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February 25, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-25

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WEDNESDAY,) IIWR 25, 1'92."


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice toe all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant -to the F, esident until
8:30 p. wn..(11,.30 a..m. Saturday.
Vlume I WEID1ES1)AY, FEBRUTARY 25, l95 Num1ber 107
University Lc ure :Q
Professor H. C. Sherman of Columbia University will speak under thn
joint auspices of the University and the U. of MV. Section of the Amnerican
Chemical Soc~ety on Wednesday, February 25, at 7:30 P. M. in the Chemical
H-is subject will be "Enzymes and Vitamins from the Chemical Point of

not sur'e of 1room numibers for' observation classes consult programn of Classes
in the first floor corridor of Tappain IIall. Keel) the High School observa-
I ionx permrit. o.k .'d bly Mi. Wi iteliouse. No seal 1ile is valid untils" o.h.'dl.
'rhe o.I .'(! I 1111it is 11toIeo signed aft (1e eh()l)scVVat1(11 y l h tueacl(aUei'1 0b-
Servedl . C. 0. D~ais.
The Nuirsery Swctioniofithe F~ acult y Wonien's (101) nilace1 1s 5a lecture
b~y MIS S Saeelney, d 1(1 nia ii of the e Meriill-1Palmaer Sc'hool(otfIDet roit . at 3:30
P. 1\'l. IFricla y, 1"(,)Ira 27. in I 1w 1 'n iversil y ii i hSchool and it oriurn.
lier sub~jct will be, 'I5 Your Ch'ild (attilag a Square lDeal'?"' All parents
naint erestedl are in vited. MaJIel I . 1Whit neY, (ha ira n.
('osmlopolU an (Mculer5'~:
f 1 The second (Ctnosmtpol itaf an i eeon will be given Sal unclay, Fob, 2s, af
the Golden Oaks Tin at 12 :1 5. Not ify J1 J. Schwarltz, 2100111 betfore Thu arsday
night if you wish to att end. J. J. Scilyaitz.
j Lunc heon for Ibe C i I will be e .:cvec gat Ithe l('11igan En iou, today, at
e 12:15. 11'. 11 . Dentoin, Seer.
A Jaeeti g of thc 1'. S. No~vaal I ieServe I ?n it will be he ld at 7:30 Y. I11.
w~ednes day, Fe b. ti, in thie R. 0. T. C. D rill Hll
r LtA. L. C. D- ever
IScabbarid and ii(fadc Vraateri'ly:
'l hee ill bie as specCia l meetilig (if the Seal bai'd and Blla de, \ed nesdtov
even~ing at 7:15 P.1'. at Ithe NMichaigan Union.
.liltaon 31. 4Muddaina.

Naval Minister

7:101 -Ln Socledad Ilispaiiicc Jnects j
in iroomn 320, Union.
7 :15-ScatJnird and Blade me'ets .at
the Union.
7 :15-1Preslbytecrian chorus relie~irsa1 A.
Lane hall.
7 :30-R~epubhlicn ina)mieets in roomi
h306, Union.;.
7 :30-Saginaw club nmeets in room'
304, Union.}
7 :30-Professor Slhermnispe a1is on
"Enzymes andt Vitamins from the
Chemical Point of View" in the
Chemical ampitheatre.
7 :30-Professor IIny den speakis on
''The New Cabinet'' in 'roomn 300,
7 :30-.aval Reservists mITiedin it. 0.1
T. C. drill hall.
7 :39-Prof. F". A. C'oller t alkis on '{Surg;-'r
jcry of the Dark Ages,", in west am-

pithic0lr Of'
7:10 - -Ajl {

11 di al lbuiiling;.
oli .\n '1 ll.; ; l4

The pubic is cordially invited.

