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March 03, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-03

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i ilf h N B t a iithis
Publication in, the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of ,iiiI.I lif ~ v i eIicdfortt A ,l tpiC
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the F. Wedent until U U111oi l V II 'cIck CJ irig i d.,



columnn must
)se Iefore 4
ly of issue.

I3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mi.' Saturdayb*
Volume 6 TUESDAY, )IARtIl 3, 14925 Number 111
University Women-Mouse Presidents:
All signing-out slips for the month of February must be in the office
of the Dean of Women before March 10th.
Jleani Ilali:Ion, 1Deanuof 11'oneiu.
All students making observations at the High School who desire to sece
Mr. Whitehouse: concerning their programs may go to Room 10, Tappan
Ball, any Tuesday or Thursday from 3:45 to 4:15. C. 0. Davis.
Notice to Students of Engineering:
The Committee on Hours will permit no course to b~e droppedl without
record after the 6th" week of school, or March 21st.
Mentor carets will be distributed before this time.
C'omai~ittee on Bhours.
E"'ect -lcal Engineers:
George Lewis, '09, Mrayor of Ann Arbor and engineer for the Detroit
Edison: Co., will speak at- a smoker given undler the auspices of the A. 1. E.
E. Tuesday evening at 7:'30 in the Michigan Union. Novelty entertainment
features and eats will be provided. Open to all interested.
rJ. B. Johnson, Chin. Publicity Coin.
En:glish 3-PuIbhie Speaking, for Engineers:
Assembly at 7 P. M. Thursday, March 5, in Room 348 of West Engineer-
ing Building. ChaliriIan,' RL 0. Cedargreen; Speakers: J. C. Lever, RI. L.;
Lindenmulder, J. J. Mahan, C.' L. Foster, B. C. Ketchum, A. S. Hall, H.L13.
Hostetler, and C. D. Hungerford.
It. L. Llndemiulder, Chairman ot Assemiblies.
Senior Mechanical-Engineers:
A- representatlve' from the Westinghouse Air Brake Company at Pitts-
burgh will be in Room 221 West Engineering Building, Wednesday, M\arch
4th, to interview all thoe interested in positions with that company.
H. C. Anderson.

Graduate Students i0 Chemical Engineering:
The regular monthly luncheon of the staff and
be held in the Seminar foom, Tuesday, March u.

Graduate Students wvill
Alfred H. White.

'[hlc)l~.i .;tI emi try icI l(>hr Opens
Series of LI.vuriz's Iunder !
School of Rll,iioi
Conrad x . iMoehl an, irouglt h ~re
under the ausiI(c of t eiol of
Religion, gave the tirst ccrc of a
sories of four yesterday aternoon ini
Lane hail audituariuni on "Christ ian-I
ity as Authoritarianism.'' The second
lecture will be given at 4 :15 oclock
this afternoon.
In the four lectur es Dr. lohiman,
who is acting president of Riocvst r
Theological seminar, will coer the
subject of '"What is ('hrist iantv.''j
Two lectures will be delivered after!
today, one tomloei'ow afternoon and
D~r.Yoehiie an Iill 1b' the principal
slpealkei'at. a hanonelt Ihs croin in~ 1
the Church oi' Christ nii or the au -
spices of the Student Cristiaan assso-
ciation. Theb aniquet i s her~ l gIid
for tihe p n ic )05O(''ranir't't'n'' 1(or-
ganizing the religiouls discussion
which xwill he 0open t Lane
hall on Tl(:sdayr \ac] 10. Five
classes will meet weekly fer five1
weeks under the direction of faculty! ebr.Ec ls ilcnttt
a discussion course in somne phase of
religious study. Tickets may be s, -
cured at Lane hal today.
Yesterday afternoon Dri. Moehtnan
discussedi Christianity as aumtloritari-j
laisni. "This is one manifestation of
religion," ,aidi the s>eake. Ile pint-
ed out that probably more human b)e-I
ings are guided by suggestion ands
conformity than by any other motive.
Peolie have become standardlizedi and
imitative as shown by styles :,ud cr-
toms which they continually followV.
ITherefore, autimritarianismn has a-
Sways played a large part in religion.
Kelsey Party
Soon To Start
On Excavation
Withlin itw~o weeks, thelsey 10'Ach-
en logical expedition will have start- '
ed work on the excavation of 01(1 Ro-
man ruins located about twlve minles
from the city of Tunis in Northrn
IAfrica. The exact location of these
ruins has not been made public. j
The expedition is now in Rome, with
the exception or Prof. 1". W. Kelsey,E
who is in England making prepara-
tions for the coming work. TIhe group
is spending some time photographing
the ancient aq(1ueducts of Rome andI
vicinity. The party plans to sail
for Tunis on March 4.
While tihe exact (est ination and1( 01-
iective of tihe expedition have not been
made public is is known that the work
jwill take place in Tunis in the approx -
imate vicinityv of ancient Ceritlm re andl
will require over six months. It is
expectedl that summer after next"
some of the members of tile party may
return to the excavations of Antiochf
in Asia. Minor, tile work there ha ving
to be abandoned for a season (111 to
climatic conditions.j

