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February 26, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-26

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-- - -- n , ...


Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third AssistantaPost-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
ness, 960.
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
Editor...............John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor............Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor........... Manning Houseworth
Night 1Editors
George W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Tredk. K.Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Sports Editor.........William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor.........Rooert S.Mansfield
Women's Editor............. Vernea Moran
Music and Drama.... Robert B. Henderson
Telegraph Editor.X.. William J. Walthour
Louise Barley }xelen S. Ramsay
Marion Barlow 'Regina Reichmianu
Leslie S. liennets Marie Reed
Smith Cady jr. Edmarie Schrauder
Willard B. Crosby Frederick H. Shillito
Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens
Jamis W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet
Joseph 0.. Gartner Herman Wise
Manin Ilousewortk Eugene H. Gutekunst
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore
Elizabeth Liebermann Stanley C. Crighton
Winfield H-. Line Leonard C. Hall
Carl E. Ohimacher Thomas V. Koykka
William C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner
Telephone 960
Advertising....................E. L. Dunne
Advertising .....................J. 3. 'inn
Advertising...................H. A. Marks
Advertising......... ......H. M. Rockwell
Accounts ..............,.....Byron Parker
Circulation ................... R. C. Winter
Publication....................John Conlin
P. W. Arnold W, L. Mullins
W. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast
Gordon Burris H. L. Newmann
F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead
Philip Deitz 3. D. Ryan .
David Fox N. Rosenzweig
Norman Freehling Margaret Sandburg
W. E. Hama ker l'. K. Schoenfeld
F. Johnson S. H. Sinclair
L H. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer

Hughes has exhibited rare judgment In the graduate school are found
in refusing to have anything to do largely teachers or prospective teach-
with the communists as long as he re- ers working for a higher degree andsic
mains fn power with Stalin and Kami- s kANg
neff. prestige leading to a higher salary. AND
Two outstanding aspects of the im- Incidentally, they are interested in D R A M A
pending movement to oust Zinovieff knowledge, within such limits ats the
make it of interest to the United curriculum permits them to seek it.
States The first is that Krassin, the The young man who wants a teaching THE MATINEE IVUSICALE
Soviet expert on international affairs, A review, by Lydia Kahn.
has complained that thep position paying enough money to sup-
has cpofThe Matinee Musicale gave a re
the International has consistently port a wife and child, is urged both

1i -h














proved to be a serious hindrance tol
amicable Russian relations with GreatE
Britain, France, Germany, and Italy.
The second and most important con-I
sideration is the report that both
President Coolidge and Senator
Borah, chairman of the Senate for-
eign relations committee are consid-
ering de facto recognition of the Reds
at the present time.
While it is true that the actions of
Zinovieff have been among the mainj
sources of disagreement over the
advisability of American recognition,
it must be remembered that not onej
man but many are in power in Russia
today The very men who joined withj
Zinovieff in effecting the removal of
Trotzky from the head of the Red
army, namely: Stalin, Kamineff, Ry-
kov. Tchitcherin. and others_ are th p

VV, 1lilUR 11, lu Ule , la W
ones who are now plotting to remove
Zinovieff from his position Moreover,'
In their dealings with England and}
France, the Reds have proved them-
selves to be totally untrustworthy and
devoid of national honor. Jn view of
such a situation, the United Statesj
would have little assurance of any
better treatment at their hands, even
in the event of the removal of Zin-
The proposed plan for making of
Johns Hopkins university an essen-j
tially graduate institution will no
doubt cause wide comment, favorable
and adverse, by educational authori-
ties of the world. There is nothingl
particularly original about the ideal
since it has been considered by manyj
large state universities as a means of
limiting their ever-increasing enroll-
ment. Nevertheless, its actual prac-
tice will be interesting.
At Johns Hopkins the scheme no
doubt will prove a success, since
graduate work and research have al-
ways been mainly emphasized in that
institution. There is some reason for
doubt, however, that a more extended,
application of the scheme would be
advisable. While it might produce
more scholars, there would also tend
to be a lowering in theraverage of '
cultured individuals. There is some-

