PAGE! TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1. l RPSDAY, F'IiARUrARY 26,'..1925 } OPEN Russian Children Pay Homage To Lenin lRlngte From ;400) To $1,VO )A nnurally Work BLANKS AVAILAXBLE Applications for fellowsh'ips and scho larshlips for 1925-1926 in the t. ~: { evhool must be. submitted I notla orthla-.1 March 1, it has been an- 4 nre.I fi:~~ n rardrl g these n a< to °:.? , , available to a tJu asn'nI: 1 >,,, rhe secured at r~,'o I A e ll hall. Application l~8Tl~ ~~"local Fellowships may also ifl~ecredthere. The fellow,-0ins open. in the Gradu- CLBN AMEIS CAS T Cosmopo i in N ~ilat t1tr Progra is OPERA STARS INCLUDED Committees andl tlh(cat to take part in InternationalU Night.,the anl- nual prodIuction of the (',). ,,opolitan (lub, which mill 1be pri'esent etlnextj Thursday night in ll;auditorium, have lbeen announced by CarletonWlsoftertrc (,-imn, who is director of publicity. 1\Tinna Miller, '27. will liay the role of thle Princess Ahtar Itozina ("Star of the Roses"'), wooed and won by the singing of the Direm Lover, who turns out to be Thr~, ,Alexis, heir to His Mvajesty of 1,'1,14:1. 'This part wvill he taken by Sti 11. '. iozake- vich, Rus~au blaritoile, Who furnisbod the feature ntil~llei of the -hterna- tional Night program last year. It. Lyman Blright., '5, wl-o Itook a part in the Union Opera, will port ray the wiles of Kalim Azad:, the (band Visier's soni and( royal favorie of' the Sultan, who sear'ches th-e far corners of the earth for entertainers to win the favor of the Princess. Willard Spanagel, '25E, also of "'Tickled to Death," will take the part of the Poet. Lionel G. Crocker, of the public speaking department, is His Majesty, the Sultan B~uland Bakh, father of the Princess. Lucille Bellamy, '25, is directing the orchestra, which will play an over- ture, finale, and accomplany the Ara- 'Wban dance number by Marian Miller, Derek "Van Osenbruggen, '25E, is general chairman of International Night and in charge of all arrange- ments. The play is being coached by 'MORHIS WRITES BOOK '.encers Holding DN'F regular Practzce FOFIMIIr METRICAL LIN[; 'Tithiugan 5in fcria l way Ior two callplu s l ournaients :Richa rdlG, Badger, Boston. tok;hec held in tme ncar fofture. Thcese The book is an analytical studty of ll be in the nature of a novice3 rmyt bniea itform in pro, in jufree tl u infollowed by anll1-camu- 'verse, and in more conventional poet- ! Jrats tou iiilent. ry. In a ltrger w;iy, thbe book is an atttemupt to further the p~resent; miove-Athen a 1ment to bring into harmnony wish the mnodern 'sciences the subjective tho-- Dic ssEd ato ies of rhetornic, literature;, and aesthme-- tics5. While it is a study in speech "The Function of a College Educa- rounds, the book is primarily infer-I tion," was the' subjecct for discussion ested in literary form rather than , at.Atbena meeting which was held phonetics. It is concerned with lang- Tuesday night. Short talks were giv- uage analysis, but the analysis is of en on the following subjects: "'A Col- language sounds organized into larger l lege President's Point of View," by untits for the expression of tliougbh Virginia (Cronin, '25; "iEducation'Old ando emotion. I .nd Newi," by P~eryl Schafer, '25; and The chief interest of the Moose lies ill "Our,(Colleges and , .Aerary .Disci- dliscoverilug andl defining thel( quality plines,"' hy LEleanor Silk, '26. of the line, which p~rosodists thus far .never have dlone except by inuplica - cci~c'n ; if the buyer knows what tion. An occasional touch of hituor makecs a, bushel, and the seller gives livens the technicalities of the vol-I the 'coi'rect mieasure of apples for the time. For exaniple, Professor Morris mroney, the only issue between thema is says: "If we may trust the prosod- Ithe quality of the fruit." ists, the relation of the poetic line Pr ofessor Morris will A~se the book, to fihe syllables anti feet that till it iu)p!in on rt; as a. ,mpplemnentaryl text in has been,: from Aristotle to Mr. Lid- his classes in phonetics. (dell, about the relation of our bushelf measure to the apples in the basket. GA RI Nights - S0 o $2i f.50 How the bushel. came to be the ac- 1f PoS ats. Wed .to $1 5 Oteo America's Foremost Actors epted measure, is not the linmediate! LOWELL, SHERMAN I - jin Willard Mack's, IMrs. A. D. Moore, who, with Prof. A. I" H IG 1H S TAK E S" "{D. Moore, of the electrical engineering! A "thrilling, Gripping Dlr~aa depatmen, rerraged he innu The cast includes: Wilton Lackaye. Phoebe depatmen, rerraned te innu- ~ster, Claudette Colbert, Fletntthg Wards and script. Robert Vivian. ,I~ ta school iliv olve stipends ranging M uom M0 to $1,200 annually, and are- ~I..rc than40 in number. They in- college fund, the Prances E. Riggs foundation, the Sarah Parishfelw sand numerous other special fel-L Th1,e Sarah Parish fellowship, estab- Nikolai