PAGIE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TH ICIANDILDNESDAY, Fi31RUARY 25, 1925 ..._ .__. -~ - ....-.- Published every morning except Monday during the Universi ryear by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. yhe Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches oieditd to it or not otherwose credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therin.- Entered at the postofice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master Gnerl, Subscri tion y carrier, $3.50; by mail, Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street.. Phones; Editrial, 2414 and 176-M; busi- ness, 960. EITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER 1ditor...............John G. Garlinghouse News Editor. .... Robert G. Rasay City 1ditii........... Manning Iousewortli Night Editors George W. Davjs Harold A. Moore Thomas 1. 1eny Fredk.K. Sparrow, Jr. Kenneth C. Keler Norman R. r ,'hal Sports Editor........,.William H. Stoneman Sunday Editor......... Roert S. Masfield Women's Editor.............Vernea Moran Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson Telegraph Editor......William J. Walthour Assistants Louise Barley Helen S. Ramsay Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann Leslie S. B-ennet Marie Reed Smith Cady Jr. ~dmarie Schrauder Willard B.yCrosby Frederick H.Shillito Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens James W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet Joseph O. Gartner tHerman Wiste Maning Ilousewortk Eugene H. GGutekunst Elizabeti S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore Elizabeth Liebermann itanley C. Crighton Winfield I. Line Leonard C. Hall Carl E. Olinacher Thomas V. Koykka Wiliam C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER + WM. D. ROESSER Advertisinz....................E. L. Dunne Advertising .....................J. J. Finn Advertisig ................. ..H. A. Marks Advertising................H. M. Rockwell Accounts.....................Byron Parker Circulation .................... C. Winter Publication ............. ........john Comi Assistants P. W. Arnold W. L. Mullins W. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast Gordon Burris 1. L. Newmann F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead Philip Deitz . .]D. Ryan David Fx N. Rosenzweig Norman Freehling Margaret Sandburg W. E. Iamaker 1% K. Schoenfeld F. Joinson S. H. Sinclair L. . Kramer F. Taylor Louis W. Kramer t WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1925 Night Editor-KENNETH C. KELLAR A MERE STIPEND With the increased power of the German Nationalists, the question of the monarchy versus the republic is agan assuming a position of import- ance in public debate. The discussion was started by Nationalist criticism of Republican wastefulness, but the latter have more than retaliated by an exposition of the cost of monarchy to Germany previous to the revolu- tion. Salaries of the eight kings and dukes of Germany, including the Kaiser, before the war totaled $8,- 570,000 according to defenders of the republic. And in tis huge sum the income from the prvate properties of the monarchs is not included. This is contrasted in the debate with the modest salary of the president of the republic which has been fixed at $25,- 000, a palace and stipend of $7,000 for running expenses also being fur- nished. As a means of convincing Germant taxpayers that continuation of the re-1 public is closely related to the size1 of their pocketbook,,an elaborate scalej of the salaries of the past and present potentates of the world has been pre-r pared. 'ihe late Czar of Russia heads the list with an annual remun- orat ion of %0(10 Tu ma SUFFICIENT DESTLTUCTION Annihilation is a big word and itTg n loses none of its import when applied US to "civilization" as it was by Bishop AND Thomas Nicholson of the Detroit Area BREVITYA of the Methodist Episcopal church in TRtrUTl ID R A M A an addreos here Sunday night. Bas-1 , AC(URACY h ing his remarks on several of the Oldgeeal Testament Bible stories in which he The general pub has an idea,AY discerned certain mternational ele- which has been unkindly nutred by Tw years, three years four year ments, the Bishop arrived at the con- members of the profession, that a ago there was a girl given to actin elusion that the most important step colynmist should be able to sit down on the campus, a strangely poised gir which should be taken by the nations at any time and knock off a little tall and beautiful, with a rich, sot of the world to save them from ittter piec of Vers de Societe, suitable for diction and way of wearing costumes obliteration in the future is to abolinh in these days, now that all of1 us hav war.