PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEI)NES DAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1925 NUTRITION EXPERT Moscow Worried TE RO By ew Union U WTO [ECTURE T InBaltic ON SUSPET LIST % C. Sherman Will Speak in Chemlcal j elsingfor3, Finland.--While the re- New Mexleo Senator Latest to Draw Aniphlitheatre at 4:15 and cent conference of foreign ministers Attention of Department 70:30 O'clock of Baltic states held in this city did of Justke not effect a Baltic entente, or Baltic__ IS NOTED GH MIST union, and did not result in any for- PLEADS iNNOCENCE uial alliance designed to protect bor- dr states from Bolshevist aggression, Prof. H.. C. Sherman, one of the there were many evidences that the Washington, Feb. 24.-The name of most noted figures in the field of nu- states which grew out of the dissoli- Senator Holm O. Bnirsum, Republican, trition and the head of the chemistry ion of the Russian Empire are gradu- New Mexico was added yesterday to l department at Columbia university, ally coining much closer together. the list of United States senators un- will give two lectures today at the Cae was taken by the foreitgn min- der investigation by the Department chemical amphitheatre. The first of irters to make it clear they were not of Justice in connection with charges these, "The Vitamins in Life and Heal- creating an anti-Soviet bloc, and were of improper use of influence before th," will be delivered at 4:15, and not agitating against the Moscow gov- Federal government agencies. the second, "Enzymes and Vitamins ern-.ent, but were deeply interested in Senator Burton K. Wheeler, Demo- from the Chemical point of View," at means to prevent Communist agita- crat, Montana, already is under indict- 7:30 o'clock. tion and disturbances within their ment in his home state on a charge Professor Sherman has received na- own borders. Count Skrzynski, the of accepting a fee for practicing be- tional recognition for his work on Polish minister for foreign affairs, in fore a Goveirnment department, and vitamins and has written a most au- defining Polish policy toward Russia I the Justice Department made it known thorativ ,book on this subject. Others said: "I make a distinction between Saturday that it was investigating a of his most note* writings are "Meth- the policy of the Russian Soviet gov- similar accusation against Senator ods of Organic Analysis," "Chemistry ernment and the policy of the Third Selden P. Spencer, Republican, Mis- of Food and Nutritions," and "Food Internationale. We must battle sourI. Products." against the bellicose propaganda of Both Senators Bursum and Spencer In 1917 he was a member of the the communism of the Third Inter- denied that they had violated any Fed- American Red Cross mission to Rus- nationale, but it is not necessary to eral statutes in connection with ap- sia. At present he is chairman of the create an anti-Bolshevist bloc. On pearances before any Government subcommittee on human nutrition of the contrary we Poles wish to find a agencies and said they would wel- the National Research council and means of getting along with the Sov- come the most thorough inquiries. chairman of the committee on nutri- iet government, and of cooperation I tional problems of the American Pub- with it." lic Health association. But while the Baltic states confer- The speaker is coming here after ence was on in Eelsinfors the SovietI an extended trip of the west during authorities in Leningrad arranged an Which he gave lectures at Iowa, Illh- atiBati dmNsraEo w9c1Ks nois and_ Ohio State universities. He anti-Baltic demonstration which was Fsivtdt pa nAnAbrb ietdaantteHlifr et was invite to speak innnrbor directed against the Helsinfors meet- _c_ the University of Michigan section of ing, and the Bolshevist press denouc Dr. George A. May, of the physical n the American Chemical society. ed th e g n the totht gt *dtn department, will deliver the 1 was. directed against the Soviet. gov- first freshman hygee'etueoft i Both of Professor Sherman's lec- hygiene lecture of tlis tures are to be illustrated. They will enment g semester tomorrow and Friday after- o An arbitration agreement, following be of especial interest to students of h noons in Waterman gymnasium dur- 'p eofthe lines of the League of Nations in{{erglrgmnsu ~rol. chemistry, medicine, dentistry, public protocol, was actually agreed upon ing the regular gymnasium periods. health, and nursing. four states Poland, Esthonia, Lat- The lecture will embody such phases via and Finland, represented of health instruction as adequate ven- }t vi'n ilnd ersne in theti Paris, Feb. 24.-Adjt. Florentin Bon- conference, and there were a number tilation, proper foods, and the con- t net, wor's airplane speed rec of agreements concerning transporta- stant danger of poisonous foods, alongia net agoeementairplaneinspeednrecord-with the necessary precautions. 112 holder with an average of 278 miles tion facilities and the simplification D M a th at hiscobjecn. h an hour over a three-kilometer course, o asotomlte.Teqe- Dr. May stated that his object in a an ourove a hre-klomtercouse of passport. formalities. The clues- these lectures was to stress the prac- c, has been awarded the prize of 25,000 tion of disarmament was postponed thes lue of h e rer tha e francs donated by Frank P. Lahm, until the next session of the*League ica value of hygiene, raher than to e Americatn aeronaut, for the person of Nations in March, explain !any new particulars alongi s who turned in the most interesting performance of aerial locomotion in London, Feb. 24.-Sir Thomas Clif- the year. + ford Allbutt, famous physician and physicist and inventor of the short Boulogne, France, Feb. 24.