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March 03, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-03

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Varsity Tan kmen
Begin Drill For
Conference Meet
Michigan's Varsity swimming team.!
with victories over three Big Ten ag-


Lits1: vs. Senior Ihits; Seniior
t t mo. xr S Lawis v-s. Sopli I.engineers; Frosh Lit s
iS t'' :dJ C .Junior Lits. At 8:30: Lower
>Y"' ~is vs. Frosh Laws; School of Edu-
______it EIon vs. SenliorNledlics; Junior ,e
_____v4. Senior Engineers. At 9: 15:
W 1,f. :1'I3 Jj Solph Pharjis vs. Junior Engineers;
! IUpper D~ents vs. Acturials ; Frosh En-
I) ie Ito I he <'lti~'Z(k1 t't (Id th i er s uno as
e:<< .in gthe re will be 1no volley ba ll 'ter s.Jzno as
gameits buzt teewil aresumed oOn IELIA RTP
! 'edInesday evening when the follow- 1Fl f1GOP
in-, fr ternities wvill play: at 7 :00. Tihe last r'ound of the preliminaries

v III I if 1... 11 11 1"k. --i - - . I " .-

fi;r' l lITU i ''4{S .'i ° III tI ii!S1 11 o~tr racing against crack outfits of George-' gregations safely tucked away. began
1. F:ei q SoIitere )isplay town and Pennsylvania was able to. intensive training yest er'lay afternoon
bi xlit get a second place although first went for the Conference championships
-- ! to the Georgetown stars by a widle> which will be held Mlarch 13 and 14
HUBBARD TAKES FIRSTS margin. The Wolverines were the at Chicago.
____only runners, in the Conference to Coach Mann was fairly well satis-
MTichligan's track team, for the past I match their strides against those of jfied with the general run of Saturday's
two years contlpiered lby the Illini, the 1'eastern runners who have aver-; contest, but there are s:onie races in
come hack last S.uurday night when? aged as well as 1:56 in competition which his natato~ry must show an im-
it trapped the Indlianls in t heir ow this season. Pennsylvania was left provemaent if they are to ccunf: at C'hi-
wigwam and: gave them one of the behit uIhe two leading teams by more cago. The relay quartet's time of
greatest beatings they have tad in than 20 yar ds. The only other Mich-" 1:22 for the 160 yard1 event was not
the last three years. t,a a relay team to be entered1 in the as fast as it should have been.
Led byteBr~utbe r o ~~ok-j meet, tlhe mile outfit, was unable toi While Captain Kerr lost his race i42
br, 1 h lu~r and Wtltman, te\ place after the first runner stumbled.; the 150 yard backstroke, the race wvas
.verne~snot nly ameu to very j )ellart I-ubbard led the individual not won in as fast time as Billy is
thing that was expected of 'them in performers at: the meet with first capable, of making, andl his failure to
the annual Illinois Relays but out-' places in both the broad jump and the wvin may he attribut ed to a, temuorary
(ldid even the most optimisitic prohpes- low hurdles. In the former event the lapse of form.
ies. Before the evening's entertain-, dusky star took off from the ground° Starrett's wiin in the fancy dive
ment had been finished Michigan had mora than a foot behind the boardi came as a. pleasant-Surprise, and
'won three ind~ividul~a events and a re but won his event by more than a :Coach Mann is counting onl him to
lay 'race while three othear individual foot. Hlans of Georgetown, touted to come through for a place in the Con-
performers aidarelay teakr had!I win the low hurdles was almost a foot ference meet. Seidman had an of'f
grained places. The pole vault, the behind l ubba rd when he crossed the (day in the plunge for distance, hut in
