PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY MARCH .1, 1927) PAGE SIX \VHI)NESDAY, MARCh 4, 11925 - . -- ....... ..... ^s:p Aft ., .. .. REST ATE9TI Wolverines to C'lose Basket Seasom illCamne 'Willa iicago :Here Satuirday CHERRY TO PLAY Coach I\4ather's Y rit at V 1) lia ll squadl ret urned yesterd~iy after- noon from Blloomiing-ton, Inci., where the 'Wolverines were deteated .51-3 by the IndIianla five Mon lay night. The squa(d didl not. work out yest er- (Thy but was given a one-dlay rest. The men~f will esuni practice tonight for the gamnewt h Chicago Saturday night at the field Ihzuse. Monday night's, contest found thle 'Wolverines playing a goodl offensive. game, but their defense was unable t o c-ope with the rushes of Logan and Kr iueger, tile Indiana forwardIs who between them accounted for 32 of their te(aml's 1points5. Capt ain George I la:ggert y was in good form, sinking six ,field goals a'-ilIthree free fouls for a total of 15 points. Ed Chambers4 was second to Haggerty, with seven points. rThe (efeat reduicedl 1\icli- gan',., average to .500, making a total of five 4ini5 and(1losses. Ind~ianaa climbed into secondl plac as a re'- sult. of th^ game, displacing the 1111- nois teaml, which was trinined by Purdue the same night. The coining tilt with C hicago will close the Wolverine schedule for this season, and Mather's. five should chalk up a victory o'ver the weak Midway five as a climax to the season. The ' ON® State Five Increases Lead In Big Ten Race ' xzt rsa ~r a~nw : meToCoe[IE TN"KMEN DRILL wrestling Season WLERNSTIE FRAGEMEE \1r ii~g;aM GOPHER PUCK 1EN zcaling ere te University ('cactil 31 fil tcE lrSti'o rslr in a 17-6 de- '~Ai i h ' Baseball Tryouts Practice Slidingl NWith his squad of baseball caudi- dates greatly reducedl by the second cut. Coach Fisher has inaugi-rated slid ixn pract ices as a dIail y teatunreoi' <;m ,: . . ; nIM' TEN STiANDINGS~ TOLLEY BALL The volley ball schedule i for ,to- . . .. l o a , j t n o, 1)1o n 1 J 1 Ie ln da H le n a v i , ," ^ 'e t i l e t W t i g 2 3 1- e t I ~ t at h e p r a c t i c e s e s s i o n s .ni n h'l t . i s a s f o l l o w s : a t 7 0 0 o 'c l o c k 11'ent i )Iett.i itie hopes of mnaking a favorable show - g 2 Piieiod Ja k Bltxak stran kl, c ;)nstteI .910 rle~*n gis h trn nin en e'ti Jakllt ae h ukescn- Delta upsilon vs. Phi Sigma Delta; C, ,aua 3f 7s" :diih -ees Coach 1arkr's squad- didats, who have been provided with Phi Kappa vs. Alpha Sigma Phi. At MOONiiiuest GORY NOT TO SWIMe the final mrtet on the ichigan card;R Y O D T R sliding pads ovr in one corner of 745, Theta Chi vs. Alpha Chi Rho; 1titit: 1),G :l i -- scheduled for Sat urday night in Yost te basketball foor, where they take KpaN s h et ht.A fiel hose.of Mchir spiked shoes; and learn how S.:0, Phi Mu Delta vs. Phi eta Delta; riish,.a >" J IWith the Al. A. C. meet scheduledfildhIue.ofApa DlaPiv.PiCmlaDl 1 I'4tI ~ ~I frq n h ofrneme h Indiana teaml is probambly the Secial To The Daily) to Slide oin a bag This 1)phaselaehivsoPifama el tlotc tra. :) 1P :4 1 fo aturday adteCneec etsirongest imat agregation in the Con- Minneapolis, Min.. arch 3.-Coach practice Till continue until the as- ita. At 9:15, PI'M u Alpha vs. Tu Icrait, ; 11o0 1the following week, Coach Manni sent ° J,' psilonPi(im)u s liIab ference. possessing practically the iverson s Gopher hockey team ws, ktl.,. floor is rme. e. and everynPh;SgaNvsPiLmb A (1 Ih it'tein 8 7 ~0t hi sh adsf wimersthrugoan swimhattirsilithsroruhehattite heldtoa toti lst1-t1 ttmaionthessud illighive hsyd Kapa 1} i:1'tti .1 n+, other strenuous drill at the Y. M. C. lsttht ielli*os orthfmt she are (on t.esudwl egie i Kpa ast season. In the tar meets held' hir t ti~ laicago 1] . .pool. ti esnteHoieshv otbtuivesiy o ihgnsexte inwht ectaesaesilt i i esnteHoir hv otbtMcia n h acesaesilte main'iB~~( TAI The relay team received a greatw.h othetr.ficas.emoltebs nerolgaeofCahIilrr ~i i The schedule for tonight is as - I ______tVo m t h s. i