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March 01, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-01

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VOL. XXXV. No. 111





... __._..---b------------

I i

Announcement Will Be Mlade in Book
Stores and Theaters If Sale.
T tIs Conducted
Word was received at the Michigan-
ensian offices Saturday afternoon toI
the effect that should the present
plans for the 1925 Michigan year book,
be carried into effect that publication'
would in all probability be acclaimed
not only the year's best annual,t but
would have done more toward open-
ing new channels in the field of Col-
lege Annual production than any other
book of the past ten years.
This information has caused the
staff to make inquiry as to whether
the printers' and cover manufactur-
cr's contracts which- were closed on
Wednesday of last week, could be re-
voked and an extension nade until
the first of the week.
It is felt that should this opportuni-
ty be granted, some thousand or moreI
students who neglected to subscribe,
feeling that the announcements made
by the staff to the effect that "The
1925 'Etisian Would Be Different" am-
mounted to nothing more than sales,
talk, would avail themselves of an

Earthquake Is Felt By Persons
Here, Recorded A t Observatory

Earth tremors of considerable mag-
nitude were distinctly felt in Ann Ar-
bor last night, as reported by a num-
her of persons, and a very definite
shock was recorded by the seismo-
9raph of the University observatory.
The time of the greatest intensity
was approximately 9:21 o'clock, al-
though indications continued for some
time thereafter. The main vibrations
extended over a period of about one
minute and a half.
"Severe vibrations were recorded
on both east and west and north and
south components," declared Prof. W.
J. Hussey, director of the Observatory,
so it is impossible to tell the direc-
tion of the quake. Vibrations of great-
er intensity have been recorded here,
but it is rare that a quake is felt in
Ann Arbor by persons without instru-
Professor Hussey's first notification
of the shock came when he was called
on the phone by persons who had felt
the shock, and asked it an earthquake
had been recorded by the seismograph.
Upon examination, he found the pen{
had been thrown clear off the sheet

removed from the seismograph this
Only three earthquakes of any vio-
lence have occurred in this section of
the country in the past 300 years,
and this region being practically im-
mune to quakes, last night's tremor
is considered quite unusual. Several
times in the past, slight quakes have
been felt widely throughout the mid-
die west.
The most serious earthquake in re-
cent years accurred in Charleston, S.
C., in 1888. At this time many houses
were shaken down and considerable
other damage was done. Earlier in
1811 severe shocks were felt in the
Mississippi valley, the greatest damage
being at New Madrid. In 1663 the
Jesuit Missionaries reported a severe
earthquake in Canada, but as the
country was not thickly settled the
damage was slight.
It is generally believed that earth-
quakes are due to the earth's crust
adjusting itself to the warmer inner
regions. Certain parts of the world
have always been more susceptible
to quakes than others, and only two


by the shock. It was promptly read- or three earthquakes of any import-
justed, and, a continuous record from ance have been recorded in the Great
that time was obtained. Lakes region.
"Earthquakes are often recorded by The tremor was felt in many parts
the seismograph here," said Professor of Ann Arbor. The chemical building
liussey. "The recent Alaskan quakes shook enough to make the bottles rat-
were recorded, and others as far as tie on their shelves, causing anxiety
Japan or central Asia. However, tp those who were in the building at
there is no method of determining the the time. Persons around the city
directions." I noticed the shaking and calls were
No measurements will be made by received from Whitmore Lake, where
the Observatory until the sheets are the quake was quite perceptible.

as rra w~ / 't a mumstDn

opportunity to possess a book which i 111 P11
will in all probability be not only a
great credit to the year's class but to NEH ULAC
the University for the years to come.
Will Exhibit Work ,
Should this extension of contract bei
thade, such will. be announced at the
theaters and State street stores, Sun-
day and Monday. Tables will be Discussion Classes i 'Religion Will
placed on the diagonal for a few hoursTs Be. Oranized at Dinner
Monday morning, and the added sales Tuesday
will then be telegraphed to the print-
er in Grand Rapids. Printing on the THIRD SERIES ARRANGED
first form of the senior section was
started Friday morning. If this form In order to organize the Student
lad been dismounted before noticeChinrrtorit hen'ud en
was given last night, it would in all Christian association's discussion.
probability be too great an expense classes in religion which are schedul-
to reset. ed to open for a five weeks course on
Although the editorial staff did not March 10, a banquet will be held Tues-
with to expose any of the work until I day evening in the Church of Christ.
distribution in the spring, a partial a" versons int in the discus-
ion lases re nvied.