low hurdles, the broad jump. andl the finish line. (Capt. Jim Brooker of practice he has been covering the
four-mile relay all fell before the ichigan failed to meet the expected! distance in 40 seconds or under, so
Maize and. Blue, and other performers comlpetitioi in the pole vault and took; that he may figure Iin the Champion-
niade notable records in the 75 vyard i first with a, jump of 12 feet, six inch-! ship affair. lie should winl against:
(ldash, the broad ;jump, the shot put, es.Dean Brownell of llinois, hold- M. A. G. this Saturday at LTansing.
andl the two mile relay. er of the world's indoor record, was Jack Gowv showed a revival of his
Michigan's greatest performance ineligible for the meet. last season's form when he swam has
came in the four mile relay when the jLes Wittman, one of the fleetest heat in the relay in 19.6 seconds, won
Wolverine team composed of Horn- (lashmen in the country, took a defeat the 40 yardl free style in 19.9 seconds,
berger, Callahan, Jung, and Hicks ran at the hands. of Locke of Nebraska andl defeated Samson in the century
the (distance in 13:0.6, Kansas Ag-1 who tied the carnival record irc n5. ecns asnwn the
gies placed second, 20 yardls behind,; 75 yard lash with the diminutive Wol-j 220 in easy- fashion but will have to
andI Illinois ran a close thirdl. It was' vernue inches behind, Phil Northrup, improve in his shorter races. Dun-
the first time in several years that the a sophomore who is just beginning akin also exhibited ease Ii placing
Illini have not won this event and to learn the finer points of jumnping, seodtIasni h lsac
Michigan took its first victory in a gave the critics a jolt when he placedj event but will have to develop speed
four mile relay in ten years, Horn-! second behind his teammate HubbardI to hold his place on the relay quartet.
berger, starting the -race for M4ichi- ian the broad jump with a leap of 22 Johnson was third to Gow and Moore
gnwas forced to the limit and ran! feet 3-4 inches. the best mark that has- in the 40, and swam a nice race in
the fastest race of the Michigan qluar- ever been made at the carnival by Ithe relay.
tot in 4:31 hut in spite of that fact anyone except Hubbard. Chink Munz,~ Whittingham2 continued his win-
was 20 yeards behind the Illinois aend also in his first year of competition ning streak in the 200 yard breast-
the Kansas Aggie mren when he pass- at Michigan, lived up to expectations stroke b~y easily defeating F'ieber in
ed the baton to Callaha^n. All three of, when lhe Put the shot 44 feet, 8 1-2: that event. Coach Mann will continue
the remaining Mvichigan meen gained ; inches, for a. fourth place. He was aj his method of holding strenuous prac-
groundl however, Callahan coming in-' scant half inch behind Dauber of tices but will prokeably cut (down the
to the finish of the second mile in a Iowa who took third :place. Munz' nme of sessions to one a day for
dleadl heat. Two of the quartet which! mark was better than the former car-i this week and enact the (louble prac-
-wo th fur il rae tco pat nival mark for the event. 1Tice rule again during the final week
their first int('rcollcgiate comp,-titiont,I1ofpeatin
Junana Ioril 'g' Tot'bi h sp - Plans for the annual "Spring
oniores. 1hicks and Callahan are 10botphtbl f h agnwclbwr Subscribe for The 31 iclhigauA Ih 3fill
jiflniors and( have another gear of comy-: completed at their last meeting. The
petition. d Gance will he held in Saginaw, April r
Michigan's two rvoile ro1,y teami, 16.1 [ r p O r ie t

