DEDICATED TO JUSTICE C, r i4ft1r !aan .0414F xl MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOID. XXXV. No. 109 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MIICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE' FIVE CENTS _ __ b, " , . 1 ". p,,.. +tii ,.'.,t ,. k. '1 v :.'Y' ! ^Fr, LLO' D IS CT G PRESIDE T I POSTAL RATE BILL PASSES SENATORS; GOES TO COROIDE SENATE ADOPTS INCREASE BILL AFTER SHORT DEBATE BY 6.12- FEAR NEW VETO Measure Carries Corrupt Practices Rider Liniting Drive Expenditures Washington, D. C., Feb. 26. (By A. P.).-The postal pay and rate increase bill received final congressional ap- proval today and now goes to the president. The conference report, practically substituting the House bill for that passed by the Senate was accepted by the Senate after short debate. The vte was 69-12, eight Democrats and four Republicans vot- ing against the conference report. The measure provides for an in- crease of about $300 annually in post- al employees salaries effective as of January 1, this year, and increases postal rates, effective April 15,next, to raise about $60,000,000 of the $68,- 000,000 required for the pay advances. The bill also carries as a "rider" a corrupt practices act strictly limiting campaign expenditures of congression- al candidates as. recommended by the Senate campaign fund committee. The salary increases are the same as carried in the measure passed at thet last scssion and vetoed by Presidentt Coolidge. With the rate advancest added, however, administration lead- ers are hopeful the bill will receiveĀ£ presidential approval. Opposition to the conference report today was based entirely on the ratea provisions, Senator Harrison, Demo- crat, Mississippi, declaring the Sen- ate conferees had yielded to the high- a er rates in the House bill after a con- ference with President Coolidge. Son-t ator McKellar, Democrat, Tennessee,t one of the conferees, also told thel Senate the president had "asserted his1 preroga.tive" in insisting on some of the rate increases, mentioning par-1 ticularly the two cents service charge on parcel packages. The bill is one of the first pieces of general legislation outside oi the ap- propriation m1a sues to be sent, to the White House this session. It was ad- vanced at the time by the Senate, by a close margin vote to sustain the veto of a pay increase measure. While no time limit is placed on the rate increases, the bill provides for a joint congressional committee to conduct hearings this summer with a view to recommending further revi- sions of the schedule at the next ses- sion. Dutch Treat Party TO Be Held Today The Woman's League party which will be held from 4 to 6 o'clock today in BIarbour gymnasium will feature a Dutch clog dance, and all decorations will be carried out in blue and white. Posters and pictures of charming dutch boys and girls are being made by the committee on decorations, un- der the direction of Alice Allen, '25. Patronesses for the party include: Miss Jean Hamilton, Mrs. A. S. Ho- bart, Miss Grace Richards, Dr. Mar- garet Bell, Miss Ethel McCormick, and Miss Janet Cummings. This party is the fourth in the series of Woman's League social activities. Copeland Will Be Guest HereJUNIOR GIRLS PLAN FRATERNITY BODY Announcement was made yesterday DISTINCTIVE SETS MEETS TO DIVIDE by Horatio J Abbott of Ann Arbor, chairman of the Democratic state cen- yINT F IDEr HI IPS tral committee, of the program for Segond Ac Unioers DgrmU IUry the banquet and pow-wow which is to Second Act Shows Village be held at the Union, Thursday, March' In Spain 5, the night before the Democratic FRATERNITIES DRAW BY LOT TO state convention here. Dr. Royal S. NEW LIGHTING EFFECTS SECURE PLACES IN Copeland, United States senator from "- GROUPING New York and former mayor of Ann "Castles in Spain," the Junior Girls' Arbor, will be a guest and will give play of the class of 1926 which will PLAN BANQUET the principal address. He is expected be presented at the Whitney theatre. to talk on national issues. March 17 to 21, will have decidedly Prof. Preston W. Slosson o the worth while scenic effects, according Select Nominees For Positions On European history department, will dis- to Amy Loomis, '22, the director of Judiciary Committee; Vote cuss the League on Nations. Alvan this year's production. While the Annual Tax Cummins, of Lansing, a former guber- sets will not be extremely elaborate natorial candidate will speak on state this year, at least no more so than Drawing by lot for places in the issues. in the past, they will be of a modern various groups and selecting nominees Dr. Paul Voelker, president of