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March 01, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-01

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.SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1925




ft.11L _ __.1 ft3 J LY

rAQN J'1vN

'~ OL DACEINSITTE Embroidery Trims
With cheers for the director and for
the Ypsilanti visitors the five-day'Y
folic dance institute under the direc-
tion of Miss Elizabeth lBurchenal
closed at noon yesterday.
"This institute is one of the largest
.Ihlat I have condluctedl," stated Miss
IBurchenaI in an interview. The totalr
,;,,enrollment was more than 300, in-
eluding approximately 100 Ypsilantif.3
"students. It was found necessary to'
utilize Waterman gymnasium part of
Miss Burchenal added, "My class
Shere has shown plenty of vigor and
enthusiasm and these are the main
things in folk dancing."'
Other universities at which Miss:
V' ,Burchenal conducted similar cou rses
are Columbia, Illinois, Colorado, Cal-s
ifrnia, Denver and Oregon.
Delegates to the Continental con-
gress to be hield in April at Washing- :>: ::
tonn were "elected atu the Febr~uary,

Of Week's
Fo~rmaul iniition took p~lace at the
Maxine Sliiulman; '27, has lbeen A i ,h mus'ystra ve h
given full charge of the sale of tick- fAlphaI ih ouse yesweredak wen ite
! ts for International Night in all the,
league houses.. Monday and] Tuesday memrbership: Helen llawkins, '28, and
repiresentatives will visit each housel Margaret Ilawkins, '28, Cleveland;
and explain the significance of the' Mildi'Cdl Hu~fene, '28, Detroit; Helen
;program and the fact that all the pro- i Raikes, '28, Ann Arbor: Bertha Ran-
c eeds 'are to be turned over to tbe; kin, '28, Ann Arbor; Helen Rtuther-
Woman's League building fund. Tic- ford, '28, Detroit; Janet Trembley,
kets will be0 on sale Tuesday, Wednes- '28, Det roit; and Alice Kellogg, '28,
day, and Thursday at the candy booth( Grand Rapids.
in University hail. -
Co-mmittees under the directioni of iMore than 150 women attended theI
Ann Seeley, '26, will canvass (br- 1Dutch Treat party of the Women's
nmitories and sorority houses. Thme League Friday afternoon in Sarah
Iprogram is now being planned uinder' Caswell Angel hall. Smiling Dutch
the eadrshi ofMr. arlon Wllsboys and girlspinted on heavy card-#
I th lederhjp f M. Crlto Avllsboard fenced in the orchestra. An in-
of the rhetoric department. trieie(ac a ieetd b
'earl Lapish, '26, Lillian Bronson, '271
jReport Activities mud Norma Reid, '28, and a clog dance
Of M ichidan W11 44 va performedl by four Dutch maid-
' . . ins. The lKap~pa Sigma orchestra fur-
ihsled the music for dancing.

Large Part 'League To Receive !Success Rewards
Soia Atiite Per Cent On Sales x Tea Room Venture
Jacobson's store andI Goodhew's1 Mrs, H-ugh Cabot's primary pur-
Bert, '26, and Claire Douglas, '25, bothm floral shop are offering 5 per cent on! pose in starting "The Cozy Corner"
of Detroit, and Frances Hubbard, '28, alllipurchases made and on charge * tea room at 330 Maynard street w as
Ann Arbor. Accounts toward the Women's Lea-1 to provide a pilace where students and
gue building fund. The Womien's Lea- others could entertain their friends in
The embrs o Alha X l~ltaguze urge that all women purchasing: a way wvhich would otherwise be !m-
he therminers forAlpFriayiget, at either of these stores ask for the ipossible.
______discount since in (doing so they will be Thle original "Tea Roomn," started
The following women were initiat- directly aiding the League in securing three years ago, consisted of two
more funds. The new spring sales of-; roomns, a (lining room andl a small
ed into Theta Phi Alpha yesterday: for opportunity for a considlerable suns i drawing room furnished cozily for
ICarolyn Hunibarger, '28, Toledo; Mar- , to be added to the League fund. lbridge parties or other informal en-
(garet Deacon, '28, Detroit; Mary' tranet.Tdy"h oyCr
Wallacye,'2, Hat; ArbcaodgJunta Musego, Mich..Feb. 28.-Steam- nor" tea room, considerably enlarg-
'27 Dulluth '2, Hart;Evelynrattdg'28, ship lines hoped! to lbe able to resume edI, will accommodate fifty people with
Ma7,sDall;uthin;EelySeira tt, '27, navigation today. a separate dining room for private'
Mori al KatMa ri nerad , '26. Deri, '27,ddinner parties if dlesired.
Eleanor Woodl, Grand Rapids, who was try building: Gale Nickerson, '25, Lida! "It is interesting work,," commented
admitted' as an, honorary member. Thtclier, '25, Viola. Brekke, '26, and !Mrs. Cabot who takes charge of the
i Athalie Clough, '22, was toastmistress Mildred .Tames, assistant ini the chzen- buying and planning herself. "The
at the formal banquet which followed. istry dlepartnient, venture differs fromt the ordinary res-
Following the service a tea was held( taurants in that making money is'
Alpha Omicron Y1i will hold for- in tihe Martha Cook library, not the prime object, though it must
meal initiation today. Virginia Cross- be managed on a soundl business basis
man, '28, D~etroit; ,Jean Gireenshields,(I Mrs Wayne England will entertain with reasonable interest on the invest-
'28, Romeo; Susan Stork, '28, NewI the seniors and alumni of .Alpha. Omzi- j edl captial. The experiment," added
York. ity: Anne1te Burkhart. '27, cron Pi at a tea this afternoon. Mrs. Cabot, "shows signs of success."