. I
1; i
S ! f
, i


W~olerines 'C'ate:.Two (Cntest s Fromt
Wkeocnsin P1ucksters 1)
Close setores

Of Form, Against Ilailger

(Special To The Daily) I Displaying a stellar brand o(,k'bus-
Madison, Wis., Mar. 2.-Michigan's khaMiiga'coi el)(e54
victriou hocey tam lftI ed WAisconsin SaturdayS nightt n the
v~cal'ousll~keytea let ysterday } Iadger court, 27 to 16. 1'e Michigain
ior Mlinnca 1)015, \where the iolvcr-, squad wont into the battle .deterui ii-
ines pliay the (Gopher sextet in a two ed to win, in spite of the tact Chat;I lie
gauze series. odd(s were ago inst them due to()lie
By wxinning b)oth gamzes here. 2-0,j absence of ('hei'r y, star guard, whbo
and 1-0, the invaders wtent into a tieI was out because of an injury.{
with Mfinnesota for the C'onference Wisconsin grot away to a thrce Ipoit;
hockey leadership, the Gophers hay-' lead early in the lirst iperiod but the
ing- defeated the Ba.dgers twice earli- Wolverines fought hack and 1> Score 1
or in the season. stood 13 to 7 at the end of thle half in?
The first gamze of the Wisconsin ser- j favor of i'ic higan. Tlhe IMichigan-

j )elt a Upsilon vs. Phi Sigmna Dltal
1Phi ,;a pa vs. Alpha Sigma Ph1. At,
1 ,::4I liaRa l Civs. Alphla (,Iiilib 10
!kappa Nu vs. Phi Deolt a Theta. At!
I'8, l iu lDltfa vs. Phli Bet a 1)olta:
1 p o )etta1Pi ivs. P h i Ialat ma I ol-
a,. At 9 :15", Phi 'Ii Al ph a vs. Tanu
['ilnI li : Sigmla Nil vs 11i hi t n:b-
Th~le schedule fo r basket blail for
Yi edn es day evening, March .2, is as
follows : ('lass R Lea gte, at 7:00:
!Delta. Sigma Phi vs. Alpha Xalpla

b~et ween the basketball teams will be
t llyed on Wednesday night instead of
(-jt 'Tuesday as plreviously announced.
G I er this, finals will be played off
b on tenIhe winners of the two
leaue;.The schedule for Tuesday
i'iglit is as follows: At 3:,30 o'clock in
V atterman Gym, Grotup 1 vs. Group
14; Gxroup 7 vs. Group 5; Group 3 vs.
I ro p (G. Finals will be scheduled
oin Mar ch 1 and will b)e pub~lished1 in
afew days.
Graduate studients andl members of
the staff of the chemical engineering

.djics, played here Friday night was hardI squiadl wei e littlte shlaky at first lbnt Lambda; 11ilDelta Epsilon vs. Ph'li departmlent; will mleet at the regular
oand fart throughout. The visitors as the gamie progressedl, they exhiiiit - ('hi; AlphlaIRio Chi ,o. Delta Taun! monthlly luncheon to be held today in
_displayed a defense which Coach Iver- ed a smooth working or; aiizaition it I osn. lIntre~tlss league at- 7 : 45: tihe semnifar room of the department.
Tson's- men were unable t~o pierce. Rey- that was almrost inmenetrable on the
nolis, the Michigan center, was a con- defense, and1( which fed Captain H ag-
I stant- source of worry to the Badgers, gerty and Doyle, whenever fthe two
his poke-checking and (lashes down veterans were within shooting rang .e. A1" , 1 t Q.C O
th c e t rn h ah . T e i e C a b r o k ltl a t n t eLA O M,~,was i excellent shape. The gam e offensive work, (ievotiiig his limie to
tSaturday was not played undier such keeping the Wisconsin forw aris froom ANN ARBOR'S LEADING CLOTH-IERS
goodl condit ions, and tie play was scoring. Landre was subb.)ed for'
slower. Reynolds again starred, and Cherry and played wvell on bhothI the I 'xluSiv e- Bu1 Not Ex pensive."
1scoredl the only goal of the contest. off ensive aiid defensive, while Reai- j
IThe air-tight (defense of the Michi- fson was never at a loss at the pivot., 209 S. MAIN ST.
gan sextet should prove a source of1 position.
YtroubletoMieoa.Te opesjLnnl
haeteedge Fnon sp;aper, h aving do- !Michigan I neWi iscons>in
feated the Badger teary 5-1. and 1-0 ( Haggerty R. F. iHtir; Featuring;
earlier in the season. However, their Chambers L. F. Iie1,ke
Y !lefense was no b~etter than that (dis-1 Reason ('. d 1 run1n STEIN-BLOC-I MICI-AELS-STERN
~ played by the Michigan aggregation,E Landre it. G.- Dieboldj
1and the outcome of the Conference D~oyle L. G. B troig Smart Clothes' Value-Fi'rst Clothes
iace r~em.ains a toss-nip, Wisconsin E Summary: Field goals, l lagg arty, 4: {
is definitely- out of the running, hay- Doyle, <>; Chambers, I.; Reas on, 1; HghGadFunsis
L ing four defeats and no victoriesj Lanidre, 1;'- Barnum, 2; M~erkel, 2:;-g rd unsig
against her record. 13Brooks, 1. Fouls: I aggarty, 1 ot of0
1;-Doyl, 3out of 8;Landre, 2 cui. ___________________________________________________
Theta Kappa Psi, professional medi- of 2; Reason, I. out of I.; Brooks, 1-_
1cal fraternity, held tihe installation of out of I.; Mer-kel. 1 out of 1 ; 1iehold,
- ies- Stra.2 u f8 iaxi,2 t f4 Exclusive styles and hzighquality moderately priced
'I hyj e dYX r VNBVNC W7 J*

