THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIrDAY, fllB R ,, ig~r- a bership of the Senate to less than aerr quorum, thtus forestalling possible ROLLt favorable action on the bill Some-1 )T 1 ulse vr onn xetMndybd uh osn o h rln during the University year by the Board in "i o edfo hEtun Control of Student publications, officer.I t MUSIC PAND i SPRING FICTION Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use 'for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwse, credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, $4.00. Offices : Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard §trect. I. Phones. Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi- ness, 960. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176.-&[ MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER Editor........... ..... John G. Garlinghouse News Editor.........Robert G. Ramsay CitsyIEditor...........Manning IHouseworth Night Editors George W. Davis Harold A. Moore Thomas P. henry Fredk. K:. Sparrow, Jr. Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. 'Thal Sports Editor......... William 11. Stoneman Sunday Editor.......... Robert' S. Mansfield Women's Edcitor..............Vernea Moran Music and 1)raina.. Robert B. Henderson Telegraph E4ditor.. William J. Walthour Assistants Louise. Barley hlelen S. Ramsay Marion Barlow Regina Reichmnann Leslie S. lBennets Marie Reed Smith Cady Jr. Edmarie Schrauder Willard B. Crosby Frederick H. Shillito Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Steveis James W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet oseph 0.Grnr Herman Wise aiin g leosewortk Eugene IH. Gutekunst E izaheth S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore Elizabeths Liebermann >tanley C. Crighton Winfield II. Line Leonard C. Hal Earl E. Ohlmacher Thomas V. Koykka Wiiliam C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner BUINPESS STAFF Telephone 960. BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. RO0ESSER Advertising................ ..E. L. Dunne Advertising ................. .J. J. Finn Advertising.................LiH. A. Marks Advertising............ ..II. M. Rockwell Accounts .....................Byron Parker Circuilation............R. C. Winter Publication.................. John Conlin Assistants P. W. Arnold W, L. Mullins W. F. Ardussl K. F. Mast Gordon Burris H. L. ?Newmann F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead Philip Deitz J. D. Ryan David Fah~ N. Rosenzweig Norman Freehling Margaret Sandburg W. E. Hamaker P. K. Schoenfeld F. Johnson S. H. Sinclair L H. Kramer F. Taylor Louis W. Kramner FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1925 Night Fditor-EDWIN C. MACK JI IVrAIt 5Iz~; : Hj l .K k A W1 A.-. SENATOR :McVOR3]4i C - ___________________I It takes more than a mere poltician! You can say what you want about to stand out in the unitedl tate.s Sei- run t a Column,. it has its go ate as an absolutely indiependent .'go1 A review, by Claice 7apson. points. One of them is the pile of thinker, ungoverned by ihe interests A typical Willard Mack imelodrama, ofany snl party and uiseving gtsfo thecnutrtiis play now lbeing presented at the; in thoughtful, individual (convictions Stoieis in the D~et roit News announc- Carick theatre, Detroit, is probably on every piece of le ilation.]'et this 4in,g that Cowles is to The Daily what is wat bth he fien andfoe of ' lthe best, certainly one of the best is~~~~~ ~~~ wabohterensatdfsofP 1. A. is to the New York World Senator Medil l cCormichi of Illinoisi, I pieces he has ever done. Without a and "what C. T. S. is to the News."[ have been saying of him since his un- single murder, without even a gun Mention 'inv Lerb Jump's sermons of a, timely death early Wednesday morn- shot, "High Stakes" manages to keep in.Sunday, .ad heprvi~lege fl being ing.the ofnot only melodrama-lovers, but melo- Entering the Senate just. after the' ducted at the discussion of Campus drm-ahrswlliieetdti close of the World \\a, when national ! Norals in the Congregational church. its entire three acts.. affairs were at a most critical poin't, Tits privilege of being read at a Boardy About four-fifths of this interest is Sentor1\lc~rmck ookhi fistdo-lMeeing of the Ann Arbor High School created and sustained by he infamous 'ided stand as a member of that bodly'Lwl Semn _ptysohsi in opposition to the I--aloud. The privilege of having peo- Lwl hra h at ohsl inopsto oteTreaty of Vr- ae lnsIalt iiadh a sai~es nd .hei~eaue f Ntios ;ple say to you "Gosh it must be, hard ctdlnsfltofmadhhs1 saile ad he eaueofNai work thinking up stuff to put in there adroitly fused 'them with his own covenant which President Wilson had ( s'mneisst ans advrf i Just brought bath with him romevr(ly * 