by cir-cumstances and his friends to cital of modern French music yester- 1X1
"work off" his doctor's. Such politic day afternoon in the auditorium of
advice was actually given me as an the School of Music. After several BOTH EN DS
undergraduate at Michigan by certain !announcements Nora Crane Hunt,
of my instructors who themselves Ora Larthard, and Winifred Mower;__
were scurrying after lost datives and opened the concert with "Panis Angel- I
other things for which they person- icus" by Cesar Franck.
ally may or may not have cared a Miss Larthard and Miss Mower first
whoop. played an introduotion, 'then !Miss
Beardless youths are running Hunt began her solo. We were charm-
around with doctor's degrees attached ed with her full rich voice, almost lS r 4i
to them! Now, if in the course of his too powerful for the small auditor-
favorite studies some mature man ium. I do not think the acoustics of You must have
produces a work of real merit, be- the hall are particularly good, and
cause his interest in the subject urges Miss Hunt's voice suffered the conse- antee of real servic
him to do it,-and his ability allowed I quences. It rebounded back and the You need skil
him to-what mark of distinction is effect was somewhat spoiled. Occa-' your pen sent to t
.to be given this man? A doctor's de- sionally it seemed the notes were not
gree forsooth! 'quite true to pitch. After the first You need a Ric
The pertinent question here is, are verse the 'cello broke in, in contrast
we going to differentiate between to the voice, and the two blended
boys' school or high school environ- beautifully together. Miss Larthard R id
ment and university work, and award played with a fine deep tone. It seem-
the proper degrees in their proper ed a great pity that she did not have
place, or are we to admit frankly a separate solo, but we are to hear
that what was once required for an from her again later in the program.,
A. B. degree is now sufficient for an Miss Mower made a successful accom-
M. A., and that the first two years of panist. The selection was more ro- low,
university", work are really of prep- mantic than so-called modern, andhi
school calibre, but we now throw it was written in a melancholy spirit. faultless technique make her guest
in towards the A. B.? The second number on the program appearance with Miss Bonstelle a un-
in y toad heAlBiqite opportunity for our very yoiie
Boys and girls are started out too was a Sonata for violin and piano by IEyounger
young in our educational system, to Cesar Franck with Mrs. Rhead at the generation to re-sence the ideal gran-
relieve the parents of their proper piano and Mrs. Freeman playing the dear of the theatre's happier days. 0
responsibility, and they are started at violin. Her bowing was delicate but
too slow a pace and this pace once her touch was rather superficial. She
established is not susceptible to quick- lacked a great deal of feeling. Mrs.
ing later, witho see rain upon Rhead at the piano was a fine soloist The DeLano
the student, who is not to blame, and accomp~anist. She knew when to 1 ln
Yours very truly, be prominent and when not to be. The
O. A. movement Allegro was a powerful1Shop
brilliant one rising to a beautiful and
NEMO D01l melodious climax. The piano is prom-
In an editorial published Tuesday, inent and Mrs Rhead's technique was l iats and Sweaters for
in which you crave feebly for another particularly pleasing, :especially her
dose of that Mencken-and-Water mix- interpretations. The movement work- girls between 10 and 16
ture with which the amusing G. D. ed into a climatic, unexpected end of years.
Eaton advertised himself for several harmoniousness-peace after the
years to an easily impressed campus, Istorm. Mrs. Freeman's technique was
you asked the question: "Where are also fine and her fast delicate work'eare ofering a new line
our brains going?" I can answer this ,was delightful. of dresses for gifts and
question only in part, but hasten to The third movement was truly cal-
dresses for practical wear.
assure you that wherever it is our led Recitative-Fantasia. It was a
brains are going, they are certainly slow movement of exquisite depth in
not at present going into the publica- the performance of which the artists
tion of The Michigan. Daily, forgot themselves and made us do the_.__
Yours cordially, same. A true proof of real artistry.
U-- T .-- ,._ tar" ' Tha Atll r ttn n n m e n n . 1


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.,, '