-publication in Life, Judge, Vanity passed the age of discretion, we cal Although it would be rather pre- lair, or his own department. If a her the finest actress Michigan eve posterous to take him literally in his guy applies for membership in the had-in the last two years, thre prophecy of the disastrous results of Column-conductors' Union, 'Question years, four years. She created Mabc another war. Bishop Nicholson i7 Three is "Can you write verse?" of "Suppressed Desires" and the Pre perfectly sound in his contention that; Never mind what the other quest- logue in "The Yellow Jacket"-he war must be abolished if the present ions are. other parts are forgotten-- and the civilization in its various phases is to * * * -Ishe went to Sargent's in New Yor be preserved. While another world After a pleasant and not unprofit- the Academy of Dramatic Art, to be conflict might not bring complete de- able year and a half of column con- come finally professional. Next ther struction, it need only to be as deadly ducting, we are still able to shout no were summers of stock in Grand Rap as the one through which the world to Question Three-and every day we ids, acting everything from "Unci has too recently passed to seriously grow more certain that unless we cul- I Tom's Cabin" to "Nighty Night," an impair the present structure. In fact, tivate an affirmative answer thereto, later more stock with the Moutau it is not radical at all but only the we never, never will make the Big Players in Brooklyn. increasingly common thought and Tme. word of the great leaders of the * * * world, as well as the comnmon people, The technique of light verse is not, that war must be outlawed. to be sure, a very complex thing. Nor _"' ____---__is light verse, we believe, as high andf VOCATIONAL GI T)ANC(h toney and rare an art-form as light During the recent years of unpre-- prose..-...-. cedented growth in the number and enrollment of American colleges and A tenuous business, this writing universities, especially since the close I about light verse and then sticking in of the World war, a great deal of some asterisks. Especially difficult criticism has been aimed at the evi_ when you are engaging a new steno- dent trend toward a disregard of the gra-pher at the same time. The rea- individual student and the stand- son I am engaging a new stenogra- ardization of the intellectual output pher is because the craze started by of these institutions. Particularly in the Ensian last fall has at last workedf the larger schools where the student n to te acoisvative Daily- soon becomes a nonentity--just on even the editorial side. of the thousands-recent investiga- when the Sunday editor showed up tions have shown that the average yesterday afternoon with a natty little college student spends ten years sAeno that could take shorthand like floundering around before he finds the a flash--why we just threw discretion work he really wants to do. to the winds as you might say and hir- In organized vocational guidance, ed the first girl in sight. She can't :- which is to be studied by a group o take shorthand and she can't type- American colleges and universities write worth a bygosh and she doesn't during the next two or three years, chew gu-m but she's our secretary some success in remedying this sit- from now on and don't think she isn't. Last spring she was asked to direc uation may be brought about. e * * * this year's edition of the Junior Girh method by which those interested in I just sent out a requisition to her Play. At first it seemed a joke-n the movement hope to aid students in and she returned it marked O K which one lands on Broadway training Mich finding the work for which they are wasn't what I requisitioned by a good igan Juniors-but there is an invalu best fitted, is similar to that being deal. I can write O K myself. able experince, even in inexperienc followed by the S. C. A., by studying * * * ed amateurs: perhaps it is the ulti the individual through psychological She just came in to Staff Meeting and mate test of professional patience. examinations as well as by personal brought the pencil I ordered so I Last night the first entire reihearsa interviews. guess she's better than I thought. The was held, the dancers are bein Dean H. E. Iawkes of Columbia rest of this column will be composed rounded to their final training, th university, in explaining the plans fo in the sight and hearing of a great committees are growing excited: th the organized advice of students to many jolly young people who don't opening night is but three week educators attending the recent meet- like the noise of typewriting. away. Sentimentally, it will be of tih ing of the Nat ional Vocational (Tid- * * * first moment; it will be the first tim ance association held in Cincinnati, To go one with the light verse we