P'AGE SI THE MICHIGAN DAILY fi; ....d .r..,., mill 41 Vw- 1 A{ R _ 231 TRACK MEN LEAVE TODAY. FOR 11 1 s H ,9 S 9 ~m gsFr('il's 'Iearn Finishes Vreparal loll.I3For M mmoth T ack EvT E AMO XT O TomorrowI BEGIN TRAIN +IN G FOUR MILE TEAM FAST FR AC'SO Coach Farrell, Coach Hoyt, 2 a th- Coach Sullivan's boxers. will start lutes, a, manager and a trainer will intensive training for the boxing show (nlhark at 8:45 o'clock this morning next week. It is impossible to mime j~f~ 'ampigl wler Hw xiiientl'the tcontestantswho illvtake- Daxrt.1 AN-NAPOLIS ACA1)EMY IS 11HOST TO PIIA To)1 FINNE Annapolis, Ald., Feb. 26.-Ac- cepting a general invitation of the cadets here to be their guest, Paavo Nurmni, famous Finnish dlistance star, -paid a visit to his future hosts here today. Nurmi took time between his appearances here and in Wash- ington to allow authorities to jshow him over the campus and Iplant of the academy. He was shown the gymnasium, athletic Ifields5, and other points of inter-j est. In spite of his naturally Out Of Game for Cliampaign where they will enter the ]111B1oys Rea y tomorrow. '0. te squadI will take a bus from the Yost - i(Alt house to Milan and from there proceed on the Wabash' to Champaign, arriving there at 6 :05 o'clock thisl evening. They will startlback ealy, Sunday morning, arriving in Ann Ar- bor Sunday afternoon at 2:28 o'clock.! Yesterday the whole team was sent through a light workout as Steve thinks it advisable that the men do not exert 'themselves for they will not have a chance to limber up be-) fore the meet in Urbana. Yesterday'sI final workout wound up a two months periodl of steady training in prepara- tion for thie Illinois Carnival. Some of the best competition will be met by, the Wolverines tomorrow night and1 they can reaily meet it for all the men are in the best of condi- tion and~ runing in ine form. T.1he programi this year is divided as usual into two pats, one consisting; of the prelimuinaies in all the events' whlich will be held in the afternoon,l while the other which includes the fails in all the evets and the re- J lays is to take place (uring the even- inig. The sllad which leaves this morn- ing is 8ne cf the likeliest point win- iHrs that Michigah has turned out in years andl if all the performers are up to standard they should make an ex- cellent showing. No official team scores will be tak- en of the Carnival as it is individual showings that are counted. However, he amount of points a team piles ill i; watched with interest as it shows how any particular institution s ans1 up with the others entered. Gecorgetown has enteredI a crack two mile relay and if they can per- form on the cinders in the same man- ner as they have on the boards there is little doubt as to their copping this event. 1However, the change of track may effect thenm to some extent. Michigan's four mile relay looms up) as the sar quatet, for every man is capable of' doing aroundI 4:30 and a teaim averaging this wii unoubted-r ly breast the tape a winner. Witman the only man entered in the (lash is travelling like a whirl . windl in practice and1 conditions being favorable hie is sure to cop the 715 yardl (ash. There is no doubt as to Hubbard's showing in the broad jump. In prac- tice the other (ay the Olympic cha- pion too0k a short run and leaped light- ly for a distance of 23 feet 6 inches. H ubbard can also 1)e counted on to g arnish a few points in the hurdles. It is predicted from the class ofi competition enteredl in all the events that the times made will compare favorh ibly with the sectional records andl in some cases even with the na- tional ones. / Carpentry Shops Equilpment Moved To provide more space and greater ' efficiency in operation, equipment in the carpentry shops of' the buildings and grounds department is being re- aranged. A new table type variety' Saw which arrived yesterday is to be installed this week. Tf he0hop are now uner the super- vision o T C. Thompson, expecrt cabi- net maker, of Manitowoc, Wisconsin.j He succeeds M. V. Brown, who for three years was head of the shops,1 and nowv is superintend~ent o the mills - of Andrew I. Sisian company 0oflDe- troit. New iHaven, Conn., Feb. 2;.