2 H
. -

BOOR N OW. IDeposit holds
space all 1". S. 5*Linies, W lne
Frenmch, Ilaimmurg - lA ircau,
Io)~aIndAumericamn, N oi't i Ger.
main Lloyd, IRoyal 101l, A,iiral
Munisoni. laa inrort I- Hll.
G~race, IFalbre, Iraalia N 'ni ottoI,
All thiird cia ss si jidenil tenas.
1'.S. Jilies, Beakle, :lsoiims, .
d1ents5Travel Clubi of N~ew Yo)rh-.
flul)beI's Setond Yar 4('tle.'e
Totur-I6 . daays, . coaalat ries.
$33i0 withI extenslon, aaiivwhere.
etc., also t'ool0's or any otero
Round trip rates to En xlanl
$150 tlc,. Fr'ance $162 up, (ler-
imany :417) 1up+, Italy $1;,19up.
liceused an~d Rowled
Steanmship Agent
601 E. Huron St. Ann Ar~bor
Phmone 131.1
All Travelers Checks, Tourists
A ccident Mid Baggage Ins uranuce
P~assport :and(1Visac Inforumat in

Here are several good rea-
sons for not. doing it:
1. It takes longer for your
laundiry to, go hom-re than
it does to go to the lauin-
dry here.
2. It costs you more in tr
long run because it is a
well known fact thalAni
Arbor laundry prices are°
the lowest in Miclhigan.
3. Your laundry is freshly
done up and neatly folded
when returned by us.
Phone 1028
62 7 So. MAIN ST.


V 4
#f :f9ii

Pajama to delight the heart of every. young man!I Of cotton pongee
in blue withl trimming of a tvee-color bias humid about neck and down
front. Priced only $2.25.
Pajamas of chocked dimnit y in white -with colored band trimming or
of fancy soisette in plll-over st-yle are unusually attractive. Priced
only. $2.,50.
Vancy strip~ed i-cepe pajai as in wie orchidl, blue and tan in coat
style witliin ovel I y silk Iro."s at a excepitionalIly g ood looking and p~ric-etd
Onmly $2.753.
(;Main Floor)

SpIng xiords
21ll sizes in stock
Buythem now while
the stock is complete.
$9 - 10 -.13.50

1 1 j .
3 l .!
1 yCy 8 t aa
O p 1



You Owe Yourself
IF you give any thought to
your personal appearance
you owe it to yourself to come
in and inspect our spring line of
Scheyer Tailored clothes. .A
small deposit will hold your se-
lection thirty days for you if you
doo not wish to purchase now.
Fifty-five to sixty dollars



U m m

Formerly $1.25 to $2.50

Most of these arc early spring stock. Every tie
i17 the store oun salc at these two prices. Nlothing
reserved-LOOK THEM OVER-



I . _ 1I

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