PAOX NIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY ___ I"iTY'PL1T)AY, Fl-" Rt"Ai;Y 2r;, 1125 r DAILY' OFFICIAL BULLETIN i Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to tho Fresident until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. M. SaturdaY+ Volumue 5 THUYRSD)AY, FEBRUARY 20, 1925 -Number 108 Memblers of the Administrative Board College of Literature, Science and the Arts : There will be~a meeting of the Administrative Board Thursday, Feb- ruary 26, at 7: 30' in Dean Effnger's office. W. . Ilunplreys. The Soas Prize In Natural Science: Notice is here given that all applications or nominations for the Solis prize (for women) for research in Natural Science (including Medicine) should be made at the office of the Graduate School, where detailed informa- tion as to conditions and procedure can be had, not later than April 1. A. 11. Lloyd. Graduate Fellowships and Scolarships for 195--26: Applications for fellowships. and Scholarships for 1925-26 in the Grad- uate School should be made not' later than March 1. Blanks and informa. tion may :be had at the office of the School, 1014 Angell Hall. Information will be given also about other graduate fellowships, in- luding the follow',;: th' PAr!ah Fellowship, awarded by the University of Michigan and available for foreign study; the fellowships in Interna tional Leaw, offered by the Carnegie Eindowment for International Peace; the fellowships of the Robert Brookings Graduate School of Economics and " " Government; the fellowships offered by the Michigan School of Religion; the National Fellowships in felgion; the Thayer fellowship in Schools of Oriental Research; and a felowship in Semitics a the University of Wis- consin. A. I. Lloyd. Paris' Scholarship~: SThe Americanl Univversity Women's Paris club offeres for the academic. year 1925-26 six scholrhps to be applied toward the cost of residence at the Club. These scllolarsbps" are open to women graduates of American colleges and universites who will pusue next year courses of study at the Sor bonne, the College do Fance, or sute other institution of higher educa- tion in Paris. ,lnformaton concerning these scholarships may be obtained in the office of the Romance Department, 14SW. A. (x. Cafield. It will be necessary at certain times during the week and possibly a few days of next week to shut off the hot water supply for short periods of ' time owin~g to counectIasIs which ar necessary to make to te new softener, the installation of which is nearntg completion. E. C. Pardon, Superintendent. f College of Pharmacy Faculty: There will be. a faculty meeting this~ afternoon at 4:05 in Room 212 Chemristry Building. C. C. Glover, Secretary. House Presidents: There will be a joint meeting of. the Board of Representatives and the Board of Drectors of the Women's League on Saturday, February 28, at 10:00 o'clock sharp, in Barbour Gymnasium M4argaret C. Dixon. Spanish .Lecture: 'The last Spanish lecture of the series will be given tonight in Room 203 Tappan Hall at 7:;30 by Mr. Garca-Prada. The lecture will be illustrated with slides of South America. The topic is "Un Viaje a Sd America." III. M Sinclair. French 164 and 214:, 1 shall not meet my courses 14 and 214~ today. Eugene E. Rovillain. French 2: Beginning Friday, Mr. 'Antonio's section of French 2 at 1:00 o'clock wil meet in Room 100 SW, and his French 2 at 2:00 o'clock will meet in Room 302SW, instead of 210 University Hall. A. fr. anild. history 6: Lecture Seating List now in Basement of An.-ll Hall takes effect Thursday. Prestoi Slosson. I history 5: Make-up for those who failed to take final in this course Wednesday, March 4, from 2 to 5. Report Wednesday in Angell Hall Room 4007. Preston Slos son. Ilygiene 101: The seating lists are posted in Newberry H-all. Please look at these and 'find your Beets before lecture on Vrday. -Nathan Sinai. I ;gehology 1:1 at~12: A make-ujp examination for students who missed the final will be given in Room 480, N. S" on Friday, February 27, at 1 o'clock. Medical excuses must be prenenteo. Ade Bert Ford. Zciolng I, )First SemoNst: Those who missed the final examination will take a supplementary ex- amtination, in Room 233 N. S. building on Saturday, Feb. 28,at 9 o'clock. Cercle Fraucais 1,oture: The third lecture of the Cercle Francas will be given at 4:00this after- noon at 203 Tappan Hl. Myr. Jobin of the Modern Languages Department of the Engineering College will speak in French on "Les Salons Litteraires au XVllle Slecle.,' French Play: I shall meet 'canddates for the French Play in Room 202 S. W. at 4:00 P. Al. Friday. As the .cast 14 not yet filled new candidates are requested. Robert V. Fintney. 