PAGE RlGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY" IAQE IIGH THEMICHIAN DILY UNDA, EBRAT'Y 22, 1925' Wb I . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice tu all newbers of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the ,'resident until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday. Volume6 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 192) Number 10.3 i ~JHINEY TTENDS EDU ATION MEET t ': tsll y ;.1embe~rs To lie Present At Six IDa C(onventiont Of A so(' hillio OPENS TOMORROWU WLL E GET' THE AXE?. AT* /.. ':. 't. U'niversity Lecture: Professor H. C. Sherman of Columbia University will speak unde~r the joint asupices of the University and the U. of MV. Section of the Amnerican Chemical Society on Wednesday, February 25, at 7:30 P. M. in the Chemical Amphitheatre. His subject will he "Enzymes and Vitamins from the Chemical Point of View." The public is cordially invited. Universily Lecture: F. E. Robbins. Professor 14. C. Sherman of Columbia University will speak on "The Vitamins in Life and Health" in the Chemical Amphitheatre on Wednesday, February 25, at 4:15 P. M. This lecture will be of general interest. Students in Public Health, Nursing and the Medical School are especially invited. The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins. Washington's, Birthday, being a legal holiday, the Health Service will be open only betveenii and 12 o'cloc. Emory W. Sink. Facu~lty, C(Tege of Literature, Science and the Arts: The postponed 'meeting of the, Literary Faculty will take place Tuesday, February 24th, at 4:10 P. M. in Room 2225 Angell Hall. The special orders to be considered at that time have already been distributed. John, R1.. Effinger. Hygiene 101: Quiz Section I, Tuesday at 9, will meet in the Lower Lecture Room o1 the Dental Building. The seating list for lectures will rbe posted in Newberry Hall on Tues- day. Please look at thils and find your seat's before the Friday lecture. Nathan Sinai. Miake.IUp Examinations in Sociology 141 and 121: Make-u~p examinations in these coxirses will be held Wednesday, February 25, from 2 u.ntil 5 o'clock' in Room 202, Economics Building. A. E. Wood. Choral Union Ushers: All. Choral Union ushers report at the usual time for concert Monday evening, Feb. 23, 1925. WV. A. Davenport. Prescott Club fleeting: The regular monthly meeting of the Prescott Club, which was sched- uled for February 19th, has been postponed until February 26 at 7:30 P. M. In Room 303 Chemistry Building . Dr. Carl D. LaRue will speak on his trip up the Amazon. C. C. Glover, 'Secretary. Spanishi Play Rehearsal: The cast for the Spanish play will rehearse in the auditorium of New- berry Hall, on State Street, promptly at 3 o'clock Tuesday, February 24. It, is necessary that everyone be present on time because the auditorium Dean A. S. Whitney of the School 5r ; b ""r~ ^ of Education left. Friday afternoon tot 4 attend the general assembly of the >: >< National education association, be- ginning tomorrow Gmd continuing though Thursday at the music hall in . Cincinnati. Many faculty meinlbers of the school will be in Cincinnati both '"r.":::: for the general' andl for special meet- ings. Profs. Jl. B. Edmonson, G. 1. y Jackson, C. t0. Davis, J..It. Scoorling,...............$. A. B. Moehlinan, and Clifford Woody, together with other staff members are to be presen~rt........ Among, I he special group meeti ngs,,.::: :::....:::...:,::....::....:::....::.::.:::, many of which were held yesterday in ordIer 1 hait the iasociation inetinlg . might not bie interrupted, was the one of the national council:o":mat:hem::tics teachers, presided over by 1 I otf~io ::-: ... .::"::::::::.... . Schoillig. Elementary, high school ' :..":::::::::::::",::::>:::: s=::;:> .;:. .,:- :.. and college mathemnatics were dis- .. t cussed, emnphasis being laiid especially , ::": .,: upon various mathematics programs, : r::;:'"' the uses of standard tests in the sub- ject, an l the actors of success iII";:" .,::....."-.... teaching arithmetic ,a nd algebra. . ,.{; ;X. ; , Professor Schorling will address thej .i ..:,.> ^ K educational research association on c '~ '.*yt Wednesday on the "Specific Objectives '"r;< K ' in Junior High School Mathematics." ,,...,,. . t Prof. S. A. Courtic, also of the Scho .,}{ ,_ t Prof. S. A. Courtis, also of the i .~ School of Education, wil speak to the' ;s ,. .r,. , .: research association upon the "Valid- ation of Statistical Procedure." ILiw Gen. WIilliamni i'u11l In addition to the lecture and dis- cussion program of the larger meet- The eyes of Washington are centered on Brig. Geri. W uliarn Mitchell, who ing art exhibits and demonstrations i acer probable dlemotion andl possible discharge fr om the army becausoe of practical work done by school chit- !cof his ui'nauthoirized: revelations andl charges rega :ding the air services in (Iren from all parts of the United ! estimnofy before a congressional come-mittee. States will be displayed. A number of bancquets will be held for alumni r of various colleges and universities represented. For the final (lay of the meeting, Thursday, an artistic pro-, Iand adults' choruses anda"pen. In the evening