F. L. Rob~bins.

Professort H. C. Sherman of Columbia university will speak on "Tho
Vitaminls in Life and Health" in the Chemical Amphitheatre on Wednesday,
February 25, at 4:15 P. M.
This lecure' will be of general interest. Students in Public H-eailth,
Nursing and .he Medical School are especially invited.
The publice is, cordially invited. F. E. Robbinis.
Executive BSird, Gradiualte School:
Trhere w 1ft bea meting of the Executive Board of the Graduate School
on W'edniesday, February 25, at 4:00 o'clock. A. H. Lloyd.
The 9616: Prize In Nat ural Science:
Notice is here .;gven, that all applications or nominations for the Sols
prizp . ffor women). tor research in Natural Science (including Medicine)
should be made at the office of the Graduate School, where detailed infornia-
tion as to conditions. and procedure can be had, not later than April 1.
A. 11. Lloyd.
Graduat# Ifelloivship and Scholarships for 19w5-26:
Applications for Fellowships and, Scholarships for 1925-26 in the Grad-
uate School should be made not later than March 1. Blanks and informa-
tion may be had at the office of the School, 1014 Angell Hall.
Information will ,e }given also. about other graduate fellowships, in-
cluding the follow ng te ,r~ Fellowship, awarded by the university
of Michigan and available for foreign study; the fellowships in Interna
tional Law, offered by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace;
the fellowships ,of the Robert Brookings Graduate School of Economics and
Government; the, fellowships offered by the Michigan School of Religion;
the, National 'Fellowships, in Religion; the Thayer fellowship in Schools of
Oriental Research; and a .fellowship in Semitics at the University of Wis-
consin. A.H. Lloyd.
Bureau of Appoltiftneuts:
All student; enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments are requested
to -fill In location blanks giving the courses they are taking the present se-
n-ester-and the time when these classes meet. 'these blanks can be secured
at the. Office of the B~ureau of Appointments and should be filed this week.
Those who have not already brought in their photographs should (10
so at once as the records are being iifiade up at this time.
It is also necessary that the recommendations be in the office now as.
calls are beginning to come in. Margaret Can ,eroii.
Seniors, School of Education:
There will be an important meeting of thme senior class of the Schiool of
Education in Room 203 on the second floor of Tlappan Hall, Friday at 5'
o'clock, All members should bel present if possible.
W. It. St rong, P~resident.
Freshmien Engineerling lass:
The regular, weekly. assembly wTill. be held Wednesday, February 25, at
11:00 in Room 34&Enigineering Building. Professor B. F. Bailey will speak
to the 'class. J. C Briar.
History. 3:
The final -make-up examination will be given Sat urday niorning, F'eb-
ruary '28, from '9 to 12. Those who intend to take the examination will please
medA in Room 1204 Angell Hall. AV'. A. 1riyer.


h lopeful of rehabilitating its naval
forces to somie extent, China has made
Tu Hlsi tKwei-tn, minister of the navy.
Known in the Orient as Admiral Tu,
he hiais a reputation as a strategist.
Notices to appea: in this column~ must
be left in the box at .lhe Daly office
provided for tnat purpose before 4
o'clock preceediug the dlay of issue.

oow. 8112,"Irv!)I1.
4§ "10 j-eleo rwa cf EIla' QCongregavn
I tonal 4elir.
,a :8d loUnd '1'bh KAcub iiigts1i
up thme Awmzon'i x:2ous } 8, ('licq-
iud Iy ho 1din;y.
Zl iaticL s ''. 21 ,I. n lie olee tainaou
tlel qiii pliyert v lI wi COSn Ali;' hvingiu
lo'-t all his ziciiny 'ilol,)~ e

It is the desire of the Lincoln
Restaurant to please you
with its unsurpassed cuisine.
Lincoln Hotel and Restaurant

Alpha, Omega A Iplut IA'ctim'e:
lDr. F'r cdcric-k A. (Coller, of thle depari-Iment of surger~y, will give thle sec-;
o nd lecture in the Alpha Omega .Alpha series of lectures Onlt Medical Il ist ory,
in the West Amiphithenpt n of the Medical Building, at 7 :30 o'clock, Wedues--
day evening February 25th. The suhjec~t will be "Surgery of the Darnk Ages." I
The lecture will be illustrated( with lantern slides. While this lecture course
was instituted'primnarily for medical students, pro-medical students and the
general public are invited to attend.
Waiter M. Simpson, President.
Lit Sociediid IIispania
Thme regulari meetinig (otfIa Sociedad Ilispa nica, wluich was postponed_
from last week will be held tonighit in Room 320 -Michigan Union, at 7:15.
s Marshiall1.I i ey.
AdleIplil :
Th'le regular 11101 ug (of the lAdel phi H ouse of Represent atives will be
held this evening at. 7:2,0 in the Alde phi Room one(1 the four'th floor of Angoll
jHall. The Volstead Act is to be discussed. All those interested are cordially
invitedl to attend. Hicli a-rd Ford.
Read The Dalily "Classified" Colunm'

210-12 East Huron St.

