PAGE ffildliT THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE WT H MCIGN ALY____sATt I11)_1YFEB11RUIARY 23', 1925 r ... .,_. A DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication In, the Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members of the Uuive~slty. Copy received by tte Assistant to thoPresident until 3:30 p. m. (1:30 a. mn. Saturdaxi, Volume 6 $ATViRIAY, FEBRUARY 28, 192,5 Nmier 119 J J 333 COMPLETE CHAPEL DEDICATION PLANS5 Receives Reward After 23 Years -~ ~uuu WHAT'S GOING ON Notices to a~a in this cobumn miust kieft in i e box at the Dlly office p 1. iX d or I:tatpurpose before 4 o'clock oreceebup tue d,.y of issue. S AT IRI) X imm cc-) i) "LINE MILEAGE" IMPAMMKORMWm2saw" Senate Council: There will be a special meeting of the Senate Council on Monday, ?March 2, at 4:15 P. IM., in the President's office. ri -ices Su nday III rlillug 11,11I'erm- a '113,Open New Iijctie il' ! l4WIIhu inst I r ^fl STATE CLERGY TO COME F. F. Robl Freshman Women :W All Freshman Women who are interested . in the Fr( are cordially invited to attend the first Mass Meeting for women to be held in the Auditorium of University Hailla Tuesday, March 3rd. Jeap Hamtnilton, De Medical Faculty: The next regular nmeeting of the Medical Faculty will March 2, 1925, at 8 P. M., Faculty Room, Medical Buildini ('arlW. F Liquid Air: Liquid air in any quantity is now available. Particula- from Mr. C. S. Jenkins, Custodian, New Physics Laborator House Presidents and Board of Directors : There will be a joint meeting of the Board of Represc Board of Directors of the Women's League, Saturday, F" 10:0Oq o'clock in Barbour Gymnasium. Please be present. 31arg Zodogy 1, First Semester: Those who missed the final examination will take; examination in Room 233, N. S. building on Saturday, Feb. A.1 Zoology 31 (Qrga-nIc Evolution) : 0A make-up examination for those students who were final, will be given in Room 233 N. S. building on Saturday o'clock. Doctor's excuses must be presented to allow studo examination. dJacob An overcoat which was left in the Reference -Roomr Library on February 24, 1925, by a student has been left FoundI Department of the Secretary's Office. If the own( will1 call'at the Secretary's Office he may have it on ident S. WV. Stith, Secretary Ifeni'sElducational Club: At the regular meeting, of the club, to be held at 7: Monda.y evening, in R~oom,. 304, Michigan Union, Prof. J. B address- the club on THew to Secure and Hold a Sichool men, interested in Education are invited to attend. The ficers for this senr ester will precede the address. Wallace F. IV bins, Secretary. _--- Plans have been211 onmlet d for the formal dedication of St. ?Marys' Catho- eshman Pageant lie students' chapel, corner of Vil- r the freshman Hain and Thompson st reets~, tomorrow it 5:004 o'clock on at 9:380 o'clock. The Rig'ht. Rev. 1ils- can of Wyomen. j hop Mi('hrel J1. Gallagher of Det roil will officiate andl-give the sermon of the morning. SSoliemn high mass will he said in Ibe held Atlornay, the presence of the Bishop by Rev. g. David1 L. IDillen, '96L, of Battle Creek. Eberbach, -1. 