1'1DNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, .1x925 TEMICHIG AN DAILY P~J TI OMEN . i _, TD COMDAV New Era Foreseen In India ,INu1 0 EODEIC Clm ing F~otstyishLes1 LIBRAR Y GET S pods which niow are published spr AreNo !EARLY LOINDON It is amr"ost impossible to obtain: R . o are, GAET IE an entire ,At of the paper, but the GAZE TE FLESnew library tile, which was purchased Hubbs Says ____ from Yale universiy and which dates 1 f JtS r J'th *I RM t . J 10. * fairl y complete a i;:nal vefens~e Conference Told ; gunsrnmsi',gu ( 1zty.e Alo Anioncedj s 't'ha Raicals IUndermine By lDeaniKraut-;IV Wr itie f() :1ririici Yfonth j ! -",'ie Subets~ tCOOL.IDGE SPEAKS REGISTRJUE1 "sWa shington, Feb. 24.-The (delegates I ifeen crse s in rhetoric and five fC to the Women's Conference on Na- (--~.in journalism will be offared during S' tional Defense, meeting here, after thvume esinti sering President Calvin Coolidge, . yai * j.-G}en Hanson E. Ely, command- t.iCltosea n reto-I rauwilsnlue.h ant 0of the Armny War College, 11(1Clsss n heot'c il icldeth regkzrfirt and second year rhetoric, Maj.-Gen. Eli A. Ileilick;, inspector-adwilb *general, pledged the aid of their or-narto adepsio, ganization,narto having a membership of taught by Professors A.R Ioris, E. 1,000,000 women, 'to combat the efftecuss1 oftoewowudovernmentwforce. rhetoric will include: Studies in the c Govenmen fore."structure of the modern novel," by Tj Th~ovot folowd aspeeh b Gei.'? j Professor Everett; "Book review.," Tfemlick, who described the attempts 1'i b Professor lallory; "Modern En- e1 of "reds" to undermine the youth of gii rs, yPo.R .Cwe;t sugestion tatArmiobceDa'h f"The lDram a," by Prof. T7 . REanlin c A sugeston tat Amistce Dy be! !"Short story writing," by Prof. F.W l observed throughout the country as j Peterson; "Studies in literary type Ndational Master D~ay, marked by de- ln om, yPoesrPtro;i m tadequtht:h atelyn i s e"The development of the theory of e, pared dqutl to de~fend itself,wa" rhetoric," by Professor Rankin; "Des- t -.Prned~b en . R n his E.- rElycription," and "DIction ad lUsage," byje PeietCoolidge, inIrsadrss' Professor Cowden; "Theory and Prac- tid that "as the nations mnake pro- ice of Versification," by Professor' gress in creating effective tribunals Rankin; "Rhetorical Analysis," by - for peaceful settlement. of interna- Professor 'Everett; and "Arumenta- tional differences they *ill find them"- > tt to, yM.D .Jhsn ,;elves able lo01lessen their military Po.E .BrosadM.X.Ii $es tablishments." h _______M_________vaurer will teach the live courses of- Speaking to the delegates at the- -jfeed in journalism. Professor Bur- ? Tite House, the President mnade no Tow's courses are those in "Elements direct reference to the pending move fir and 1Ill r s hl~t ismelendr'a Sni, w hose wiedding imay mark thle begin- o Junls, ad"esae d f: -~ another arms conference, but did l ning of a new era in India itnwhlMrMaer iltofl take occasion to saytht" country i le ni,-Te aeo"teE ditorial Witing," "Feature Writ- so fowruateinumits loain[walth, ~hn f V i ota lDevi, (aughter Iraces speaking 170 lansguages, and 2,-' '11'' and "Advertisement Writing." .. fotunat..cults ocaste aanur tribeatiadherese sstrongssiy aw ,c n and should set an example (;f' ol. (anapathi Rai, I. M. S., oe : 400 castes andl tribes in Indian. Each',. Reita on frtes m rssin of modeation inii 'ar ''m "'m laishhenanSdII the term will close Aug. 14. Regis- should invite"others to pursue a sim- honoers, to Dr. IlrscedaSl to its religious beliefs and social t inhelwsolwllpn ilrprgam"of Lahore, may mark the beginning tmnyorheaihtaaics.in 1,inthe sesihonlwill oeno A of_____________________c a new era in caste ridden India. ) Jne.127.n ie eso il n i __________________________ On t hisocain for the first time lIAu.27 occasion, ~Berlin, Feb. 24.