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February 28, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-28

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to thi use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherw.se
credited in this paper and the local news pub-.
lished therein.
Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
.Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
ness, g6o.
Telephones 2414 and 176X
'Editor................John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor..........Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor............ Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
George W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas 'P. Henry Fredk. F. S parrow, Ir.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Sports Editor.......William H.' Stoneman
Sunday Editor......-Rooert S. Mansfield
Women's dtor---....-....Vernea Moran
Music and rama......Robert B. Henderson
Telegraph Editor.. William J. Walthour
Louise Barley ilelen S. Ramsay
Marion Barlow~ Regina Reichmanfl
Leslie S. Beannet Marie Reed
nith Cady Jr. Edmarie Schrauder
Willard B. Crosby Frederick H. Shillito
Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens
James W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet
joseph O. Gartner , Herman Wise
Maening Housewottk Eugene H. Gutekunst
izabeth S. Kennedy Robert T, DeVore
Elizabetk Liebermaun Stanley C.CCri hton
Winfield H. Line Leonard C. Hall
Carl E. Ohlmacher ..Thomas V. Koykka
Wiiliam C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner
Telephone 960
Advtisin ..................E. L. Dunne
Advertising................... J J. Pinn
Advertising................ .. Marks
Advertising..............H. M. Rockwell
Accounts....................Byron Parker
Circulation.................... R. C. Winter
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Assistants ,
P. W. Arnold ,L. Mullins
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Norman Freehling Margaret Sandburg
W. E. Paniaker 1% K. Schoenfeld
F. Johnson _ S. H. Sinclair
L. H. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer
Night Editor-GEORGE W. DAVIS

ters. For many years now, Reno has moment to attempt to get the gist of
been the chief divorce center of the the phrase. We hear so little of self-
country through the laxity of its laws thought, that it is rather as a curious M U S I C
on the matter. The Sti.ndard, Oil oddity, that we examine it when we AND
company and many other corporations do. One need but look around him in
have shown their shrewd business the library, to see how diligently D R A M A'
sense in becoming incorporated under everyone is transcribing the words of
the laws of the State of New Jersey, some reference, exactly the same if
merely because they are more lenient possible, to appreciate the amount of STEFAN kOZAKEVICI
than those of any other state. When thinking that is done. But let me not Mr. Kozakevich, the Detroit bar
the crook has needed a new revolver to be mis-understood, it is not the stu- tone who was the single outstlandin
carry on his, business, no such trifle dent that is to blame, nor the instruc- success of the Cosmopolitan Club prc
as a state law too greatly complicat- tor, either, it is the whole system of duction last year, will again appear a
ing the process of procuring the education. Each student but vies with the featured number in their "Intei
needed firearm has been able to stop his neighbor in glibly reciting the national Night" to be presente
him as long as he need but write to words of his text, or the voluminous Thursday evening, March 5, in Hi
any wholesale house and procure the pages of outside reading that he has auditorium.
gun through the mails in a very short hastily scanned . There is no time for The Detroit News commenting 0
time. self-thought, it is not wanted, it one of his recent concert appearane<
There are, however, a number of would not fit into the theory of scale said, "Kozakevich, at this very earl
problems which must be considered education. age, shows signs of real vocal great
by the legislators of every state all It reminds me of one of the boys Iess. His voice is naturally by n
of which have their individual aspects who was taking a course in which a means mature but already there is
depending entirely upon local situa- thesis was required. He readl care- volume that is sometimes thunderou
tions.- Most proninent among these fully the references given, and pro- a fairly uniform quality of sweetnes
at the present time is the child labor ceeded to write as careful a paper as and a graceful, easy porta mento th
problem. In its principle, the amend- j he was able to do, using his thinking tells of instinctive nusicianshil. Hi
ment is sound but in the ability to ap- ability to the greatest extent possible, top voice is still in need of develol:
ply it to every state in the same man- i Naturally he fell way below average.-i ment but it is perfectly evident th
ner and in its present form, it be- The next two, he used the advice of the basic stuff is there, waiting fo
comes a doubtful proposition. This, his friends, he transcribed as much its wings. His audience demandc
and a uniform property act are among as possible from the references. Need- encore after encore, and he gre
the problems mentioned in connection less to say his grade fell within the steadily better the more he sang, ur
with the present conference, and re- magic realm of the first letter of the til, toward the end, he would hav
quire an entirely different treatment alphabet, that we all covet, under graced any, hall."
varying with the local conditions. In our present system of grades. Inter- Because of our conceit, there is th
other words, the conference is setting pretative thinking was not wanted, if eeamoeoc cncittreisfU:
even more convincing proot ot ti
up a great ideal which can hardly be given one fails miserably. local review given his appearance b
successfully worked out as long as , It seems, possibly, that Johns Hop-
there are these essential differences kins university is sensing this lack of, year. After cooly daining therleun th
in various states. It is exceedingly or failure of, education today. In acts, he said, "Stefan Kozakevich, tl
unlikely that the proposed uniformity making the school, purely a graduate Russian baritone. was the undispute
can be brought about in but a few school, it is taking a step forward, star of the evening. He has a. wid
cases in spite of the desirability of forced upon it, by the machine pro- range and a voice of excellent timbi
doing so. duction of our schools today. It means and tone quality. It is safe I
that a premium is to be placed on the prcphesy his lasting success befo.
NEGROES AND THEIR COUNTRY i ability of thinking independently, American audiences. As a triumphat
The influence of histories in fram- which the majority of us sadly lack. corclusion to the performance, \
ing public opinion, especially when I t seedintreturning til- Kozakevich's singing came as the onl
impressed on youthful minds through lectual development of the individual, true professional note of the evening
to one who is capable of comprehen- After that, of course.. Mr. Koz
the training of public schools, has sive and interpretative thinking, they ! kevich was promptly re-engaged.
long been a subject of debate. Us- will have done much. Our schools will ; f
wally the rival camps are composed of be revised from the top down, and I AMg1U"
those who adher to'the patriotic "Our grailually real intelectual achieve-
country, right or wrong" attitude ments will take the place of our so- Walker Whiteside started out
versus those who advocate truth at called "progressivism" as we see it "The Melting Pot" and "The Litt]
any price, no matter how bitter the today. Father," but obviously enough th
truth may be. -G.W stench of the Ghetto hardly has a con

