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February 25, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-25

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4:3 at I




VOL. XXXV. No. 107





. 1

Wainwright Announces That Sub,
committees Will Discuss Air
Defense Soon
Washington, Feb. 24.-(By A. P.)-
After debating the matter in two ex-
ecutive sessions the louse aircraft
committee today voted 5-1 to reopen
the aircraft investigations which it
abruptly terminated Saturday.
Members said an apparent lack of
funds caused the termination of the
inquiry but that an audit of the con-,
mittee's accounts showed sufficient
money remaining to complete the
work that had been mapped out for
the few days remaining before the ad-
journment of Congress March 4.
Coincident with the committee's ac-
tion today, Representative Wainwright
of New York, a Republican memberI
of the house military affairs com-
mittee, announced that sub-commit-
tees of the military and naval affairs
committee expected to meet in joint
session early in the next Congress toI
discuss the national air defense. I
Mr. Wainwright, a former assistant
secretary of war, as chairman of a
special aeronautic sub-committee of
the military committee, and Repre-}
sentative' Swing, Republican, Califor-[
nia, chairman of a similar naval sub-
committee, decided at a recent confer-
ence to postpone any action until af-

Cross Claims Next Great War
With Its Use Of Deadly Arms
Would Not End Civilization
Points to History as Evidence That One Civilization, Replaces Another;
Calls Idea of Extermination "Hysterical
State ment"

To say that the neit great war will
end civilization is a hysterical state-
ment, in the opinion of Prof. Arthur
L. Cross of the English history depart-
ment. "It is hard for one to conceive
the extermination of civilization bas-
ing reason on past history and com-
mon sense," he stated.
Professor Cross ekpressed the belief
that if the people of the present civil-
ization were to engage in a great war
which ultimately brought those en-
gaged to the realization that they
were working their own extermina-
tion, some means of settlement would
be reached. Civilization would notf
view its own destruction without de-
vising some way to avert the calamity.
"In contemplating this question
there are many facts and worthy sup-
positions to be taken into considera-
tion. Although many fanatics are
continually 'saying that the deadly
weapons available for another war
would lead to the end of civilization,

there is much reason to believe that
the same ingenious minds that devised
forms of destructive weapons would
also find means of combatting their
extreme dangers. Then too, many be-
lieve that the horrors from airplanes,
gasses, liquid fire, and other instru-
ments of present day warfare are
greatly over exaggerated.
"A study of history reveals the fact
that many civilizations have fallen
only to be replaced by new ones. For
instance, if the white peoples of the!
world were to engage in a great w'ar
which led to their complete extermi-
nation, there is reason for belief that
a new civilization would spring up.
The extinction of the white races
would naturally lead to an expansion
and through time a greater civiliza-
tion among the yellow races of the!
globe. Consequently the statement
that the next great war will result in
the almost complete annihilation ofj
civilization is not viewed with great!
alarm by thinking men."


Stuart Perry, Vice President of
American Press Association,
Defines Americanism

ter members had been given a'n oppor- Stuart Perry, vice. president of the
tunity to study the report of the pres- j American Press association, in his ad-
ent aircraft committee. dress at the first annual Americaniza-
Mr. Wainwright said today that if a s
thorough survey of the problems of' tion banquet of the American Legion
the air defense was found advisable held last evening at the Chamber of
the matter might be taken up jointly Commerce Inn stressed the point that
by the two House sub-committees and Americans have a moral right to pre
sub-committees of the Senate military, serve this country for a future, closely
and naval committees. knit race whose 'character will rest
Mr. Swing also pointed out today with our own present efforts.
that the question of creating a unified I The 34 foreign born citizens who
air service undoubtedly would bE were admitted at the October and
brought up in the next Congress as it February terms of the district court
was practically certain that the Curry were guests at the dinner, and were
bill designed to bring this about welcomed into citizenship by Judge
would be introduced in the new Con- George Sample, of the circuit court.
gress. Judge Sample called attention to thej
_responsibilities involved in becoming
GGAmerican citizens, and traced the
work of Americanization as it is being
carried on, especially in the Ann Ar
bor night schools.
Rosoce O. Bonisteel, commander of
P LACE AT C IAG the local postof the Legion, acted as
toastmaster and introduced Ferdinand
N. Menefee, of the engineering depart-
Michigan Takes Second in Western j ment and past commander of the post,
hit ercolleglate Contest who told of theannual custom of
Monday Night warding citations to citizens who
have distinguished themselves in civic
Michigan's Glee club returned from service during the year. Awards made