--In January S. Par__________ ein history, I idus of all castes, creeds -I and poitical beliefs mingled socially !er ilbert, agent-general for repara- A year ago Jamnes T. Lee of Newi T he and ate together in defiance of all tions paymnents, announced he receiv- .York built the Shelton Bachelor Hotel f.caste laws, which forbid such inter- ed 108,317,807.74 gold marks and paidI for $3,500,000. It had all the coveni- C liningli nt% .out 103,575,348.83 in round num bers ence s of the hotel and city clubhousemuI Th b id an gr o n a e ot h gh ( e t B i a n g t 1 ,3 9 4 5 F a c , coi e v o a w r i n f m C redo were solemnized, not by a Brahman, Slovene state, 2,076,762; Portugal,; not proved a success, however, and Ibut by Leut. Col. Bawa Jiwan Singh,{ 724,894; Rumania, 340,714 andl Creece, a psychiatrist has diagnosed its fail- m nedical dirctor of Hlyderabad, whol 684,122. ure to its lack of female.ociety. "The is a(direct descendant of the Ten I ere presence of women is a stimula-j Tlodamy's questilon: Do you thliinkl Guru; or disinles of the founder o l London, Feb. 24.-Arthur Hugh ion," the man of science said. 5o now the American 1 college girlves spends too 'ihim Smith-Barry, first Baron Barrymore,i the Shelton is open to womcen and to ~Wueeased heLirryRoth principals hinite wedding ae is dead at 8". 1-is second wife, whoi families like any other apartment V The answvers : Dorothy Morris, '251 prominent, andl the unusual ceremony ri ve hmwaliabthPot-w--oue $ -"No (10not bliee te Aerianhas calnse&t much comment in both; dow of Arthur Post of New York and - - --"NonatioenondbAngloe-Indian circles. Idaughter of (Gen. Wadsworth ofCen- Don't delay-P ay your Subscrptio colege girl sp~ens to muonhtie~ in i<,eee N. Y. today. -social aitivities. There are many Onyhoepsnswoaefmlr different sides to college life, and I Ir- with the extent of the power castei Bieethat this iis one o01 i othem. oeShe lie,(15 over iz 'he })eophC nteir daily nietsl many (different srso eoe i, airaieteiptaeofIcMEC COFEE 4n collveliet Hlaf-Pound in *and acquires poise and an ability to evnt meet' all sorts of new situations It is said thiat there re footy-five' ws CesHl-on ks Friendships formed in college are one Pimiento or Swiss Chees e, hall-Pound Pkgs of te mst ort whle hings co-I opinion seems to be that she does loge has to offer." flues endl too much timie on social activi-j Sandwich T ti td or l }}D ud Haml Meirodline Case, '27,-"1 think the ties, andl I think this is true. But, 1 6 ILt 1t average American college girl has a women's (coleges must be excludled inI serious purpose in going to colhege, this question to make it possible for'j Sr ~pSrdTtvRls ii ~ P~1 and spends only as much time on s- the answer to be iii the negative in II.IU~ cial activities as she requires to com- taking the average American collesy il1ete her academic education." gil o lg&r cr Thelma Iloose, '25,-"No, the Ame - Esher Anderson, '25,-"1, think per- life with her work to get thve best from girl (d0es spend too much tinie on so- 56 E. Wl11aID Open Eveninlgs each. She enjoys each to the fullest cal activities, but this does not neces-! iliLaImY extent, and because she does, has been sarily mean that she neglects hier well known among people of otheir schoolwork. I think too much social1 countries. Wigtactivity tends to develop a pretty *I * M * * * * 3M M * * * * 3 * * 3 NUaU®UUn Genevieve E.Wih, '25,"hlere at strong and persistent trait of selfish- Michigan the general consensus of ness andl self-centeredness." I PRESENTS IN A I MO -1N- V NOR Tme oayRedeeming * I, inn, InU Marvelous, vivid story of Paris, of life 01m H OE aamong the Apaches, the thieves of the ® shadowy underworld. aS lnll.a.... .. . . 