t ! .1









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In the Palace
The Flight of
The Return

the Genius with

A new field of battle was opened
when Dr. William Pickens, notedl
Negro author and authority on race
conditions, graduate of Yale, memberl
of Phi Beta Kappa, and at present
field secretary of the National Asso-
ciation for the Advancement of the

-The New York Times


Governing boards of universities are
generally credited with little discern-
ment and only a fair comprehension,
of educational matters. In endowed
institutions, they are often promi-
nent, wealthy, and contributing
alumni. In state universities, case
are extant where the board either- is
composed largely of politicians or is
under complete control of state so-
lons, especially when' the seat of the
university happens to be the capital.
of the state. Even where no such al-t
legation is justified, the governing
board is conceived as having little
sympathy with the ideals of higher
At Michigan there is not the slight-
est room for such criticism. Though
it cannot be said that the policies of
the Board of Regents always have
been universally accepted either by
the faculty or the students, the elect-
ed representatives of the state have
displayed for many years unusual
sympathy in promoting the best in-
terests of the University. They have
never been arbitrary, and generally
have sought the advice and coopera-
tion of those most qualified to give
such aid. The latest evidence of this
wisdom and insight is the request -that
the Senate council appoint a commit-

Colored People, charged that his-. It is only in a calendar sense that.'
tories, which are almost entirely the an armament conference at Washing-
work of white men, do not do justice ton could supersede the one contem-
to the Negro. Dr. Pickens claims that
ie> h influenced to a large extent the'plated by the League of Nations. This
histo y of the United States.' was provisionally fixed for June 15.'
In Ptfpport of his contentions, he has That so early a-date was chosen re-
endless lists of the deeds of the Amer- Sulted from the pressure of conflict-
ican Negro. "How many people ing opinions. Under the leadership ofk
know," lie thunders, "that Washing- AM Y MADN D thBris
ton had from three to four thousand dation wAsDbNtLuponeanims-
delegation was bent upon an immne-
t Negro troops at Yorktown, which had iate and drastic reduction of arma-
fought valiantly throughout the Rev- a
olutionary war? That even Rhode ments as the chief safeguard againstI
Island had a Negro regiment? That war . Continental nations, along with
France, held that -a mutual compact
Negroes voted on the constitution of r
the United States in at least five, and' guaranteeing the security of Europe
should come first;- that without it
perhaps more, states? 'That every ,sol cm ist htwithout t
t armament reduction would only in-
tenth sailor with Perry on Lake Erie,;l
in thewar of 1812, was a Negro? That crease the danger of aggression. 'he
British delegation acceded to the ex-
more than 200,000 Negroes fought fortent of permitting the protocol to be
the Union in t Civilar, and that ame, but only on condition that
450,000 participated in the World wardiramet old olowdti the
on behalf of the United States?" And disarmament should follow at the
so it goes. Dr. Pickens may well earliest possible moment. From the
claim an exhaustive knowledge of the outset it was highly doubtful that the
. requisite number of nations would
history of his race among his other
accomplishments. ratify so soon as stipulated. The pro-
Thefactmns thattocol itself provides for an adjourn-
The fact remains that white men I
naent in ease they fail to do so.
write the books, that the achievements
of the Negro, great as they may be, Nor does England's willingness to
attend another Washington conference
are insignificant when compared with atn nte ahntncneec
are aieigmcantsowhewhiompaerwitargue a cooling of interest in the pro-
the achievements of the white leaders

stant theatric appeal. As a result, his
next step was to the more lurid melo-
dramatic types of the Orient, as a
sleek, hyper-homo Indian prince in
"The Hindu." or as an imperturable
cut-throat in "Mir. Wu." The onlyj
difficulty was that these vehicles, I
sumptuously, atmospherically staged,
were generally little more than shop-
worn, men-of-straw: for all their'
buckets of incense, the off-stage whin-,
ing of satars, and the whinny of Ori-
ental coolies, they came from tin-pan
alley and smacked to heaven of an
unholy Broadway tinkering.