-Arturo clinical thermometer, is dead. Allesandri, president of Chile, has WeS 4 sailed for home on the steamer An- Pay for your Subscription today. tonio Delfino. -- - ___________"__Tm r 'r " D. S. C. Medal Given Senator Esta For"Deed In War With Spain U UNIQUE GIFTS It is not the thing given-but it's the sentiments and feelings attached to a gift that counts. Come in and let us aid you. Darling and Malleaux 224 South State St. r : :' ' 'C ,. .i Rice W. Means, new senator from Colorado, is being congratulated by olleagues on his decoration with "the Distinguished Service Cross. The medal was awarded somewhat belatedly for extraordinary heroism in the attle of Manila, Aug. 13, 1398, when Means, then a lieutenant, risked his ife in making a reconnaisance of the enemy's lines. Ile also served verseas in the world war. The secretary of war, John W. Weeks, is seen inning on the medal in the presence of Mrs. Means. A new light tan shoe in Scotch Grain for Spring t ypifies the true quality and distinctiveness in Ruby's 10O00 to13.50 hat line. "Every freshman knows hese health laws," he said. "What I am trying to do is to, convey to the underclassmen the vast importance of pplying these few rules, for -it is arelessness, not ignorance, that caus- s the majority of illnesses among the tudents. 'I BLUE-BLACK = - -the kind you will use in business f UOTMN EH~f All Sizes and B 5 eac~ 1 Cotors .Jtfied ,"J RuBY Inc. ftisfy! \T Y 4 t' BENEFITS OF DANCE INSTITUTE It will benefit University wo- men to come in contact with Miss Elizabeth Burchenal, who is an authority upon the sub- ject of folk dancing, having studied the European and Amer- ican dances at first hand for sev- years and published more than six books on the subject. The material given will bef valuable to prospective direc- tors of recreation in summer camps, schools industries, set- tlement houses or other social organizations. Juniors and seniors who have to make up required work in physical educations may substi- tute this course for one regular season. All students who take this five-day course will be ex- cused from gymnasium classes during the week of Feb. 24. Tickets for the course are now on sale in Barbour gym- nasium at $2.50 each. Cha ring Coss Justone ofmany! iThe others ar fully as desirabi - foot- wear for any requirement#any occasion, &reasonably priced. You ar cordially invited to come and look 'em overt On Dilay BY Mr. C. P. Lathrop at Cartler's 306 South State St. - Feb. 26-27-28 n.5 oes ;0CORPOP.ATSD j.' RB.EG. L.PAT. OPT stores in New vYork,Erool"y, Newark and Philadeolp hia Address for Mal Orders, I gi liudson sb, New, York City iL U 11r L LUNCH ROOM 338 Maynard For Real Fountain Pen Satisfaction, Use FOUNTAIN PEN INK "The Ink that Made the Fountain Pen Possible" 12 Nickels Arcade C HI(A(iO ANN ARBOR D)ETROIT -I Don't Borrow-Subscribe Today. .,... Naomi= c C'ยง"s @.O ............... 1 L P UT iin in0u rrlr wrr I to work. Let it take you Abroad and back New Tourist Third Cabin College Specials -Entire Third Cabia accommodation reserved exclusively for stu- dents, educators and congenial people. Neat, comfortable staterooms. Good table and service. Broad decks for games and lounging. Commodious, well-appointed public rooms. Seven sailings between June 18 and July 3 from New York, Boston and Montreal to England, France and Belgium, with direct connection for all other European countries. Other sailings earlier and later. Complete choice of dates for departure and return. These, and other great ships to choose from: I MOTOR HPATRONS Effective Wednesday, February 25 many changes will be made in our operation. Among these special attention is called to the following: 1-Burns Park-Depot coaches will also serve the Hos- pitals and terminate at Washington Heights. 2-Coaches on this route will give 15 minute service. 3-Packard-Broadway coaches will continue out Main St. to Summit, than to Broadway, extending their service to Cedar Bend Drive. 4-Coaches will be withdrawn from the South Main St.-Hoover operation. 5-Service will be established on South State St. to Granger in order to care for activities at Ferry Field and Yost Field House. 6-Coaches will operate from Geddes terminal to the Miller Loop; from the Miller Loop to South State and Granger; from South State and Granger to the Liberty terminals; from the Liberty Terminals to Geddes. 7-The southerly terminal of the Packard Huron will be on Brooklyn on Baldwin instead of the Morton- Granger loop. ti- I he new arrangement givesadionlsrcetth T '~w I W ~IEI II pr I al an to t~th 1 al so m Cl Ia ji IN'3da Vt eritingease and legibiliy he Wahl Pen was designed for writing ease and legibility. It is a erfected, modern writing instrument vhich will aid you in acquiring a ractical hand, a readable expression f your thoughts, All metal construction-gold or ilver for permanence and service- bility--gives light weight, fine bal- nce, increased ink capacity strength D resist wear and abuse. And brings he designer opportunity to produce pen matching the beauty ofa hand- omely cased watch. Prices in gold filled or silver nodels $5 to $10. Made in the U.S. A. by THE WAHL COMPANY, Chicago rnadian Falory: THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd., Toronto Manufaaurers of the WahlEversharp and the Wahl .dl.-Metal Fountain Pen Eversharp is made in designs matching Vahl Pen 11 This advertisement is appearing in: Yale Daily News Californian Michigan Daily Cornell Sun Vassar News and in other lead- ing college publi- cations throughout the country. MAJESTIC (world's Largest Sher HOMERIC (The Ship of SPlendor) BELGENLAND PITTSBURGH Round Trip Rates, $155-$175 according to steamer The ine MINNEKAHDA 17,220 ton lier Only ship'devoted exclusively to Tourist Third Cabin. No oather passengers carrie. You have free run of all decks. 8-Te new arrangement gives additional service to the University Campus from all points of the city. A~~~~~~~ C% -, IIS - UI I i Is I1 a 5