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March 03, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-03

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I ublislhed every morning except Monday
during thei University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
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third term, in direct violation of t he
tradition founded b iy The Father of
His Country.
No earthquakes were recordedI dur-
iug the term of C o vv'rnor 'crris'(D m ) i il b e n ~ h a -a t
under an adiminist rat iou thiat will not
stoop to lburdlen its consl ;ilierits wiih
a simultaneous gas :andI weight tax, .
both aimedI at the aut omnobile ovmflt'i
of the state, citizens should congratu-
late themselves that the earthquakeI
was not follIowedl by tidal waves in
the Huron River andl Whit more. lake.

Anonymous communications will be
dlisregardled. The names of comnmuni-
,ants will, however, be regarded as
confideotial Luton request.
TFo tih E~dtor:







It: is very gratifyingt to me to not~e [0 GHT 1akr iveitti
your editoiil of Februatry 28th in ua t 81 'lc i h ht
which he ofarc theatre.
w~ih heNegroes o this country ar 'i01'ONI H': Igor Strawinsly -with
given their just clue -for the great lpart' Dt*d 3ildo~ i't~i~ i
that they have taken in the history of iS : I o'clock in Orclhestra halzl, iletroit."'
our' country. Certainly great honor l* * *



A I~AI'EI~lili. ithouit a thought of glory or the
'There is something abhouIt lie de ath I rl " f en iniom- hs A review, by l ydia Kahn.
of a great loader which is concil iat -; men who had everything to lose and Appearing in their thirtl concert ofI-
ing. A people forget, for a time at nothing to gain by serving their sup- the season, the University Symphony
least, their p~etty Jealousies, even their posed--to-he superiors and masters, the orchestra under tihe direct ion of M\r.
fdominant desires, in ta uniivers;al de- white man-those men wvho were so Lockwood gave....a concert Sun-l
sire to honor the mnemory of (110 theyj differently constitutedl from the nlen (lay afternoon in Hill auditorium.
have respected in life. I lis principles I of the wvhite race that a change of life, 'Taken as a whole they were a well
are recalled, the ideas for which he a life of excitement instead of a lifeI balanced organization, sounding bet.--
labored are emphasized, andv out ofl of drudgery andI routine, wouldl hatve ter in ensemlble than at any other tinmej
chaos there comies a unity of l)U1rpos5C no appeal to them. I realize that the this year. The strings were unusuatlly
based on a common ideal.f wor'ld is growing better when we, whoj well balancedl and stood out because'
The latest demonstration of suchl a havye long been conceited ab~out or of this. The Program opene~d with
principle is found in the death of belief in the superiority of the white Schubert's overture ''Rosalinde," opus
Friedrich Ebert , first; presidlent of the r."We, are willing to give credit to 26, particularly romantic in spirit
German. republic. His passing came thiese peopale who in the highest spirit and typically lyric in style. Tbhe' 0r-
on the eve of a day which Germany of alt ruisin-realizing utt ''Jife, (Ichestra as a whole was afraid to bea
had planned to observe as a. national Liberty, and the Pursuit of Jiappi- heard, as they didt not gain in. conti-
memorial to war dead by a general' ness,'' that. 'All men are created free d ence until the entrvance of the second
militaristic and mnonarchist ie demon- amnd equal," and that "We were mak- melody. The strings, however, played
stration. In. life President. Ebert hadi ing the world safe for democracy," well together but as one might ex-
devoted himself to the cause of peae were ideals worth fighting for, theylIpect, the wind section was the wveak
and the republic. With his death cheerfully enlisted andi many of themj spot of the ensemble.
militarisma was forgotten in thle mem- gaeu'hi lvsfT hoeiel. rhe change from the sent imen1tal h
ory of his aims for Geirmany. The day! There is another matter quite for- melodic sty'le of Schubert to the hot- l
remained one of mourning, butt Ger- eign to this that. I would like to men- low, yet still romantic Norw egian
m any converted it into a glorification t ion. I amn a. great lover of animals Jhresentcl a pleasing contrast. G i eg'so£ p a e u d r t e r- n f in f a d e p caly f h rs .If n m lsI H rz n e " v h is i t n ey ex
government, were able to speak and tell of their quisite harmonies and p~eculiar inter'-
vaswsThe career of this ma a, remtark- history, it, is certain that in the his- naswa erformt 2le wthgra tcer im
able one. He was not a br illant per-, tor y of horses, we would find man y d(erstandingta h uayShbr
sonality. Ilie was more the stolidi noble (leeds--(ee(Is of sacrifice in ( overture.
slow character. Hi s rise froim ;a sadl- which they laid diown thieir' lives for MOzart'S Concert~o in 11 flat is en e .
dle maker' to thle. posit ion of 'fat her their master--deeds of loyalty, affee- o htget oltsr asc ills.
of the German republic'' is due rathler tiona, courage, and blind faithfullnessUnotaelinie xctolofhs
to his capacity for miodIeration. Ejx-I even to masters who bad been cruel work, the wind section was alnmost tin-
tremnes were never part. ot his policy, to them. I feel that we- owe much to bearably flat. WVe expect the oboes to
and hie was able to influence others toI them and that anything that we would b~e a little out: of- tune, but not, tide e-
adhere to his essential conaservat ismn. rdo to show our appreciation of their j tire woodwinds. Emily Multter, the
It is admaitted even by his enemies', great. services to civilization would be talented young violinist of fifteen gave
that President. Ebert alone4 is respltIon--fy another step) in the right diec ion a pefo-ac worthyofalrf-
sible for' the comparative 1 blt -A. G. Nelson. soa rit.Te ehiu a l
Germany today. If it had not been most fault less, ,and she showed a fine
for his wise leadership, ta.nat ion! sense of int erpretat ion. Tb e orches-
would have been plunged long ago FDTORAL OMM NT tr-a is extremely fortunate in possess-
inocontinual revolution und1(er a.rule imang such a brilliant young musician.
similar to the Soviet, government in The clarming si ll I 'Aladdin,''lby
Russia.I A JA M AS P~LA NNEDI i Edgar Stil. u Eeltly wa.s played in a
Germany recently has displayed a The New York Tlimes.( masterful way, andl the wind sect ion
tendency to submerge the blessings of ihis C(ong ess is ending, asp does was infinitely supaerior to w hat it h ad
freedom under to~e republican formn of every shdrt session, with leading b~eenlup) to this point . After a. mo ve-
! government b~y a reaction toward! memblers wringing their hands in pub)- ment of gayety andh festivity came a



