittee0°('apt a inV i ty z:et StegrCoftim-e1924
ias a z mmtter of policy, ar'e also under- =Iob Brown of thme 1.925 leamn were time
Istoodi to have ent eretd into) thet'chioicelprniaspkeso th ev
of the pri'iary soeikatisgofcthe evening
of hellummay oimintumgcomiimtte.wilie Coach 'Tad Wieman acted as
The entire comumnittee which will so-tmatase'.CchLtlrspnd
osmse.CahLtl epne lect mnammes amithmeconmmendations for';'to thme eulogies ofthtie football men
a new president will consist (Iflie- heasrnetmtimseprec
iwithm suaneta iseprec