Night Editor-NORMAN R. THAL


Another American war lord is mak-
ing himself heard. 'Not satisfied with
the recent extravagant utterances of
the renowned Admiral Fiske and the
secretary of the navy concerning the
"next war with Japan." Rear i-lmiral
Phelps, naval veteran of many years
standing, let loose Tuesday with much
verbal bombast about "serious differ-
ences with ,England over shipping
policies-diffefences which can be
prevented from developing into a con-
flict only by a strong navy." And his
auditors, the women now in Washing-
ton attending a four-day school on na-
tional defense as; peace insurance,
were forced to listen to him for over
an hour.
The speaker based his contentions
on the following premises: The bulk
of the world's oil supply is now under,
the control of England and the time
will come when the United States
navy and merchant marine will be de-
pendent on that nation for their fuel;
one of the Ieague of Nations prime
objectives, under England's leader-
ship, is some policy to destroy the
American favorable trade balance,
and here he mentioned the protocol,
not realizing evidently that the Brit-
ish empire is at present ying to
change its provisions. England he
pictured as seething with rage be-
cause the United States has dared to
contest her maritime supremacy. Thei
inevitable thing, he concludes, is for
that nation to use every means to re-

iHenry J. Donner, 25E±; 1 e aegrelxo poco mosso was a'f
thing about the atmosphere of a uni- fascinating movement of airy, fairy-
versity center which would never ob- THE FEMININE PARADE like figures. Mrs. Freeman's execu-
taro in a junior college. The mass of
. . a To the Editor: tion was charming, not to mention ! '
individuals would be excluded from a
thinviduals wo d e J xlus rom's, Vive the ladies. They shall not Mrs. Rhead. whose performance as
this influence if the Johns Hlopktins' Vive
pass ---unnoticed. This seems! usual was mastery and understanding. E-n~G
plan were generally adopted.f_
_to be the motto of every shoeshiner Who could help being transported on 11 M, . (= r A
and other delectable, intellectual the wings of music away from this
Arpibassador Kellogg ,new secretary cripple in this center of education and disordered world of ours when listen-
of state, is back from Europe and is commerce. They stand in the win- ing to such glorious music?
keeping mum on what he (lid at Paris'dows from early morning until the The final number was a trio, opus
I No doubt he decided to play safe with bell rings for their departure and gaze 18 by Saint-Saens, Samuel P. Lock-
" Hiram" and his host until after boorishly at the passing femininity, wood, Ora Larthard, and Maud Okkel-
March 4. The ladies could not be more rudely berg performed. As before Miss Lart-
It would take a rather speedy col- ! gazed upon if they were co-partners hard's playing charmed us; Mrs. Ok-
I with a modiste or models for the filth kelberg, at the piano, was also very
lege man to carry out his social pro- of La Vie Parisienne. To walk by a fine, and Mr. Lockwood was also'
gram in two hours a week. barber shop employing one of these splendid. In fact the trio played in a
! buccolic individuals, is like unto an most inspiring ensemble. The work
CAMPUS OPINION l entrant in a modern Venus contestitself was beautiful. A most enjoy-
CAM US PIIONentan ina mden Vnuscotes, able ending to an interesting rga. U VERY dayivstr'da
Anonymous communications will he parading her charms before a stand The Andante was a charming move- for our custoier; We
disregarded. The names of communi- of ministers who have fallen from me nt sa m Mr moow- gal ow uorI be
.ants wil oever, he rearded as tervctoa ednis ment, in a sad mood. 1'Mr. Loc kwood's i Will gladly show you ofuI' bake J
I aidns ial wvr rqegardd as their vocational tendencies. th
reIt is not especially the embarrass- isympathetic execution was only equal- shop - the cleanliness - the
WHEN IS A UNIVERSITY NOT A ment suffered, but why couldn't the led by Miss Larthard's fine bowing. spick-and-spanness of our shop
UNIVERSITY? apex of their vision be less obvious Somehow she inspired me more than -- will interest you. We're
The article appearing on the front to the other passers-by, or better still, Mr. Lockwood did. It is a pity that friendly folks and out Bread
page 'of The Daily, February 24, on the why not let them confine their activ- Mrs. Okkelberg was so stiff. It made is a friendly food.
university plans for Johns Hopkins Iities to the basement and an ice cream me feel rather uncomfortable to look! Phone 3310-J We Deliver
has aroused my interest. Tp quote cone? at her. When one can play so well
Dr. John Goodenow, it is proposed to: I have oftentimes wondered if a there surely is no need for one to be °a