1). About 50 i) members of the clergy of the state will bo0 present. Foli (.wing the c'erenmoniec;, melnl)rs rST may be had of the cliergy and a group of laymten ry. Will dine With the llis;l,. i ': St. Jos- H. ~J. Radall p1)1's hospital, at whliel hne uil l('adrusses, ,will be inadle by rellresenlt i v of thle Uniiversity, alumni, th It egnts, entatves nd Ithe (lioc ese, andI student s. setaivs ndthe Address will be made by 1Dean JIohn February 28th, at( R. Etlin er for the University, Regent; JIames 0. Murfin for~ the Regents, and garet C. Dixon. I Mr. Edmnund Nf. Shields, '96f,, of Loui- sing, for the alumni. Thomnas . IDonahue, 25L~, presiden~t of the Cath110- a supplementary lie Students club, will speak for Ih'e 28,at ,clok.students, and Bishop Michael ..Gal- FranklinShu. . lagher will' talk in behalf of the (ho- Scese. Visitors are inlvitedl to insp~ect the1 chapel at any time; memblers of the absent from the( committee Will be p~resent Sunday af-{ y, ,:Feb. 28, at 9 ternoon to usher the guests through ents to take this the b)uilding andl point out parts of b F. Rleighard.- I the chapel which are of special sig- nificance. Plans for the dedication 3of the Gcneral have been made by committees headed at the Lost and by Joseph J. Finn, '26. of tis oat Monday evening, the Catholic stu- er (ronts will hold a social in the audli- tification.; torium of the chapel. A program of: of University. music andl addresses will be present- ed. Social hour and luncheon will follow. :15 o'clock next.--. _ 3. Edmonson will Chicago, Feb. 27.-Gov. Len Small, )I Position." All announced the appointment of Sen1.- a election of of- elect Charles S. Dennen to fill the va- cancy in the United States se kit( V'att, President. causedl by the (leath of Senator Alc- Co1-iich.. Columns' Rad.the VWant Ads 10 zOO--Board 4of Ilii clor1s of the Wo- nien's I agne meets in Barbour gymnasium.t x ~12:1i)-'osopC1Nan i mE'mbers have lunchieon at. the G olden Oaks inn. :3(D-Cong~regational ranible mueets :at _ the echurch. 2 :(XP- -Slntmaislh play r hearusal in the j auditoritun of Lane hall. 2 :00-Iota Sigma. Pi holds iiiialion in jroom 410, Chemistry building. { f s7 :06-8 :UI-Upper Room B3ihie class ;: meets at Lane hall. E 10:0-Re . I.1J. Kniper oftGrand ~Rapids will address Reformed Stu-. f (dcnts' club in Upper room, Lane 6:00---T~r. G~eorge F. ~Neftemn of Lani-I x caster, Pa., will speak to Episcopal- Iian students at Harris hall. :j~ London, Febi. 27.---A bill making it, illegal for pedlestrians to walk on the I left sidle of a footpath has been in- D o) r S 'i ozie r, abIove, reltirec on trodlucedl inthe~l British D ouse of Cotra- m lnde7 ,niowxin Marine hospital, Bal- jIcoons. I tituare, ho s ,st received a sword y roittl hnt 8 yarsagoby ing Muskegon, Mich., Feb. 27. -- Solid Eldwii d of (Great Britain fo in.(scov -I walls of ice blocked fhe channels of cIling a iiel~oat of the S. S. Condor,, Western Michigan harbors today. whiceh sank off Vancouver IslandC with ut a try ce. A law frbidding ain American officer from receiving gifts ~-- -- from lforeign moverntents held up the3 gilt till (Congress recently ratified the. S ECON D SEMES gift. ' vtCONKLIN "line-mileage" is a never ending source of satisfaction to the student 5and writer. Exclusive new Conklin features and good 014h~ fashioned Conklin qual- Sity unite to set a new stand- ard of pen and pencil per- jformance. j At Leading Stores CIIhCONKLIN PEN MFG. Co. TOLEDO SPECIAL "The Pend?! with the Long ILads," $1,00 u: , f ; r- ,. t Read The Daily. "Classified" Columno 'TER T° '1 0 - O"KU Sarrebourg France, Feb. 27.