Bishop Gallagher Will Officiate
Ceremony at St. Mary's
This Morning


display, which includes the new cover Dr. C. H. Moehnan, acting presi-
will be made in Graham's windows j r .1.MeImn cigpei
all day today. n dent of Rochester Theological
In a statement given by the business seminary, will be the speaker. One
staff last night, it was learned that I from the night of the banquet,
lihe added expense incurred in this the classes will be held for the first
ten change in the publication time at Lane hall and will continue
had been met by the good fortune of for five tudekuntil April 7a.ssociation
securing an exceptionally larges;
amount of foreign advertising. The is planning five different groups this'
semester. Prof. P. W. Slosson of the
greater portion of which was obtain- history department will lead one of
ed from corporations and concerns the groups on "The Evolution of
connecteds with the building programthgruso "TeEltin f
effected on h the amuslring theg I Christianity." Prof. Leroy Waterman
effected on th'e campus during the;|'
past year. oof the Semiti s department has con-
Because o the fact that most ofI sented to direct a class which will
the expense is borne through this ad- discuss "Racial Factors in Religious
vertising fund, which will not be ac- Progress." Mr. Howard Y. McClusky
cesible another year, the staff is es- of the educational psychology depart-
pecially anxious to have as many stu- ment will teach a class on "The
dent- as possible profit by this for- 'ouneadd tiGeneratwill be a lecture
tunate circumstance. DulsIadto hr ilb etr
Preductlon CostDoubles class on social problems which will
The net production cost per copy be addressed by different members of
has been computed to be approximat- the faculty. A group in child train-
ely fifteen dollars. The per copy pro-s ing for women only, under the direc-
tluction cost of last ,year's book wasi tion of Mrs. H. S. Mallory, director of
- naelyhalftha of he re-social service in the psychopathic hos-
pnro iue. The sales price at the pital, will meet at the same hour as
preseut time is six dollars. the other discussion classes.
A review of the book which will ap-
hear in the March issue of a College riLIGT
nnuaD Editor's trade magazine des- U
cribes the efforts of the 'Ensian staff IA T
as follows:F
"The new Lawyer's club, which was
this year donated to the University of
Michigan by William W. Cook, L.LB., ,Feb28.-Twelve
a graduate of the University of Mich'- Macon, Georgia, Fe 28.Twelve
igan Law School, forms the main army airplanes of the first pursuit
thleme(, of the 1925 Michiganensian. , giroul) which reached Georgia late
This building is a fine example of the today, far behind schedule on their
Collegiate Gothic type of architicture dawn to dusk flight from Selfridge
which is a combination of several of field, Michigan to Miami, Florida, to-
th h od reconiz the princi- morrow will take off here to continue
pal ones of which spring from the their trip at leisure, Major Thomas
transitoneiowli beforthe Rennais- G. Lanphier, their commander, an-
transitionhperiodzbetorea eRiod in nounced tonight.
sancegand the Elizabetian peri Eleven of the planes with full land-
hetgland. hk the end ing'equipment landed at Camp Wheel-
sheets, borders, view section, and sec- I er late this afternoon, after clipping
thion heads, follow the exact details 700 miles from the distance to Miami.
of architecture exhibited by this build- Ge tl was forced w at
ing. Th subject matter of the paint- Georgia, 25 miles away, and will join
iligs. Hand typography used in the in-i the squadron later.
(sntynur yused g S e) I Failure to establish a record in the
(Continued on Page seven) 1,,f,,fMdrLnhe trbtdt
ff t j~f4,, r Ln hir attr'ibuted to