We are now making a smaller sized PV( z,,terpen for
Ladies and for' those who prefer a smaller pen than the
regular Masterpen.
It will hold 100 drops of ink--- enough to last for a
week's ordinary writing.
They will be ready some time this wek. Call and
see them.


302 SMate Street



house.. But really, though it will do
nio good to say so, it is sheer mnelo-
Iramatic sensationalism, so muchI
.worse even than. "Tjhe Fool."
But we beg to remind you of the
advent of Nfargaret Anglin and Wil-
miain Favershamn in Zoe Akin's "Foot-
LoseO." Next Monday the Whitney l
wxill house a wonderful play, with
brilliant st ars, a bit of theatre to stim-
ulate even the least appreciative of
niorta Is.
Evaii-on.Tll_ Mx- . JAAAJJstuttU


at Nortihwestcrn university who has
not becii vaccinated will he excluded
frlmin classes for three weeks, accord-
in to D eanii'ft. A. Bent of the College I
of Lihern'i Arts.



Night *F'litor--'TI-IOS. P. llENRY, JR.
After a long and teirrifying legis-

latve trggl, he ostl ay n-monarchy and militarism. T.his wars lie over tile terrific legislative ja.I graceful evening son;,, a serenade,...
crease bill, providing for a general true in France for a century following( What they are (doing or saying in pri-; a dreamn, tilled with wltisl.eriligs (of the
r ise of $300 ill tihe annual salaries of tihe revolution; in United States for I a ti is another affair. Th'ie plain future. The .mandolins san ; fascinat- -
the employees of the post office depart- awhile after our Const itumtion hledbeen triuthI is t hat the boIler andl more ingly to the lilting back-ground of
inent , has been signed by President adopted. It is(difficuilt for- a iwophle( a cive spirits snatchl an advantage out mturmuring harp tmd .trings-....And
Coolidge( and will become a law. As used to social di, t met ions to)cast' of time congest ion in Congress. They- then the dreaun palace vanished.
the P'resident pointed out, even while te. f-ve e ontodn xc'- cireatse their. 'ncivi(Ital pweaspe-*
hejcto w ,as vetoing the original measure flo ujctin i hY \o 1hi) dally in thmesenate. There one Senl- PL E(I ~Sl
passed by the sixty-seventh session of rler. Su ch a asentimlent ito is that I t somi omk heohr u- Mr. IPalrmer ('heist ian, L'mivcrs-t yI
Ca oes nr eaewounghihhrm n'lyal prsd nt ts be~men r er to) his will, at lperil of losing t ro g yde rv d yth p salIOr'gaiist, xvill hostpjonleis usual or-
asio-ohydsevdbthpotlfighting. With elf'ct ion onl y a fe'w the Bills onl which they have set their tgo n ecital this Wednensday a ft ernuoon
workers many of whom were not re- months off it. was fear'ed that. a mon- h eai'ts. The opportunity for striking ;due to) his toni'throtugh time east aind
ceaiving a iving wage. Asi a bill which archistic regime would bie set imp, ha rgai~s is glorious. The opening for so.m lscnet 'ggnet n
wil alow he ef tobeter hei IEbert' s untimely death sneems t('mmmlol'- ~i te rolling of laws is alluring. And e:lude Greenville and Columbia, South
hiomre conditions to some extent, it has I aril y to haveprcue this pos- ,if any 'Senator or giroup of SeatromCroiaWisonSleeat ('ar--
a1ccoimlilished its purpose. bility. Ile bids well to b ecomie ia nar- hadu it in mind all along to kill certain oinnapernesslitinim
However, if the present measure be tinlioli oe on,)(ic tr.r;immasures, the choked condition of the Ats eiso leEsmnSho
c ons idemed frm.nthme viewpoint of the tihe republic sseem.; likely to hie 1'- I putblic business in the last dlays of theofMscRchtealasenla-
iad ml nistrat ion'cs much-lauded econ- alied.i session yieldls them every facility to pernIi h aanie ui~r
omy program, it is a failure. In its "have executionm," as CROMWELL i mm, New York city. Ile has also beenU
ea:irliest 'form as passed by the pre- ,xuetosyupnhirnmesMa-',
vious Congress, it was rejected by tej hl, the NLS~lNl (1~ sdt ar,onteia n emies.fulMeanvir Thet.Orayant.eiictolillbeo
chief executive because it failed to It is seldom that woi'k of a really wie ieaetai acflCar h etOgnRctlxiib t