neeting of the Sarah Caswcll Angell
chapter of the Daughters of American
Revolution held Thursday at the Clii
Omega house. The following women
were elected: Mrs. 14. C. Berger, re-
gent; Mrs. C. J. Lyons, vice-regent;
Mrs. C. W. Gill and -Mrs J. T. Travis,
as delegates; Mrs. Arthur Brown, Mrs.
Victor Vaughn, Mrs. S. W. Beakes,
Mrs. Ralph H. Curtiss, Mrs. H3. D.
McClure, Mrs. M. E. Coolcy, Mr ii.
Tni ilin Ax"..T -

Activties (of the Michigan NV. A. A.
were described in a letter sent yes-
terday to the Athletic conference of
American College Women, by Marian-
n ia Smalley, '25, piresident of the
Michigan association.
This report and similar ones from'n
other universities will make tip the
spring news letter of the conference
which will. be edlited at the Univer-
ity of California. The various memn-
bers of thme conference, which includes
the universities in' the "Big Ten" as
well as many other universities and
colleges all over the country, take
turns editing the news letter which
appears three tinges a year and pro-
vides for an exchange of ideas.
Advertiser .'Tells

' n

The spring coat T amy illustrating

.loon 6 ~wislur, M~iss iLucy iChapin, today is fashioned of black satin with
Mrs. Carrol May, and Mrs. Charles white lining and1 facing. The 'loose,.
Pratt as alternates. wraplike sleeves are heavilytrimmined
The chapter voted to contribute $5 with emb~roidlery, this sleeve trimming
to_ a Hawaiin scholarship fund, at being all that is used on the coat. A
Honolulu andl $10 to the Internation- neat little white hat with large flow-;
al college at Springfield, Mass. It ers drlooiniig on to milady's shouldersj
was voted to authorize the regent to is worn with the coat. Miss Sally
investigate a gift to the room that Long, oif screen fame, is the wearer.
Michigan Daughters are furnishinig at A number of slenderizing touches
Tamnasee, a southern school supported are seen on the new coats for stout
'by the D. A. R. women. Charmleen coats ,adroitly'
Dr. Henry D. Wild of the English tucked on collar, sleeves and down.
department gave a talk on "Demo- the fronts are one style recommended.
cratic Ideals in American Literature."A panel of tucks running from hip-I
_______________line to the hem (in either side is an-
ANN NCE G EN'S other mode (if effecting a slimmer sil-
ANNO NGENGAG ENT houette. Andi tailored stitching is al-i
4ways a smart and effective way of
y Announcement was made at theI trimiming for the heavy woman. Colors
Alpha Xi Delta house at (dinner Wed- employed are tigereye, tan, gray,
nesday night of the engagement of black and navy.
Margaret Sagendorph, '26, and Wal- For the yonig women the top coati
' lace Hoffman, '25. H-offman is a "a la Wales" is still good. Swagger
-member of Delta Sigma Phi. derona or mannish coatings are most-
-~ ly chosen for these tailored, double