Medical Professor Presents Second,
Alpha Omega Alpha Lecture
At 7:30 O'clock
Prof. Frederick A. Coller of the sur-
gical department in the medicalschool
will give the second lecture on the
Alpha Omega Alpha course of talks
on medical history at 7:30 o'clock to-
night at the west amphitheatre of the
medical building. Professor Coller
will speak on "Surgery of the DarkI
Ages." His speech will be illustrated
with a large number of slides. Dean
Hugh Cabot of the medical school
gave the first lecture on this course
about a month ago.
Professor Coller has been a student
in the field of medical history for
years and has given many lectures on
this subject on the campus.
Alpha Omega Alpha inaugurated
this series of talks to satisfy the de- !
sire of medical students who wished
to gain information about medical his-
tory. While the course was institut-
ed primarily for medical students, the
speech tonight will be of interest to
other students and the general public.

Opposition to the Nomination of Mich-
igan Man as Attorney General
Washington, Feb. 24.-(By A.P.)-
The Senate judiciary committee or-
dered a favorable report today on the
nomination of Charles B. Warren of
Michigan to be attorney general but
administration leaders said tonight
that because of the congested legisla-
tive calendar,' they were undecided
whether they would press for confirm-
ation at this session.
The vote in the committee was 9-
with 7 Republicans and 2 Democrats,
casting their ballot in favor of a re-
port to the Senate and 3 Democrats
and 2 Republicans voting against a
favorable report. One senator with-
held his vote and another was absent.
Reiterating their expressions of con-
fidence that Mr. Warren's nomination
would be confirmed by the Senate,
leaders pointed to the vote in the com-
mittee as indicative of the extent to
which opposition to the nomination
has diminished.
Senator Butlers who is a close
friend of President Coolidge, is to have
charge of the nomination on the floor
of the Senate. The committee's re-
port will be made probably tomorrow
and under the rules it then must go ,
over for a day before action can be
Dr. William Pickens, field secretary
of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People and
one of the few negro members of Phi
Beta Kappa will speak before the
Round Table ,club at 7:30 o'clock
Thursday night at the Union.
Dr.sPickens is the recognized negro
authority on race conditions in the
south, and his books are used as col-
lateral reading for many courses in
sociology. Among his best known
works are "The Negro in the Light of
the Great War," "Fifty Years of Eman-
cipation," "Abraham Lincoln, and a
new book entitled "Bursting Bonds"
which is creating much discussion.
Heis a graduate of Yale university
and has been a member of the facul-
eties of a number of negroruniversities
besides being dean of Morgan college.
1Ai0nnnr i TO l1tIUIODV

"Johns Hopkins in its proposed
change to a higher college is initiat-
ing progressive, practical measures
for correcting two evils characteristic
of American- universities, Prof.
Charles Vibbert of the philosophy de-
partment declared yesterday "Those
evils are first, the overpopulation of
the college community, and second,
the rapidly mounting cost of state
Announcement of the plan to devote
instructional efforts to subjects now
included in the last half of the cur-
riculum and in ,graduate studies, was
made by Dr Frank J. Goodnow on
Monday. The course of study would
be extended, it is planned, and ad-1
vanced degrees given.
"Selection of students really inter-
ested in intellectual ideals would be
the first accomplishment of any such
system; by so avowed and evident a
means it could be accomplished effec-
tively," Professor Vibbert said. "Our
colleges have been giving really ele-
mentary work during the first twol
years, so that it will be fairer both to

Vibbert Sees Riddance Of Two
Evils Of American University
By Use Of Hopkins New Plan
"Overpopulation of College Communities and Rapidly Mounting Cost of
State Education Would be D one Away with by Practical
Progressive System"


