'AGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY T1T~SIAYFEBUI~IY 24, 1925; IL ,. , w "° "Immommmomp" .._.. FISHER i AK;ES FIRST CUT IN "?OLVEfldNE BAELLTRYOUTS C WINTERt FOOTB1ALL All men who have received notices to report for winter foothall practice will report. to thie field house t his arfternoon !at 4 :30 o'eI och to roeeve eqip 1- POSTPONE HOCKEY ICONTEST ACI N I 7' Sliced I 'id 0.lr't le FmI Emet ad aH irtworkout. j Vo I ws'I'rlmlin g'jG rid Tryouts 3j and haveTT leer~cF ~To Have Firs KEEPS EVERY HUIRLER orkot Todyin"TI rnnf 10Rn r Coach Fisher yester day hradq I hC~11 Iflj i in first workout with hIle ha sehail Isquad;Wntor 1'fo( 1 1 il zat o(dy in 1M9T11H LPII lL115LU sifl('O last .weeks cart. it; was ilric>- o r-th icid hous, nclsCoaches *\Vn e-n sib~ C to acconmplish miuchl with the manrr and I31ti el ho men who I. 11 large number of pien who responold!Ireceived I°hesinvitng the(m 1 lto LA th1eII D .1 to th to(:ac'h's first-, call for candi- ,winter Gr(ill a1-0 to report. Te limit- dates at t he -ta rt of training, andl the ed numrrber of men that-, have been ask- reduction, t,k011 effect withi the final od to train insidie was necessarily re- ('0Coach Puts.Squai~'d Through SIMf practice atwe, has put the squad; stricted by sprace l imitiations within Seinma~'e After' Three into wotkdle form.,I lhe field 1itos. A generalI call will be 'IayRe ={'t In the holidlay -practice, the hu1'-1 issuied as ,goon. as the weather pris - let's received dmost of Fisher's atten- I rcieot-fdos PURDUE DATE NOT SET' tionr. T'onr i Fishe, giant sophomor, TI e canzdidate s forr next yea r's team who has not been allowed to pitch1 will workout throe timges a. week. The { Michigan's Varsity basketball squad since ract ice startedl, dare to a sore jr= half' or each of these dtrills will s'ttc nesv rprto o h armyese~dy hd hs frstflig a lbe levotedI to handball, to relieve the Wisconsin game at Madison Saturday inound ol ~tk. With Allen catching niIonetonry of daily practice. A hand-f i h il ouewe oc nightintefedhueweCoc hime, and'uwder the constant surveil- ball toulrnamen nt will lbe held in March Iitlrpu:woeashoghaft lane o 1 e cach hepithed10 heto deter mine the champion handballer scrimmraag yesterday afternoon. regulars -- Alt bough lie tailed to show 1of the squad. The secondl half of eachI touchl controllie was effective, es- ' .The entire sq'uadl appeared to be in llywih hs as batwhih hesession will be devoted to fundament- Igood shapeyetra after its three playwihhi at alwic h als, tackling, and liocking. After the ; day rest over the wveekend. The veterants had (if~icult y in hitting. ha sehll teamer i nishes their work- .Jcalonow ski and Benson both11had ot leg d addte ilprcie pp e contentedl himself with us- lonrg workou~rtand both of last sea- out;eo the grdcniasebll prcets. gth same lineup against the scrubs o}i acessrenwelinsiance overthe baseball____nets. - which has taken part in the last ;otesrachu rers avnedoe.he, -----few games, although Landre was given lIn cuttinig the squnad, Coach Fisher i ITIX II at tirial at lied Cherry's post. Tihe i t r E k F) L l ', Lack of Ice at ('oliseuni ;!relents ' i'layiig Oft f G (opher Serib MAY PLAY TONIGHT Poor ice again cutit o AMichigan's; hockey schedule when last night's ; _me with Mlinnesota .as called off due to the tact that the skating suir- face at the Coliseum has been hari v dlamaged by the warm weather and rains over the weekend. Another game is slated for t onight, bIut it is extremely doutfulil whether it. will be played, as the prospects last; night were poor for the improvement of the ice to a sufficient extent to allow the contest. A sudden coldl wave might repair the damage to the ice enough to make it possible to p~lay, but chances are slimi that the series will _take. place. Tfhe Varsity sextet is scheduled to(i start its annual northern trip thiis weekend, in the course of which the Gophers and Wisconsin will form the opposition for Coach Barss' aggrega- tion. Tphe necessary cancellation oft the series here was a had blow to thle Wolverines, as their chances for the IConference title in the ic'e sport rest.