DEDICATED TO JUSTICE It ianF ~Iai MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS 'rrI I ~ 7T Y> ! TT- .0 ALfETnT VUL. XXXV. No.U4. L++ur ''rAG E ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, fEBRUARY 10, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENT EIGHT PAGES COMPLETES PLANI FOR MYFESTIVA "LA GIOCONDA" WILL BE PLAYE BY SIX GRAND OPERA ARTISTS IL Supports League SUMM9ER SESSION PLANS LECTURES I REGENTS APPOINT THREE TO ASSUME BURTON'S Q TIES Wolverines Take Tight Game From Northwestern, 17 To 16; Remain Tied For Third Place Chicago, Ill., Feb. 9-Michigan to- 13 STARS SECURED Chorus of School Children Will Part of Program Again This Year B Final arrangements have been con pleted for the thirty-second annu May Festival, which will be held h Hill auditorium from May 20 to Ma 23 inclusive under the auspices of th University School of Music. Thirtee artists, both vocal and instrumenta have been engaged as well as the Chi cago Symphony orchestra, Frederic Stock, conductor; the University Cho al Union, Earl V. Moore, conductor Ossip Gabrilowitsch, the distinguisl and the Children's Festival horus,3 R Maddy, conductor. ed pianist and conductor of the De troit Symphony orchestra, will appea as soloist at the first of the serie of six concerts, Wednesday evenin "Ie will offer a piano concerto wit orchestral accompaniment, while th remainder of the program will con sist of orchestral numbers. Thursday evening's concert will b devoted to the performance of Rach maninoff's setting for Edgar Alla Poe's "The Bells," and excerpts from the Bach B minor mass. "The Bells was offered for the first time in thi country two years ago by the Philad elphia Symphony orchestra, and o this occasion created a veritabl sensation because of its brillance an originality. The Choral Union wil be assisted in the performance of thi work by Emily Stokes Hagar, soprano Rlhys Morgan, tenor, and Charles Titt man, bass. The chorus of school children, whose contributtons to 'recent festivals have proved so delightful and interesting will again form the basis of the Fri- day afternoon concert. They will pre- sent several groups of unaccompanie songs and a short cantata, "The Leg- end of Bregenz" by Bendall. Miss Loretta Degnan, contralto, will appear as the soloist. Signor Lauri-Volpi, one of the lead- ing tenors of the Metropolitan Opera company, has been engaged as the soloist for the Friday evening con- cert, and is generally considered to have one of the finest voices in the country. An Italian, he has been train- ed in the best traditions of the oper- atl stage, which enables him to bring to the concert stage a ringing tone and an ingratiating presonality So successful has the insertion of a violinist been in the Festival programs that Mischa Elman, one of the leading artists In his field, has been secured for the Saturday afternoon concert, always one of the most interesting re- citals of the series. Ile will play a violin concerto with orchestral ac- t ompaniment. This will mark Mr. Elman's third appearance in Ann Ar- bor. For the Saturday evening perform- ance in concert form of Ponchielli's opera, "It,, Gioconda,' a cast of six distinguished artists has been assem- bled, including Frances Peralta, so- prano, of the Metropolitan Opera com- pany, Mario Chamlee, tenor, of the Metropolitan Opera company, Kather- ine Meisle, contralto, of the Chicago Opera company, Vincent Ballester, baritone, of the Metropolitan Opera comny, Augusta Lenska, mezzosopra- no, and Henri Scott, bas% The Uni- versity Choral Union will ao partic- ipate. The revival by both tht Chica- go and Metropolitan Opera companies of "La Gioconda" this season, and the crowded, enthusiastic houses with which each performance has been greeted, is indicative of the popular regard for the work. s LaFayette, In, Feb. 9-Indi- ana defeated Iowa in a rather easy Big Ten game here tonight. The final score was Indiana 28, I Iowa 21. night won a western conference I basketball game from Northwestern by : GYPT, TRINIDAD, CIlINESE LIFE, IIUTIICHINS, SMIr1 AND ROBBINS -J AND lEpuWAtl SVthJECTS NAMED ON EMERGENCY nes in, a teor t plae the Wol- OF 'ALKNS COMMITTEE veres in a tie for third