JFAX VIFT .i IX Z VT zi .4'VLiLi.N_




Retiring Ambassador to Great
ain Refnses to Tell
k New Policies



Siegbahn Discusses "The
Measurement of Wave

New York, Feb. 24. (By A. P.).-
Frank B. Kellogg, retiring ambassa-
dor to Great Britain, who becomes
secretary of state on March 4, return-'
ed 'on the Beringaria late today.
Mr,. Kellogg declined to discuss or
forecast his policy as secretary but
did assert -he was bringing back no.
plans for a limitation of armaments.
Asked to indicate whether' his official
attitude towards Russia would be aim-
j ilar to that of Secretary Hughes he
"I do not care to discuss that ques-
tion at all. So far as our government
is concerned that is in the hands of.
the administration."
Mr. Kellogg said that In the last
year Europe had "taken a great step
"The Dawes plan," he continued,
"has had much, to do with the stabili-
zation of the currency of Europe. Ger-
many is now on a gold basis. Eng-
land soon will be. South Africa goes
on a gold basis on July 1 and many
of the smaller countries of Europe
are approaching the gold standard.
"There is nothing of greater im-
portance to the American people than
that Europe and, in fact, all the world,
should go back to the gold basis for
single standard. Nothing could do
more to promote commerce and indus-
try. Everything is tending that way.
Fluctuating currency makes it impos-
sible to carry on commerce and trade,
and as we have always been on a
gold standard it is good to have the
world on that basis."
Vienna, Feb. 24.-Helmuth Neu-
mann, director of the Woellersdorf
factory, Austria's principal munitions'
plant during the war, has been ar-
rested, charged with wasting material
llnorl f ammif 4oAW1 bill in

them and to their students that this
l6ad be shifted to secondary schools
and junior and city colleges. Expense
may thus be spared the young person
who wishes to go into business or to
enter a professional school after re-
ceiving only an educational back-
Methods of bringing some selective
agency to bear upon men and women
entering American higher institutions
has often been discussed by commit-
tees of the American association of
university professors. The education-
al congress held here during the in-
auguration of the late Pres. M. L.
Burton considered the question
If the Johns Hopkins plan is widely
adopted as it may be after sufficient
trial, educational opportunity may re-
main on a democratic basis by the
maintenance of fees at the present
level while leadership may be culti-
vated by the selection of worthy stu-
dents, Professor Vibbert thinks. So-
cial activities, ednd especially ath-
letics, he said w-ould suffere a severe
decline and emphasis would tend to
educational matters.


Prof. Manne Siegbahn, of the phy-
sics department of the University of,
Upsala, Sweden, gave his last lecture
at the University yesterday. He spoke
on "The Exact Measurement of X-ray
Wave Lengths." Professor Siegbahn
will leave soon for New York where
he is to lecture to the American
Physical society,- which meets at Co-
lumbia university the latter part of I
this week.
. In his lecture yesterday Professor
Siegbahn illustrated by lantern slides,
the types of spectroscopes used in
measuring X-ray wave lengths and
also tables showing wave-length
measurements. He stated that the
progress in measuring X-ray wave
lengths in the past ten years has
equaled the progress made in measur-
ing ordinary light rays during the
past hundred years. Professor Sieg-
bahn himself, has contributed largely
towards this rapid progress.
Wave-length measurements are nowI
calculated by the use of different me-
tallic crystals which are used as re-
fectors. The rays reflect off the cry-
stal and measurementS are made from
the spectrum resulting therefrom. Ac-
cording to Professor Siegbahn, how-
ever, not all metals can be used in
measuring every wave-length, since
the different metals have been found
applicable to only a few wave lengths.
While speaking of the practical
value of these exact measurements
Professor Siegbahn stated that thef
rays show certain electronic actions
around the atoms of elements, and in
this respect are just as valuable to
science as are the exact computations
1 of the atomic-weighs of the elements.
The practical importance of these
measurements liesin the fact that X-
rays are instrumental in bringing out
the characteristics -of electrons, a
theory which is at present one of the
mnst imnnrtant in the science of