- ed to a consideralble extent upoin the outcome of the two contests. An earlier series with Wisconsin was call- ed off dlue to poor ice, and the onlyj Conference games that have been played so far this year were the t wo in which the Badger's fell before Minnesota's team, 5-1. andl 1-0. Ac-j cordingly, Michigan's 1101105 for Bi1 Ten supiremacy (dependl 1upon the show- ing; 1' the teant on the trip. The fact that they will be played on strange rinks will be a stifIf test for as untriedl (ii till it toi iv C. V 4(I 4g 'ic i S° _n.crs°L omrAseel:kdefeatedl Gilbreath of Wisconsin vdho has been tooted as the best man ° r ,-*i ' "ii in fthe Conference. If the Wolverine a Ti t n'de s(apitain can come through with a 1:501 for' the 1;50 yard backstroke, Michigan should coutnt either a first or second Wi 8 to.] se' ~'1 lln ' 1tII (c: iciM ~rtt, CI a (mnthnd been or- in Iihis event. Halisted who has placed 't01iiu ari f a1xai t lK i a . th1d to Derr in all the meets so far 1 Ala ~c a tii. ~. . u' ~Imi meoatIely ean their ret urn to tAnn t his sea-sont, should manage to get iiiiev. A i fbi, thle ta n~u en began themr train- paitts. llt( "c ( . 'ia .ii tli- s ent staunds between Michigan and a agreed to meet at the Milk Fund char- it c !ite t ,i. Conference championshtip. In the Con- ity bouts here next summer. Gib- Cl'c ~e 1~i'piasree C,(ontch ference fracas points will be awardhed bons agreed to terms some time ago anti ~ ./' o .. n I'i ev eelop -'for the first five mnen in every event, and Wills, thtrough his manager Pad- the ii'ne tt <(htamlioishi I so upon fl Michigan's ab~ility to cot) the dy Mlullins accepted today. The bout a~~~t ten h ;J .':iiai txx v -lIoanildc~ second, t hird' foitrth and] fifth places is sclheduled for 15 'rounds and the r~cleff" t SW f points of their will rest her chances (if winning the winner wvill lie matched with Jack 01' i 'tei-i'd 1 endill- meet. Dempsey later in the summer, prosvid- lee. !'1:1 .";ii m l or at. Captain Kerr has been continually edl ihat the elitantpion will agree to ice l$''afl8X Il uk otig hai'd iproving in the backst~rohe, and lehst 3 fight once more before he retires, 3j)-aciice;, Jihfiill" tl iune (If]awn:('f- ,I 'e c1 i-S5ItFI.. a:11 t,' 1 i non t o u (Til 'e t' 'c-'ilnc ' ' i :eT te C im-ago I ('i.:e xP11 12srVice(s o1 ?n.( t I '! til t I~. 1 x'iil1 t(o lttitr' tN 0 5 W ~$ 1;::':, ' ith0 ' anle f , dispsed i'two catcher s, leaving the fol lowvin g ca udi dial es from whtich the varsit'y back~sto~p will lbe selected: Al-I len, Brown, ;. NI. 1Ba:ker, Baker, D~e- ("ra ff, and D~avxis. Thie coa cit(did not (fsl)ose of any hiurlerts, because he needs those wvho d1( not actunally pitch'I to woirk out in battingl piracti;e. The following pitchet's aire still on th-e teami: Benson, Jablonows-ki, Walters, P'ishei', Thorne, 11 illinger, Whell, Johtn- son, 1hildbt'igct Shunsky, Mace, Wal- ker, and ltuetz. Besides last ses'si(i' regulars in the outfield and infield whlich are,, Captit (aillntan, Wilson, (Giles, Ihag- gert y, Colemtan, St eger, and Bachman, the following c'andidates for those po- sitionls have been retainedI: Borg, SalIa- zinski, ianisiord, Malert, Price, Ap- pold, R. .J. Wilson, Terma.n, Ryhroltu, R ennet', and F4riedman. White, a promtisintg first sacket' front thle freshman sqluad, has been puntun- der fatcult y ban. " ahitel''Wilson, rogitwirlhst baseman, was itt uniform agsain ye'sterda y, a lter a ten (lay lay off withI a bad knee. Alt htotigh limp- lag badly, lie totok part in the fullpr c ce s si n St. Loutis, Mo., Feb. 2:3.