Oli- design and something more artistical- for positions on the judiciary commit- I vet college, will give the invocation. lv and technically correct than the tee as faculty members and resident George J. Burke, of Ann Arbor, will average musical show. alumni, took place at the special meet- act as toastmaster of the affair and The first act scene will be the in- ing of the Interfraternity council held will be introduced by Mrs. William H. terior of, a dormitory on this campus, yesterday at the Union. At the same Anderson of Grand Rapids, vice-chair- and has been designed in the early time, action was taken in regard to man of the Democratic state central Italian period. It will have an arcade abanquet being planned by the Coun-! committee. effect and the series of arches will cil, two changes were made in the Music at the gathering will be fur- divide the stage into two levels, an new constitution, and various other nished by the University men's glee effect which is said to be quite new subjects of interest to the Council club under the direction of Theodore and unusually distinctive in this type were discussed. Harrison of the University School of of production. Fraternities drawing for places in Music. The second act set is located in the the groups were divided in two see- rugged mountain region of Northern tions-those that have been members ra2>S Ad isesSpain and (depicts a small village, of the Council for five years or more Traus Ae dises e esigns for this set which were in the first, and the remaining fra- R a i Stan made by Miss Loomis and 0. S. Davis, ternities in the other. This was done 'ai Sation who is building and painting the sets, to eliminate the possibility of any For n e * were taken from old sketches of Span- group being composed entirely of fra- For U s .ish life, found in the collection of the ternities not qualified according to Detroit Public library. The back- the constitution to hold office. Fra- ground is suggested by the landscapes ternitiesithat were not regularly re- Strongly advocating a radio broad- of Zuloaga, the famous Spanish paint- presented at the meeting had their casting station to be maintained by er. drawing done by proxy. the University for the purpose of of- Special lighting equipment will be It was decided that the fraternities fering to the vast radio audience pro- Used to give added effects throughout now holding office in the Council- grams of educational and general in- the entire play, and it is the belief Sigma Phi, president, Alpha Delta Phi,1 grasf DeuatiE.H Kan, geal i- hofthose who have seen the designs Secretary, and Chi Psi, treasurer-- terest, Dean E. H. Kraus, head of the and are active in the work that "Cast- ,hould be given places In groups one, summer session, declared yesterday s in Spain" wiii pictorial quite su- two, andI three respectively.t that "an argument for a broadcasting perior to any of its predecessors. It was voted that each fraternity pay station in an institution such as this $5 annually asdues hererater end sucht hardly seems necessary." other special assessments as may he "The need of a University station,",1 LD decided by the Conl. Failure to stated Dean Kraus, "is so evident, lli U I WILL L pay any dues or assessments within< now that the radio has been developed I30 days after they fall due will be to its present position in our lives, penalized by revoking the voting pow- c that an attempt to point out its limit- r of the offender. The judiciary om less benefits can accomplish practical- mittee will consider other possible ly no more than to recall to the mind Tau Beta Pi, national honorary en- means of collecting in case this pen- of the public what is already well gineering fraternity, will hold its an- alty does not prove effective.c known." nual faculty reception at the Phi Sig- The Council decided to have a ban-i "The radio," continued Dean Kraus, ma Kappa house tonight. Arrange- quet in order to bring the members< "has developed to such a point that it ments have been made by the organi- closer together and to discuss planst is now an essential element in our zation, under the direction of H. A. with the faculty and alumni members. homes. Furthermore, it is a most Sheridan, '25E, for the entertainment The first group, from which thes important factor in education. The of more than 50 members of the en- president of the Council will be chos-r radio audience, which has recently gineering faculty and their wives. 