"First, cease to give instruction in constituent part of their shoe rejuv- so stiff in performance. That is only
most of the subjects now taught in the enator acted as an aphrodisiac upon to be expected of amateurs.
first two years of college. Second, them, or if their actions were direct The Scherzo was another fairy-like
combine the work of the last two with results of the early maturity of their movement. This seems to le a char-
what is now spoken of as graduate cranial bones, thereby limiting their 1 acteristic of modern French music R
work. Third, give on completion of mental facilities to the minimum? If (}born out in many other composers,
this advanced work a higher degree the former is true, it might be possi- such as Debussy. The piano here had I
and cease to give in future the bach- ble to use a counter acting sedative; an important part to play, and was
elor's degree." while if the difficutly arises from the successfully given by Mrs. Okkeiberg
Just what degree would be given- latter suggestion, the proverbial axe The Allegro carries on the spirit of
a doctor's degree? I am rather of the will have to be brought into play. ; the movement as before but we are
opinion that for such work as describ If the parents knew that their nu-- brought down a little more to earth.* 4'a
ed above, the bachelor's degree should bile daughters, when sallying forth, Altogether it is a movement of rare ! B u 1 1 ur
still be given, judging from my own were forced to parade before such a beauty. The sudden changes of tem-
contact with "university" standards, stand of incompetent judges, they po were fine and led added interest to T
So long as the preparatory school would think the Mann act too lax in- an already lovely piece of work.mdr aneds ..
methods and drillmaster stanas deed.It is a pity that the artists were so
continue in our universities as the This outrage could be stopped if it I stiff in their performance. A little
highest requirement necessary for the were called to the attention of per- !ess tenseness and they would have
A. B. degree, what results may be ex- sons superior enough intellectually ,been finer still. The audieice although
pected in the graduate school? In to realize its impudence. The vio- sansmlwsteiv
some courses it is merely a matter of lators should be satisfied; they have s s . I
playing catch-tossing the ball back carried on their Byzantine practices ""m
and forth. The professor tosses out for over half the school year unmolest- TSti
- - -Jessie Bonstehle is preparing Lewi Toaswic
information in his lectures along with eI, and it is now time that action was ,soastwic
the names of books wherein said in- taken, and the street made over fron Beach s comedy of American manner-
formation may be found in more com- a reviewing stand into a peaceful hisms "The Goose Hangs High,''far e
plete and better organized form. The promenade.!her next production in the Bonstelle
student (pupil) dutifully tosses the in- -Quill Playhouse, Detroit, commencing Mon- wiches made. Served
formation back again in his required (ay March 2. Besides the excellent
pedymartco.nidesy,,the excewll i-lexclusively at
reports and in his examination papers. WILLIAM, NOT C. P. permanent conlpany the cast will in-
If the two agree, well and good-but To the Editor: flude 4a, 'uest artist Mr11. - Richard
IMansfield in the role of the grand-
as for the student whose originality With reference to the today's issue nie.l h
comes to the surface for air-pas de of The Daily about "S. C. A. sends mother. p
chance! speakers to five Michigan cities," it tMrs. Mansfield, the widow of Rich-


gain her pre-war monopoly.
It is encouraging to note that these
wild predictions were not supported
by the Secretaries of State, War, or
Navy. In fact the latter two merely
laughed at such buffoonery. The sorry
part of it is, as in every case of this
kind, that while such statements do
not represent the same opinion of the
government or the sentiments of the
people, they may be interpreted in
England as representative of Ameri-
can feeling As such, they can only
be breeders of bad feeling between
two nations which have every reason
for cooperation.
The Rear Admiral is no doubt sin-


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cere in his ideas, but he had best
think twice before he flaunts them to
a gaping world. Such propaganda has
no place in the utterances of any l
American official, whether lie is old
and somewhat passe or part of thef
present generation of those who de-
sire eternal peace among the peoples
of the world.
The greatest obstacle in the way of;
American recognition of Soviet Rus-
sia, in the opinion of Secretary ofI


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