place in the big ten race with Indiana , who (ARRANGE CONCERTS LEAVE NOT ASK[D also won tonight from Iowa. Northwestern piled up a 5-0 lead early in the first half, after which 3e agara, Putn-Bay Detroit News, Wenley, Badger, Worley, Waite, Grant- Michigan went on a basket shooting Ford L aInt aid State Prison ed Leaes; Running Mill Take rampage and placed the score at 9-6 in the Wolverine's favor. The half ended, however, in an 11-1 tie. The Lectures on a variety of subjects As a result of the prolonged illness Lineup: al ranging from medical and scientific of President Marion L. Burton, the Michigan Northwestern n developments to descriptions of ex- Board of Regents at their meetingI Kuenzel RF Baker ytended journeys through foreign Jan. 30 appointed a committee con- Chambers LF White a ,i d ths asisting of PreSident-Emertius Harry Doyle C Graves landsra wi hs bncl(eden trrahe spec B. Hutchins, Dr. F. E. Robbins, assit- Hutzel RG Christman nl In..--: rogram vwhich has been arranged for R hit a , tim benefit of students who attend the tant to the president, and Shirley W. Cherry LG Mathews Smitheito sudntfwoaaen tei i- . [J24 Summer CsesOsi.Smith, sec. of the University, to anvise Field Goals: Chambers , Doyle 2 In addition to these lectures eight deans and U Cherry 1, Baker 3, White 1, Graves 1 r- ?ln iamin have been arranged which administrative officers in the perpara- Christman 1. Free Throws: Chambers I will include trips to Niagara Falls, tion of the budget and in other matters 3 out of 4, Cherry 2 out of 3, White 1 - ut-In-Bay, Purroughs Adding Ma- of University policy. out of 1, Graves 2 out of 4, Christman ' ine comjany and the General Mo- This committee, it is explained, is to 1 out of 1. Referee ,Schommer Chi- tors building, Detroit News building act under the general1 direction of the j cago; Umpire, Maloney, Notre Dame. -I lnd the Michigan State Telephone Regents and with the advice and coun- ar company, Ford Motor CompAny at sel, from time to time, as occasion s Raymond Ilaine Fosdick Highland Park and one to the State may determine, of the standing com- g. " Mr.Fosdick will speak on "Organiz- prison and Consumer's Power Plant mittee of the Board. The Regents re- h ing Our International Relations" next m Jackson. ceived no request from Pres. Burton e Monday night in Natural Science au- W Among the descriptive addresses for a leave of absence, and no action ditonium under the auspices of the Whih have be yn arranged is one by was taken in the matter. League of Nations Non-Partisian as- Prof. F. W. Kelsey on "The Second rJasDeaconBruceof e sociation I American Expedition to the Near Dgna - East," another by Prof. F. N. Scott, was appointed director of internal - - "here and otere in Egypt,".oneiby medicine and chief of the medical ser- harding and Thomas, Noted Airmeni P re.. ar.d JTheen "Egryp oer b vice in the University hospital. Dr. Will Appear here on Course na OI K T ProI. P. E. James, "Geographic Obser - Iea Preo Cus " vations in Trnidad." Prof. Fl. B. Mer- Bruce is expected n Ann Arbor about of Association sCrik will give . "Chinese the middle of March, although he will i- L ire," Prcof. C. W. Rufus one on "A not assume hIs new duties in full until' ANNOUNCE DATE LATER n Cave Temple ini Korea," Prof. "J. . TOird FOREIGN P LC~Po.*.B. JJuly 1fl Pollock ono on "Life in the Hawaiian Prof. Robert M. Wenley the phil- Islands," another will be given by osophy department was granted a Jack Harding, companion of Lieut. Prof. F. W. Peterson, "Sweden in 1eave of absence for the school year Erik Nelson in piloting the "New Or- Third Gathering held here Ilyi Summer and Winter." All of these 1925-26 in order that he may accept leans," one of the machines which , League of Nathons lectures will be illustrated. the directorship of the London branch! first circumnavigated the globe, willc Association Lectures which will deal with med- of the American University union, narrate the story of the world - flight ical subjects will be given by Dean! ! eaves of absence for the second in Hill auditorium, appearing under HELD MANY OFFICES .ughCabot, of the medical school, semester were granted to Prof. W. L. the auspices of the