he N rh w s e n hockey contest wit hin their iem o ucs. pesrc ) o C ucl[t di r. tat i ,thisof hi tim ed s adue s eeoth In iraaeatioc:ehe foollowsi le at:hi Classut t p acLeagueos: Gla satLe g7:00:704 at1.ipresenlt the Oioprobable before the Conference meet. sedo 30soe y'poetn'Teierasi xeln dtc;conditions to tell te. full capal~iities !Llta Sigma Mi vs. Alpha Kappa tet I9 a c tiif L' Ire1 n loomns il li- t e ,Jaek (G ew w llr ill n t swim against M . two m atches the Purple. w ere given (8 n t r o hocr enfeie , b te lr c s o s u h s l h d a b a h et p i o s h 1925 '~onve nce title holder, the A. C. as the Coach believecs a little ;two bouts n falls, changing the score opa desprelytoge the curnts lis1b1) yIapa r o ihypesn ot~ li lh h h s et a i't~nv i sj" by 110 means1 sure of rest will do his injuredl limb a world !to 23-10. coach. The most glaring fault of the Epsilon. Interlass league at 7:45: te cairisi of good. Cow's absence from tile re-1 ~mtfiswr ie capturing the first gam.. At the endi ohLtvsSeor isj enr c~temp~o~~o ~P ; Wolveine of a(Ieegie f the regular time limit the score i eeives is thir inability to hit. phitvsSeor is; enr i ii; u ~ z., have i\wrgaimles re- ilay (quartet will give Coach Mann an 1surprise when Goldstein, thle star ws ida lte~emsllae .Coach Fisher is eagerly waiting for Iaws vs. Soph Engineers; Froh it unainmag n t heir schedule, one with 'oppotunlity to try out some of his 'heavyweight of the Maize adBu wte, and thlieeamisIpfatele ha set hil ,v on s uirLt A :4 oe Indiiaa of Ill aoniingi (in and the othI- other candidates for tihe job. iteam was thrown by Stipek of 'Wi- utes"overireywitnorepordecisir.thotihLents vs. Fnoh haws; School of Ed- er with Xisi.onsiiiatoColumbus. ('apt ainKerr will not try out for 11cosin in 2 nmintes and 17 seconds. was a were to strong eand neitic ing taatiiond"s.'Seriyr(Medire;lJrtiforMth Shofeld toi nervAdv'nc epo havectiivsSeorMds;JnrM- Shoal I ten Tin both of these con- the relay as he wishes to conseirve all ,This is tie second( time that tile ich- asa l opec h opposing lne-cachinill) Adtoc dies vs. Senior Engineers. At 3:1: po'.e llup .. consistently. ie a slugger, and if ht esutoI tests thy will he unisputed c'hant-I of his pue for the csroe race,1 igan heavyweight has been defeated xettinhill behedan Soph PIlarmics vs..Junior Enginers; ioa:.. llowver the hoosier aggie- so that iPapenguith may be transferred losing to Rslon in the Ohio Statei Reynolds was the star for the Mic- epettinpperii 0 lau aDlents vs. Aturials; Frsh En- gal ion is Ting; stirong .of late having' fromn the fancy (ive to the relay or lie in all overtime match. Goldstein will igan team), andl the out staningi~ per I iioglders abovetiueotoercatahwrs defat ed }Illinois last We n icIjelmay patiipae nloth.If Pp'me iet a strong opponent in Fisher.Ithe former of tie entire (cotest.1He('ws rll of the baseball caidi~ates ael e uul1d~iilaei ~. d.J'lto l f'1Inifa patcn rglrywihteece) ,EIIA ~OP igan :Monday ]ight. Oio is llactic- gurth is taken out of the dive, Ohi- heavywxeight fashoftheHooie tea1m rlin nte fes n itcin01 reguiry awithplthe eoge- p FRElStHron RoUhePeiinre allyooflagr n hon.Gore Th siie of tiflilg tile.Wisconsin 'pliant will supplant him as Starrett's jBaer. tle Michigan flyweight, has itigable in checking tie Gopher ataick. mgemt a[tesa trlbaea e 'lsmeoubaofketbalimnawie tiss1 at)ami d if this (loesocupteyartner. ja clean record thus far this season, hspkofekngpoin lenil as etyrsea eson ar11 wll foraa ewentebsetaltam ilb .isdl)es' occcurlgtpeyi:gsl'e I o Isi eaon ndwilreport llyefhsovnngircal o -01 ill still have al unispu1151lted (claimiiui in the A. A. C. mleet, Samson will 118vin~g 'Al deicisions in all of is;embarrasing to the \Iinueota team.. baealalaoysle smeivenedayhis evigiouslyanoef to the title. igive upl)the 220 yard race as Dune-mia tches. Elei'laid has proven a Lindstro0111at ting amd Weitzel at goal on luesdayball deviouily.aisoan oed Illino is' tiniile from