{ > k TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1925 ___________________THE NMiCHIGAN DAILY PAGE" 1,T';r" 1 -1 ,-! , 4 - i 1 M LY O FI I PPbication n the Bulletin is constructive n{t~ico t, all members of 0 11heUniversity. Copy received by the Assistaia to Li, 1T",ident until 3:30 p.,im. (31:30 a. mn. SaturdayA 1, yo11me 5 TULESI)AY, FEBRiTAR li1), lY25 Numlber 94 Jordan Given $25,000 Educational Peace Prize DECORTE LIBBY0',C MEN TO ADDRESS II_1___ny students will be sent outtby ' ~ fT oSajnyles on il ling til le e 'tensionmet f h 3Chosen i~u c 'st aaociC io to , SChe f;: GOLD LEA DOiMI .f? ~ I'jnoking in Tiivrsity Buildings: -:.:The attention of all concerned is called to the fact that rules of the legents, based on regulations of fire insurancle co0innnics, specCiiical ly pro- Ifibit smoking in University buildings except private offices or laoratories a lid assigned smoking rooms. The rule is of particular importance in the ease of inflammable buildings like old University hall, and its wings, the [ukeum:, the Law Building, and others. The rule is posted in all buildings. Tihe cooperation of all, both Faculty and students, is asked toward the strict ndliteral enforcement of this rule. The pile covers lrin; ing into or carry- Tpg through hallways, any lighted cigars, pipes, or cigarettes. . , }ir icly W. Siii, Seret a iy. 0 "~Members of the Faculties and Officers of the University may secure 1923i ja rkin,g tags in the office of the Secretary. New taigs sould be secured as sQan as ,1925 license plates are attached. hirleyIW. Snlh, Screl :iry. Universil. Womien; All signing-out slips for the month of Januiary inust be brught to the IN-eof the D~ean of Women immediately. lg ScoolObsevationi : trAll students ~lecting any one of the Special 'Mthod Con res in Educo 1 fonu (except in the sciences and in Latini) must sign up for te wrk fluing e tw -V ek Fe r a y 1 to eb u r 28 Th b rv t o s t c i av;ill begin M onday, March 1, and extend over a period of ten weeks, to M ay g6K. Students will be required to observe eight class meetings and attnd vwo conferences in their major subject, and obsrve four class meetigs ~nd attend one conference in their ininor~sujects. IAssignments for this work will be made by Mr. Whitehouse in Room (Basement), Trappan Ball, daily between the hours of 1:00 and 5:00 P. ]':. Luigthe two weeks stated] above. Each student should bring with hit issemester's class schedule fully made out and be prepared to indiae 1the ys,-and hours he or she has free for the olsrvations. Preference in hoc trvi1;-of course, be the largest for the early comers. C. O. IYPVIs. EiducatIon D).135.'.l'eanlinIg atlmeuiimales : This course has been changed to Tueday and Thursday at four (_) o'clock. ]Ru lgm Schorlng. The teaching and observ-ation of high school science will hold its firt meceting in Room 102, University High School, Thursday February 12, instead of Tusday, February 10, as previously anno unccd. Framits I. Curtis. (~ifa le Stndentf i Edcation: 'The net meeting of the educational conference of graduate students in E tcation will be held Wednesday, February 11th, at 17 . M in the offices a he School of Eduction, Ta ppan H all. roessor S. A. Courtis will report on recent research work. SAll members of the staff and graduate studnts ae expctd to be pr ent. C(i'lorl Doody. Fixes hiaiun ugncerimg Cemeitry: Students in Chemistry 5 must obtain two $5.01 Chemistry Laboratory Coupons at the office of the University Treasurer and a copy of James Ken- dall's "Laboratory Outline" before coming to the first meting=of laboratory sections. J. If. logcs. English 1132: English 232, "Ben Jonson," primarily for graduates, will tie given this semester. Tn the Graduate School Announcement it was incorrectely .n- nounced for last semester. Vl. P. Tiley. English 162 aIddle Ages: English 162, Middle. Ages, meets for organization Tuesday, Feb. 10, 3'li0]'P. M., Library 301. J. H Hanfiiord. _Tere will be. a new class opened in French 113, quesay and 'Thursday, Ro, 41S5, Mr. Tlootkins. ' A. G. Can field. Ge4"ra phy 2 and 3:: 3 aect7ures in these courses will be