Oratorical associa- who will speak on Why Have Small- Badger of the Chemical engineering tion, it was announced yeste day. The "r zr in Michigan? Dr. H. B. Lewis department, Prof. C. H. Griffiths of the lecture does not appear on the reg- " n - - wil t upon "Insulin" and Dr. Pi. sychology department, and Prof. John ular Oratoical program and the date latrons is the subject of a pubic ad- M. lichey, who is recognized as an S. Worley of the transportation engi- will be set later. - dress to be given by Raymond B. Fos- authority on X-ray, will speak on neering department, providing his in- Speaking jointly with "Smiling dick of the New York Bar next Monday Med lca nd Non--Medical Applica- trests in New York necessitate his Jahk" Harding in telling the story dfi tions of X-rays." presence there. the world flight from the platform Is nightFebf Several addresses will be given by The Regents accepted the 'resigna- Lowell Thomas, official historian of the League of Nations Non-Partisan members of the staff in political sci- tion of Prof. Alexander Ziwet of the the flight. Mr. Thomas in an interna- l association. The meeting will be held once and economics including: "The I mathematics department of the engi- tionally famous lecturer having spok-. in Natur~ai Science atitorium, by Government of Metropolitan Commu neering college as of the end of the en to more than 3,000,000 people in authorization of University offcials. ites,"by Prof.. H. Reed; "Businessischool year. Prof. W. H1. Waite of the i America and England. Mr. Thomas L1atoiainofUiest fii .aersip," by lDean E. E. Day; "The alooctdernhec Mr. Fosdick's speech will iark Mahenard,'hy onsue. D modernlanguages department was also acted in the capacity of official thidargpblispinor d hProf..EGrCf ndso-granted a leave of absence for the government historian on campaigns to third large pUbPa i gadAering sponsored Ia," cy Prof. '. E. Griffn, and ".Com- s this year by the League association pwtition arid Co-operation in Modernsem accepted as of the end of the a The flight, which started from Santa _with the object o of imulating discus- Industrial Society," by rof T. L It accepted a fteedo h er h lgt hc tre rmSft I The resignation of Dr. D. L. Tabern Monica, Cal., on March 17, 1924, andI sion oa present-day i ternationa anfiman. of the organic chemistry department was completed five months and three r S and keepin ;before the pul- Iucluded in the lecturesN bphys- days later, is considered one of the . I Is the XWorldl court and League of Na- icfists will be one by Prof. N. H. Wil- watsalsoincceeteureDr.fTtbertwhasiac- tions questins. Dr. irving Fisher of liams on "Electrons Made Audible," cepted a sepcial research fellowship outstanding features of the twentieth Yale university advocated American on' by Prof. ). L. Rich on "The Meas- in the George F. Baker laboratory at century. Three pl as o nd six men, - entrance into the League on October urement and Elimination of Noise," Cornell university. plseted the trip which ouche 28 for- 27 before an audience of nearly 2,000 with experimental demonstrations; Three appointments were made in egd chuntri i aoxiae 371 and Prof. Edwin D. Dickinson of the another by Prof. H. H. Higbee, "Get- the extension division for the second eign countries in approximately 371 Law school recently urged Anerican ting the Most From Light," and one by semester. Prof. :. F. Caritt of the I o nn of t membership in the World court in an Prof. 11. 1. Bailey, "Our Electrified philosophy department was appoint- as to byth jon s rs, address at Lane hall. World." ed to conduct a course in Detroit, andfight as told by the joint speakers, Dr. Fosdick is a brothr o Ifarry Education lectures will be given by Prof. E. D. Mitchell, director of intra- otion pictures and colored "stills" E.nerson 1isdick who snoke in MAnn J uhn myskens on the subject of mural sports, and Prof. Emil Lorch from 25,000 feet of available film vs- Arbor a few wetks aka on the Ora- "Speech Analysis," and by Prof. W. L. of the architectural college were ap- alizing the "high spots" of the entire- torical association course. Uraduat.