a woman, a Michigan graduate, a for :admitted that the science of studyhi were discussing a few moments ago. imer actress in the production ha individuals was still very much in a .ever directed the play. The resul state of chaos. By this admission, lie We can't go on with it. The Man- will be different with the new spiri undoubtedly had reference to tie un- aging Editor has just addressed a that new ideas always bring: th, certain results of many attempts to question to us-right in the middle Junior Girls' Play has simply got t convince young men and women that of staff-meeting. "How many hours be good this year! they should do this or they ought to a week," he says, "do the University * * * take up that line of work. In fact, of Chicago students work, Cowles?" (1R STRAVINSKY Dean Hawkes made it clear that in "I don't know," we reply with pride Igor Stravinsky, father, son, an the mpin, the guidance would have to and contempt of a man who scorns holy ghost of modern music, will ap be negative rather than positive. I statistics. pear as soloist, composer, and con Dr. W. V. Bingham, director of the "1ow many, Davies?" ductor with the Detroit Symphony or Personnel Research association of "Forty-two," says Davies. i chestra Tuesday evening, March New York City, takes the most ses- "H-ow many do they loaf?" the M. E. in Orchestra hall, Detroit. The con ble attitude toward the whole nove- asks another guy. cert may and should be highly re went when he declares that it is un- '"The rest of the time," says he. markable, at least it is the outstand wise to advise for or against any vo- "Wrong," says the Managing Editor. ing musical event of the year. Per cation. He says: "All we can do is to ;'"Everybody ought to read the paper haps Stravinsky is merely a skillfu lay all the information we can secure more thoroughly, including Cowles," i mountebank catching the critics wit before the student and let him sake he says. his bizarre variations on Rimsky his choice." Such a programin should f * * * Korsaikoff, perhaps lie may only be be of 'service to the, young man r After the meeting the News Editor rather ordinary poseur, but very prob woman who has no opportunity or in- says to us, "Well Phil certainly did ably--in such flashes of inspiration a sufficient initiative to find out the ad- you up neatly. I never saw ,pnybody "Petrouchka" and "Sacre du Pr-in vantages and disadvantages of any more completely beaten." temps"-he is next to a vital genuis profession Beaten indeed! The Managing Edi- The program will open with th professi _- +ww rww .w w n w w r i ew n n .w ' mwwrw wwrmwruwnw owi rfi w mow. ... r SPRING FICTION I ro r GRTAHAGM'S BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK -- . -- "The Maker of Dreams" by Oliphant 1 Downs; and "The Subjection of Ke- via" by Mrs. Havelock Ellis. Early in April Mr. Hollister will present Oliver Goldsmith's classic comedy "She Stoops to Conquer." For several years various campus dra- matic organizations have seriously discussed doing one of the old English comedies, for besides being highly en- tertaining for both the cast and the audience, they are practically sure- fire successes, than. which there are few better evening's entertainments. It is also planned to give, two Mae- terhinck plays, "The Death of Tinta- giles" and "The Miracle of St. An- thony" sometime in May, the date is not definitely decided upon. There will be at least one more program presented in University hall during! the semester by the play production J class. I' -V. LB. WHITNEY THEATRE TUESI)AY, )IARlCI 3 PRICES: 1)-$65-%2 i- 31 AIN FLOOR w Pay for your Subscription today. HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED YET 'The fact that so mangy eat here day after day and week after 'week is evidence of the unceasing excellence of the meals that we serve A rcade C oetria Upstairs, Nickelds Arcade i cr hi C - s. .e ,, l , M t -e ?VVv,'u. 'i' comeUtine 11tor discovers that none of us ever read lberor of Germany with wages a his paper and ba'wls us out for it- little more than half of his eastern CAMPUS OPINION and Ramsay calls it a victory. . neighbor, $4,500,000. Five monarchs Anonymous 'nmmunications will be le would have been sore if he'd he are shown to have an annual income disregarded. Te mes of omuni-andcouldn't collect hi *ants will. however, he regarded as on iroadcun' clethi well over $1,000,000 and lowest salary, confideumial iwon request. money. * * that of the Duke of Saxe-Altenberg, "** is $200,000. With this impressive list A MEXMORI The technique of light verse, we is contrasted the salary of the Presi- To the Editor: continue, the staff-meeting having dis- dent of the United States, the coal- The great visionS and plans which solved, demands only that a familixar paratively