'characterization H Iis ever-moving Europe. As in all ot her controversies, the~~~~~~~~ Iliossntrwa t*' is. Our fame has spread far. In the last( hands, the ultra-expressive eyebrow, expressing his viewpoint on these Uw jfew days we have received no less an bv l h utettlaino -maters n te lae o thes Ithan sik let tes from people who arej his body during the major portion of maittersmi he of t he stieeveon N r intrestedl in Our Career. They all Ithe play when he is supposed to be criticismCoofetheount be pretty good NO mildly drunk, are really a delight. lHe oniincoCldlevervoafelbeppretcy bow 1 a oecudeesaey iehithwthis and that. seems to have a strange knack of ar- Seao!comc ol oeo n * ranging himself at a 45-degree angle, t measure, since he was invariably in-I depndet, ivig hs llh1)o-t )0t Wite a hunch of people, for in-! either gently backwards and forwards for~ and against labor, now with the stance, think we should go into the from his boot-soles to his hips. If the' radicals and now aginst threm, teaching game. We got at letter fromj play becomes dull, which, fortuately, Thouh hs trm as bou. t clsea fellowv named C. S. D~udley the other it seldom does, one can be quite sats- Senaor M~orick fh'~ t~iw day, a follow we don't remember ha- factorily amused speculating over the, leilao wihisnedds il~h ting mre, but who probably came iposiiiy or soiiy o hs po- around to the house one day for lunch, Itares. Washngtn. ie ws agrauateof net tous n Mth 1 Anway Lowell Sherman is a finished actor Yaeuiestafre dtradhe I ihynceltl etr perfectly cast. His part represents a publisher, of The Cicago Tribune, sent t Iihynceltl etr an neo heiiotcnsintosand rather a flattering one. blase, cynical young playwright, Joe memboe of the st.iiilet-on "Dear Friend," he says. "The Na- Lennon, a failure at his work andI lisigItion'al Educational Bureau is specially finally a failure in love. As the play the state of Illinois has lost one of its opn iIolwfei lmxn great public men adIhentio In well qualified to be of service to all oeshsdl-iei lmxn ' classes of teachers who desire posi- liasion with his elder brother, and as ofeit most sincere patriots and states-; lions in schoo s. 'u okcvr h the play ends she is writing him the. men. entire educational field from kinder- conventional letter sweetly asserting FOTAA -I gartLen to the University. her virtuous fidelity to her husband. ROT#LGSAIhAR1lES "The National Educational Bureau, The curtain falls as Joe blandly cm- Because of the inevitable inaccuracy 1s.o far as possible, establishes a close forts his brother with a cynical ei of newspaper reports, Yale, Hiarvard, lpersonal relationship with its mem-_ gram that at least has the virtue of and Princeton, the so-called "Big ers, in order to give greater service." leaving the audience laughing. Three" of the East, recently receivedl * *r The supporting cast is excellent; ciredit for an action which would have, We couldn't imagine where we'dI Wilton Lakaye especially is a charm- been in everyway justified and would imet this guy, who apparently is some ing old duffer whose life Phoebe Fos-, have placed themas in a position of ofice in the National Bureau until i ter as the cautious wife brightens as leadership in'a great crusade against w~e looked at the letter head. TeN-Iln ssersetbydr.Rbr professional tendencies inl college Itional Educational Bureau is lthedNa-vlonas she dresetblelreisaRoer football.' They were reputed to haveI in Ypsilanti, (Or insert name of gagI worthy of mention. And on top of taken 'action which wouldl Ia."_ limitedl town,) everything there are Mr. Shermnan's the salary of their respect ive head' * " * quizzical eybrows, his beautiful! football coaches to the niaximuni sal-( And yesterday morning we got a j hands, and his rum-laden slant with ary received by members of their letter from the Iowa Equitable Insur-j its, certain feeling of caricature. faculties. To thle regret. of many tis ante Company, whose president, an*** was denied in a slisequent pre*) I'- asduous reader of this Department, ISGMIA AILHA IOTA porit. has somewhat gathered from it that I The Sigma Alpha Iota sorority willI These universitie, (f cour se are fro .amijust the young fellow to sell insur-I present~ the following program co- more guilty in this respect thani any ante for bir. It mst be le didn't j Alimentary to the pubic this evening other institutions if, higher learning 'read very ithought fuly.., at 8 o'clock in the School of Music1 wh~ch foster athl"'el, ils on a huge scale'. * **' auditorium: Nearly everywhere, in the Elas and F1ROM THlE WNATIIERI BUREAU Romance........... ....... Wagner West, football coache~s are~Paid enr- 8:00 A. MV.: Bright and balmy- Pauline Kaiser Imous salaries while men) who hane Spring has come--Knickers, are-i Verorgenheit................ Strauss been o ntlic faclty for decadleS rod; heads and conjectures about the con- Zuignung .................... Wolff, who have spent small fortunes in pre- dition of the Boulevard. 8:45 A. M.: IHelen Martin paring themselves for their vocation Blue blurrs to grey-Sun becomes a' Trio for Strings ..........Beethoven receive only a paltry five or six thou-J luminous shadow-Rain drops-More Lucille Bellamy, Pauline Kaiser, sand dollars. It is doubtful if any rain drops-Puddles appear on Cam- Roselle Rider university or group of universities pus-Students appear on Canpus- Concert Etude ............ McDowell will have the courage to lake steps Slickers, hip-boots, canoes and cuss- Virginia 'ice to correct this improper emphhasis for! ings-light o'clockers retire to Li- Sonata, No. 12................Mozart a considerable period of time. brary 9:30 A. M.: Gentle flurries of Andante con moto ---- isleet -Thermometer slides down like Rondo A MItMES 1PRO0RAIJb I a fireman down his pole--Sheepskins,I Roselle Rider The announcement that. the imes! racoon sins, chafed skins-Freshmen Am Sontag.........Bra hus of the Michigan Union intend to fol-j surrender toques to Seniors who Standehen .................. Brahmis low the policy established last. year! woke up for eight o'clocks. 10:151I 1 Mrs. Fannie Martin I I U RZA H A BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK EXPERT REPAIRING Service is the Wr You must have reliable pens. Our selection is a guar- antee of real service. You need skilled repairing without waiting to have your pen sent to the factory. That means Rider service. You need a Rider Mlasterpen A REAL Fountain Pen. Ride r's Pen~o 302 :state Street 24 HO®UR SERVICE q IFresh~ Spring Flowers for every occasion may be procured at Cousins & Hall 611 E. University Phone 115 Your order wvill receive courteous attention and prompt delivery. i fi i I Ifi1 I I fi. 1 i ./. .1'"1 ". I "1.i~. 11.I«d. *. P' ". ".I .d'. ".nP"P:A . , . . . , ". +""'. " a . .rr ,. . . ''°. ": ./ w : f Luncheon Wh~y not catt your mneailsIn asiiomielike aiid refined Mamo'spliere~ And the food you eat here- is all home-made. That Is tihe reason fo' bhe popularity of our Innleheos-it is d(le eved. f D~ally from 1 1:00-2:40 50c and 655 1 .i MEAL TICK(ETS Michigan, like every other American conmmunity, hlas its campaigns., They increase year by year-swimming pools, band trips, fresh air camps, the S. C. A., thme Union, churches, mission- *aries are only a few of the projects supom'ted bly this means. It is get- Sting s a student mechanically dodges whelin the word is mentioned. There seems to be nothing left ,in this life but contributions of one sort or an- other for institutions in which the individual has little or no interest. :Every once :in awhile there is a camp aign which is not only worthy of support but which should appeal to the better sensibilities of the Uni- versity conimunity Last year pro- duced one--thle Student Friendship drive. The respionse was entirely adequate and as a result many foreign students were enabled to continue 'their studies. The funds from the Michigan campaign-some four thou- sand dollars-made possible for a~few months the bare necessities of life~ for those in Kiev, Russia, who are still trying to getanl education. :5o it: is that Michigan is about to lie called upon for more- money, de, 't the f Aet that a, swimming pool fund alredy has been raised,, and the various religious organ izations suipportedl. On Tuesday, March 10, "another Student Friendship drive will be inaugurated. It must succeed. To repeat the many reasons for such a. campaign would 'be useless. Sufflice to say that the work being ac- Comp11lished among students in central EJurope is one of the few means open to us to provide educated, sane'lead- ears, for Russia and Germany, and to, promote an international feeling of Tgoodhwill amiong students everywhere.t SCHLOOLBOY LEGISLATrORS Every stat~e has its schoolboys and every commnunity its truant, officer whose dtuty is to keep them in con- torm ity withb the recognizedl laws of thme home and school 't'here is no (fiestton as to thIt advisability of hav- ing such a ;n officer' for every boy at soewn or other during his form- at lyyerhas3 the very natural de- sire to jum1rp the conventional re- straintis andl run awvay. In fact, Mark Twain, one of thle keenest of American ohl (rs and writers, has capitalized ilthis t endemincy in the greatest story 'of the~ A morican boy, 'The Adventures of hhuckl11,erry Finn,'' The m'e.r comes a time, however, in the lifeo of most boys when such capers aere put away as childish and referred to 'only as ''The good old days when we were. boys together."' Apparentlyl r i E .f , 1 1 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED REPAIRED REMODELED P. B. Harding .1S L. Huron St. Phone 381- 1' LTI4g ljlkwbrurk T ea 4 I0np ,632 Forest and produce some worthwhile plays -A._ M.: President of Buildings and * in addition to t he Union opera will be:(,roumids Departmnent slips on icy; FOR IMIMEIATE RELEASE wecmdb vroehvn ni aki rn fLbay- De- Tryouts for parts in 'Ivan-Ho,' the terest rin canipus dramra ties ani-<- part ment m nobilized, appearingG withj 27th annual production of the Hares- panaded progr~amn of this sort will not '1picks and brooms-Temp erature conm- foot club! of the University of Wis-I only augment the theatrical Ili-ogram Ijt iitte5 oownward 1:00o P. M.: Stu- consin, which will appear April 10 at of the year but will also bring to d(lnts appear with overcoats, rain- j Orchestra hall, Detroit,, are nearing prominence a number of students with ('coats, skiis, skates and1 sunshades- completion under the direction of E. latentw qualities as imctovs All ofl Weather alarmed----vacillates between Mprtimner Shuter, director. whc will helptove the aun- I 60 above and 60 below with meteori "The book, according to Mr. Shuter~, nual opiera, rapdit . 3: 15. .M.:Suetsil is something new in the field of col- The campus has many dramnatic so- I persistinig in going to classes-Weather h ege dramatics of this typie It is a cities, but only a negligible few have much perturbedh-7-hecides on a freeze- travesty on Scott's novel with the the financial backing, essential for out. 13:30 P.' M. to 11: 47 P.-M.:I scenes laid in medieval England, and adequate productions. Illinies has a l Freeze~-out. Forecast for tomorrow: it is so constructed to bring out the theater, is a financial success, and i Cold and Warmer, grace and beauty of 'By' Rivers, whom has a talented membership 'Thmere is IHalitosis. Mr. Shuter claims to be 'one of the no~~~~ resnwytm apssol o most ideal, perfect impersonators of be treated to more drama of the type Said Robert: Hartron Henderson, of ;wnen in point of appearance and tof The I'list or venmusial h e : Nazim ova :Picture at the XWuerth : performance that has ever taken part comeieslike"Th Swetes Kis." You should bie worried over your- in a college production in this coun- self if you cannuot appreciate its powerj try.' and hbeauty." "In speaking of time comic element Tphe United Slates ought to have lit- I0Oil'the strength of these high words: in time play lie says, It. rests as it the trouble with the Japanese iimm- from the Dranma dlepartment, we went ' should not only on clever lines, in gration prnoblem in time future. Yoko- all the way toi Main Street, sat through I which it abounds, but in truly comic hama is to have a Ford Motor plant. -thme womst comedy we have ever seen situations and truly comic characters.' -a trainedl animal coed-ndthn Mr. Shuter also praises the music andI The Majestic might try a little in- watched Nazimova make faces for an scenic sets and avers ... and so termission between reels for those houm-'. (When it caine her turn to be the story, the averring runs on for among their patrons who are invet- announced on 'the screen, her signa- 'another page with this conclusion: erate smokers. tire appieared, where the rest of the "Mr. Shuter suggests that time per- -- cast got ordinary roman upper and formance of the Haresfoot club in De- H-ow fortunate it was for the time- lower.), And if that movie has, any troit will give the students of the Uni- liness of the (Chimes "Winter Numn- (a). power or (b) becauty in it, I, versity of Michigan an opportunity to ber" that the 01(1 ground hogsaw his I C'owles, will lie a humming bird (asI see what the other great dramatic club shadow. the boys say.) of the middle-west is (diing and can Piece of L~ighmt Verse by the Gawd! I CAMPUS OPINION I Conduct or I* * * IlI111i1111111111l11111111111111111111111 tI111111111I11111111111 II i 1111111111111111 11111111II#Il; J /. - W- w w - , -w wA. w SUTsO OLG E w= Inwihtersates saprn n hi goodtailringis asure Thssoehsbul wrmnos olwn mn anr opot frSpig Suit, $3 to$50 k1w Tocas,$5 to $5't BET WEEN CLASSES A Delicious Butter Toasted SANDWICH and a MALTED MILK Makes a Wonderful Bracer fl Ad CT P 1C _". - l-l,,', flnl,,irfn C -. .i 1. tbis tnm'iing point in life has not yet anmivcd in tiro case of the fifteen Dei "!fo''atIc me.mbers of the Indiana. disregarded. The na~mes of conuni- ,"ants will, however, 'he rcgnrded as I confidential non request. F0IWEI{ 1t To the Editor: Aenasme(lay, if I re-enlist, - tonbti oical plays inrtheir Playsh op at 71 Y -- IT ZMay become lieutenant colonel. 1 Spring ° Street, plan to present two 1 am the Captain of my soul: The _-Captain. But hope springs I ON A('AIN, OFF AGAIN The Ann Arbor Playniakers, whose