Collegiate Sorosis held formal ini-
ation yesterdlay. The following wvo-
ien were initiated : Elizabeth Harri-
nan, '28, and Frederica Harriman,
8, Long Beach, Cal.; Caroline Mc-
inley, '28, Lansing; Mary Quarton,''
S, P~ontiac; Eugenia Long, '28, Bm'y-E
i 0.; Mary Bowman, '28, Pimiladel-
Lia; Mary Cristy, '28, Ann Arbor;
orothy iHurd, '28, Beresford, Me.;
fen llckwood, '28, :Detroit; Jean
ow, '28, Ann Amrbor; and Katherine
'erg uson, '28, Birming~nham. The ini-
iation banquet was held later.
Potted pulants together with maize
,d blue decorations formed the back-
;ound for the party given by the Wo-
en's P'hysical Educatioa club Friday
ight in Blarbour gymnasium. More
hu 75 coupiles attended and joined
nthuisimstically in the feature dances1
hich Miss lizabeth Burchenal, di-
ector of the folk dance institute, con-I
ucted (luring thec evening by special
Kappa I)clta announces the. Initia-j
ion of the following: Ruth .Jameson,;
,8, Cadillac; Fay Smnead, '28, Chavy
base Md.; Margaret Cole, '28, Ann
Lrbor; Dorothy Ingalls, '28, .Bryan,
; Geraldine Aubrey, '27,. Ann Arbor;
)rothy Cline, '26, Detroit.
Zeta Tau Alpha announces the ini-
itioin of the following: Mabel Neef,
7, Jenkintown, Pa.; Frances Stark,
3, Steumbenville, Ohio; Catherine
Vaters, '28, Fort H-uron; Elta Sie-1

K~appa K~appa Ga-mnma announcesj
'the engagement of Helen Sullivan, I'
'26, 'daughter of Mr. amnd Mrs. Charles I
E. Sullivan, of Springfield, Ill., to Carl
Jenks, of that city.
Theta Sigma will mee t8ocock
kWednesday at the Kappa Alpha Theta
Bluebooks on the requiredl hygiene
lectures have been corrected and!1
should be called for before tomorrow
night in the director's office in Bar-r
-hour gymnasium.


breasted coats witn their tu iiiilapels
and slightly nipped-in hip-lines. They
aie silk lined throughout and are pop-
ular in natural shadles andl invisible
plaidls in gray-blue and fog-gray
League TPresident
Shows Improvement
('ha ini to llladgon, '25, president of
the Womjen's L eague, who has been
at the lleali h S:rvicse since JIan. 30j
on account, of a a r alytic stroke is
now ablelt to see ,n cca isional visitor,,
according to Dr;.AMargaret Bell. Misst
Bladgon sat m) in a wheel chair for.-
the firs-t tim e yest erdlay afternoon andI
is iiow able to study. She is able to1
move around br int there is not much
change in tihe pzira hysis. It is uncer-.
Laiin whemi Miss B ia gtloji wxill be able
to leave the Ihealitim S-rvice.f

Of Opportunities t
In Her Profession r
Woman's pilace in the field of adver-
tising is, according to local author-
ities, largely dependent upon the size tip
of the town and time demand for the '2i
type of advertising work in which cI
women excell. The advertising mlan- Ai
aiger at Jacobson's, who is at Ar'es- '0.
,ent a woman, recommends the cities 'D(
as woman's largest advertising field.
"There is more call," she says, "for
originality of ideas and variety of I!;
work. It is extremely hard in a city '2
of Ann Arbor's size to find enough of '2
the kind of work adaptable to wvomen,
to keep her doing adlvertising exclu-:
sively. The salary, unless one corn-
bines other work with the adve:'ti.,ing'
is practically negligibile.
"Stares in smualltowns (10 not han-
(110 their advertising the sa Ime vWilv
that it is done in cities, ther'e is not
as much call for the spiecializedl type
of "ad" writing in whiichl so many
women are skilled."
There are entirely (differenut kinds~ of
"ads" which appeal to various ty~pesi
of people. M arge ''ads," especi( a)lly
those announcing sales seem to apm-
peal to the townspeoiple, while the
smmaller', catchy ones attr act the at-
tention of the university wonman, w~ho
often absolutely disregards time largo]
blatant type.
"The nrinciple value in a lv; ri 1 m
says the muaima gem' fl .TJat 01)901 "is
in Placing your article befor.e tihe pub)-
lie at the right. timie, and mn a sale
compelling way. It is in thus wxorkh
that wo'fmen are valInnble. Tiheycvan
write advertising for women's ric-
les, sumchma:3 dresses andi coals, in a
way that fewv men can duplicate. ii m
write such hopeless omnes "soncmetm!-
said the girl advertiser disguste'dly.
"Wily some of the coo)y written for
us ;dust couiln't be used(, time girlis
wouldn't read it. It takes a girl tol
write the kind of ''ads" abiout wommen's
apiparel which really sell for us."
Don't delay--Pay your Subscriptions

SMenominee Falls, Wis.; Harriet Wes-I
ton, '26, Ani Arbor; Genevieve Eaton,
'28, Jackson; and Helen Belclver, '28,'
Manistee are the new members. Thej
initiation banquet will be held at tWe
Green 'Tree Inn.