Formal dedication of St. Mary's
Catholic chapel will take place at 9:30
o'clock today when the Right-Rev.
Bishop Michael J. Gallagher of the
Diocese of Detroit will preform the
ceremony. Solemn high mass, said
in the presence of the Bishop will be
celebrated at 10:00 o'clock by Rev
David L .Dillon, '96L, of Battle Creek,
the oldest Michigan alumus among the
Catholic clergy of the diocese.
The deacon and sub-deacon will be,
respectively, Rev. Timothy J. Bourke
of Trenton, brother of Rev. Michael
P. Bourke, A. M. LL. B. chaplain of
the students, and Rev. George A. Mc-
Govern, S. J., now regent of the Uni-
versity of Detroit.
The Bishop will assist at the throne
and the deacons of honor to the
Bishop will be Rev. Joseph A. Mc-
Cabe and Rtev. John Meiss, both of
Detroit, and Rev. Alonzo Nacy of
Grosse Point will be arch priest. The
{ masters of ceremonies will be Rev.
William F. Murphy, D. D., of Detroit
and Rev. James Cahalan, rector of St
Peter and St. Paul Cathedral of De-j
troit, and formerly pastor of St.
Thomas church, Ann Arbor, Rev.
Frank McQuillan of Pinckney, and
Rev. Thomas J. Fallon of Chelsea,
both former assistants of the stu-
dent's chapel, and Rev. Ernest De-
Pught of Brighton will also assist
Over fifty priests, including those
mentioned, will be present. The ser.
mon will be preached by Bishop Gal-
After the ceremonies e group of the
clergy and laymen will take dinner
with the Bishop in the auditorium of
St. Joseph's hospital. A musical pro
gram, both vocal and instrumental
will be presented. Addresses will b*.
made by Dean John R. Effinger of the
literary college, for the university,
Regent James O. Murfin for the Re
gents, Mr. Edmund M. Shields, '96L,
for the alumni, Thomas J. Donahut
'25L, President of the Catholic stu-
dents, for the students, and Bishop
Michael J. Gallagher for the dioces(.
On Monday evening the students
will hold a social in the auditorium of
the chapel at which time a musical
program and addresses will be given,
followed by a social hour with a
luncheon served.
Visitors are invited to inspect the
chapel at any time but members of the
committee will be present Sunday
afternoon to show guests about. The
plans for the dedication have been
made by a committee of which Joseph
J. Finn, '26, is the chairman.

Dates of Class Functions Are Set By
Executive Council; Class
Meets Wednesday
Dues of the senior literary class
will be payable tomorrow. The booth
in the corridor of University hall willi
be open for that purpose from 9 to 12
o'clock and from 2 to 5 o'clock.
These dues must be paid in order
for seniors to participate in the acti
vities of their class, which are now
getting under way; At a class meet
ing to be held at 4 o'clock next Wed-
nesday, in Newberry hail., the chair-
men of the committees will read thei
reports and a general discussion of!
plans of the class will be conducted.
Orders for invitations to the com
mencement exercises, in June will bj
taken as soon as a sufficient numbei
have paid their class dues. The ar-
rangements for the printing have al-
ready been completed by the commit-
tee, of which Howard Orowell, is
Dates for class functions have been
fixed by the executive council of the
class, which consists of the class offi
cers and the chairmen of the commit-
tees, under the general direction o
Richard L. Lawrence, the president.
The Senior Bali has been tentatively
set for May 22, and arrangements are
being made by the social committee,
which is under the leadership of Mark
Duffield. An attempt will be made to
limit attendance at the ball exclusive-
ly to seniors, providing the necessary
support is furnished by the class.
A smoker for the senior literary
men has been scheduled for March 18,
at the Union. Speakers have not yet
been selected. Caps and gowns are
being cared for by a committee of
which John" Bi'omley is chairman.
The annual senior banquet will be
Slast senior sin
;cording to Edvard Hlartwick, '25,
who is in charge of the event. Mem-
bers of the class will go to the library
steps for the sing at the conclusion of
the banquet. The exact date will be
announced soon by Edward Bramble,
who is directing the sings.
Coiiq4 1n. Moelizulan Will Lecture in
n10 al "What is
Conrad H. Moehman, acting presi-
dent of the Rochester Theological
seminary, Rochester, N. Y., will give
a series of lectures this week under
the auspices of the school of Religion
on "What is Chrgtlanity?" Dr.
Moehlman will speak at 4:15 o'clock
Thursday afteruoons i Lane hall au-
This series of lectures is the second
Ito be given by the newly founded
Michigan School of Religion. In No-
vember, Prof. Kirsopp Lake of Har-
vard university was secured to speak
for the religion school. These lec-
tures proved popular enough to war-