8191a Alpha Iota l italI: The following progranm to which the public its invited will he given in the. School of Music Auditorium Thursday evening at 8:00 o'clock by the Sigma Alpha Iota Sorority; Romance. (Wagner). Pauline Kaiser; Verborgenheit (Strauss), Zuelg- nung_ (Wolff) Helen Martin; Iris for Strings (Beethoven) Lucille Bellamy, Pauline Kaiser, Moselle Rider; Concert Etude (1lcl~owe li) Virginia Tice; :Sonata, No 12 (Mozart) Roselle Rider; Am Sonutag and Stancehem (Brahrms) Fannie Martin. Accompaniments will lbe played b)y Pauline Kaiser and Donna. Esselstyn. (harles :1. Shi, Sceretary. 3lenihers of~ the S. C. A. Cabinet: There will be an especially important meeting of the Cabinet this atr afe-noon from 4:45 to 6:00 in the Board Room at Dane Hfall. This will take the place of our regular Thursday dinner. Perry 31. Hayden, Presid1ent. Chamber of Comnmerce: Professor W. A. Paton will speak on the C. P. A. andl Accounting field Thursday evening, Feb. 26. Tlhese meetings are not confined to members and we will be glad to have all those interested attendl. The meetings begin at 7 :15 sharp in Room 304 Union and will last for one hour only. F. B. Case, See. Acr'onautic al Society: Trhe Aeronautical Society will meet in Room 306 1lichigan union, at 7:30, Thursday, Feb. 26. Prof. Pawlowski; who recently returned from Europe, will discuss the progress of aviation in that country. All aero stu- (ents are urgedl to attendI and any others who are illtere tedl are cordially invited. C(raiehen, Pres. University of lichiigau Glen (Club: Reh earsal for the eut ire clubi will be heldl tonight in the U nion, Carl It. Schoonaker, Miaager. Players Club: The Players Club will hold its monthlly meeting air 7:30 Thursday, Feb- ruary 26, Sarah Caswell Angell Nall A short business session will follow the program. Htomier Siroiig, Pres. Geological and Geograplkal .Journial0".0): The Club will meet in Room (G 437 Natural Science Building at 7:45 P. MV. on Thuirsday, February 26. Program: Prof. James "A Geographical Reconnaissance of Trinidad." All interested are cordially invitedl to attend the meeting-. R. . 1o+B'kaaal. Prescott Clab : The regular monthly meeting will be held tonight at 7:30 in Room 303 Chemistry Building. Dr. Carl 1). Laliue will talk on his trip up the Amazon. 4-. C. Glover, Secretary. Round Table Club Meeting: Dr. William Pickens, negro graduate of Yale University and Phi Beta iKappa from that institution, will speak at the Round Tcable Club Meeting tonight at 7:30 in Rooms 316-320 of the M~ichigan U~nion. Hdis subject will be "Can the Negro equal the White man in Intelligence." Mr. Pickens is the field secretary for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. All members of the club are requested to be p~resent and .. Exploration Aide 3Laundry Cases, Paper'Clipfs, Cumed Faso°" Li ! l1111 Soodh i i lver('suy A-ve. Li.iai 4 d WHITNEY THEATRE JU I1 YA, 'MA PC H m2mFAmn-l- -,---V Joseph S. Perry' of Columbus, Ind., IPurdue univer sy ity sudent , is onl his way to Africa, with Willijam 11. \ burn, notedi Canadian nat uralist-., as; in aidle on an exploration trip thnaurgh tho Dark continent. *Washbumrn gave the opppor: nnit xr to' Perry as wvinner of anm exal mitnalll taken by 50 selec(te(d college ,t udeulis thiroughlout the 171i I cii St ~ates and Canada. 4 Gargoyle eioil n r saf an tryouts at the Pesbid ing t 5o'clock( today. 1= H OS PITAL.. SUPPLY CO._ M~akers yand DJi)lers in SURGICAL & SCENTIF'IC - I = INSTRUM ENTS y 216 E. Washington j Telephone 2964-M SECOND SEMES - KIVA'D20- IFN i?