Phone 3668

11 :00--Professor Bailey s511411k5(t)
freshman lhgineons in room 348,1
Engineering lbuilding.I
:1:15-Miathueitatieal club b ave limi
cheon at the Union.
4:00-6 :00--Open house atI lhe Cola- I
grogational church.
-I :0-Fxecul ive Board of th(li ad-
Je school meets.
41:MI-Professor Shiernuan speaks on
"The Vitamins in Life and Health"

is one way to
judge a cigar
-_.but "So good"" is better!?
SWISHEIR ORiOCLItY CO., Distributors Aiit.Arbor,
10 cents.C T G .AK 2 for 25c
_. ,.- ..a. .. ..- -.w.


in the Chemical amphitheatre.
6 :13- Rhetor'ic sta1ff have dinne11r

All second semiester Froslinon I


1538 Church street.


Have You Tried The Famous

wishing to. try ouit for tihe BUST- CANDY
urged to report any afternoon ' A R J A PR
{ this week at the Gargoyle otl 11I. AIf D LCIU. TR N
in the Press Bldg. from2 to 4 p' I' DESERT,ITSD LCO . TR O E
I (I

* 10,000 SECOND-HA
I U - -- - - -


History 4:;
Seating lists for, the lecture section are posted at the
N . S. Auditorium and in Rooms 1018 and 1020 Angell Hall.
plan goes into effect Friday morning.
Staff Dinner, 6:30. P. M~, Wednesdjy, 538 Church Street.

entrances to the
Tils new seating
F. N. Scott.

. ND


T Y-V '7Clr T 'V ^ "WI &,I' t - -% W

Aly Wednesday-Friday 9 o'clock section will continue to meet in 407
Library. It.(C. Aigell.
My class in Spanish 111, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:30 will
meet in 100SW, beginning today. Nelson IT. Eddy.
o'serrvtais hi nn Arbor High Sehool:s
Stujdents who hlave not arranged their class observations in the Anii
Arbor High School must (d0 s0 not later than Friday, February 27, between
tme bours of 1:00 and 4:00 P. M. in 'Room 10, Tappan Hall. Any who are

4EEEEE N 0anUEEaU®E8UUUEEEUUE ®® . , = 0 m ®m ®,m®


Drugs Kodaksj
E .~or You. , -I
Keep' free Iroeal
the curb* of3
falling ,hair rand
baldness. VanEsd
Liquid Scalp Masy
sage feeds' bait~
growing nedicini
througlt . rubber,
nipples, directly'
new mrethod scalp treatment. Vail Ess
days. ' Ak about the 90-day treat4.
- meet plan. We sell it under mnoney-back~
guarantee. Buy Van Las today ag4 - MA
hw55your lair "night. t
Ckis-Fletcher 'Cl s-Drug Co.
Three Dependable Stores
324 S. State St. Cor. E. an~d S. University Ave.
Corner State and Packard

*0 0
4i t~
4N .t'----
j Wemakeit ossile oN
W~ie psilon PR lb1% 0It 1 lla I tl h
Z( a [Giand nano
The ollingorganizeltioMgni ha profiePsiyaPver
Alpha RhX i i lta Ti; anl>leL,111(J -:1 i ~lta Chi.'~ l
AcelaiTFatePity iOclta. Pi Ph 'isio et.T'i h
Psi Epilo I PSi mau1Phi epsloa ziga Alpha J-psihoii
IPhi Kappa Sigmia -Nn Sia-imum .Iii
Let 'us furnish you a" grand piano for jour spring house
parties. Come in and tals it over.



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