-Sev- enI persons were killed and 15 in- juredl here yesterday when the work- shop in which they were employed was crushed b : a wall blown over by a hiph wxintd. Sofia, Bulgaria. Feb. 27.- Bulgaria has reached an agreement with Jugo- slavia. providing for mnaintenanice of neutrality along1)0th sides of the f rowi ic r. U '11 i E 10,000 SECOND-HAND WILL SAVE YOU BOOKS THATr MONEY' WA' 0 IU UNIVERSITY BOOK STCORE amN woea e ma sn maaaI maaa j unbar Lchurch ervilc~c Read The Dailyt: "Classified" Finland Elects New President AROR N AS H SALES ERVICE - NEW LOCATIO 1N One-half Block South of Packard Street COMPLETE EQUIPMENT, BlMARl1 LINING, IVRI('ING STRAIWH'F'ENI Tt FRIAMES AND) AXLES AND) REPAIRING, 521 SGuth Main St. ST'. PAU'L'S LUTHERAN CHUIRCHI (Yissouri Synod) 'I'hurd ; -ml West hMimi Streets CAI l1 A. l$RAU ER, Pasto~r '.): A. Al.- -Sermn in German. lo: "o A. Al..- Bible studiy class. 11::>{ A. L1.-Sermon in English. FralijE'"t : "'Thie 1'rince! of 1Dar1k- i-' .) I'. M\.--Stutdent Club 'Itcl" at pa rsoitage. F. J. Pi!;,lfer leads the discussion. 7 :~1 I. l.I ~ent en sermon :"'e i P- vvelts ('abtlie (of His \\'ili~ ~I:I . 7:0 P. A.---Mid-week. 4Eiitcia s'ii~n in German: 'A s i ersi lo uli e Thigh I MEMORIAL CHURCH OF CHRIST (Disciples) New ('luirch-('r. 1liii & 'iTal KENNETH 13. B.lOWEN, Minister 9 :30-Bible School. 10:80-Morning worship' "Jesus and 1 Iiogenies." 12:00--Stucdents-' ('lass-- Prof. A. L. Trout. 6 :00--Social hour and lunch for yotung pleople, open to all students. 6 :30-- Christian Endlcor. 7 :30- Evening worship. Topic: "Thle Blue Bird of lpi i. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTI ST -1019 Sol hDig ision S'pt. 10 : 80 A. A\L- -Regular morning ser- 1 vice; tolic, "Chr t Jesums." 11 :45 A. 111. -Sunday School lolow- iug thle morning servic:e. Testimntial lmet ing Wedn~esda1y evening, 7:,)0. Thle Reaiding room 608 First Na- tional Bank. build ing, is openi daily from 12 to) 5 o'clock, except Suan- days and legal holidtays Rev. L. F. GI' l~ai.M A,t PI'astor 10:30 A. A1. --The serv ice. Sitbjectl '"Thle Superior Ot49a ;;ris *of ({lumisl iallVs." ;: ;0--7 :; ;:_....Student s upper and, Focrum meetn:firsg., Subject: "II alhit iii Rli kiw." Leadier, W'111 eir Belser. TRINITY ENGLISH LUTHERAN' CHURCH Fifthi Avec. and Will ia mu$St. PHIONE 1927 A. C. MARQUARDT)' I WVednesday, 7 :30 P. M.---Lenten service. slsject: "Sorae Men WIho A Ifi&'ii ltinteI'C'ucifixionl St ory-----Pet er." gnmn= wo 'l I IIE w v rw ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH IV~~h~gtonS., a ad lifthiiAve. F. 4". ST[[hLiiORN, Pastor 9 :00 A. Al. -T Iii le st udy hour. 10 :1o A.- ',i - I 1v. P. 0. Schtuh will speak on Ch r ~uristia n Col- S11P. Al.--- Social liour and lip- f-Cl. for' stutidents. 6 :, A0L' .--Student (discussion periodl. Topic: "Tu'le Place of IlaloiiReligion:'" Walter ILeh-;er, leader. 7 :'0 P. Al.