Asserts Radio Has Changed Arctic
Work Completely; Was "Daily
Paper" on Trip
"My Winter in North Greenland,"
was, presented by Capt. Donald B.
MacMillan, noted explorer, who spoke
last night in Hill auditorium on the
Oratorical association program. The
talk was supplemented by four reels
of film, photographed on his recent
expedition to the northern Arctic re-
Captain MacMillan explained the ob-
jects of his trips which were primar-
ily for scientific research. "The object
of the expedition was the study of
terrestrial magnetism and the cause
of the northern lights." With refer-
ence to the latter, Captain MacMillan
declared that "The northern lights
are the most wonderful phenomena of
all nature; they are something which
cannot be explained nor understood."
An important duty performed by
the MacMillan expedition was the
placing of a bronze tablet on a bould-
er marking, the spot where 19 mem-
bers of the Greely party,, engaged in
government experimentation, met dis-
aster. Food left by the party 30 years
ago was still preserved to the extent
that it was edible, it was stated.
In commenting upon the possibili-
ties of the radio, one of which had
been installed in the Bowdoin, his 89
foot ship, Captain MacMillan declared
that "Radio has changed Arctic work
completely. There is not merely ev-
erything going out but something com-
ing in. The radio was our only means
of communication and comprised our
daily paper."
The pictures, visualizing the en-
tire 15 months sojourn in the Arctic,
traced the course of the little Bow-
doin from its wharf at Wiscasset,
Maine, where it departed June 23,
1923, through the ice fields past Labra-
dor to points in north Greenland. At
a point 11 degrees from the North
Pole the ship was pictured frozen
solid in Winton harbor where it was
forced to remain over a period of 330
In conjunction with his pictures of
the polar eskimo, several of whom ac-
companied his expeditions, Captain
MacMillan stated that "they are an
intelligent people at the height of
their, civilization." The explorer fur-.
ther declared that "disease is practi-
cally unknown in the north and the
polar eskimos are both mentally and
physically alert."
Arkansas Representatives File Views
as Mcmbers of Commerce
Washington, Feb. 24.-(By A.P.)-
Asserting that the inter-state com-
mission was hopelessly divided on the
proposal for revocation of the 50 per
cent. pullman surcharge, Represpnta-
tive Barkley, Kentucky and Parks, of
Arkansas, Democrats, today filed min-
ority views as members of the House
commerce committee favoring legisla-

Chicago yesterday after taking second,
place in the Intercollegiate Glee club.
contest, which was held Monday night
in Orchestra hall. Of the 14 clubs
competing, Wisconsin was considered
best by the three judges, and was
granted 246 points, while Michigan
was placed next with 242 points, and1
Grinell third with 236 points. The
judges based their decisions on qual-
ity of pitch and tone, interpretation,
enunciation and similar traits. By
failing to take first place Michigan lost
her chance to represent the West in
the Eastern Intercollegiate contest to
be held in New York City sometime in
The whole contest was completed
in one evening, each club singing one
song of its own choice as well as'
the contest song, "Come Again, Sweet
Love," before the intermission, and
later one of its school songs. The
Michigan Glee club chose "The Cos-
sack," by Moniuszko and "LaudesI
Atque Carmina," by Stanley to pre-
sent in addition to the contest song.,
Reno, Nov., Feb. 24.-Gov Serug-
ham yesterday signed the act repeal-
ing the Nevada inheritance tax law.
~ -- - I
-predicts an inclement day.
monn a ingt. the nurchaser and1

last evening went to Miss Francesu rri 11'iLL 1iVU llIVLI' lull I
Thorpe, a former nurse, and George Cassel, Germany-Can an arrested
Lutz who retired last year after 15 person be compelled to submit to
years of service on the city council. transportation by airplane to the city U OR I NUUU
"Obedience to law, an interest in in which he is alleged to have com- ObIfNTALtMANUSCRIPTS
public affairs, and education are the mitted a felony or crime? d-Po .Wrelfrel f
three most important factors for a This question is exciting lively dis- Prof. W. H. Worrell, formerly of
new citizen to remember," said Mr., cussion in legal circles since the ar- Columbia University and Hartford
Perry. "And education is especially rrest in this city by the Berlin crim- Theological Seminary, has been se-
vital. Get all the education you can. inal police of Geheimrat Hellwig, who cured by the University library to
There is no other country where edu- was wanted in connection with the inventory the valuable collection of
cation counts for so much as is so I scandals connected with the Prussian oriental manuscripts which the Uni-
easy to get as in the United States." state bank. An airplane was dispatch- versity recently received as a gift.
Our greatest national problem, ac- ed from Berlin to Cassel and he was The collection numbers several hun-
cording to Mr. Perry, is whether or taken back to the capital by the air dred volumes and was at one time
not we shall let down the bars and ad- route. This ,is the first time in Euro- part of the imperial library of Sul-
mit other peoples to the country or;. pean police history that a prisoner tan Abdul Hamid. It was to have been
keep it for Americans. In giving his was thus transported. -Ipurchased by the late Pierpont Mor-
answer that we have a real right to Opinion is decidedly divided. It all gan, but on his death it was brought
pursue the latter course, Mr. Perry I depends upon how safe the air route to this country by the donor who pre-
called attention to the fact that the is regarded. There is no provision in sented it to the University with the
country is over half developed as re- ; the German law by which an arrested stipulation that his name remain un-
gards resources, and it not capable of ; person can be compelled to expose known.
as great development as is generally himself to danger. Those who hold The manuscripts form one of the
thought, especially in the West. transportation by airplane illegal in- most unusual collections in the li-
sist that it has not yet attained the brary, and the careful listing by Pro-
D UBFT TPA SA GE degree of safety of the steam railway i fessor Worrell, who is an authority
yl[jor the automobile. Defenders of the on Oriental languages, will add to
OF UNDER W OOD air route deny the alleged lack of their value in research.
CI7 A + T7 safety and insist that in the interests
SHOA LS B I L L of speedy justice the air route is do- TAICK CO-%R UPT
R ~~~~cidedly to be preferred. Cll1LVll
Washington, Feb. 24.- Iloue and cfPRACTICE BILL
Senate conferees on the Underwood IITTnfr'nlnr Tnl n11lTi itr i rn AT A D T n V DT




