~ITEDAYFEI3UARY24, ~2~THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGESA f r: ..._ . COLMN LASCOLUN 0CLOSE'S AmCLOS(S AT 3 P.M . ADVERTISING AT3PM News From 0 )thaer Colleges f views f { f 7 come "just another big university." h omies. Thei new building will raise ne s,, men who come to 11 arvard every the number of hospital beds from li11 ar0nffrpstin ogrdae Norman, Okla.-Dice to an increase to 1 50. iron tae Business school. of 350 per cent in five years in the - number of studlents taking physics, Lawrence, 1Kan.--Deane A1. NMaiott Mont real, Can.--- "Capital punish- the University of Oklahoma has mov- 1 of I larvard a iivc,,sity, , ' a it. the mient is not; effective." rsai(I Thomas ed its physics department to large(r! University of Kana-.er ieIa. Joit Osboil ne in an interview h~ere. q tiait CI.~gneat future in business edlucat ion. lie t\VI-: is needed is a certainty o.° pun-, mentioned the great number of busi- islnient ." I NOTICE i Norman, Ohla.--Fvaternity ple dv"'s Loughmnan, c x-co vict:,, gave his at 'the Univers if of Okla homa are onr crine h ei-r recently. malting mn isco t 1 ( rv ( ies c 'n (, "hel i 3 WAY rE t TRY OUR Hot Toasted Sandwiche. WA, tKI> -Three stadents for selling They are delicious. Arbor Fo11- =. (AO bouse toolhouse campaign (lir- tain. inns 1\A a rel and April. Part time _____---___------_____-__- ;work. Edal il's Rexall Drug Store. EXPERT WATCI I REPAIR ING F L(IM, S. Main wSt. Arnold State ;Street Jeweller 302 South State PHONE 866j For Typewriter Repairing (All makes) Dealer in Woodstock typewriters,, Sundstrand and Portable Adding machines. Ann Arbor Typewriter Exeliai nge REFINED MIDLE aged Ann Ar hur lady desires lady companion to t our England, Holland, Fran~ce, etc. this June and .July. Eire expense:; F }less than $5001. Write box G7. Michigan Deily, for interview. ! GWN'TE!) A college girl who can riew((ll is wanted for local ad- Svan ising work that will require part or fall time. Address Box 6RS, \iieh gan Daily. SWANTE'I -Stuidents to see our tyo(e- writer bargains. Good machines for sale or rent. S A. Moran, 711 N. University Ave., IRoom 2. wAv XTIKJ)A' TO IlY--C(ool pair of field fo b ~ irid observation. Ad- v-i1 ar Nill call. Address o~x (69. FOR SALE 1001[L SAL[E--At a sacrifice, very fine G? randI piano, mlahogany case. Phone 12 88. iWeek." 'The' have gathered much in- formation concerning the number of planks in certain bridges, the number of bricks in three blocks of lbrick saiel1walkts, the price of pigeocn egs and many other little known subjec~ts.! Among the obiects they have been re-. qluirecl to findc are live spa rrows, tur- key featheri, false teeth, and balack cats, bult the most unusual of these!F was a sketch of tihe ugliest inmate of, the state insane asylum. Norman, Okla.-Anxioau s sudcents at; I he University of Oklahoma xvwill hIi ve to *dait till iMar~ich 1tto get th CiigladeCs I ! for the first semester. Although the 22,000) grade cards have nearly all 'been turned] in to the reg istrrair's of-l. flee, three wveeks will be requiredl to1 sort them :and prepare them for mail- ,ing.I 1 i Chicago, If'. -- Ivest igations of the occiations of the fathers of fresh- mon at the Uiversity of Chicago have revealedl that. ihat s;chool is no longer "the rend1ezvous of thle xwea lthby''The leading occimations were Ithose of in era~hant s, medlicalI m (i, Ia Imei-s, and~ real oestat e men. Lafayette, Ind.--- Plans have been made bytfe military department of Purdue university whereby junior and senior cadIet officers may he excused from class work every other week in order to have charge of sophomore or freshman batteries. The motive of this plan, according to officers in charge, is to better famiiliari~ze the cadets with the practical handling of RIVALS THE BEAUTY OF THE ' SCARLET SCARET TNAG_ You Can"t Keep YoBtr Head on Your Work TANAGER New lavens,(Conn.---Commrenting -theo Wmen. edit ori lly on t he proposed addit ioni- of a law school to Princeton univer-f Evanston, Ml.-- Carl Polstrom, a. site, tileYale Daily News accuses r blind stuident at Northwestern univer- Princeton at Always looking for new sity, a. junior in the school of journal- xvorlds to conquer, and of not being 1f, received three A's and a D for willing to leave well enough alone. Fhis wvorkd the first semester. The News aidmits tile high value of .the great state universities of thel Lawrence, Kan.