-ore than 500 alumni ret urned to New "- haven for' the twelfth annual ttluinimi (ay celebration. The new meical ,building provided. by thle St ering foundat io, was (ldili(ait(d. Rhetoric theme ]'och er,,, whch ha~e tbeen provitld in thle iling r1.oom - in Angell hall, ar being nt into use I this xeek. Approxini t ely 3;60) id i- victual lockers are pi ovidedc, each w Nithl a comniIation lock of' ifs own. It's Unique, March 5, 6, 7 II 1 a E ;i 1 i l~i ~ aL .l , wtv ' I Ln reticent manner, the celebrated as wvas lone last season, because ofE the increased interest shown in box- athlete appeared to take a keen-,adtelm nitrs nteponso i or ing, and the large nt~~g nber of me itretinh Pit f i or who 'have takenf up the sport. TheG seven men 'who will take part in the show will he determined "b the elin- ination tourney, which will be heldUIU a weep before the show. The Michigan State Boxing tourna- n ment, which will be held ii1 Detroit this week-endj will have five boxers are the best in their weight that - "Sully" has under- imn, and all -are . Varsity Tank Squad To-1eetStrong expected to make a. creditable show- I Hoosier Outfit Here ing in the tourney. Skinner who is {Tomforrow j i i i I c I i ! i II i I jI E I E ;t 1 I I ipi I V 511 n* d Ieiw~1eElr, Wrll .e Othe C IV1est TTV. Michigan man entered in the meet.I WOLVERINES CONFIDENT::. Other fighters who have been enter- ed are as follows: Smyser as a welt- MihgnsVritwmigta erwveight, McLive and Zivic as light- Milhl(t atl~atc hsatr -wl weightssthestattertwas runnerfupri t wighs, he attr as unnr u' i jnoon, in preparation for the Indiana' thne Olympic b~oxing tryouts, and Walk-I meet here tomorrow. The Varsity, er as a featherweight. Coach Sul- i'ehfo hi wnoe h eI livan intendledl toenter "Red"~tMyers;j ling squdadwt itre gis ;: " ::::>::.{ who competed for Detiroit Ju-nior col - qaadwihvitrisagis leels esn btwskitfo the Chicago and Wisconsin aggrega- i R doin sothe astminue b a pin~tions, are confident of a win, although W doin s th lat mnut bya plmthey expect a stiff blattle from thle i fil injury] the lightweight received inHose.lidlm ya practice. t The Indiana team is strong in, the- iVlc( big in's gea4'r wllh otroi Whenactie trinig strts e~t40 and 100 yardl free styles, the breast-01telnl)hnteVaiyhok wek llofth bxrswil e uto stroke and' backstroke events, uip with Wis~consin tomorrow night._ca a regular scheduile. Road work and Zaiser andl Moore divide the work in iiii.il.owx'ei pucigtebgone day, and Bales- thdahsaueaktoe h~l ~ 11 to an ijr.Howv, he is e'x- thednchingdbacsthee wbagFie jected to be reedly for the Indliana thencs ad boing he nxt xilh ro-ber and Burkhalter will carry thef game M~onday night; at Bloolmingf 01. er bably be the program. I hopes of the Hoosiers in the breast-{er The coach is assured of spirited stoei'c.SasnIxo n Jh-Na e: competition in every weight b~ut the I son will swim for Michigan in the Date N mdtedFr l the heavyweight. Dickinson, champ in I shorter races and shouldlgv hei FfFaentyiie or that (lass last season has been un- dingaiaosasiff ebatle for- able to box this year, the coach thus fist and second places.ic losing one of his best fighters. Captain Kerr in the backstroke will mcrc than 200('1athletes will 'ompeiic er01 probably receive his severest test of in the anniual fraternity Ii'm-ik siriet oi - F the season when he clashes withat715'loknMrc Moore in the 150 yar'd backstroke. f rclniaisa :,)ock i it( ' c r D err has been working hard all sea- ;rd lait the Waterinan Gyvmnasiumi. r - I son nd ith tig t Conference E recordss f om shouldr' fall.t are -lal-fe eslatedeordtohoparfll.ial-Epalted inpa taclatoif theo t ee ev- facc stedl will be the other Michigan entry. , nsadaeeIc~dt rdc w g h is o n o h l-a p s W ittingham, Mayer, and Mielziner meet that will surpass all others iii iiC . TefrtrudothAl-aps-will swim for Michigan in the breast- (very respect. ot foul throwing tournament has beenstowih Wiinam 'akn Dobispentntemidof\I completed. Out of 140 