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tee of three to work with a committee l. From the outset the Conserva- ."
eof the periods he mentions. Justice toco.Frmteostth neva
of three Regents in making recommen- tive Governm ent has declared its de-
dations for President of the Uni- and impartiality should be the aim of
those who instruct the young, for sire to cooperate in all possible ways. . Walker Witiiesidc
versity. i At the meeting of the League Council
The new President will find a Uni- they have a responsible duty, and per- in Rome, Mr. AUSTIN CHAMBER-! "Sakura," however, Mr. Whiteside's
versity in the throes of an expansion haps when the situation is understood new play which he is to present Tues
as precarious as it is vital. This d ohershi race, abtter fairer, ance to this effect. The inclusion of day evening, March , at tie Whitney
growth must not ineyyo ntinued te fra abe aie VISCOUNT CECIL in the Ministry is theatre, is according to all of its Chi-
but guided by a vision and under- rat. only one of the many straws in the cago reviews something of an actual
standing of the highest type.' In the wind. That there are obstacles to be f character drama' in spite of itself. The
securing of' such an ideal executive, CAMPUS OPINION overcome is obvious, especially those story ;oncer'ns Japanese diplomacy
the advice of the faculty will be val- Anonymous communications will be raised by the British Dominions. As and-the publicity's own words-
uable. In recognizing this the Re- disregarded. The names of communi- was evifdent from the start, the edifice Love For Woman, the Japanese "Sa-
;ants will, however, be regarded as kr. nayeIn hr ilb
gents have again evidenced their confidential iwonerequest. j outlined in the protocol is likely to be kura." In any event there will be
capability as a university governing seriously modified.. When the League Walker Whiteside himself, an admir-
body. INTERPRETATIVE THINKING Assembly convenes next Autumn, in able actor, so finished, so nicely pol-
To the Editor: all likelihood the protocol will be ished, and Miss Sydney Shields, very
UNIFORM LAWS Interpretative thinking, what an taken up again, and with a truer sense beautiful and an excellent leading
Ever since the original thirteen anachronism in this era of educational, of the facts of the situation than was lady.
states banded themselves together, progress! But lest we lose our poise, evident last September. But the cen-
there has been an unceasing conflict let us congratulate ourselves that it tral idea must remain. So far as Eur- I THE FACULTY CONCERT
between two factions, one of which belongs not to our age, it comes from ope is concerned, .any considerable The University Symphony Orches-
favors the maintenance of the in- the crude, unscientific methods of the reduction in armaments can be based tra will make its third appearance of
dividuality of the separate states with I past. We are now living in an age of only on a workable compact of mutual the season Sunday afternoon in Hill
as little power in the central govern- standardization, a period of mass pro- security; and that is possible solely auditorium at the eighth Faculty Con-j
ment as possible, and the other which J duction. Each one has his position by virtue of an "arbitration" agree- cert. The recital will begin promptly
advocates an increasing centralization on the scale in intellectual activities. ment which will automatically desig- at 4:15 o'clock.
of power and the subsequent unifica- Woe be unto him if he deviates from nate an aggressor nation. The hope of i Following the policy of the Univer-
tion of the laws of all the states. this scale, he becomes an outcast, a international peace lies in interna- sity School of Music to present its
The latest organized effort to unify I non-conformist to the educational I tional law and justice. more gifted students in a ,public ap-
the statutes of all of the states on regime as it is practiced today. One That another Washington confer- pearance, Miss Emily Mutter, a violin
certain questions is that which is be- acquires a vast accumulation of facts, ence would stand apart from all this student from Howell, Michigan, will
ing sponsored by the American Bar of information, a smattering of this is plain from its very subject matter. J play the, Mozart E flat Concerto. The
association in a conference which has and of that, he is graduated as an ed- Only naval problems will be broached, complete program is as follows:
just opened in Chicago. Among the ucated being, one capable of self- in which a great majority of League Overture to "Rosamunde'"
main problems which this body pro- thought and reasoning. It really is members have no vital interest. As ; Op. 2G................SchubAt
poses to solve by making the state I laughable if it were not so pathetic. regards land forces we have nothing Two Elegaic 1\Melodies for Strings,

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