4n, consists of the following: Sigma been estimated at twenty million The reception this year will consist Phi, Acacia, Theta Delta Chi, Alphac daily, could hardly fail to profit con- of formal dancing from 9 until 1 Sigma Phi, Phi Sigma Kappa, Deltar siderably by such broadcasting as the o'clock. About 10 o'clock; a formal Chi, Hermitage, Beta Phi Delta, Alphae University would do." introduction will take place, when a Chi Rho, and Pi Kappa Alpha. Places1 a talk will be made on behalf of Tau in the second group are: Alpha Delta PtemeaupsnBeta Pi by one of the members of the Phi, Sigma Nu, Phi Mu Alpha, Kappa Yu~ NA ED ~LRLI1active chapter, answered by one of Sigma, Theta Chi, Delta Sigma Phi, the mebr ftihe faculty. -KpaNu, TuEpsilon PhDelta FOR LAPERn ifor theMusic for the occasion is being fur- Phi, and Delta Tau Upsilon. In the run LRIt~fl ~nished by the orchestra under the di- third group will be: Chi Psi, Phi Gain- I rection of Gene K. Buck, '26D.,Novel ma Delta, Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Chi,t programs in the form of the Tau Beta Sigma Alpha Epsilon, PhiSigma Del- Lapeer, Mich., Feb. 26.-Fielding H. Pi key have been ordered by the com- ta, Chi Phi, Phi Mu Delta, Sigma Al- Yost, coach of the University of Mich- mittee, pha Mu, and Phi Kappa. The fourth igan athletic teams, will be the prin- group will be made up of: Zeta Psi, aFather and Son ban- Chwern Feb. 26.- Admiral Guide Psi Upsilon, Delta Upsilon, Delta cipal speaker atra h 1nd sn har- von Usedom, 71, noted during the Box- Kappa Epsilon, Zeta Beta Tau, Alpha cet Lapeer March 1. His char- er uprising in China, and defender of Tau Omega, Tau Delta Phi, Delta Al- ayorist am isptaherullsbu the Dardanelles during the war, is pha Epsilon, Alpha Kappa Lambda, i SMy program is rather full, but dead. and Pi Lambda Phi. The fifth groupt since I have not been in Lapeer anid __ of the Council is to consist of: Beta it is the home of one of the finest Tokio, (By A. P.).-The Japanese Theta Pi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Lamb- football captains I have had, Hugh J naval cruiser Furutaka, first of sev- da Chi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta, Phi White, I ,am goig to say I will be oral war craft proposed under the Epsilon Pi, Phi Beta Delta, Phi Kappa with you March 11." Washington treaty was launched to- Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau, day. land Tau Kappa Epsilon. DEAN BATES EXPECTEDMBUR TO RETURN TDMDRROW, _ _.._..: .." 1--1 - Appointed Dean Alfred Henry Lloyd, who was chosen acting-President of the Uni- versity by action of the Board of Re- gents last night. Dean Lloyd has been dean of the graduate school since 1915. HOLD0EXTEMPORE FINASTONIGHT Team for '3d-Western Debate Select- ed; Complete Preliminaries for League Contest SEVEN TO COMPETE With the selection of members from the debating class to compose the team which wil represent Michigan in tho Mid-West debate, the comple- tion of the preliminaries for the North- ern oratorical league contest, and the finals of the extempore contest, which will be held at 8 o'clock tonight in Un- iversity hall, three fields of oratorical activity are 'represented. Seven candidates will compete in the extempore finals, the winner of which will receive the bronze Oratorical as- sociation seal mounted upon a plaque. Contestants will speak on some phase of the Child Labor amendment, indi- vidual topics being assigned at 5 o'- clock admitting three hours prepara- tion for the contest. Class preliminaries for the Univer- sity oratorical contest, winner of which will compete March 13 to repre- sent Michigan in the Northern oratori- cal league, will be completed today when two seniors will be selected to enter the trials. Representatives chosen from the junior class are M. C. Lipp- mani and Geneva Wheeler. Philip N. Krasne was selected from the sopho- more contestants. Michigan's representative in the Northern oratorical league, held in Ann Arbor last year, was awarded third place. Michigan, Northwestern, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and Minne- sota were entered in the contest. The date and place of this year's con- test 'has not been definitely decided. London-"Leopard skins," with all the tinge of the jungle, but which come from the textile district of Lancashire, are in such demand for afternoon gowns, dress trimmings and coat lin- ings that the mills are unable to keep pace. Osaka-Japan has ratified. the Russo-Japanese treaty. 'TON GRADUATE SCHOOL HEAD PICKED BY REGENTS TO FILL POSITIOfN; COMMITTEE OF THREE DISSOLVED DEGREE AWARDS ANNOUNCED BY BOAR D; APPROVE COMBINED COURSE WITH ALBION Following is a list of the degrees granted to candidates in the various; schools and colleges by the Board of Regents at their February meeting' last night. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Bachelor of Arts: William J. Abrash, Lorraine A. lBarnaby, Grace W. Bes- aucer, Paul C. Bos, Earle H. Biddle, Elma E. Boughton, Stuart E. Boyd, Chenk S. Cheung, Thomas G. Crabbe, Harry L. Davis, Fayette S. Dunn, Frank H. Edwards, Norman J. Rick, Lloyd E. Eisele. Abbie C. Enders, Robert R. Enders, Herbert W. Florer, Eugenie M. Girt- wine, William D. Hart, Gus C. Hill, Dorothy E. Knopp, Walter Kunow, Johannes A. Laansma, Osborne D. Lewis, Shou E. Li, Walter E. Lust- field, Margaret E. McPhee. Phillip E. Marion, Joseph E. Rich- ards, Claire L. Dille, I. W. Dallren, Robert S. Palmer, Marie Parpki, Frank+ E. Ross, Philip M. Benders, Robert D. Sewell, Henry T. Bick, Ly- man W. Slack, Eva Smith, Edith J. Smith, Chester E, Stellhorn, George Stepanovich, Rosamond G. Travis, Marion C. Tufts, Bernice K. Vincent, Thomas B. Wheately, and Ella E. Win- ter. Bachelor of Science: Joseph T. Em, Jane P. Pepper. Bachelor of Science (in Forestry): Page H. Ross. Candidates for the Certificate in Business Administration: general business: William D. Hart, Henry T. Sick, Marion N. Tufts, Thomas B. Wheately. College of Engineering and Archi- tecture: Bachelor of Science In Architecture (Architectural Engineering) George Maceo Jones. Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Aeronautical Engineer- ing): John D. Akerman, Millard J. Bamber, Wei Chi Yee. Bachelor of Science in Engineering (naval Archi- tecture and Marine Engineering): Eugene L. Eckfield, Edwin F. Ritchie. Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Chemical Engineering): John P. Ber- nard, Ray 0. Bowman, Dale A. Brown, Clyde C. DeWitt, Francis W. Leong, John Ohlson, Joseph S. Richardson, John E. Swetzer, John Vaccariello. Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Electrical Engineering): Clarence E. Baxter, Stanton A. Bennett, Harlow M. Case, Leo J. Dornbos, Robert G. Hauser, George S. Holmes, Carl W. Kalchthaler, Roger B. Kellogg, Martin C. Kooyoomjian, Joseph Kron, Mar- shall E. Smith, Clarence A. Vielmetti. Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Mechanical Engineering): Carl M. Berry, William A. Blessed, William M. Braybrooks, Edward C. Bumke, Clay D. Ellison, Thomas E. Gerrie, Paul G. Jacka, Smith E. Johnson, John I. Msarquard, Arthur H. Marshall, Jr., Sidney H. Morgan, Roy A. Plant, Wil- liam L. Prout, Harvey E. Reed, Isein Neh Tseng, Joseph F. Votrobeck, Wil- liam Chi Wang, John P. Zidow. Bachelor of Ecience in Engineering (Civil Engineering-Harold G. Butler, Celestino Castro, Ronald Freeman, Harry Heck, John W. Kuschinsk, Kai Shou Liang, Rafael Luna,, Peter Mor- tenson, Jr., 'Clement Moody, Henry R. Schemm, Edward J. Talaska. Graduate School: Master of Science (in Public Health)-Edwin Henry Boerth, B. S., Fargo College. Master of Science- Raymond Hyatt Himes, B. S., Case School of Applied Science; Arnold El- wyn Pratt, A. B.; Pablo Simon Tec- son, B. S. E.; Burton Doan Thuna, B. S.; Clarence Earl Weaver, A. B., Albion College. Master of Arts-Har- old Blair, B. S.; Kathryn Pauline Overman Donaldson, A. B.; Florence Lyon, A. B., Indiana University; Paul Vernon Kreider, A. B.; Oberlin Col- lege; Hilda Lillian Rayson, A. B.; Walter Leon Scott, A. B., Greenville College; Claude Sifritt, A. B., Ohio Wesleyan University; Nellie Mary Stratton, A. B., Oberlin College; Anna Demol Van Lunen, A. B., Calvin Col- Alfred H. Lloyd, dean of the grad- uate school, was appointed acting- President of the University for the re- mainder of the academic year by the Board of Regents at their February meeting last night. This appointment automatically dis- solves the committee of three, consist- ing of President Emeritus Harry B. Hutchins, Dr. F. E. Robbins, assistant to the President, and Shirley W. Smith, secretary of the University, which was appointed at the last meet- ing of the Regents to advise with the deans and other University adminis- trative officers during the illness of President Marion L. Burton. The Regents also requested- that the Senate council appoint a committee of three to work with a committee of three Regents, to be appointed by President Emeritus Hutchins, and to report to the Board names and recom- mendations for President of the Uni- versity. It was also decided at the meeting that the Regents will assume the ex- penses of President Burton's illnessf and that Mrs. Burton be asked to use the President's house until July. Dr. Burton' s salary for the balance ofeMe school year will be paid to her. The usual number of mid-year de- grees were granted by the Regents, the names of the recipitants being printed in another column on this page. A resolution was