- aCarr who will tell of "The New Latin pointed to conduct courses in Grand our.Anlarge portion of the pictures , ing from 1Prineetoon in 19-0)15, he pur- Programn in the Secondary Schools." pRapide. were taepby tMr. Hardin person- saed his legal studies at Columbia, Among these lectures planned for Pro' P. I. Running was named act- were taken by er. Hardingo tern iand began the npracti(-e of law in New lbooklovers is one by W. W. Bishop on ing as astant Dean of the engineering cruyserd trou thei t of the air ! York in 1908 after rceevini; his de- "Scme l' Iiroipean Libraries" and an- college during the absence of Prof. tries gree. othir by . L. C. Goodrich on "Some G{O. ris. Patterson. Prof W. H. Wo- r. Since that time hlie has interested Interesting American Libraries." rel wa engaged to catalogue the on-^ himself in a great variety Ica activities Other lectures already scheduled for etal nanuscripts recently received Daiy 'E nsianF being successively corporation coun- the 1925 Summer session will include: by the University library. sel of New York: representative of the "Mapping of the Great Lakes," by Announcement was made that the Rockefeller Bureau of Social Hygiene Prof. L. C,. Karpinski; "Solar Eclipses 27-inch objective for the Lamont tele-A in Europe; Comptroller of the Demo- in Mot ion Pictures," by Prof. R. H. 7nhab cratic National Finance comnit tee in Curtiss; "What is Art," by Prof. D. II Scope had been received at the Ob- t I eratry Ate i i asebld ri S af Iry0uis 1912; membrn of the New York City Parker; "Nigara Falls," by Prof. E. I. servatory. After it is assembled and Board of Education;. pecial repre- Snith, of the geology department of tested out here, the telescope will ed c taivro tervaldp reti enwuveriy;"glshCort,"shiipped to Bloemfontein, South At- Tryuots for the editorial and bus- Mexico in 191;chairman of the cini- by Prof. 17. It Sunderland; "Hugo rica, for a stud'! of the stars of the ness staffs of the Daily and the Meic m190;c!aima o te o- y ro R ILaudeladHuosouthern hemisphere. 'Ensian and for the business staff of mission on training camp activities Grotius,' Prof. J. S. Reeves; "Italian I- during the World war; representative Gardenis," Prof. A. Tealdis; "The Ele- The Board granted the use of IillI the Garoyle are to be held this week of the war department in France i ment of Art in Eighteenth Century aditoriumi for the presentation of at the Press Building, opposite the o t 1918 and 1919; and assistant Secre- Poetry," Prof. L. T. Bredvold; "The Sheridan's play, "The Rivals," on Majestic theatre on Maynard street.-I tary-General of the League of Nations Province of Statistics," Prof. H. C. March 3 under the auspices of the Second semester freshmen, sophmoresj at Geneva in 1919 and 1920. Carver; "Huxley's Centennial," Prof. ( Michigan Theatre league. and upper-classmen having an aver- t Mr. Fosdick has for many years IM. Wenley; "The Philippine Is- The request of the Michigan School age grade of C or better are eligible l been deeply interested in the cause lands," by Prof. W. D. Smith of the of Religion that regular credit be giv_ for positions on these publications. s of international co-operation and his University of Oregon; "The Social I en toward University degrees to stu- A meeting of tryouts for the editor- 1 speeches and writing in behalf of an Point of View: What is it? Do we dents taking courses in that school ial staff of The Daily will be held at increased participation by this coun- need it? How do we get it?" by Prof. was denied. 4 o'clock Thursday, Feb. 12, in the h try in world affairs have been numer- A. E. Wood, and "The Place of Public j A gift of $2,000 was accepted from staff room on the second floor of the os and powerful. iHe is also a crinii- Policy in Law," by Prof. J. B. Waite. Dr. W. J. Mayo for the support of tie Press building. Tryouts for the busi- nologist of distinction, being at pres- Arrangements have been made for Mayo lecture series, and a loan fund ness staff are requested to report at ent and editor of the American Jour- other outside speakers whose subjects of $1,700 was received from the Mich- once to The Daily business office. nal of Criminal Law and Criminology. have not yet been announced. Sev- igan State Pharmaceutical association. j