entrants, 32 sabovetheither itwo. a a nkn ob speet ntemnso it menov havhqulifed.ThrseondroudA inediocre all of the officials in charge of the Flag srts tday qanid. willsconn u nto swimmer at the first of the season, he meet over who will emerge victor. tle( next wek. hes menshold epot Ihas odeveloped into a breaststrok~er, of The mieet last year ended in a tie lie- 'is5s to ntrmurl ofic an afernon f-chapioshi caibe. Sedmn wlltween the Phi Sigma Kappa and The- eir tor ithramural ofceanyhafenooifyngfplunge' for Michigan while Heath will Ita Clii. 13oth1of these fraternities lRe scores will be added to the total. be . the Indiana entry. Heath has a have enteredl strong teams again this tai' lowis he is ofthoe wo ualfie: slight time advantage over the Michri- year and several other teams boast pos low isteist-2of th'osedwhmqalified gan underwater man, b~ut a calmr pool of stars so a. one sided score is nlot Pos D Wes-0 J.Feda-8 might reverse the affairs in favor of looked for. Firaternities should fill Thboe-8 .Ekn1,J hw1,!Semn C. Doer-ge-1'7, I. Yorysh-17, J. Gold- I cthenrybaktatwesnt is~ smt-7 . tr-7 . hpr oPapenguth and Starr'ett are favored out be1or Saturday noon. F w7 tin over Thromson of Indiana in the _ - -_____ -17, MV. Gold hamgegr-l7, S. Bh an fanicy (live. The Wolverine spring- i AVE YOU SUJBSCRIBED) YET? oli M. hunnleyey- 6,board ai'tists will- have the advantage- M . Stein-lG, T. Fitzgibbons-16; Maltz-15, K. Presten-15, H. Gold: of theii' own board, and Thomson will ber-i, J Kugr-iD aly1,l e tire(] from swimming the relay. berg15,J. rugr-1, D 1 ley1.> iln the relay the Michigan team, of. Planck-15, R. Cole-i5, Dizik-1i__-SamoDnaiono n o Jacob-i5, Doncin-i5, Kass-15, SmsnJ.nai, onsn ndGw 'aiiks a slight favorite over the Indi- Rglap-5Krmr1,EMs.cowich-iS, AM. Ehrlich-15, I. Oian- i ana quia? et. Zaiser, Thomson, Doles, I and l oor'e will compete for the 1Hoos- 15. '- IClass, team- scores, Individual 'scores - i _S----.-- == and two-mnan team scores for the ~mo n unknsol on qaiygronofI I first andl secondI in the 220 yard firee '- - -".; ingmus bein y Sturay igh, ~ style ovem' Zeiser and Moore of the' ingmut e n y atrdy igt,1 -oosier' squad. Neither' of the Indi- P. Kl.i ana swimmers has covered thedi-I' '"' I L- ance in 2:'10 s0 far' this year while Bay City, Mich., rep. 26.-Burglars brothr of Coach Mann's navigators have °- visited the clothing store of L. E. Op- records well under that mark. penheiinr and company last night And The meet will begin at 4 o'clock, at s cai e~laway$3,00 wrthof mn'sthe Y. M. C. A. 1)001 and anl admission clethring in foir wardrobe trunks. prie of $1.00 will be charged.. The_ meet is open to the general public. ? # IlS'O"NSIX FIVE F1. ("'N H 1W N 'I1' OF V I('l'OH V Madison, is'Fell. "ii---AWis- avenging ib (' dexca I I(i;' au-e- ceivedl in a (-lose toau ~it; amt Ann Arbor iin .hiiiiaiy, 'tcy a wait Iheganuc xv uk llte1 (1T verines here Saturdayx. I Tndiscouuraged by 's ' ' e li'only ig Tr im I ___ { sihtols to Nive Ilf-;'Lex' tea ins. HAVE YOU SIBSCRHWJ) EDYET? i 'I . i I i i i i I t I i ~I ~ I I I i Il I k 1 ,.w a t IROTIPSOT4 { r IM: ibi W CLOTHI NGE FUPN85HtNC,5 y- j pupillplMIM, 11 11 , a4 ir1 k., i } 1I == I = s, it tlIkkI Y4D t) - - - - :x;x3.'-:--r--r>--- - - x-- ~ii 9 S k: -4 P 4 ii{ -i 'L - M? - - j t--<;:----~: '-7 - (I r - $:, : : '~~ - JJ:'55-} k -7, -xo i I I Read the Want Ads 'Subseribo, for Thle Michigan Dally } I 4 Newt4ord An imported leather in a new shade of taiz. Very soft and pliable. $1. TDOBBS The fashionj centers of the world contribute to the correctness of the Spring hats designed for us by Dobbs & Co, New York's leading hatters. They are recognized as the premier productions of the world wherever they are seen-on 'the Champs jElysee, on Bond Street, on Fifth Avenue and in this city. They are. exclusive _with us, SI lu f I :F 4 11 -ii If Tinker '& Company ABreath ofSpring INTER weaf y men will welcome !" the appt~arc~nc of the new spring pAtterns. Scheyer and Company tailoring is.your guaranU e of correct style and I ' I 11111 11111 LExclusibe Dobbs Ag~ents 'I Mill j