i2~:(i0--- -st iff ad vi ad UI) Istudients ilIi
c hcicaea ngineer'ing have luncheon
in the5sem)ilnr lrooml.
1 :1 i---tPre tess' Sindsl~lay spleaIks in
re.oml 1041, ne0w Physics building.
1 :l ,-u lr im1 oe1lllmian ilectures at
SLane hail.
5 :1?0- aws mieeing for freshmian wo.
men heii ld in Uhniver'sity hall.
B : 'l-l'r;es(.r llof)s speaks to Taun
Pecta 'i t WXillits.
7 :CC~- ;-Sjiai ;h~ play rehearsal in Lane
7 :110---Conv ersation l(Ia ss of t he Span.
li~i societ y meets inl room 301, li-
7: Pl- Woinen's Research club meets
in room B-17.1, N. S. building.
7 :,3t0-Mayor Lew is specaks at a
smol er given by A. I. E. E. at the
7 :~>- de me ts~. inl society rooll.+
1 :r ;- ts~ r layden Flealis ill
room1112 11. Univer'sit yIhig;h school.j
! Junir e search cib l) meets in
room 162, N. S. building.
1 0-5, as c11llhall.
j1:1 5- ('olnrad loei manaleetires at
Lane hail.
: "0..-Friieda Bllanch:: rd speakis in
sroom 13-173, N. S. bulilding.
f,:t,'-Sympionic Leamguet holds ban-
q uet at Union.
t :00-'theta!Sigmu Illecl' is aftlte lappa
Alpha 'theta house.
j Tihe liiianlder will receive miane-
scri)t s for tihe familiar' essay con-
test, for whlich a tenll 11lar p]ri'ze is1
offered, until March 1t0 aith ie Press
tbuildhing, when the~y will he forward-
0(1d to ('hristoph'er :M orley, who is to;.
j',dge them,.H If manuscript is to be

We Is "Peniniless"
Rodl efeller Girl



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Phlolne I



is not too early to make the portrait
you will take home spring vacation.



\. .

His earnings as an attorney will be
almost the entire support of Abby
Rockefeller, dinughter of John D. I
Rockefeller, JTr., wihen she marries
David M. Milton, Jr., of New, York. tier;
present alowan.,e is °x100 a mtonth,
and it is known she will not inherit
mluchl money.
returnedI, enclose a self-addiressed and
Read the Want AdsI

I rw

"hotog rap her



33 1 South State

Phone 303- W

_ . I


Physies Colloquium:i
The Physics Colloquium will meet at 4:15 P. M. Tuesday, March 3, in
Rlooln 1041 New Physics Building. Professor G. A. Lindsay will spreak on
"Fine Structure in X-flay Absorption and Emission Lines," All interested
are invited to attend. lII Randall.
The ,"meeting this evening will be given over to a discussion of the
theory of Nordic sup~remacy. The program promises to be very interesting,
amnd all members are urged to attend. Visitors are welcome; tile meeting
is at 7:30 in the society's room on the fourth floor of Angel hall.
1ehard Ford]
VI" aabdsa Theta. and Women's Educeation (flub:
Pi :Lambda. Theta and the Women's Education club will bo01( a joint
mneetin~g at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Room 214'of the University Hlighi School.
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the Political Science department will speak on
"Democracy in the Orient."
All women who are interested are invited to be present.
Muriel Fos, President.
Lucille (lamners, Presidlent.
Spa n ish ('lub:
T'he Conversation class of the Spanish. Society under Mr. Garcia will
meet tonight at 7 o'clock in Room 301 of tfie Library. T
1L" I)oUlbotrlctmu.l
Junior Research Club:
The regular March meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 3rd, at 7:30
P. M. in Room 162 Natural Science Building. The following papers will be
"The Crystal Structure of Some Metallic Sulphides," by Mr. Lewis S.
Rlamsdell. "Stability of Ships," by Mr. A. Lindblad.
A. Lindblad, Secretary.
Tinio TNof Iiadv RnF(oru~