Students wishing to try out for the He is a trustee of the Rockefeller cral lectures on the subject of health The Board also accepted the offer of 'Ensian staff either on the editorial h Foundation and a member of the will also be arranged. Alexander Dow, pres. of the Detroit or business side may report any after- i American Academy of Political and Concerts by the faculty of the Uni- Edison company, to install extensive noon this week at the 'Enslan office s Social science, the American Institute versity School of Music will be given equipment in the University power . which is also in the Press building. V of International Law and the Amer- at 8 o'clock every Wednesday night plant.Prospective tryouts for the business t ican Bar association. during the Summer session in Hill iThe report of the Board in Control staff of the Gargoyle are asked to ditoriu. lays and reof Athletics was receive and placed report at the Gargoyle office Tuesday also be given by the class in play pro- on file. or Wednesday of this week between 2 n Uiuer Y;on. The Regents appointed a committee, and 4 o'clock. ri } t i RIPKE NOT COMING Rumors to the effect that Harry Kipke, former Michigan three-sport star and all-Ameri- can football player in 1922 who has been assistant coach at the University of Missouri during the past season, had been offered the position of j assistant - coach at Michigan were definitely denied by Michi- gan authorities yesterday after- noon. "I am at a loss to know wlrere the "reliable information" re- garding Kipke's appointment to fill Little's place originated," stated Coach Yost when ques- tioned regarding a story appear- ing in Chicago and Detroit morn-j ing papers to the effect that the appointment had been definitely made. "I know nothing about it and Kipke has never been of-j fered the position." 'AFER150 YEARS' FALCONER SUBJECT I Toronto University Head Speak Here Monday, Feb. 23. to, UNIVERSITY HOLIDAY "Atter 150 Years," will be the sub- ject upon which Sir Robert Falconer, president of the University of Toronto, will. speak at the University convo- cation at 10 o'clock Monday, Feb. 23, in commemoration of Washington's birthday. This date, although. not an- nounced as such in the calendars in- cluded in the University announce- .ments, will be a University holiday. Dr., Falconer's address, he has stat- ed, will be a comparison of the politi- cal, social and scientific situation ,to- day with what it was in the time of the height of Washington's power, with some deductions." Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law Monday, Feb. 23, '10 se .a Univer- sity holiday in observance of ,\VIgr' ington's birthday, as the anniversary of the occasion falls upon Sunday, Feb. 22. The calendars enclosed iny University announcements give Feb. 22, instead of Feb. 23 as the date of, the holiday. school will introduce the speaker, as President ;Marion L. Burton is in- capacitated by his illness. Some years ago Washington's Birthday convoca- tions were distinctly a Law school event, and the naming of Dean Bates; is in accord with the former system. An organ solo by Palmer Christian, University organist, will be included in the morning's program.I The visiting speaker is the holder of many degrees, one of which was con- ferred by the University. In 1918 Dr. Falconer received his honary LL. D. degree here, and others he holds are LL. D. and B. A. from London Univer- sity; M. A., B. D., and Litt. D. from Edinburg university; D. D., from Knox college; and LL. D. degrees from; Toronto, Princeton, Glasgow, Pennsyl- vania, Edinburg, Western Reserve, and Northwestern universities. Former Medical instructor Dies' Dr. Sadie MacFarland, '16, a member f the medical faculty during 1923 and [924, died Sunday at Burlington, N. J., after several months illness. Af- er graduating from the literary col- .ege here in 1916, she took up ther study of medicine at Philadelphia. In 1923 she became acquainted with the X-ra ydepartment of the University' hospital and the health service. H. G CLARK, '26, DIES SIGMADELTA CHI W1H1 PRESS CONENTO 'HIGH SCHOOL EDITORS MEET HERE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT URAY. WILL AWARD CUPS