PAGE I14GHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY ___ FIUI)AY, FEBRUA1~Y Z7, .. f _ DAILY OFFICIAL- BULLETIN Kiing In Danger sties}'s Il atgue meets in Barbour gymnasium. l.":1 5- (Cosatactlutian uuemlhers havie luncheoni at thle Gol~den Oaks inn. 1 :3!)-('ontrr('gtt i4i:al rambileI iets at thie (iach. '0--SpAIINII play reluc iilii he I'ra iali. b.2i l 0-vr o- room 410, C em isf ry ulda.I ll'P f aivard l .- ray for your Subscr ipt ion today. 'I If Ctn -a rt o' , Publication in the Bulletin is- constructive notice tu all :uembers of~ the University. Copy received by th~e Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday+ Volume a FRIDAY, FEBIIU'AIIY 2, 1(92,5 Number 10111 Miemnorial Issue of Michigan Aumius: -Copies of the Memorial Issue of the Michigan Altunmus, covering the lie and services of President Burton, may be obtained at the office of the Alumni Association, Alumni Mem~orial Hall. W. B. baw Fuculy of the Colleges of Engineering and Arihitecture: There will be a meeting of the Faculity of these colleges on Friday, Fieruary 27, at 4:15 P M., in Rooin 411, West Engineering Building. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary, Seniors, Schioo> of Education: There will be an, important meeting of the senior class of the §chool of Education in Room 203 on the second floor of Tappan Hall, Friday at 5 o'clock. All members should be present if possible. W. It. Strong, Presidenit. Liquid Air: Liquid air in ainy quantity is now available. Particulars may be had from Mr. G. S. Jenkins, Custodian, New Physics Laboratory. istory, 3:. Tbe final make-uip examuination will be given Saturday nhorninmg, Feb- ruary 28, from 9 to 12. Those who intend to take the examination will please mect in Room 1204 Angell Hall. 11'. A. Frayer. .Archhieology d -The mfake-up examination for the final in Archaeology 121 will b)elheldl Saturday,; February 28, from 9:00. to "12:00, Room 2003, Angell Hall. J. G. Wintcr. Faculty Women's Club: The Nursery Section of the Faculty Women's Club announces a lecture by Miss Sweeney, dietician of the Merrill-Palmer School of Detroit. at 3:30 P'. M. Friday, February 27, in, the University High School auditorium. Her subject will be, Is Your Child Getting a Square lDeal?" All parents interested are invited. Maybelie H. 11'hitney, Chiairnian. Ilan Beta Pii The Annual Formal Receptioni given to the .Engineering Faculty by the active members of Tau BetaFPivwill take place 'at the Phli Sigma Kappa House on Baldwin Avenue All members of the faculty of the Engineering College are invited and all active memibers urged to attend. Iloward A. Sheridan. Polonia Literary Circle : Polonia Literary Circle meets tonight ifi Lane hJall, at 7: 30. Election of officers will be held at that time. All members are requiested to at ten d. J. IV. WIm~lek, Secretary. 7 ® ® ld ® ® 1® t Oan w oo c"ma U U I 7 1U 3 U SECONDL SEMESTER U U S U U U U 10,000 SECOND-HAND WILL SAVE YOU MONEY BOOK.S TORE 10 *m~wu~i~~u~uumu~uuun mu m*mmuu 10 I , 1, 1 ' I' ll 0 Now 4 i 7 rri' n r n w i i.._._ -"- N'ii ~ ii Mfr~r . + + VfNG GEOC- : . King Gecorge V, who has b~een 01rdered south at once by British couirt physicians., Latest. reports indicate no improvement in the condition of the royal patient, whose life was said to have been seriously in danger sew* ovaal days ago. Montreal, Can., Feb. 2 -ta. roc eiit (log contvst held in Quebec in comoli oration of the heroiclvhus ies which saved the situation at dome, Ala:ska, (luring the recent epidemic, Jerry.( the1 beautiful Alaskan husky, ina:,cot of* McGill university; ca'Atured 1thecu IP awarded for the bcs-t ltype of sledl (og WHAT'S GOING ON Notices to appear in this column nnust be left in the box at the D~aily office provided for tnait purpose before 4 #o'clock preceeding thie day of issiue. FRhIDAY Ph e1 ap:-en tered1. 