--Afif Nicola Sahlla, a native of Jerusalem, will give anl illustrated lecture on "W11allinit; on Sacered Soil." 1 F CONGREGATIONAL CHURCI I JIEJIBERT A. JU1MlP, ?inister. E. KNOX MITCHELL, ITn~vcr.sity P.astor. 10:4 5-Morning -worship with sermon by -Mr. Junmp: "Does Famsl i' lDo iiiy 4 rcd f--A Sermon for 1bent." 2:30-Students meet at Chturcelt 1o go to north 'i)iO seo'vcos. 4:00'-I igh School Fedleration in Chturch Parlors. Discussion led by Mr. Mitchell: "HOW DO AVE KNOW WHAT IS lIITr" 5:30--Student Supper and Fireside Chat. Two "Chimes" edlitors. Neil -Staebler and John Dickhoff, will,- discuss: ."WHAT D)OES A L'NIVERSITY I DO TOl A sTI)ENT'S .111LIG'IO N? I E3TILEHEM EVANGELICAL CHIURCH (Eiaweli '-1 vuod of N. A.) F uirthi Avye. bet ween i am nand Packar'd M. Loui i Relander, governor of the province of Viborg, has been elected president, of Finland by the. Agrarian party on the third ballot. Last-min-_ lite support from the conservatives brought hire victory. His term lasts? six years. A dams Addresses Phi Delta .kappa Dr. Plandolph G. Adams, custodian of Clements library, addressed the local, chapter of Phi Delta Kappa~ honorary educational fraternity, at its regular meeting at 6 o'clock last night at the Green Tree inn. The subject chosen for discussion was "Book Collecting." The next meeting will be held on March 6. Don't delay-Pay your Su bscription today. STOPN! - Sand take a look at the daily Especials in our window. The quick popularity of these 0 -+ c rrruenttl.,nfl n ;,iict; irnt;ln G. A. 'Neummanin, Pastor 9: 00 A. M.---Sunday School Adult. Classes. 10:00 A. M.--English service. 11:00 A. M.-Germnan service. pastor's sermon topic: Observance of Lent." and, I f. English Broadcloth Shirts These new shirts embody everypthing that the discriminating man desires. Fashioned with tedious care-stysled with the long pointed collar-Ithese latest English Broadcloth shirts hold a particular appeal for the college man. $3.00 S:00-Motion picture service. Jacqueline and David Torrence in "THlE 1)AWIVN OF A TO10.11011110 W." I I It. Edw ,ird Sayes, 'Hiister "ISOME VITAL Q E81lIO,-N 31 arch 1I----"1IHow Shall We Think (of God ?" FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Corner South Slate sand East Washuington Street: REV. A111T111,R I. STALKER1, ID. ID., Minister, 1REV . WI. SCOTT IWEST ER31AN, Associate -1Mister Rev. Donald Timnermnm Eiseun W. oore ' IDirectors of Student Activities 10:30-Pastor's subject: "Cost." Communion service. 12:00-12:45-Five Student Bible Classes meet in Wesley Hall. 01:00-7:00-Wesleyan Guild. Paul Rehmnus, leader. 7:00-7:30-Open house at Wesley Hall. Refreshments.- 7 :30-Subject: "Legitimate Rewards.", 6:30 P. M.--Young People's iDis- cussioa (lour. - , (Next Sunday: "hloiv Shall We Think of ,Iesuis?" 12:00G--Prof. W'.ater~nian and Mr. Chapman conduct student classes at Guild House. 5 : 0-Student Friendship H-our. 6:30-Devotional meeting. Elizabeth Brown in char'ge. t I 4.Aubrgw's ?Eisrupat Q( hurd CORNER CATHIERINE and DIVISION STREETS HIENRIY LEAVIS, Rector. HI. L. LONSI)ALE, Assistant. RACHElL HAVIlLAND, Secretary for Student Work, UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Streets SIINEY S. ROB INS, 3Minister. Philip GF. Lallowe% )Musical lDirector . 1i®(1 III i I I 10.471-Orfrsln Prolrtrlo