0 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2,6, 1925 TIIMVICI IIGAN DJATI N .-....-...-. .. s~llmm I THIS 0OLtIMNI CLOSES AT 3 P.M. A DVERTI SING tN kCOLUMN CLOSES CAT 3 P.M, J t I I I A S THE Y WERE IN THE PAST w - - III III I I - III! 111111111,:Nllllllllw V- TfOR.SALJE LOSTS F~OR ALL Lb I ', i'd (corm1 ,se41lf, Si'Eiagemeflt Ring. White gold starter;, demIountIable rins- 'l a 51 settilng. Soawxvhere on %am~pus, S tube radio set1. Tei.1.1Ii1 ej; Feb. 24. Reward. Enquire Box 70, 7313-W. Miehi gan Daily. FOR SALE-'tenor banjo. liuil'(2 at I LO)ST-Man's gold wrist watch with 610 Thompson. Phone 1.1133-J. initials A. E. 13. on the back. Re- wr.Phone 1519. FOR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ad SALE-Seven double deck beds_________(N___________________ and 3 cots complete, S chiffoniers,; LOST-On~yx pin set in pearls. Let- 14 study tables, 16 straight lbac k tern 1). S. A. Finder call 23-ML chairs and S rockers. Call Brady,f-- 2578-M. LOST-Circular mosaic pin with doveI ~~L13iM8sselIIU Feb!. 25. - Negotiations fl~PI~flR~flhiverredemiuiton by Germany of six IILUWHIHILJII UIIULahl irnper marks issued during the "OM[ [ S T o, .upation will be resumned shortly. flOMPLETESHOELS Willh the addition of several inore Itames to be hoime list, " the list for tlhe past semester hias been practically It's Unique closed, regist ration officials said yes- ta. Students wishing to comlelte work Cor courses in which they were grad- " (incomplete must,(do so before March 9. it was ainounedt. Otherwise, the inicomlplete gradlng will he consider-. . " edas a failing grade in the course.t Your SubseriLiton is Payable now.____________________ iw FOR RENT FOR RENT-For a man andl ife, a; large, beautiful front room wit Ii1 b~ay windows; nicely furnished, steam heat. Also othier rooms for rent. 337 Tfhomnpson. WANTrEDI) WAN TED-A college girl who can write well is wanted for local ad-1 vertising work that will require partj or full time. Address Box 68, Michigan Daily. WANTED-Students to see our type- writer bargains. Good mnachines for] sale or rent. S A. Moran, 711 N.I University Ave., Room 2. I WANTED--.Physician front SoulthI America wishes changes 'Spanish }1for English lesions. Box 72, ifchifgan Daily. FOUTNTAIN PEN INK idesign and filigree border. Liber- al reward. P'hone 526-M. 721 For- est Ave. I BEAUTY SHOPPES Permanent Waving and MarcellingI MACK AND CO.j j 3rd Floor Main St. $r'Thhree expert marcellers. Shingle trims. Soft water usedI at all times. IUAT111A BEAU~TY SHOLP. (Above Cushing's)I NOTICE TRY OUR Hot Toasted Fsandwiches. Thley are delicious. Arbor Foun- tain. EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING Arnol1d St ate Street Jeweller 302 South S4 tateo Tryt LIGHT LUNCHES Specials TOASTED SANDWICHES FRESH STRAWBERRY SUNDAE ;gig PHONE 4866 For 'Typewriter Repairing (All makes) Dealer in Woodstock typewriters,j Sundstrand and Portable Adding machines. Ann Arbor Typewriter Exchange A vicious ink may work for a short Stime.- It clogs the delicate mechan- ism of the pen and cannot be remov- ~;ed by ordinary means. It is cei chm-cally antagonistic to a good ink, which' .will work and renders the ink color- ~'Consult Rider's Pen Shop, where you will always find a fresh supply of the best Government standlard 1 writing fluid. It is the only satisfac-, , tory ink for the fountain pen.! RIDER'S PEN SHOP Pen and Inik Specialists FOUNTAIN PENS 'TELL your friends what a wonderful pen your Master pen is. You have been doing it. 'Thank you. sryk RIDER'S PEN SHOP' "£ 302 State St. The splenIdouri of former years' p are FOUNTAIN PE~N REPAIRING the Eastern styles. I have them at E . only $8.50. "SAVE that long wait while having -- your pen sent away for repaim~s. jSEI+NC MACHI-TNES and the like fix- v'We repair it the same lay it is brow-' ed in good running order by experi- ght in and insure that it will b)e ad- enced student. 1512-W. 1021) ;dusted to your hand when you call Vaughn. for it. Waffles [R 'AEA - TYPEWRITERS loW NR A sTYPEWRITERS Splendid machines. Coupon Books Bcst makes for rent or for sale. !* PhoueC 342-R. t'A 'UTER.'S c. Z> HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE LUjNCHI ~ NOTICE r 11 'MELL GIL~LESPIE, Soloist and teach - So.I n-eriS er, thirty years experience. Alan- dolin, guitar, banjo, and chordt construction T'elephene 1791--M. R ad te W tAd CA ,'ENT VY Sl2 H Th'e Longical Lunch i ~ Is not too heavy--Is satisfying--Is a-fordably S . pricel~, and tastes so good that you feel like ' imore. It is a Barbecue Sandwich at S iThe Barbecue In n 440 Souftli State StreetPlione 2948=1v IkN SA'T'ISFY. wrd.~. : .J ~.r "". ".ro iiTaa ",d ../°y/".A.er/.rAr' ' IN INTERESTING HISTORICAL EVTENTS T Do You Know ."~-that john Hancock, as Presi- We suggest that every college [ ~4 dent of Congress, signed the student utilize the first opportu- I~~commission of George Wash- nity for a trip to the National ington as Commander-in-Chief Capital and make a point of ; Sof the American armies in the looking at the !Declaration of s+I it 4,1 Revolutionary War? The origi- Indepcndence, Washington's c; ~''nal commission is at Washing- commission, and other impor.- ';"f I4ton, D. C., in the Library of tant documents bearing on 4 Congress, Division of Mann- American history. i scripts, where you may see it atr 11any time and note the famous We believe avisit to Washington signature. makes better Americans ofus all. 'i v I The John Hancock is particularly interested in E iii insuring college meen and women and obtainingI 4 t4 college graduates for the personnel of the field staff. t Over Sixty Years in Business. Now Insuring Over Two Billiorn Dol- LIFE IN~SUp~RANE COMPA !, lars On 3,50Q000 Lives O SQTO. ASSACETTS $ ' dki " @Yo. . Co.The Fish Building, New York City CAIAP.LRE & HASTINGS Architects "(Designing in Masses" i i RE M Y le., . 4 C^t v % i5 ' i :4 i.K > i Yl9 . u Y , y V 4K t Y P .' r3 s 4 vn ti' r . ' T JIF ncw architecture tra'nscenmds detail am! expresses the coniPoncnt solids of the great building s of today and tomorrow. Gigantic profiles are reared against the sky---tru e expression of structural facts has now come into its own in architectural design, lining architect and engineer ever more closeiy together. Certainly modern invention -modern engineering skill and organization, will prove more than eqlual to the demands of the architecture of the future. THATU 'OTIS EL E VA TOR COMP ANY Offices in all Principal Cities of the World Don't Borrow~- bscrjbf, Today. 1 5% Discount at 'Our Station, Press Bldg r, r fI f