held in Room 25, Angell 1-all, instead of Toom 231 as previously announced. Students in Geography 2 will attend thei'' ame sections as in the first semester unless there is some conflict ma- in:ft change necessary. Changes in sections, or assignments to sections (Continued on Page Eight) Two combinations of colors are he-- ye'-t10 Va ing considered in the scheme for dec- t'' ' orating the ceiling of the lobby in sus Angell hall. Under the supervision of a idy Anthony IDi Lorenzo, New York artistt o aure oade oferdeeiin have been finished in two combinations 'fd o of blue, gold, grey, white, green and =tZ kY. 2 rust. bert ~e CLate in the week Albert Kahn, lDe- Ui2 4' l troit architect, andl designer of rost lrd , r2T1(1 C of the new buildings on the campus, 1t T r~C fincluding Angell hail, is expected to 5, Jhn i? inspect the work. It is probable that mian, sxri E one of the two samples already on the ian as:,ocsi cieling will be accepted. mreeting. Much gold leaf will be used in the Belf:u:t, (ecoration scheme, and two men are thta y now busy placing the leaf for the bor- ,~~'rn d ter designs of the many squares. j ed the IF1 Irj addition to the decoration of the ,oundIs. lobby proper, the same color scheme will be used on the ceiling over the stairways leading to the second floor.,R ea IT:T.EYOUJ SUIBSCVIII13ED TEVTT I )uk.-cl,2 E, nd Gerg Ed, James Miller, 25, Her- ~~r, ~ ~ry Hadn 5 uhll, 25,. -,Robert-Fisher, 2 ;':'t1ia1-rada, of the 1Roimce des;art. erxt, H~arold Steele, lakliott:, 26, and Hlarold Cotff- ,etary of the Student Christ- ation, wvill speak at differ:ent, Feb. 9,.--It is reported here3 idlcato which includes Toha eck, the tenor, has purchas- -ecruan's Journal for 37,000 tthe "ant Ads 1Davi~i tS} : Jordani, C A iu ci lr(2eni C. :tus Qi ti11A(1d f, Il 1nivei-sity, Calfornia , rcenTtly a nnounIced as the WjlUiCS 0)f (b- j { Inpaf- lt elv2:an imace fi 1 ?, eenl ing jresented lfbithtl- "Iccyk. Left to right: Dr. Jo~lt. In, MN.i% { v ii\\ H Hm (i. MA'f'AI~c, Dr. A. E(). Tblonas. p eikle It 1' '),i. 1 Of 'ut cUUtioflll a3socia- tiJons. ,Dr. J rO;iss M isx stat e juatijo 1is OwLiltaLapromisi^ng, man'; 0ofal z.l21ng war. -r-.--_--, . . ._.._. .,...._.. . ......._._._ __ Y..V,,...:.. _.,.. . .. " cThed ~a 1211 I imnt", e ieri; fl, he ni ie'A i tthli 3s fc(' on I l i t idfoor fro(321x21o'c ockt P2)lOP~2Af 000 \~ A()faied to g't to I> ''lo"- .. -,a :- : isne '.' dz 20Tany a'e l;I BHiIl Don't I e'a ;'-- Pa you r S-ub sc i plH Sa tisfying!! Thzt's, xvhgt you'll say abo t o r b r c u d m a a~ 'i r ti4 I- - Lt ,,. - r rt m ,pfFf"-' ' r rn^A" . --clt ' -.e154!'v tlnive' rity 3r>Anis von think the teal this> S-e'arA WhYJere asho'l: The LibrarLy..&A1 1. .t 'H W (~ansiers; I larloy(,tutmmIz, °97 --t "Yes, especially in the nuabflic 'a; igdepart neat And a mother tFI in g 14, ' il . --absences should not be counted Fso - Sheavily in (determining the grrde, if t' ; - 1 i the work has been kept up." and iFashioned from Rthl Strickland, '28-- "1 dto not l" think that the university is miarking;- m ored F brc lower than usuial this year. It seerms thtacain ec aways get <1 B, C, etc. I (10 not believe that stt I- dents should be graded Ourhs way, bl it s>eemis that it is ther customn." ~~ .- Glenn Young, '27.- "1 think t hat -'L 1 . .2 ) they are Imol ' si i('t :ith ithelw i 3 !o l ing than last year., I do not, think that there are m re fafl res,, ht A'i r},i d y+* e F't' .,":- '.'( -. ' - : f: c,:iv B's aie rioro scrce thian firi,,.'tv. -~' If 3°ou lack oile or two points ofa BvdF lsrY rV y ll"f.. ' Marcia Sw.ayze, 2 (-t1 o not think I the university is marking anylswe;- - - this year . "ar "i are Is i - -eas y t.'! get if one wishles to wot k a little. Low. ----_-_______ miarks, I tilti, ai-e nwti7 dos lio Ilaziness. '' Robert L. \sl Frd. '25. "Ne Z -1rm I ': 1 ?q, . }' sh;e' a m ried lo two meni. But look,1Ito her M'ary Roberts Ripelhart With a &Slt.pporting cast Incomparable . , , Ys SCHCHTL'S I "MUSICAL SKITS AND H"T As,, yo u like ''embest. Tvi--iL CLOSING ST'ORY OF H. C. WITWER'S TELEPHONE GIRL SERIES '1E (IN I-NCOI OR VA' TOPICA L ITESS -YaW M~1Cli 1- i '>