provde uffiien revnueto ral~ u~ rignal harctem . en, whose dutty it is to pilot time ab- fered Friday, March 6, in 11111 audi-
lpraidesuffciet reenu to nak upsolitely indispensale appropriation torium, tihe pro gramn to be anunounced.
for thme added expense of $68,000,4000 tdetatviis uilcl}0p,('ii ills;,Ithrougmthe troulbled watemrs, * * *
whic~h wa necessitated by the in- paigns, and athletic contests are lke- seize every occasion to get their incas- I"1r SNICKIl,. . . . *"
creas.:e in salaries. The first step tolytruaon1mabt.tieamewy ures forwar'd by tact, by quiet Ares- Yesterdoay afterimoen a sectioun of Owm
remohl the preoposition to conform year afteir year withiiPerl 115 a ;7iit i sure andl, presummably, by nice little est-imable Facilty Wonon's ('li, a f
with thli ecoimomical principles of the tnec toadirve n. --personal arrangements of the mutual certain section of the D~rammat ic Cir'cle,
Pri.- n was taken by the Senate in novations of a pracutical ouitur ie are, iack-.sceatc(hiimg omrder. I imet at one of their imember's cliarnpi-
a liil which was far from adequate fewan frh etwes.It woud not be fair to) say that the ;ing honmes ; tea wasr served, ae
to rise.. the reventie and to which Ithe FrIhsras~ ieI9i d1m-I iuafority of Congress deliberatelyi cakes, ehapsamnd green riints, a ut
l ojcedo hegond htiganensiam ndesei'ves thle sirp port of t heI
it usf obetedlntte gprounathto nvrst1ta-e P! lelibtIhring.,. on this cnd-of-thme-session jaini,''Miss Julie" by August Strinberg was
itiiiunpd exlateanpeogion o but. it certainly does nothing to pre- read aloud, read giuite aloud. This
institute all revenue producingme- inca- . many yearts ,a eUa clan e h i :r ,-emt it. T Llme danger is as clearly in Yen mthmgtnes o r atla
mres . hfinally, there caine tihe present significant la~inis ta1161g9juace sight on ,the first, of December' as it is wihtep; tel-oeo ~emst.
Bill, origiateod and first passed in the lieeywyi st eiulo(d and the endI of February. Whn heitteplyit~is one tofateanit
Ilse ntrvse-amdacpe byhas been pronomimmced I liebest year- We h eotndsutn onuetn
ime a''mma evisbook of hceseadn ybyle nr y,-s.Senate made the Muscle Shoals ibill hors ('ojtvmes of Ant ione's Theatre
t~h boo ofthe ea:on y th enravrs.the unfminishmed butisiness at the begin-
Sttudents are to bie given another 1 Libre, in its day the chilloirme 1f shock-
fn t ire first. place, time pay increase rmg of lbhis session and g.ave it the ,mgvlaiy vnio 'isJle
airiou int to a. total of abouit $68,000,- caetoIlidae heokaIvnsI right, of way'-for five or six weeks, it stands hardly surpa~ssed for bpreatIl-
110weestm e-neprovison acionwishudli 'gadd nt l e certa in tire confusion and hem- taking audtlIy lie story tells xvitli
pr-e et inmateol to be good for about so much as a duty' htmlf as a liviletgc('. pulling and hauling which we now I continental fr'ankmess of a sex-starved
$16,0100,00)0 or $22,000,000) less thanm the -- --- ee. Anmd it, also nmade cert ainth le mmi str'ess whliitially descends to time'
total am ('uaily neded to make time Prophrets would haveooewll toel ntt~i~igo h oerooidvda
r anfin!fIle oe finiila servants in hetr hi l('i('n for thle hiypma-
mieas;ure a sound business proposition. have cap~italized thme recent. earthot imaite senat ors during' the lastinemaining thetical meat.
Secondly, the pay increase is perma- as a sign of thme cominlcg of the cud of days ortHe session. Alreadiy we read Somehow thme ipression was rifeI
iient w~i hie icrteased revenue will the womrd. I'et'liaps they will3yet. i itihe WaslligtlOil dispatches of one ta hs Iamlccrlswt id
irrnfrefrol iemots SeniatIor organizing a filibusteor for: dozens of eager mat eons wenimnmmfor
With niii sac htte etss Tire two wives of a Detroit bigamist E5uac htth etse--twemmty bioumrs and aniothem' Senator one tm osraietig--set.woe
3.in<. (, r. rsxii tk cr o nv aeeutoii. fnof ~d ae it y hurs.Tirsisatmeinay he osraietig"wewoe