Lorado rpaft will speak on "The Gospel of Beauty." Intramuralltems (Contnued fronm Page Six) 9YdflS-Cofli~efta1 % if can get their medals by calling at ,, i this office. v01fr W 'nu w~~cr The preliminary round in AllI-cam- pus foul throwing will closeWees Wde-day February 25th. Individuals wish- ing to compete can do so any after-' noon by calling at the Intramural office in the Waterman gymnasiuni. While the number conipetin g this year, 'O is greater than last, yet fewer have . jA° qualified. Fifteen successful throws ZQ F° 0 out of twenty-five must he made in oir- ' Vmcti Qf George G.Trier and Ku jP Tor(- ler to qualify for the second round. SCA1LE OF 1 PI i(S- IND)OOR TU'K i Entries are now be'ing re eivc d bfr A 62; a t <, i:Y~lir' .,h.....,..:to(.,,....,. All-campus indoor track meet.. lh tI'g o a itlr' 4 jnimu.row s.....................'_,0 ~ 5' . following events, will coimplrise the ~~iwxI tinrrows ....................04o 20v{) ° program: 50 yard dash, 440 yamrdI (ash, ltm. 'c 1),,rc iIi 'Ide........... .c') 1 f5 half mile run, mile run, 65 yardc high Hurdles, 65 yardl low hurdles, shot p~ut,, MAIL OlUi)I1,itS MI running broad jump, running high ; . . . ".... . ."".^" J ,s .' . °+. +..* ." J' jumnp. All members of varsity and --_________ freshman squads are barred from this * LEATHER CASES-STATIONERY DRAFTING SETSj And every convenience in supplies for the student. ' 1111 SouImf n iuversily Ave. Phone 11(rD-R: K SIX OF DIAMONDSc AEvery Tuesday and Thursd ay R DatncIn 8-10aP Phone 129-M Rentals for PrivatePate YES t~ Bezlcleaned gar ents dstay clean lIoe. a a will be available only until 5 o'clock. Mfarshall H. Lev. La Sociedad Ilispanica: The regular meeting of La Sociedad Hispanica, which was postponed on account of President Burton's death, will be held Wednesday, February 25, at 7:15 P. M., in Room 320 Union. Since this is the last meeting until just before the play, a large attendance is desired to discuss important meas- ures concerning it. Marshall H. Levy. To all Fraternities : t There will be an important special meeting of the Interfraternity Coun- cil at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon, February 26, in Room 302 of the Mich- igan Union. Drawing by lot for places in the five groups provided for in the new constitution will take place at that time. Fraternities who are inem- hers of the Council are requested to consider before the meeting names of members of the faculty and fraternity alumni living in Ann Arbor which might be submitted as nominees for poshtions on the Judiciary committee. Nominations for these lists will be made at the meeting Thursday. It is therefore doubly Important that every fraternity which is a mem- ber of the, Counicil send its two representatives to this meeting. Thionmas . Fiske, Seely. Faeulty Women's Club: The Athletic Section, through the courtesy of the Physical Education Department, Is enabled to Invite members, of the Club to attend the classes in Folk Dancing, given by Miss Burch enal from February 24th to the 20th inclusive. Special privileges and prices will be granted Club members. Mrs. Louis, Bred vold. f i I l 1 i t f i i 1 i { t 1 Benzolcontainls no grease--- leaves no oily film. Uses Benzol Exclu,, G~y PHONE 13--LUCKY FOR YOU - - - -Wa - 'A te-1-110 mm;awl ofe C.11e WHAT'S GOING ON Notices to appear in this columan must be left in the box at the Daly office provided for tnat purpose before 4 o'clock preceeding the day of issue. SUNDAY. . f hall. MlONDlAYE S :00- Detroit SymhIoniy trchiesti- fconcert in Hill auditorium. meet. Entries can be madle on the 1{ea(1 bulletin board at Waterman gymnnas. urn. The Daily "liassihed" i i ... E (3olunns , ® ® 9 1139B EN UM Bno o nm am a0 0M a Lhaarej .,.... ------- i 10:45-Iemorial service for President Marion L. Burton,, Congregational church. 6:00-Sunday night supper, Hlarris William A. MacI~onald, of the exten- sion department of the University of 'Syracuse, will be the p~rincipal speakr- or at the luncheon meeting of the Kiwanis club which is to he held Monday noon, at the Chamber of Com- merce ;inn. 'r i 'I' XT-Bt'9OI S 3 12.e Ivi IU-10 .? 1 1.Lo Y N Pr A Uet Ui s l'otoo( )SECOND-H-AND BOOKSr THAT i * WILL SAVE YOU MONEY 3 9 UNIVERSITFY lobl Mir tnisaemdo ue hc ea, Mrongutesil smaof pueThi kealr pau-wie iei them unusually strong and subl.stantial. It triple coat of enamel with blue gives them a glassy-hard p)olished surface that black beads and ears. is easily kept brilliantly clean. Voliroth White is unquestion- ably pure and not surpassed in=j -beauty, dulrab~ility or purity.I -, --. ren WRIGLEY'S after et them get its daily breath, appetite andI y ant sweet, and the sweet" that's good Give the childr every meal. L( benef it to teeth, digestion. Theta WRIGLEY'S is'i for them. Happy children-healthy teeth. Appetite aided by and digestion, too, are Bring your films in and find out Up-to-date finishing methods plus efficient laboratory equipment; first grade photographic paper plus good chem- icals that are kept freshly compounded ; painstaking workers plus systematic organization. That's why we have a right to the slogan "Developing and Printing of the Quality Kind." after every eJ~j to - {1fG A .