rant another like series, according to
Prof. Louis Allen Ilopkins, secretary
of the engineering college. The School
of Religion announces another series
of lectures the latter part of this
' month when Prof. Gillin of the Unt-
versity of Wisconsin will speak upon
'the Christian viewpoint in sociology.
SDr. Mbehlmmn, who will deliver four
lectures this week, secured his Ph. D.
degree from the University 'of Michi-
gan. He is a brother of Prof. Arthui
B. Moehlman of the School of Educa.
i tion. Dr. Moehlman is at present con.
sidered one of the leading authorities
on theological matters in the country.
These lectures are intended pri-
marily for students but all interested
are invited.
Washington, Feb. 28.-Tho posta
pay and rate increase bill 'was signet

Berlin, Feb. 28.--(By A. P.)-The-
aters and operas were dark through-
out Germany tonight, concert halls
were closed and cafe orchestras sil-
enced in mourning for Germany's first
president, Frederich Ebert, the former
saddle maker of Heidleberg who, in
the new republic succeeded Kaiser
Wilhelm as the chief executive of Ger-
many and steadied the new republic
through six stormy years.
President Ebert died at 10:15 o'clock
this morning from peritonitis, follow-
ing an operation for appendicitis five
days ago. Chancellor Luther will de-
liver the oration at the funeral Wed-
nesday, which will be held inthe ex-
ecutive mansion in the Whilhelm-
strasse at Frau Ebert's request.
Tank Team Swamps Hoosers In Dual
Meet at Y. 31. C. A. By
49-19 Score
Michigan's Varsity swimming team
defeated Indiana, 49-19, in a dual
swimming meet held yesterday after-
noon in the Y. M. C. A. pool. The
Wolverines jumped into the lead at
the beginning of the meet when the re-
lay team, composed of Samson, Dun-
nakin, Johnson and Gow, took the 160
yard event from the Hoosier quartet.
In the fancy diving, Michigan also
showed well, Starrett and Papenguth
placing first and second over Captain
Thomson of Indiana. The race for
fist place was Closely contested by
the Michigan divers, but Starrett
. emerged victor when Papenguth fal-
tered on a back-one-and-a-half. Star-
rett showd real class in winning the
1 springboard event, and should, place
well in the Conference championships.
Papenguth may also figure as a place
Gow -added ,to- the list of the Wol-
verine first <places by stepping the
forty yard' free style in 19.9 secondn
to defeat Johnny Moore, Indiana's iron
man. Johnson of Michigan ranked
third. Whittingham had things his
own way in tthe 200 yard breaststroke,
easily defeating Fieber of Indiana.
Mayer of Michigan pushed Fieber hard
for second place but weakened on the
home stretch.;
Samson and Dunnakin of Michigan
scored2an easy victory over Zaser in
the 220 yard free style in the slowI
time of 2 minutes, 36 seconds. Seld-
man of Michigan had an off day in
the plunge-and had to be content with
second place., Heath of Indiana was
I first, while Allen finished third.
Captain Kerr received his first de-
feat of the season at the hands of
Johnny Moore, in a race that was any-
body's from' start to finish. Kerr led
at the 100 yards but surrendered his
lead to the Indiana flash on the final
Zaser was tired by his previous ef-
forts, so that Gow and Samson turned
the century event into a Michigan race,
Gow beating "Sammy" by a scant six
f inches. Michigan presented a well
balanced team, placing at least second
in every event. Coach Mann's natat-
ors captured five first places and the
relay event to Indiana's two, while
I the Wolverines counted first and sec-
ond in the dive, 220, and 100 yard
j events. The times were fairly good
Gow's 19.9 seconds in the 40 yard free
style being the only fast race record-
.summaries: Relav won by Michigan