[GI for the taxi trade in Ann ,rArtor. \We can supply the remedy for any ill service you may have had with your taxi wants. Will, a complete fleet of new cabs, promipt service, courteous attention, and our flat rate of 35c per person for. any place in visitors are cordially invited. DoijOas W. Ciepbane. W HAT'S GOVIN G ON + DAILY BSN SS SAFF S Notices to appear in this columonnhust be left in -the box at the D~a-ly offices s provided for Ithat purpose before 4 Several positions are now open o'clock preceeding tiae day of issue. I 1 on thme business staff of The j - I Daily. The wvork involved will ITHIURSD)AY r be of value alike to those who 4 :00-Interfraternity council meets in want to participate in some cam- rom30,Uio.Ipus activity a(i to those who 4:00-3i. .obin lectures on "Les Sal want some practical experience ons Litteraires au XVIIIe Siecle" i' in the business department of a rom203, Tappan hal.1 I daily newspaper. All persons room ~ ~ a.inte'restedl are requested to re- 4:05-Faculty of the C'ollege of Th1ar- ; port at once to The Daily busi- niacy meets in room 212, Chemistry ! es office in the Press building. building. I________________ 4:450:00-S. C. A. Cabinet meets iI____________________ the Board room at Lane hall.__________________ 5:00-No rehearsal of the Cong'rega-. tional choir. 7 :15-Prof. IV. t. Paton speaks onl "C. P. A. and Accounting Field" in It's Unique room 304, Union. 7 :30-Round 'fable club meets Inl rooms 316-320, Union. M arch 5 6 7 7 :30-Prof. F. V. IPalowski discuss- ' es "The Progress of Aviation in Eu- rope" in room 306, Union. ? P 7 :30-Players clop i meiets in Sarahl" Caswell Angell hall. I 1 7 ::30-ID. Laltue speaks onhi trip ________________________ uthe Amazon in room 303, Chem- - uptrybuilding. 7 :30-Admialnisralivc board of~ the lit. ' evary college, meets in D~ean Etfling- i er's office.-- - 7 :30---Carlos ('areia-Prada lec tures on1 '"U~n Viaje a Sud A mc ica" in room 11 203, Tappan hall.-_L 7 :30- Dr. Pickens speaks on "( ,t he e r ,' u l t e W i e A an n In- he- tell igenco ?''in rooms., 310-320, Uln-. 7 :45P'rof. JP. E. Jvrnre s sc. eaon 1"1 Gecographical I teco)lnI i ,; anceo o Trinidad" in r'oomiiQ137, Ntulral Cl Sh 1 SieceCouldinshe 8:0fl-Signua Alpha Iota, mnsw reital1 j h e in the School of Music afl(itXeriluli. C L L A L FID iAY Iown living ? IYour ('hild (Getting a Square ie" QHE'S your daughter-and per. in the University hligh School audi- S haps you hate to think of her toriunin having to work for a living. 4 :(0-French 1 lay try outs in room! But this sort of thing does happen 202. South Wing,. in very nice families-and too 4 :400:00---Wlouien's Leagne Dutell often the girl is utterly unpre- Treat party in D~arbour t m,:su. Pared for any well-paid ,occupa- gymnaium. tion. So she takes a poorly-paid .u '00--Seniors in thle School ofI dhn, job as sales girl, waitress or clerk. ation nmeet in room 203, Tappan..* * hatll. S8:00-ramnaiic social at the (onrre- It's different when there is a Corona in the home. A child gational church, who has learned to use Corona IFour, with its standard office Ann Arbor, we can cure the tr-oule you m ay h'.d with your previous~ taxi ceix'ice and bill ths anido te, call haveX For r ' -e " 4 ---,., ® ®® a , 3TER I. 4 i 'T'EXT- ( ? I' 10,000 SECOND-HAND WILL SAVE YOU BOOKS THAT" MONEY' U U U B U U U U U 5 U UAR' Ua'.NIVE SITY.*" A IIE®®ENQ MEEM Moan oUEm a0 Om n N MI E i Ok Thc Lne Suv ;' Give your pcn aa drink of Will not do-g or gum the point and makes the lbet pen write better. N K Y E R L A i1 PHONE 1028 For efficient Laundry Service. Our pick-up trucks will stop on their next trip if you will call us. Prompt and efficient service will make you just one more of our many satisfied customers. K Y E R L i A IT II k~eyboard, can oprateay omcie machine - and you've provided her with the best kind of an insurance policy against the day when she may be forced to sup- port herself. The price of Corona Four is $60 cash. Easy terms arranged if desired. Call or phone for a demonstration: 0. D. MORRILL 1 7 Nickels Arcade . fi i I The 46 Special. a Special at $3.75 an care and attention Sheaffer the pen of Lt $5.00 and the Student's -e fashioned with the same to detail that has made the Fperfection. , All Sh 2E v° pets aretpe T