( ,

Iota. Sigma Pi initiated the follow-
ing into umembershmip at an initiation
service xvhch was heldl at 2 o'clock
yesterday in Room 410 of time chemils-I
To (luote Mr'. Patou, eminent
French designer:
"The fine point in all art is
to give beyond doubt the im-
pression of perfect simplicity,
but to obtain it by a research
for detail and the most refined

Consulting Costumer
222 Nickels 'Arcade
- Phone 3039-W


. . .a". . '1. . «e. '1. .vr'~.I, O/.".r*1. 1. :. !I:i !. ".it "rr'. ",rCY'.i.+uy.'Y ? ?/"./ '.i '. :



:I.I ./. 1"..I "1.r+",I.i+'"a/". I,/". Y. " ". «/'"l. ,/"./.I . I",I './".S"e. ".1./""I'"Yr/"./.rl. /1 ", ""1,/".0".0 "./.I~,dt""a1 " "



(Sanu., Ma*rcht 1)


Swagger Johnny collar,
smooth raglan shoulder
and a very new sleeve-
three features of this new
Shagmoor coat that every
sportswoman will ap-
prove. Half lined with
peau de cygne. Trimmed
with two-tone plate squir-
rel fur.
1214 (:OUTH1MAIN

ff. , lu u"oo
' , VV K

'Niglhts i00to x$'.50
P'opmular Matinees
Wed. anid Sat.
it~c to $1.050

RtICHfARDLi11EIN FQIS Production of
J. P. McEvoy's Vivid Comedy of ILif~
as Hiundireds of Thmousandls of Americanm
Fan hiles Are Actually Living Today
Hurrab Hurrah!
"The Pttrs

Are Here Agai

Kappa Plmb initiation w~ihlI
5 o'clock Friday, March
Methodist church.

be held at
6, at the

320 East Liberty
Phone 294-F1

Tbis Truie, With

onald Meek

Junior.hlay chorus rehearsals will lie As a result. of thle tryouts hield last
held as follows: Tomorrow, 2 at 4 o'-} Tuesday eveninig the following wom-
clock, F at 5 o'clock, 4 at 7 o'clock, en were elected toi membermship in
RB at 8 o'clock; Tuesday, 6 at 4 o'- Portia Lileram y socie!ty: :Margaret
clock, dress rehearsal of A, B, BB, C.I Henckel, '26, Mary Kent Miller, '27,
1), E, F, at 7 o'clock, dress rehearsal Erma Schultz, '26, Alice Camnpbell, '26.


amwdOriginal Nwork('s
rI ie Show with 1,000 and 2 Laugh's

. +!

r; .


of 1i, L, 36, 5 , G, at 8:30 o'clock~; E- -
Wednesday, 3 at 4 o'clock, 2 at 5 o'- jThme Synmohonic league will hold its
clock, A, B, BB, C, D, E, F, at 7 o'- annual formal bamiquet Wednesday,
clock. evening at time Imiomi. An elaborate
Iprog~ramii has been plannmed,;hbut,, as is
There will be a meeting of all senior custonmary, the details of it will re-
women at 4 o'clock Wednesday, March main secret. Everyone connected
4, in room 1025 Angell hall for the with tile School of Music is invited to
pupose of discussing the Senior Girls' attenid. Tick~ets are on sale at $1.50
play. eachm.
There will be a regular meeting of ."Miss Julie," by Strindberg; will be
time Fr'eshmiman Girls' Glee club at 4:15 read at tihe meeting of time Monday!
tomorrow afternoon in thme parlour's of'! evemning dramatic section of tihe Fac-;
Bamrbour gymnasium. ulty Women's club at 7 :45 o'clock to- I
morrow at tmehenme of Mrs. C. T."
4 Subscribe for The Xiclgaui Daily Johnston, 1335 h-ill street.

A- -________-_______ 1___

Peach, Pistachio and Vanilla in1

the delightful brick

we have


in Your Purchase o1 a
Small Musical

- ,--y- -------

You Can

Do Bletter at Grinnell 's

prepared for you this week-end.
order it from our dealers or


liest assort ment; high grade mitkes; low prices;
anld especcially easy terms. We inivite yoiu imipct'iii-t'oiie inl!

A Good Holone for as
Located on it good street in one of Annu Arbor's best residence
districts. Close enough in for walking'. It has a veery large lot and -
,iijntyr of' sIrn1bherw.. Oinn'it tha~t individual char im al ways des~'ired.



Bueschmer, York, King
Vega, P'aramount, etc.
Tenor Banjos low ais $20


iolins, Manmdolins
U-kuheles, (guitars
-hest umakes; wide ranuge of
Ludiwig and Leedy D~rums
D~eagant Bells, Xy lopihones
Boston '1hree. Star 'Urnumpets
C'undy, Bettoney Flutes and
C'larinmets, etc., etc.


_ I?



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