---The University of west, biut advrises Princeton to stay in: Kansas has: made app~lication for a the class of essentially undergradluatel legislative appropriation of $705,000 colleges, rather than aspiring to he- to build a. new dispensary and nurses5 rI~~I~ ', aa~t:E If Your Tea Demand's Your Attention YOU cno compose your thoughts--can- not noe the points of a lecture, if you are writing with a pen that loses step as you go along. That pen is a mental drag. The sooner you replace it with the never failing, never ailing Parker Duofold, the quicker you will hit your stride in college, work and social coirrespondence i Duofold not only gives the mind full 'play and the hand full swing-its fit and balanced i TRY OUR New Way Toasted zI Samd-i- wiches. Best you ever at.(,. Arbor, "" Fountain LOS 8 -Our moderate prices make it possiloicF( ____ for all to have FRLEShII IOM P,' j 0l.-' hell rim glasses in soft GROWN FLOWERS.I brown leather case. Beryl Schafer. ANN ARBOR FLORALJ CO. Phonie 2730. 122 E. Liberty. P'honle 1630)__________ 7 ---- -1ISu tLLA NEOU93 Hlargis Bootery-lYeiirlh Areaade - -----__ ___ Educator Shoes are Ibett(er1 Light ; l'rt?:1L C lT,1,SPJE+, Soloist andl teach- tan, smooth leathers for Spring are jecr, thirty years experience. Man- the Eastern styles. I have theml at (101i1, guitar, blanjo, and chord only $83.50.J construction Telephone 1791-MV. FOR 11I1N i OIfN1 TAIN PE~N REPAIRING FOR RENT--For .a man and wife, a1 SAVE that long wait while havinC" large, beautiful front; room wih your pen ,gnt away for repairs. bay windlows; nicely fuarnis;hed, I We repair it the same day it is brbu-l- steam heat. Also other roins~~ for gult mi and insurie that it will be a(I- re. 37 Thompn 15. -ki.e1 ,t o your hand when you call ---- _ -- ( for it. FOR RENT--Furnished, steam-heatle, B mEWS PEA SHOP five room apartment. First floor. 604 Lawrence St. i EAUITY SHOPPES' - t Chicago, ll.-IUppe'rclassmen at the Univ.Asty of Chicago were startled = recently by the discovery that an ami- 3 bitious freshman hiad actually (lated = * Francine Livermore, a popular actressIT h v er =.1.Ii~£Y ~~~~ playing here, for~ the Wash in gtonll Prom. Chicago, 11.-Telling freshmnen (r!__ the University of Chicago thatc police- - men were, on the average, no better, than the criminals they arrest, John:_ Laundering is the way Kyer Laundry does t2 FOUNTIN PE INKThe most up-to-date and complete laundry in FONTI 1E2NK. the city. The machinery changes the water ~ A vicious ink may work for a short. i. time. It clogs the delicate mecban- to rain-water softness and washes the clothes ism of the pen and cannot be remov-; clean and white. No offensive laundry- odor ed lby ordinary means. It is chemii- ' oigtho= h cally antagonistic 1to a good ink, which - wilet in the clothes after goigtrog h spe- will work and rendlers the ink color- Wclal airing system. 'Consult Rider's Pen Shop, where you will always find a fresh supply'" of the best Government standlard jl writing fluid. It is the only satisfac-!= , tory ink for the fountain pen,. f ~RIDER'S PEN SHOP - = j Pnan Ink Specilists Phone 1028 - I ~FOUNTAIN IPENS l TELL your friends what a wonderful IRE"%pnyu atrcni.Yuhv. been doing it. Thank you. LU ,.E.1.~.AIJ D1i( RIDER'S PEN SHOP '"- 302 State St. 627-62'9 South Main St. (250)godanewhat will;° I. FOR27A. E-0L, gooV or VictrolW Insist on ,Kyer Service"i you give. Address P. 0. Fox 280,- -I Ann Arbor, Mich. s " '.I""./. ". °, 1~./".1.~..=0~m~d 11111f111U1111111111tt1i1[111111_____1111___________________________________1U~ti symmetry and jewel-smooth point inspire and stimulate. They tend to develop a hand of speed and, character. And we guarantee the point, if not mistreated, for 25 years' WEAR. So Duofold at $5 and $7 is the most economical pen -less costly than short-lived pens priced lower, Any good pen counter will :sell you Parker Duofold-flash- ing plain black; or black-tipped lacquer-red, a color that makes; it handsome to own and hard to lose. THE PARKER PEN COMPANY Manufacturers also of ParkerDuofold Pencils to match the pen, $3.50 Factory and General Offices JANESVILLE, WIS. -. 3 4-I_ Y Press - Button Filler capped in- side the barrel- out of harm's way. Pres~ t::n B't- ton, rele-ase and~ count 10, wlhilo iDoofold drinks its big fill of ink. 3Inner Sleeve of Dtu -Sl eve Cap forms Ink-light sent with nozzle so pen can't 4y Rich Gold girdle re- inforces cap-was $1 extra- FOR RENT--Single room for gentle- man.. $3. 