-St. Louis Anrieri carn Leagure pen nant st oclk climbedl today, when Mantager CGeor'ge Ffarlod i lner declared lhe haid lull y tecovei'edhfrom thle impairmnent; of hisi vision. PTe fir st hasemni (xpedI s a grood seasoin for hinself' hothi in the(' field and at bat. Th'1e team it self, due to the st reng}thIening 01'f1tle cluib rost - er this winter shouldl finish well up in the first divisiont of its leaigue. - ni HOSPITAL. -SUPIPLY C O. c Makers and Dealers = SUKGCAL& - 2161L )7ihtf' t - T le h ne 2964-M ttf . tt ll ,, i6tltlt tttlf i I 1 f E I Ullp-lbasket shooting was off as a result of the let up in practice Friday antd i Saturday but by the entd of the session it was almost up to normtal. Volley I . , and ('oach Lambert of Purdue in re- VOI1LIIYI gardl to the rescheduling (if thte Put'- Vole all, a. new sport among the: due-M~ichiig'an game, originally set fot' Int ro-mural activities will be inatilr-1 last Friday.itight, caime to nautght ated this week. Nearly fifty fratern-1 when the two mentor's met at the itties have enttered and these teamsi Illinois-Wisconsin game at U)rlana, have been divided into leagues simil-! Satitiday. Lamubert hadl only one date at', to basket-ball. To win, the fra-; to offer, March 1(1, and that was niot tet'nity will htave to win two out of! acceptable to. the Wolverines whose the Pro I fteen-poiint gauges. I last gamte is scheduled March 7, with rl u,,5(hiy e(venting, Feb. 24, at. 8:151 Ch;icagto. It is expected that Mlichi-' at Wat eriwan 'gytitasiuttii, the follow-1 gate- will push the mattet' inasmuch lug frat ernities will play: 'Beta Phi, as thte other game played witht Purdue D~elta vs. Acae~ia ; Delta C'lii vs.Phii Cli;i; took pla1ce at Lafayett.e andl restulted at 9 :00t, Sigma, Alphha Mu vs. Nit Signma in a onte pointt win for' the Boiler- Nut; Phi K~appa Alphta vs. Phi Kappha'; maker's. If the t wo teamis('an get. to- at. 9: 45, 1Delta Sigma Pi vs. Alpha RhoI gether latter in the 4season Michigan Clhi; Sig'ma :Phi vs. Theta Clhi. j will have a g~ood chance to) take a victory on her htomte floor. Freshmlitantgr'outp ha sketbal1lgaines will he playedl on Wednesday evenings Don't delay-Pay your Subscription (Continued on Page Eight) today. Ferry Field Lunch Wnhere State Mecis Pacleard Our r'eputation rests on the care and service cacti individual patron of ours receives. This success is deserved for wie give quality food, quantity, clean surroundings, and good service- all the requisites needed to make a customer satisfied. jS r ('I 1' S i ill i(' i i. ' l i . i" day. yrav ru a.° ... . ' , a ra,'>:'." : _ Wet 'w 1 i't=swill 1 J~ r i o itet1lhen to- L'.Itp '-Ittwill hot it' Ilfliti lllCo- 'a~c ,a.t.'ft" l 1 +A'I sizsxixstoc anlgldsentnsk $9-$10-$11 WAGM1R&CQhPAHY JorMen C . Since 1&4& I } .. . _" ! Service Qualilp Q uantily Cleanliness XWell tailored shirts of excellent English Broadclotl, imm~racu- late white, with collar attached, Whitney and Arrow 1,'ands, just the kind College Men prefer, priced $?.7 and $3.50. (Main Floor)I -- o - ; COY*TttY OP FwS~'O00*0AtK ---------- - STETS ON HATS arm " ' ,1, it-- iti t 1 I J Spring Styles $7-00 I I I The Chicago Temple, Chicago, Illinois HOLABIRD & ROCHE, Architects Drawn by Hugh Ferriss i )'Building a Picture" I I It's gratifying to note the generous response our 1 announcement of a special service h-as brought. And it's even more gratifying to note the universal approval of the styles and patterns and fabrics as displayed by our special representatwie from Fashion Par"k. If you'ye ever found it difficult to get a suit to fit you perfectly-if you're a man whio likes your clothes to act the par-t you ply'i you want the best at prices you can well afford to pay--drop in at the Allenel Hotel, room 1, 9 a;' m. to 8 p. m. Today adTomorrow Whose Birthday Have You Forgotten? Greeting Car'ds for all Occasions { H.ERE the architects envisioned a picture, saw the modern office a 11 Iii i