Muscle Shoals leasing bill said frank-1
ly today that they were doubtful that
the measure could be adopted at this
session of Congress. They expect to

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I tV H ."! IV / (1nim i

i C~nn , to antheri !a-reemen~flft Aon t~ihill


tomorrow, but as less than six work-
ing days will then remain of the ses-
sion they are convinced that even a I
small number of opponents could block
Senate action.
In the three hour session today, the
conferees began the task of eliminat-I
ing from the bill the matter which

I\ III I b[. IVU UU ILHIL '' " ^^~.. ^'^'''
Washington, Feb. 24.-The agree-
ment to retain the Walsh corrupt
T HN Epractices amendient as a rider to a
Carlyle Kittredge, '97E, Chief En- postal pay and rate increase bill was
gineer of the Michigan Bell Telephone reached today by House and SenateI
company, will lecture on "General conferees. -
Outline of Telephone Engineering" at The amendment, which limits the
11 o'clock this morning in Room 248 amount of expenditures in Senatorial
west Engineering building. Mr. Kitt- ahd Congressional campaigns and pro-
redge's lecture is the first of a series vides for periodic reports by all elec-
of twelve covering various phases of tion committees, congressional, state,
the telephone business to be given and national, recently was endorsed'
by officials of the Michigan Bell Tele- by the Borah campaignfund investi-
n en- -Iav iiri +ne semester iating committee.


alleged to amount to onuu 0JIJ IkA4'J4. 4.oUD pL4.ia LM. 4.4
crowns. physics. ;tion for its elimination.
crons. hy cs-.The committee, which voted redent-
CS ly overwhelmingly to 'report unfavor-
"himes 'Winter' Issue Treats ably on a surcharge elimination pro-
tposal, was declared in the minority
report to have held hearings so that
V rey O Tlthemajority report "might influence
Educational, ocial rblm
E members of the House to vote against
theSenate amendment," having- the
Treating a multitude of subjects, In this February issue Chimes has same object attached as a rider to the
from educational problems to social also incorporated a story by Norma independent offices appropriation bill.
an reiiute"Wne.ubr "We object to the imposition of this
ofand Chreligious, wilth appear onWinter Number- Bicknell, '26, on "Building 'Castles in extra charge upon the traveling pub-
pus today. Some of the topicsadis- Spain'." In this the writer, who is lice and favor its removal," the re-
cussed are: European education, col- general chairman of the entire pro- port continued. "The largest portion
loge athletics, Junior Girls' play, re-; duction of the Junior Girls' play of of this surcharge revenue is received
ligon, gentlemenG the Union, the Glee!I the above name, describes the work I by roads that are being paid under
club, collegehumor, the student who and problems encountered, f contract with the Pullman company
works, and many others of common An anonymous communication, "The 0dalng their cars and a very con-
interest. 'Disappearance of the Getean)sdeal ortion of this surcharge
inteest Dispperanc oftheGentleman, Irevenue is being received by roads
Among the headliners in the issue come from a student who deplores thetheve eabingme handthy rads
are studies in "Religion at Michigan" present tendency in the matter and that ar earnd re tan."
f- '- "~ - - - '-''---- return fixed under the law."

an How the University Transforms
Students." The latter is an article by
Prof. C. O. Davis of the School of Ed-
ucation in. which he analyzes the re-
sults of an investigation conducted
here among students to determine the

confesses an admiration for that
nearly extinct social phenomenon."
Humor has also been incorporated
in this number, a cartoon on "Col-
lege as the Average Citizen Believes
and As It Is," and a bit entitled "Mich-

Mexico City, Feb. 24.-Negotiations
are proceeding between the United
States and Mexico with the object of
reaching a working agreement in
.wich the two countries will co-oper-

the Senate held had been inserted in
contravention of the authority of the
t m - -.- - - nd r ( n r-l

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