meagre sum of $75,000. If our revered late President had in (humorous idea be taken, that it be the C(lrmuans have anything of frugal- mind for the greater M1ichigan imist dodged for eight lines or so, and that ity in their nature they most certainly not be allowed to die with his body. it be stated in the last line. A very ought to retain the republican form His spirit must keep mnarching on for neat one in the Connimg Tower a few of government ! the benefit of fuitutre generations. days ago illustrated what we mean. While it is difficult for us in Amer- One of the cherished plans that I We are (alas!) unable to' quote ex- ica to understand how any king President Burton had time and again actly, but a lot of ingenious rhymes could be worth so great an out- I voiced was the erection of a carm- to the effect. that. Washington Crossing lay of finds, we might well profit by panile on huron street, on the axis of the Delaware was a familiar picture, their eample. bThe Germans, in even the Mall and facing the (eneral Li- and tat lie was a good little Dela- consdcrmritg a return to the pre-war I brary. It was to be a World War ware-crosser, led up to the statement dynaty, exhibit that naive veneration Memorial bell tower with a fine set of that of royal families which dominates chimes. Flanking it on cit her side "Wasn't it lucky he didn't have even the oppressed peasant classes were to be some of the new buildings To cross 42nd St. and Madison Ave." and iurvives in the American worship of the University. Thus the ensemble * * of tit hid forigners today. Neverthe- I of the Mall would have been beauti- We are not trying to disparage this less tie- are not stingy with their fully complete. piece of light verse. It is a beaner- rulems IThey give them plenty to In memory of our beloved leader, perfect. But you have to adumit that live on a little to spare. It is and by reason of his having laid down the idea is not new' "Lucky to get' ridiculous for the chief executive of his life for us, it would lie a peculiar- across the street alive ha ha" is one the most, werfnl nation of the world I ly fitting tribute on the part of those- of the oldest cracks in the business. to roe e:'.'k 1o than half as much as f classes of' the University which lived We propose to start constructing the rul a, j insignificant European under his administration to contribute them for this department. What's a duchy. the necessary sinus for the purchase good old idea to start with? A line It i-s pernIssible for Germany to of a fine set of I1t1rton Memorial will do - use this country as the shining ex- Chimes to be installed in the future * * * ample omomy in government for tower. We students may not he aible i Limericks are different. You don't purpeseS o ropaganda, but they to erect the whole tower; but certainly know how they're coming out at all. , s e r e f; Y v r : t I Overture to Mozart's "Aarriage iof Figaro" under Victor Kolar, and will be followed by Stavinsky's Piano Con- I certa in which the composer himself will appear as the soloist. In the con- certo be fas departed from all prece- I dent by confining the orchestral ac- companiment to the wind and percus- sion choirs. The second half of the concert will include his setting for the Volga Boat SSong, his short improvisation "Fire- works," which le wrote in celebration of the wedding of Rimsky-Korsakoff'n daughter, his Scherzo Fantastique, and finally the brilliamnt suite from "Petrouchka." Tickets for the concert are priced from $1 to $2.50, and may be ordered either at Grinnell Brothers or the Or- chestra hall box-office. * * * " THE IEDEEMliNG SI N" A review, by Robert IHenderson. There is very little to be said about, this latest picture with Nazimova and Lou Tellegen. Quite simply, it is probably the most convincing film she has ever made, an 1(lier acting, Espe- cially her amazing pantonmimne, places her as one of the immortelles: the movies, surely, have never seen wnch inspired work, and more itmportait- it flatly wipes out the impossible his- appointment of "Madonna of the Streets." You should be worried over yourself if you cannot appreciate its power and beauty. 100 Bathrobes in a Great Sale! Now Only '5 and 6! The biggest feature of high-grade bathrobes Ann Arbor has ever known! These are all exceptionally well made of best materials. Nu- merous patterns and colors to choose from. All are corded. The robes now selling at $6 were formerly priced $10; robes now $5 were formerly $7.50. Get one at an astonishing saving! i No/v's the time to stock up Ivith heaby underyvear at prices far bela/v regular. bery heaby garmenr goes at 1-4 less! - You '11 have lots of uses for lhese flannel shirts that lye 're clearing at such sabings. All now marked at 1-4 less! C' _ 1d Arft i i