Burrows of Journalism Department and Wgner, 15Wll m Appear On Program. More than 150 high school editors are expeoted to attend the fourth annual Interscholastic Press conven- tion sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi, national professional journalistic fra-. ternity, in Ann Arbor, Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday of this week. This convention was originally scheduled for December 4, 5 and 6 but was postponed due to a conflict with the conference at the University of Wisconsin. Each year it has been the custom for the fraternity to hold the meeting of the Michigan Interscholas- tic Press association in this city and at this time speakers prominent in the ild of journalism address the editors, while separate discussion meetings are held for the different groups. The complete program was announc- ed yesterday by Carl E. Oilmacher, '25, general chairman of the affair, who is to open the sessions Thursday after- noon at the Union. Registration will be held during the morning. Follow- Ing Ohlmacher, David M. Bramble, '25, president of. Sigma Delta Chi, will welcome the delegates. The two main speakers of the after- noon will be Prof. E. G. Burrows of the journalism department and Phillip M. Wagner, '25, managing editor of The Michigan Daily. The latter will speak on the subject "Editing a DAIly" while Professor Burrow's subjt t'thas not been announced. Round table discussjbns will conclude tpe"after- roon's'aathering;,at These discussioula for the weekly and bi-weekly groups will be led by Jon G. Garlinghouse, '25, and Robert M. Mansfield, '26 for the editorial side of the discussion and Perry M. Hayden, '25, John Conlin, '27L, J. J. Finn for the business part of the paper. In the monthly class, the groups will be led by Ronald Halgrim, '25, Lucien L e, '25 and Halsey Davidson, '25 in conh: 'ering the editorial division of a hagaz%, while the business staffs will be addressed y Clifford Pratt, '25, Ar- den Kirshner, 6 and Frederick Pin- ney, '27L. The representatives Nof annuals, edi torial work, will be lJ in discussion by Bramble, William B. 'theridge, '25, Allen Crouch, '26, while 1je business side will be touched on by '&ass Hough, '25, and Gifford Upjohn, 25. No program has been pl'med for Thursday evening,'the annua dinner of the association being scheduled for Friday. During the morning c~f that day Bramble will preside over the meetings, which will start at 9 o'clock. "Selling Space" will be the topic % Eugenne Dunne, '25, advertising mana ger of The Daily, while Martin Codel, grad, staff reporter of the Detroit News, will speak upon "Sports." Following these talks the session will disband into small discussion groups again. The executive committee of the conference will also meet at this time. At 1 .o'clock Friday afternoon the meetings will be resumed with Robert Granville of Ann Arbor High School speaking upon the subject "Where the Advisor Comes in." "Circulation Problems" will be touched upon by L. Beaumont Parks, '26L, former mem- ber of The Dafy business staff. The round table discussions will be re- sumed at 2 o'clock. At 3 o'clock the nominating committee will make its report for the election Saturday morning. Friday night at 6:15 o'clock the an- nual banquet will be held, at which time Donald H. Haines of the journal- ism department and possibly Otto Hans, owner of the Ann Arbor Press will speak. The program is not yet complete. Following the banquet the delegates will be shown through the ,, BANG Harris G. Clark, '26, died at his ome in Altoona, Pa. yesterday, follow- ng an illness which has confined him ince the beginning of the Christmas vacation. Tuberculous pneumonia was the cause of his death.'. We came to with a start. 1'. Daily. A business session will be held Saturday morning, starting at 9 o'clock. At this time the elecion of officers will be held, as well as the I.presentation of cups in the contests E run in connection with the conference, and a general discussion of the con- ference. School had commenced so immediately we knew that it was time to send out a meage of welcen to all London, Feb. 9.-The death is nounced of Edmund Plummer, years old. an- 93 'ears old.