3z00 -Sj~allixhlt oay rehearsal in the P'hi Delta Kappa meets at the Green TIree Inn at 6 o'clock. Dr. It. G. Itlhtia, N. V., 1auditorium of Lane hall. ! o Adams w ill speak. . Clarence J. 11iulitey, Seely. of the child Fb o . 'Fhi e let illon :31-h s Sweeney speaks onl "is I be (debated F+riday nigh)t by Cornell Your' Child Getting a. Square Deal" llaeu~EaiuaiuEconomies 185: and IPrinceton. 1This aml]erndment is of in h nvriyhihSho ui . I foorun. A smake-up examination in Economics 185 *will be given Saturday morn- speciail interest at this time because it 0J---Irnlipa ryitiiro lng from 9 to 12 in Room G217 Natural Science Building iup 2fr0teslt2egsauro South Wing. E. S. Il'olai er. ratification. j:116(0--WmniLau ~zc -_____________________________ ________ Montreal, Can., Fe!). 21 . M({iil - I Treat pa rty in harbour gymnasium. ivrst hs-ee c---)-ledt)C ; UC1:14---d~acalty of rthe Colleges of Ent- of ea th beonditions ,toc l~ctl(;ant ] tije gineering and Architecture meets ini ! of eatlel, on iio srooim 411, \Vcst Engineering build- 1\e?' .i rom h nColleges W_____Sort___ :Scheule 1 inday andi Saturday of this week.' --___________________________________ ________Portia literary s50(10fyV elecle(d the-(atoumtin 'oi 20, apa followint; wolmieli to mielilie-rship. : Mar-' 6hall-. dmspektohiIlt -Lafayette, Ind., Feb. 26.-Purdue an- s ummner, to be awarded to thelie s- ga ret II encekel, '26; A ry Kent M1' iller,.11-~.Aaa past h et ive'rsity has made public an honor roll 'ner of a prize essay contest onm Soili '27 ; Ermia Schultz, '28 ; and, Alice i kappa at the C rean I'1ree inn. on which appear time names of 103 sta- suibject dealing with the improvement ccIimplell 'Z(1'.6 :31)-Senior 4dinner-danuce given at the dents. The roll, known as, "Disting- of time university.E Uniont. iished Students,'" Is the following out Prf.;.3S0--ti inof(li pa llLite) rairyCicmeets ini o f a plan to, give proper, recognition Fvaniston, Ill., b 1.-l )sciool ical depa)ai it the d al chol 'Lane hall. tohihscoasihatinet.htiestcwholsastinihrugc awllgvealettiettainment. A ?:0--lr uua c oia t e oage - - amb idge Mas., eb. 20.- The their class work, do not achieve scliol- under the ausoices of th eXtension - gz t iio I church.' Harvard Crimson, for the first time in astic success in college. This is in- diiio t okorIl.___Stlf i)AXY its history; is -offering to 'the *under- I dicalbed by a thoroughm study of 72 P'ATRON:IZI': DAILY ADVIRTI~LC11910-)Board of D~irecors of the Wo-I graduates at Harvard university a young men and women whmo entered ________ _______ __________________ scholatrship of approximately $600I for, Northwestern university fouir years travel In Europe during the coming under this handicap.r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r rw II wIS1RR~ww ll "/i l+'i"' i ir_ / T Copyrighxt Hart Schaffner & Marx Winter's by no means oe r«s:,errr r s...r.,errrr^..rr~rrrirsir. ,r~rr.. s. ,i. s,, .r. r". .i. ",j c0 Blooming PlIanots Special Sale for Friday and Saturday Cyclamen, Cinerarias and Primroses, 50c The CARLTON As the Spring styles dictate-long sack coals -buttoned through-made of English tweed in pleasing light patterns-these topcoats are warm, y~et not too heavy-they are made to tear and to beep out the weather. $35 up. anrsi 0 r HERE'L L be plenty o time to wear it yet this winter. And it will be ready for you when cold weather comes in the fall. Superblyr tailored by Hart Schaffner & Marx and others of richest woolens. Every new style. All the latest colorins. Many are now marked so~ that you save exactly price! one-half the purchaise Healthy, robust plants, just coming into bloom; Cycla- men, Cinerarias or , Primroses. These plants sell reg- ularly at $1.50 but for Friday and Saturday the price will be 50c delivered. Open Friday and Saturday evenings until 10 o'clock. Suits, furnishings special too Fresh cut flowers of every variety fresh from I our greenhouses at well-known moderate prices.I Reule A- Col-l I