We give you quick service,
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This is the time of year when Seniors begin to take
Immediately around the corner in June a job of some
them~y. Serious minded ones are asking themselves the
college education been worth while?"

stock of themselves.
kind is waiting for
question, "Has jmy

"University ra
are now in the
declared Prof.
rector of the Un
vision, yesterda
has yet to be pr
strongly in. fav
outfitting a goc
tion, I do not tI
yet come for us
the public any

.1 adiolH en derson .Dieclares 1;111,tio) o adIlusic-:t progres of cu
________________________ question of whmether o r not we
should have a stat ion is one for the
aio extension courses laxly accredlited radio extension University to decide, and not any one
experimental stage," courses' that are offered by some of d (epartmc nt, hbecause the programt'is that.
W. D. Henderson, di- tile univemrsities and colleges, would he broadcasted \V0od 11 given
"'I.feel," qontinue(1 Professor ien- 1by a 1111121' rof th(Ie oaym 11101115 0)'o
aiversity extension di- Berson, "that a University radio would < wo)lld be'tile interesit of time Unve'sity
y, "and their worth be advantageous in three ways: first,l as a whiole."
roved. Although I am to annouce what is taking p)1ace in------------
vor of the University the different departments, thus keep- Tau Beta Pij, natiomaIilhonlorary (oni-
od broadcasting sta- ing t1he peopie of the state in more gineerimug fraternit:y, will hotldl its
hilk that the timne has intimate touch with tihe University; { regular meeting at 6 o'clock t onighlt
to think of offering to secondl, to announce results of athlet- at Willits. Prof WV. IH. 11)1)5 o1 the
of the so-called 'regu- is contests, debates, and so forth; and geology departmmient Will speak. I

OUR young lady is writing her
social correspondence on
Corona. Is this good etiquette?
Lillian Eichler, author of the
"Book of Etiquette," after telling
how she wrote this famous book
entirely with Corona, says:
"My 'Book of Etiquette' encour-
ages the use of the typewriter for
social correspondence."

Just Arripved---,
A Complete Line of
Ni1ck igan Jewelry
A rtiold's

It is a breach of etiquette to allow letters
to go unanswered for weeks, but a busy
S man or woman finds plenty of excuses
for postponing the tiresome task. With
Corona at your elbow, letter-writing
acquires a new interest, and that is why
many people of social prominence use
Corona, for all their correspondence.
Coronatyping is easier, faster and more
legible than handwriting.
Corona Four costs only $60. Easy
terms if desired. Call or phone for
17 NkesAi'vtle

In individual cases for one reason or another the answer must doubtless
be, "No." For those who expect to make teachin'g or writing and their
kindred occupations their life's work the question is affirmatively answered.
But for that great majority who are here, seriously intent upon using their
education in business or other lines of endeavor, a legitimate question may
logically .arise.
Even under the most frugal conditions an education is expensive. Four
year s of time and several thousand dollars are the absolute minimum neces-
sary. At the close of your college career you have no actual physical assets
you can put your hands on to start you out in your struggle to succeed. You
feel you have dropped behind in the race. You are tired of being con-
tinually broke. You have an intense desire to get out of the stagnation you,
have apparently fallen into.
Your friends who left high school to go to work are doing well. They
have something concrete accumulated, something to show for tihe four years
they have worked. You have nothing of the sort. Perhaps you are deeply
in debt.' Ahead of you you see only a couple mnore* years of deprivation
before you can get on your feet.
There is a distinction, we admit. But we believe you have accumulated
actual capital nevertheless. About the only difference' is that you cannot
spend yours, while money and the things your friends have to show for their
four years are easily dissipated. Bear that in mind. You should receive -
dividends on your education throughout the rest of your life. A suddcri
disaster cannot deprive you of it. That's the best thing about it. You
can't spend it. And statistics bear us out.,'Incomes .of college men are very
nmuch higher than the average of others.
So if you have~ felt discouraged you may now be of good cheer.
Perhaps you have been discouraged only because you have nothing to show
for your four years that you can spend. Just make the most of cveryth ing
you have obtained here and it will bear fruit.

State Street


302 S. State St.

Phone 889-R

Ann Arbor



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The University of Michigan Cosmopolitan Club Presents the Second Annual



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