35C, 10C W ER E~AM* Kft Night . ie, 35c, 10c TRIO "49 McDougal St." IMPIIItIAJA (COMED)Y U NEl rAES01P I1LECXIII I( UUON' 11 ti -Soo - ) IVhen1 asked to continent, on the linibing fish found by the University f Iowa expedition in the Fiji Islands, L. Rlubbs, (ciirator of fish of the' oolog~ical rauseuni stated that these urious nimls are by no means ,ae, being quite abundant along the .oast of' Africa and the shores of the As far a s is hnown n~ow, there are 'wo kinds of fish that are addicted to climbing haboit, the climbing perch, bundant in Africa, and '3outhern AsiaI ind another forni called Periophthal- 31s Plotli of these fish spend a great deal f time out of water, sometimes being marooned for several hours by the re- eding tides in rocks and in the sand. the climbing lierchli hs accessory reathing organs to aid it in living uitt of water. While the fish are in Ee loud they are exceedingly hard to atui as they ;,Bill around at a rapid ace. According to NMr. I-ubjbs, the climb- tig fish. are not. to be considered as volving from an aquat.ic to terres- tia I form of an-imim1 but are in a class entirely separate from the so called land1 fishes. A spjecimen of' Periophthalmus has CLTHES FOR THE COLLEGEMA Files of the London Gazette, offic- ial court publication of England, have been acquired recently by the Uni- versity library to fill out the valu- able source material on English his- tory which the library already poss- esses. The London Gazette is of es- pecial importance in the study of En- glish history because it was the only official government paper in earlier days and contains documents and re- been recently acquired by the zoo- logical muiseumn through a former'stu- dent of C. 0. Carlson of the zoology department. The only other set in Ann Arbor is one owned by the William L. Cle- ment's library dating from 1765 to 1785. The library's collection of source documents in English history is considered the finest in the wester'i part of the country- and this la, acquisition will P, materially ft value. IDes Moines, Ia., Feb. 24.-The &~p- pointment of James P. Barton, of F ort Dodge,/Ia., as national adjutant of the American Legion, was announced here last night by National Comman- der James A. Drain. F I tip " ' _ 1 f \ J f lJ 1 -1 The SACK SUI'T (Tweo and three button)~ CUjTwith that conserv demand, anid tailored in ap- propriate, rich patterns that stamp them as dis- tinctive. $3250 to $42 50 NAT LUXENBERG &' BROS. 841 BROADwAY, NEW Yo.uc Nest oWa ingCatmpuzs ootery . SI- . stae Street March 12 and 13 Our style tmemno. book sent free on request I o. Z. CO. Th cksher Building, New York City Warren & Wetmore, Architects Architecture-Today and Tomorrow STI-IE great buildings of today, designed in masses which rear rug- Iged, mounting profiles into the sky, foretell even greater and more massive structures for the next half century. Always a close co- ordina. ion of architecture and engineering, of design and construc- tin, ih,:: rchitecture of the future will find architect and engineer working ever more closely together. Certainly modern invention-modern engineering skill arid organi- zation, will prove more than equal to the demands of the architecture of the future. 0T IS LEL EVA T OR C OM PAN'Y Offices in all Principal Cities of the World a ...r ... r SCRENSUPREMACY SIGNIFICANT SCREENIN ITS MEANING M: LAST TIMES TODAY I 3tatuhee, 2 :0-i3:30 Evening, 7:40-8:30 The Splendid Pictu rization of JK. McDonald's original story Featuring EUGENE O'CRIEN - MAE 0d .T DI YQ~a Ai I n t. aLlri i And All Star -Cast -In Addtion- "The Sea Squawk" i TOMORROW from the Noveli "DRd. N Y E" by J., C. Lincoln ' Featuring DORIS K NYON and All Stir Cast STARTING SUNDAY By the creator of THE TEN COMMANDMENTS and adopted from WALLACE IRWINS story in the Pictorial Review That Sensationalized America I Nothing but.- / Stars in/ (F' /! 'the iden p 60! Bed' LECItI B W, 10,.Mk WAT 7-71AV. ,N