Lenin has been set up as a super hero for the worship of Russian school children, and impressive I }? :' by Joseph Parish-, of Detroit, in exercises are held frequently at his to0mb in Moscow in which great throngs of children participate. Students memryof his wife, carries a sti- iare shown at, the tomb,. some of them marching into the mausoleum to pay homage to the "Ried Father,", while }in of $1,000; and will be awarded? others stand at attention and at salu teomf the outside. For proved success in -graduate study and distinct prom ise of productive , %sh l r h p h sfel w h pi a al . ' able for foreign study. -+ , r Fellowships offered to graduates for +1 study in other institutions include the SA TURDA Y fellowships in international law, of- fered by the Carnegie Endowment for= International Peace; fellowships of; All additions and corrections which the Robert Brookings Graduate school are to appear in the Student Directory of Economics: and Government; those supplement being tabulated for print- National Fellowships in Religion; the ing in The Daily must be in the hands Thayer Fellowship in the Schools of; of the Directory editor by Saturday Oriental Research; and a fellowship Afternoon.' Those whose names may 'in Semitics at the University of Wis- appear in the supplement are new con sin. studIents j students whose names were The Carnegie Endowment fellow- left* out of the fall Directory, and ships are intended to provide an ade- those whose names appeared incor- } I BOTTLE, THROWN INTO DETROIT RIVER, FOUND ON CALIFORNIA COAST London, Out., Feb. 26.-A lit- tle pop bottle cast into the Detroit river at Windsor more than two years ago with the name and address of a high school boy of that city, was picked up Feb. 16 by a sailor off the coast of Santa Barbara, Cal., according to a letter re- ceived from the finder. It is .presumed1 that the bottle was carried down the lakes, over Niagara Falls, and down to the mouth of the St. T. wrence. 'Then it doubtless followed the coast line around South Amer'ica and back up the coast. It is con- ceivable, however, that either manty miles across the ocean quate number of competent teachers ' in this country to afford instruction in international law and related subjects.I Only men and women" expecting to aid in such work are expected to ap- ply. Teachers' fellowships, which'i provide $1,000, require the previous preparation of one year of teaching in international lawe or related sub-j jecets, or the equivalent in experience1 oa.Year's teaching. The sti~hents' ~elowsnp~ crryir - $750. are award-' Icis dgres. ('hre re iveofthese ebyphoto (is f Mtle applicants. ,will b,, i-eco: -e' until Mdarch 16. 'Twenty fellowships will be award- ed for. 1925-26 by th'e Robert Brook- ings Graduate School under the George Eastman provision. These range from $500 to $1,000, and will apply upon. the school fee of $1.000 annually. They are open to graduates of approved schools. Applications must be sub- mitted before March 1. Consulting j fellows will also be named for the period of one year during which, time they will receive board and lodging, stenographic assistance, the use off the school's facilities, and a stipend not to exceed $1,000. Applications for these fellowships must be submitted to the school at Washington, D. C., -not .later than -April 1. The Thayer fellowship, granted by the American Schools of Oriental Re- search carries an annual fund of $1,000, and is open to students hold- ing the Bachelor or Arts degree. The awards are decided by a competitive written examination. JANUARY OBSERAtIONS Industrial conditions in the United States have been only fair during the month of January, according to the Bradstreet, issue of February 21, whilch states that this is mainly due to the. unusual reluctance of whole- salers and jobbers to hurry their spring buying. Reports for the month, however, compare 'very favorably with January of a year ago, and seem to predict an even .more favorable con- trast as- the. spring advances. -January foreign trade, the report continues, exceeded that of December and of January, 1924. Large exports of cotton and gold featured the move- ment, the export of gold being the largest for any month, excepting June 1919, since the war.- Urbana, Ill., Feb. 25.-The first vio- lation, of the university ruling confin- ing initiations to fraternity grounds was discovered today when a freshman ; was put in jail as a result of a search in which he was taking part. rectly. Nearly 125 names have been 'receiv- ed and are ready to be printed. They will he held until the final names are received Saturday. It is requested that coupons below be typewritten or printed, and filled out completely. i ( CLIP THIS COUPON, 'ante....................... Clas.ts and department........ .An Arbor address ............I a lI ITelephone.................. I IHcame town If a correction please note the t(mistake to be corrected....... I A { Mail this coupon to the Direc- Itory Editor, The Michigan Daily f Press building before February I 28.1 ENGINERS' DUSE LUB Medical Student Will Go 2 Years On Fasting Die Two years on a tasting (iet! Tha is the programi that Harold G. C 1-olek, 348 years of age, medical stu dent in the university of Chicago, ha undertaken for" himself. I-e will tak, food only when hungr'y and will pa: no attention to the ordinary thre, zneal a (lay schedule, l3e Intends to eat as litle as p~ossible and will meca sure and weigh every bit taken. During this fasting per'iod he wil b~e given various mental tests, in jeluding- inathelilatles, puizzles; and ac curacy in typewriting. jFor the past two years, Holck ha carried scales with him in r order t, det er;-ioie tape amount of food.- tha hei ordinarily coasumnes. Mental test given him during 'this time shower his normal efficiency. At the end of two, years the result of the mental tests will he tabulates Carefully anld expeirt; expect to wor] out from thorn an ideal human ration Postpone Senior Dance At 'Unioi JDiie to a c'onflict withi a dance be( ing gi velut tomorrow night by neir hers of the L awyers' club, the dinne dance which was to have been give by the Union for seniors tomorro' night has been post poned. No (date hta as yetlbeen set for' the dinner dance which will 1)0 announced later in 'l'li Daily. .1 were traversed or that the sea- going bottle took a short cut Iby way of the Panama Canal. ! Europeans ExpectI Rush Of Tourisis In order to accomoda~te tihe expected increase of student travel looked for in Europe this summer, Pickford Limited of London, one of time oldest travel bureaus of England has in- creased its staff 20 percent according to an announcement issued by their office.E This bureau takes care of the stu-! dent tourists who leave for Scotland, England, Praice, Belgium and Hol- land by way of the St. Lawrence route. The first tour is scheduled to start from Montreal on June 19 on tho nchor-Donaldson steamer "Athenia" and will return July 17 from Liver- pool. Otiher sailing dates are June 27 amnd July 3. 11 I TVERY collej man wants his s ' money's worth--that is why A John Ward's, collej sales gro kyear by year. C Value? --Tremeridus! Style?-'- Up-to-the-minute! Quality?- the best of everything goes into John Ward footwear. O(fn Display By M~r C. P. Lathrop at Cartier's -' 306 S. St-te, Today, Tomor- I row and Saturday ., i 5 l NEW SPRING HAT'S Wc have just receivcd a complete 5tock of PORTIS hiats in the new light and' pleasing shades that characte~rize the latest spring hats. An up-to-the-minute hat is essential for that spring outfit, l it. a Prices, $4.50 to $6.00 I iMeIN SKoes I)NCORISPLAED --I PRHO . S. FAT. 0O'F. Stores in New York, Brooklyn, Newark and Philadelphia 'OZ's Address for Mail Orders, xi Hudson st, New York City ! -a E.J1. WEIMER 119 South Main -. - d l ' ' 1 i - ~t-~ 11 n"c .. 1' It',s Unique Mlarch 5, 6, 7 b(13 J ifl I IVIIL bUllIti I jLII adridt Feb. 25.-Soccer football is being taken up and bids fair to sue- Quad L house cluo, restricted to ceed bull fighting as a national sport. students of the engineering college,E recently received its charter as a Subscribe for The iigan Daily ,chapter of Triangle, national engineer- ing fraternity. This organization : is __ in no way concted with Triangles, , engineers. Quad L club was install- C I ed as part of the national organiza- tion of Triangle Saturday, Feb. 21, af- ter existing for a year as a house club as required by University ruling. The newly installed fraternity has ,2)iu ftdtjn :;4 active members. The national or- j . grnnization consists of 15 chapters and I"6 MUSCT PLUS' was founded at Purdue university in 1906. There is now a chapter in -very Big Ten university, MichiganI completing the list. E. E. Cress, president of the nation- al council of Triangle, was present FOR THAT NEXT for the installation Saturday. At the same time Prof. Wilford Cook of the engineering college and Prof. Hlarry j"IEBL Bouchard of -the engineering college, PIE FL at present In China on a three yearj leave of absence, were made h'onor- ---- ary members. i o i S td rtli g Starting '- TODAY TO iIAY A Woman lDoesn 't Hwave To Bie intelligent To Get A1Nca In Ldove With Her-Just Unsc'rupulous r. _ -- I J PAR'RY Phone 751 .W -- ~ ~ ~ G ~ r .~-1~*w~riIesf _ea . t g Qom. -, 4,.c,.,1 4, Chairmen of all ae: college committees, 4 o'clock today in the Union. nior literary will meet at , room 306 of .1 'ft c TALLY CARDS- PLACE CARDS BRIDGE SETS The E&ery-Player- Your- Partner System Copyright 1923. Patent Applied for. Charles S. Clark Company, New York l f II> M SAMLES Permanently on Display at Guy Woolfolk &Co. I III .I ' 1 U UP Y~&'U' UWE U Wi ~r , X' ' - - . - ~ V