2060-M. 1203 Forest. FOR RENT-Large suite andl apart- mnent, b~lockc from cam lus. 'Private bath. 6325 Church. FOR RENT-On fir st floor, four good} rooms for housekeeping. Conveni-- ently located between Camipus and; Main. Call 1713-M. Ii erilanL IWaving and Marcelling MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Main St. Thairae expert mlarcellers. Shingle fxi~l. Sof, water used at all times. W)1 FWA'IIA BEAUTY SIOPPE (Above Cushing's) TY1PEWRITERS g ld and Black (V7 Icr C',wua,,uon a8.Trade a# ark S, lVat, Office Ch KYCUE With Th ~YearPointY Duaolod Jr. CS; Lady Duofold $S Same~ except for Ms1e With ring for chatelaine FOR RENT-Pleasant single rooms-- very reasonable. 514 Cheever court. at rear of Union. 293-J. FOR RENT-Single room2 in quiet home. 1145 Forest ave. 261-W. TYP1~IIT N &MIMEOGRAPHIING It HYIAIN( TON PORTABLE I 'I' YPEWRITERS Timue payments if desired GEI l ICATREGISTER{ (04 E. Madison Phone 1809 r- d am y -1 ;=47 .. . -'M: , x1 _ _ 1 4 . 1_ , _ \ , . e _ __. . - a._, ,G-t R I i {IKI i :I i!ERS' i !j 4 4' 1t n %Wp Just as the hairbrush - left it! , V- . I. ?i. it iF a Stre uou s Work!? After strenuous exercise of any sort, what a relief to get under the shower-and then a rub-down with Mifflin Alkohol ! Tired muscles are eased and soothed, nerves are quieted, the whole body is re- laxed, comforted. Of course, Mufflin Alkohol has dozens of other daily uses!l Fine to soften the beard, before shaving; to cool and soothe the skin, AFTER shaving. Splendid relief for tired, aching feet; great for sunburn; an efficient antiseptic and germicide. Mifflin Alkohol is denatured by a formula which actually improves it for external use. College teams and many other athletic organizations use Mifflin Alkohol regu- larly. Ike sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in the handy-grip one-pint bottles as illustrated. The it i i m! i College Men now keep their hair smooth, lustrous, always in pla-e ) modernized servants of thought FL FL Y ; 1" N Eversharp and Wahl Pen are modern, per- fected instruments for recording thought. Six new features - we mention specially the non-clogging rifled tip, quick reload- ing and interchangeability of parts -- make Eversharp more convenient and dependable than ever before. Wahl Pen through the improved all- metal construction has increased ink ca- pacity, strength to resist wear and abuse, and the beauty good taste demands in personald articles. Eversharp is priced $1 to $45 --Wahl Pen $5 to $55. Alade in duplicate designs for matched sets Today, as never before, college men have smooth, well-kept hair, Why? A few years ago the hair was a nuisance to almost everyone, for it was usually th~e least attractive part of the appearance - always unkempt and unsightly an hour after being combed., There was no way, then, to keep it from being so. Old-fashioned pomades only matted it and made it greasy. Water evaporated quickly and left it drier and more unruly than ever. Today everyone can have smooth, neatly combed hair Now Stacomb - a delicate, invis- ible cream for keeping the hair in place- has changed all that. It is responsible for the amazingly improved appearance of men's hair. And it has made possible for every S woman, however "difficult" her hair, the new smooth effect so much in vogue. s In clubs and fraternities, at the theatre or the game, today you can (') ,. >. seldom find even one case of un- kempt hair. People who know that the hair can ruin the whole appearance- people who are, carftl about the way they look -'have given Sta- comb an important place on their chiffonier or dressing table. No matter how dry and straggly your hairmray be - no matter how uncontrollable after being washed -- Stacomb will keep it always in place, smooth, lustrous, natural. A touch of it in the morning when you comb your hair - and all day long your hair will be just as you want it, for Stacomb will keep it smoothly in place until you go to bed at night. You can get Stacomb in conven- ient jars and tubes, at all drug and department stores. Non-staining and non-greasy. Use it tomorrow morning -- and look your best all day! M4ifflin Chemical Corporation PHIILADELPHIIA, PA. Sates Agents: H-AROLD F. Ri rcuin & Co., Inc. 171 Madison Ave., New York 1}tP. it Made in the U. S. A. by THE WAHL COMPANY, Chicago Canadian Factory THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd., Toronto Manufaffturers of the Wahl E-rersharp and the Wahl All-Metal Fountain Pen S /-i-~-.v.. t+