B e iAND III S MTi i '
(Special to The Daily)
Madison, Wis., Feb. 28.--vfichi- WITTMAN SECOND
gan's Varsity basketball team won
an easy victory from Wisconsin Hubbard Takes 75 Yard Low Hurdles;
here tonight, 27-16. The Wolver- Munz, Michigan, is Fourth
ines were leading in points for the in Shot Put
greater part of the game. Captain
Haggerty starred for the Michigan Urbana. Ill., Feb. 28.-(By A. P.)-
five. Emmerson Norton, former University
of Kansas athlete, now competing un-
Michigan, Ohio State and Purdue der the color of Georgetown univer-
won their games in the Western Con- sity, tonight smashed the University
ference basketball race last night the of Illinois relay carnival record for
first two beating their opponents de- the all-around championship event,
cisively. By winning her game from scoring a total of 5,603 points in the
Wisconsin 27-16, the Wolverines, put seven events.
themselves in fifth place, while Minne- The Georgetown giant defeated
thsoby bowing to the Purple, 23-20, three other starters and shattered
sota, y tiegfothPpleto si 'the carnival record established by
went from a tie for fifth place to sixth Harold Osborne of Illinois in 1922 by
position. Ohio State, by defeating 149 points. John Rhodes, University
the weak Maroon team, 45-25, at Co- b
lumbus, stengthened its hold upon first of Nebraska football star was second
with 5,246 points, Richard Sturtridge,
place- of Depauw, third with 5,190 points,
With its record of five games won and Harley Pearce, of Ohio Wesley-
to four lost, Michigan now is almost an, was fourth with 5,031 points.
certain of finishing among the , first Four-mile university relay: won by
five teams in the Big Ten. Purdue Michigan, (Hornberger, Callahan,
which is pow in fourth position has Jung Hicks); Kansas Aggies, second;
three hard games ahead, two of them Illinois, third; Iowa, fourth. Time,
being against Illinois, while Michigan 18 minutes, 19 3-5 seconds. This is
has only two games left on its sched- the first time in several years that I-
ule., Tomorrow night Mather's squad hinois has not won this event.
will play the Hoosiers at Bloomington, 75 yard high hurdles: won by
Indiana, and next Saturday night will Hass, Georgetown; Snyder, Ohio State,
meet Chicago in Yost field house. second; Weir, Nebraska, third; Wern-
er, Illinois, fourth. Time 9 minutes,
I -9 9-0 seconds.
BIG TEN STANDING 75 yard dash: won by Locke, Ne-
braska; Whittman, Michigan, second;
W la p [ Farley, Missouri, third; McAndrews,
Ohio State 9 1 9) Wisconsin, fourth. Time, 7 minutes,
Illinols 7 2 .777 3-5 second. This carnival record won
Indiana 7 3 777 by Schultz, Missouri, 1920.
Purdue7 3 .625 I( Two mile college medley relay: 880,
IPru440,, 440 mile, won by Wabash, (Gus-
3 Mchigan 5 4 545 tasson, Dinwiddie, Sweeney, Johnson),
S nnesotA Bradley,second; D Ie Moines, third;
Iow 4 .Armour, fourth. TJ N, ' miutes,
Northwestern 3 7 .300 N 27 3-5 seconds.
Wisconsin 1 7 .25Shot put: won by Scwarze, Wis-
Chicago 1 8 .111 ' consin; Richardson, Missouri, sec-
ond; Dauber, Iowa, third; Munz, Mich-
igan, fourth. Distance, 47 feet, 31-4
Inches. A new carnival record break-
(WISCUNSIN GRPPIEDS ing former record made by Kroft,
Michigan, 1917, distance, 47 feetr3-4
1500 metre run: won by Shimek,
DEFEAT M hI GANs uS UMarquette; Calleley, Wisconsin, sec
ond; Black, Ohio State, third; Rue,
Michigan's wrestling team was de- Illinois, Fourth. Time, 4 minutes,
feated 17-6.by the University of Wis- 10 4-5 seconds.
consin grapplers in a dual meet held Two mile University medley relay:
last night in the Yost field house. The 880, 440, 440 mile, won by Ames,
Wolverines gained three decisions out (Crawford, Bursor, Greenlee, Con
of the seven bouts, Wisconsin taking ger); Iowa, second; Notre Dame,
three matches with falls and one with third; Nebraska, fourth, Time, 8 min-
a decision. utes, 14 2-5 seconds. New carnival
Baker, the Wolverine 115 pounder, record, breaks record made by Ames
still remains undefeated, winning over in 1922 of 8 minutes, 18 1-5 seconds.
Hanson, the Badger flyweight, with a 75 yard low hurdles: won by Hub-
2 minute 56 second time advantage. bard, Michigan; H
' Captain Karbell regained his last sea- second; W'
sons form and won a decisionover Nebraska. f
Hass in the bantamweight match., Inds.
The surprise of the meet was the 300 yard run: won by o, i e -: -
defeat of Goldstein, star, Michigan braska; Gruenhagen, Minnesota, sac-
heavyweight. Stipek, the Cardinal ond; Grim, TO. A. C., third; Kipchen,
heavyweight threw the Wolverine in Grinnell, fourth. Time 31 4-5 seconds.
2 minutes 17 seconds. Ties carnival record made by Wilson,
Iowa, in 1923.
Gia. 1,000 yard run: won by Markin,
'Griffin Attacks Northwestern; Holden, Georgetown,
SJtand Taken By second; Marsters, Georgetown, third;
Casidy, Wisconsin, fourth. Time, 2
Cabinet M ember minutes, 19 4- seconds. Ties carnival
record male ,b P'einke, Micigan,
Although Protessor C. E. Griffin of
the economic department is in accord