received from the Civil Service commission of Detroit thanking the University for fur- nishing it expert engineering advice. A gift of 64 volumes of photographs of coptic manuscripts was accepted from J. Pierpont Morgan. William A. Peters, Jr., wa appoint- ed non-resident lecturer in chemical engineering, Captain Forest E. Collins was granted a two months leave of absence, and the resignation of Burr F. Anderson as an assistant in roent- genology was accepted. A combined course between the en- gineering college and Albion college was approved by the Regents. An ap- propriation of $300 was made for the Marine Biological laboratory at Wood's Ihole, and funds were accepted for a zoological expedition to Florida. Permission was given to the Scabbard and Blade society to place a memorial on the campus. Due to the increased enrollment in the law school, room B of the Law building will be used only for law classes after this s'-mester. COLD WAVE STAYS TODAY Yesterday's cold drop will continue today, the weather bureau announced late last night. After two weeks of un- usually moderate weather, a cold wave with snow flurries stepped in early, yesterday morning leaving a trail of froz- en auto radiators, bursted steam pipes and slippery streets. Northern parts of the coun- try registered marks as low as 32 below zero during the after- noon. Northwesterly winds will continue today, it was pre- dicted. E. Lustfield, Margaret E. McPhee, Norman R. F. Maier, Howard L. Par- ker, Harry Riseman, William C. Ry- der, Philip H. Sanders, Walter L. Scott, Eva Smith, Lavina Spindler, Merle E. Taylor, Rosamond G. Travis, Be~rni'ce K.Vintcent.ThDonald S.Whel- ! T i I Topeka, Kas Feb. 26.-The Johi- Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law son bill, admitting the Ku Klux Klan school is expected to return tomorrow to Kansas without a state charter, from Chicago where he is attending was passed by the state senate, 23 to, the annual meetings of the Commis-1 14 sion on Uniform state laws. The body is made up of prominent lawyers+ Prof. Eliel Saarinen, visiting pro- from every state in the Union. fssor in the college of architecture, Dean Bates left Ann Arbor on Wed- has resumed his teaching for the sec- iesday to attend the convene in Chi- ond semester. lie is giving courses cago.1 for advanced and graduate students.I SENIOR LITERARY CLAS sWILL PAYDUESm AY ' . Dues of the senior liter ary classl .cĀ°'" _.'_"'r+ " ..r91 l~ r~oM- fn A to190 1ndI The Board of Regents, in their reg- ular meeting last night adopted the following resolutions: "MARION LEROY BURTON was born at Brooklyn, Iowa, August 30th, 1874. His parents were people of mod- est means and his early life was necessarily flilled with work and en- deavor while he was laying the pre- liminary foundation for the splendidl education he afterwards acquired. "He took his Degree of Arts from! Carleton College, Minnesota, in 1900.1 In 1906 he took his Ph.D. at Yale. Afterwards he received many honor- ary degrees as tributes to his char- acter and outstanding ability from several colleges and universities. "After' some preliminary work in high school and college teaching cov- I mendous credit upon himself and the was for their betterment, mentally, institution which he represented. I physically and spiritually, that lie was "He departed this life on the eight- dedicating his wonderful life. eenth day of February, A. . 1925, to "We, as a Board, have suffered the the profound sorrow and infinite re- loss of a wise leader, a splendid coun- gret of practically the entire comm'on- sellor and a' real friend. His loss to wealth. the University cannot be over-stated. "Rare, indeed, is the man who can Fortunately for all of us during his combine in such unusual degree his brief tenure of office he has left en- many superlative atttributes of head during monuments and memories I and heart. I-Ie was an outstanding which shall always be cherished and educator and he knew the many mod- ever be an inspiration to those who are ern problems involved in higher edu- left to carry on. cation today. He was an executive of "The Community and the State have tireless energy, with an acquired mas- lost a man whose outstanding domi- tery of detail that was at times almost nating influence was always for good. uncanny. As an administrator he wasI"The Nation has lost one of its out- at once forceful but at all times standing citizens. diplomatic. His high and lofty ideals, "THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED wehile sometimes seeming almost that this Resolution, as unanimously Utopian, were always given a splendid adopted, by the Board of Regents of