the lead last kin is capable of holding Ihis own iIpoint earner for the Hoosiers all sea- 81lso played fine hockey for the visit- hu is',who wasuinlipiIl as ,ea, j Aftethefnaswin epofatedto week as no great surtprise, as to 1that thlat event, anld will take Gow's place son, and will force the 'Wolverine star (ors. wi wsiiibe o eilat, 1spes,n wenthe innschduefortesdwy time( they bad ilayed bt, Iogie in thje 40. Samson will, also swiml on to the utmlost in an effort to gain a The sec(od gane of the series, the rwatibltopyathersnt leagues. Teshdl o usa >Wyt~l hm n h were with( the l relay quartet andl in the hundreddIe(cislion. IBaker' is te oly sophi- I one which will decide thle ConferenceI because of illness. nigt is as follows: At :30 o'clock in NoritIwetrn and Chicago, the tail- Johnson will be his patner in the 401I omore on the nieat team. camponsill. will be played t onight Wtra(yiGou1,v.Con ar feestlewhleI'-eguh ay Captain Kabelregi is' ___ - -- - - Foblc ;i hreakrdig1;Gop7v. Cop5 ru s cneiem'sThme uckers have two i10'0a'e lfe syewhl;apsueI a aso' ombe thega ine(us last esolto--b-- FotbalcylgthebardinGri4 oul0.F7nvswilroup,5; chrouledvs tanklers brLoke twio twols recor'ds. Trhe relay teani in the 4-adrely, ::et re(ords )0 boh at the 250 anad 800- Y, awl markts. Thmeir' time oft'2 :27 3-5 not only cli11ed 4-5 of a sec'onld train thle formncr wet l's marilk for 300 Y ards, lent bench es, their Itiac at (1 ist - tiflce of 250) vard' s a iso tli pteti the= 1(51 '' iimarl;by .1-5 oit a ,s0('old. A shom't tile before this ileiol able er'- cnin g foul im i 110111i(''5of lliis recordt bil akillg swxtet broke the 91100 yarid re- lay m'ccrd. The Unitedl States Naval Acud(bily at Anna ,polis is also ('presgnited hby re'ord(i breaker. Alen of thle Navy set anew collegia tohm-tord of 2:49 1-5 ill the 210 v::u'd brea,,cststrojhe, w l h is 1-5 of a; ecen be'ttem' thana tb. (oil '~'ia ao imi111,10'11by5H.'la. hi fti ovf'ek hlo 1- e.ln t F llsy ~ But not. almnea is t his i'ecord bi'o~lk- iag loendency holdiiig say inith East.. North wrest c n's-, Purple 111r- 11101, thIl :iolm nti el lojgitlt e svrtil- minlg ('ililil iol) 5. co a-ltl'e bhy Toni lobilnsoll, bll,'i;with Ii hon suob a wholesa le IlniI)('r 0of hioors as has _eldom beau n i'i'ied lit'llaro011col-(..- loge Iteam lbefore'. At lceast ascore(of unwi ariks have 7iee.( set l p eq in:di- edl by thle 1i'rlt gm'aIifl John ''amicey, fre i~nctealn slam' is also addl ing laure1s t his uni- versity. In tile MaEou'ooi 1100 he b~roke L t he Conference recorint. the 200 yar'd breast st roke forI'Minnesot.i- J ilni Iill also of thIle Gophers in the w~ine0imeet. shattered the 1,50 yarid lback str'oke time by a mar'gin ofI iw,,o scolls. Unive','sitv(of tsosi' aulk mnn have l, eo1i sliott'ing'ii,) we'11 ini the Confe-oncee. Im tiheir m eet withI Coac(h Mranr.'s icli in s;: d (111Feb. 14,1 thiey established a lieWs 11)0 yai'dlrmly mdarnk for the otherCm'(onference team.s to alia1 at. April 17 hal18 , emichoseni as 1thQ (late for time biennial pageant of tie' school01of fide( auts zat the(1_Iniveisity u I,' one imiute arrived at Rosario to- nighlt. The SoultIiAnierican cover'ed( a < totalti distan'ce of 87 miiles. This feat iS pu 1011td to establish a. new record h ot I for dist anc'e co~vered amnd time. in water. i i,' Tmyouts for tile interschoias- 1 tic managership will mieet t oday Iat 8 o'clock in Yost field house. Re ad. the Want Ad s sJ DANCING TONIGHT AT GRANGER'S And every Wednesday, Friday and' Saturday Nights Music by Bill Watkins and His Granger Eight II I-M Mans Shop* / A VARIETY OF SHIRTS Indcuding a new long point collar i n twhite Oxfr-- and p six different stripes, in the hest Oxford cloth. $3.50 -,$4.50 Light wveights in. f lannels with an excepti ona- ly goo6d c o llar, $3. .00/ Recent Arivails in Stripes $2.00, $2.50 - e ar C 110 Inc., t . L. a I ,I !! I I Quality Always AN BELLI7 ! it GR"EENWOOD AND KILGORE I TRI FP H !1 - 'E'Ei'I 14'E'I-l II 1. 1 I II II I 11 11