(Samson' Dunnakin, Johnson, Gow) with the recent advocation of Frank
Time 1:22.; fancy dive, won by Star- B. Kellogg, retiring ambassador to
rett (M); second, Papenguth (M); Great Britain and newly appointed
third, Thomson (I). 40 yard free secretary of state, for a complete re- IN 3D BLLT CTION
style, won by Gow (M); second, Moore turn to the gold basis for a single
(I); third, Johnson (M), time, 19.9 standard, when asked his opinion yes-
sec. 200 yard breaststroke, won by terday took exception to one of Mr. Attorneys for Ann Arbor Democrats
Whittingham (M); second, Fieber (I); Kellogg's statements. are endeavoring to find some method
third, Mayer (M); time, 2:52.1 sec. The new cabinet appointee is quot- of frustrating the actio of the city
220 free style, won by Somson (M); 1 ed as declaring that "fluctuating cur- election hoard in orderin; that no
second, Dunnakin (M); third, Zaiser rency makes it impossible to carry on Democratic ballots be printed for the
(I); time, 2:36 sec. Plunge for dis- commerce and trade." Such a re- - a
tance, won by Heath (I); second, mark is absurd in the opinion of Tro- prirnay election The finding of the
Seidman (M); third, Allen (M); time, fessor Griffin who said that despite ing to be held at 7:30 o'clock Mon-
28.6 sec. for 60 fet. 150 yard back- the monetary fluctuations, commerce day in the suc-avi7ors' room in the
stroke, won by Moore (1); second, and trade have certainly not stopped, daCountebuilding.
Kerr (M); third, Halsted (M); time, although they have been naturally County buildig.
1:57.1 sec. 100 yard free style, won somewhat hampered. . Should the lawyers ind no way
by Gow (M) ; second, Samson (M) ; "Many difficulties will be solved," of evading the deoree isued by the
third, Zaiser (I); time; 59.2 see. I Professor Griffin said, "if all the lead- election board, the Denmocrats will
{___!__ing countries in the world go back consider the only alternative left to
to the gold standard. In time I be-, them-to run their candidates in the
oive most of them will do so." election b~y use of stickers. 'i'lls pri-
0 ENEEN WILL SUCCEED Professor Griffin did not venture to mary election wil 1 bohld March 4.
predict how soon England will be back Consequently, action one way or the
MRrati on a gold basis. "That is problema- other must be taken by the Democrats
tical," he said. at the meeting Monday.
The electn'fin committee based ~Iits'acP-

1W tr'aiher .tea

enort ia~o i~iPuiaiu~iu"4
delays at Dayton, Ohio. The planes
left Dayton at 955 central time this
morning. The first plane to arrive in
Macon arrived at 3:15 central titrhe,
and was followed soon by the others.J
The planes were refueled immediat-
ely and Major Lanphier said they


MadsonFeb. 28. - Michigan
won the second game of the hock-

M, ' I.' l-Akl-jiAql.M-


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