Ilow long oo you
to) takeocare of

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vinofC~!,rs wl tk ar fhaeagedtolt oeoftlfo.nve;ir ixsyy omaievplays"-hllt if they i-cally Ihave
I is c~'c-epno', imesitatin i a th hubanl. uet in Wo t thr'servimng notice oit enemies and getting beconme in ter'estedl in omt-and-out!
leat nri zanifnotprearius orbest of the- deal. all thlist is - ossible for fri ends out if modem'nism, muight it be suggested that
time 1,e. welfare of time post office de- I the inalI,;cranible. It is time met hod they take up Wedekcinol's "L ulu"' cycle
puart igtiecae t solyntt'ol fEdctonfm.ua-il r !li by v hih little dictators are temrp-I at their mnext meting, to be followed
SucharboyrvmthetcaseiittimeoSenate,-ascsomortfy byucati'n canlho'sl"Naked."-As
nearily ereced in the Statm, actionrlofbym'esi-neIlterpieted as Atime deto qelojriiroe tteofcthe of Ioiecirte4pdetaws on.heItenray be zwroimgthche'srch erGod of. Iengeancewr''gor
(lent('ooi'dge in signing the bill. The I(vtel'utie''to assert that this sort of legislative Di'eiser's "ThPle IHandl otftime Potter~,"
mos iz obdb a Iphnsweroisionha heCn "r11'e- es o s. ' moi'5a chaos is consciously planned, but at amnd as a, bit of medieval clan, an un,-
sa'ligedy seo. ublic;foriienassaen of em tii~ ylit 'ldr'''.least it is plainm that no intelligent; arge clton f"ammeru-
strog! aruse fo thepasageof Wicimpurone by Hieu ' Prod'ucei s Mians are made t ~eciscmton'sideede,'' '''Tis ar- il ht twol av en o Wih nsDl, 4 c Pity She'sIpevn is a-tn' t'ede,,"Ti - iySh'
l li bOutliti.wti hv ee 0 imig. And it is also evident that thie Whore," or' "The Count ry WiI'e."
lit lea] IfollIy to veto it a second time. Ioi. - - ----menm who knmow how to r'ide the whirl- IN HOC SIGNUM11 VINCES!
In spite of its inadlequacy as a self- Ths"bc o . wt"capin n1ind and direct thme stornm in the last I
sstit 111i~ propiosit on, the end is ole-- Timasis th"backonrto)r ikethe'rty'' ALLDca unpaign in ''I
ciel e;rb adtemasmythme interests of bettler'schiolarship ma has ~~zo tameosesysrtm helikch e- Y ~xIL~ PTR NI Il
bieryinrghan ie en mmyback thme 0)1d1free lunch odays. ss mio kosysem hihe-AN4hIN
be conisid'ered jusltiied frorm that view- abrng-l~;iier ttemr to do it. Saturday ight a type. of sevenl-day's
point" Coolidge must be oppJosing General! I wondler is comning to the Whitney tihe-.
I Mitchell's increased air service to cut hs Esinby r pritnatmre, time dramatizationi of Robert-

Your ideal vacation
--Yellowstone Park!
We'll be glad to
send you this il-
lustrated story
of your trip!
Nowhere can
C1 vacation dollars
buy more!
"2000 Miles of Startling Beauty"
-- - - -- - - -- - - -

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