SUNDAY, FEB RUAR-Y 22, 1925 TflMICHtGAN DAILY DAILY _.____ I III Mil 1 i COLUMN L S31F mECOLUMN CLOESCLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING0 AT 3 P.ML Braves Jfnglc;,s j To Free Slaves NOT~IICE EXPERT WATCh RVI+.PAIRING I .Arnmold Stalfe fSt1reel eiellerj 342 South Statej 11,4ST LOST ---'ircular mosiac pin with (love I(lesign and filigree border. Liber- al reward. Phione 526-M: 721 For- est Ave. I LO)ST---Frate~rnity lpin. Initials S. A.I S. on back. Call 3583, ask for Stern.I Reward. PHONE 866 For Typewriter Repairing (All makes) Dealer in Woodstock typewrit ers, Sundstrand and P'ortable Adding machines. Ann Arbor Typewriter Exchiange REFINED MIDDLE agedl.Annl Arbor! lady desires lady companion to tourI England, Holland, France, etc. this June and July. Entire expenses less than $500. Write box 67, Michigan Daily, for interview. TRY OUR New Way Toastedl Sandi- wiches. Best you ever ate. Arbor Fountain P~ARTY FAVORSj Made to your order for VWashlington and St. Patrick P~anties. BROWN'S 1W00li 8S1(01Z1l-1 t ~210 South Alain St. Watch Saturday Evening Poist. Educator Shoes. Hargis B~ootery. LOST '---A pair of tortoise shell glasses, not in ease, between Tappan and ILR and S. Lunch. Phone 2034-M. I LOS'T'----A small pin-seal coin-purse containing $;1.85 in money and two Keyes. Phione 2018-XV. LOtS'l' Shell rim gZlasses in soft brown leather case., Beryl Schafer. Phone 2730. FOR SALE 'Educational Problems Subject OfLate P'resident's Writings F >1 lce kio0181 Iprollems comprised adoptedl in dleali ng with individual he iiiajior pa ri of Ithe writings or1 students and in rooting out perso)n ! President Marion 1L. Burton. Nlany of;w ho were not worthy of a university his alticles have bieen publishedl in the ed(hca tion. In i (licssilig the subject leading mnagaizines 8;,(1 periodicals of President Burton drew his conclusion the country, and a great number of his by saying that "our sole point now iq speeches have been 'printed verbatim, that in our effort to deal with educa- ilHis inaugural address (delivered in' tional stand(ards we shall (10 well to Octobe r, 1920, which was entitled pay more attention to the selective "Thle?Function of the State Univers- pr'oc ess by which we admit our stu- ity," found its way into nearly every dents." The second installment o1 widdle western newspaper andl intol this series dealt with problems con- many 'Newspapers of the larger east- fronting state universities, and in his ern, as well as western cities. T.he ad- third article hie discussed problems dress was p~rinted in the "Alumnus" common to all American universities. for Octeber, 1920, and in "School and Several other of his works worthy Society," a weekly magazine, of p~articular mention are "The Test In this oraltion President Piston as- of Transit ions," which was the bac- sertedi that the function of the state calaureate adldress delivered in Hlill uiversit y "is to serve the state, and :'-uiditorium en cmJune 18, 1922; "The through the state to serve, America. Qlel of Quality,'' printed in a. nuin- and thle world." He suggested foul her of leading publications of the ways of securing this primiary aimn.I counltry ; and '"That Minfl of Yours," First he said, '"The work and leach-'lpublished in the Kiwanis magazine. inig cif the Uni versity should be uinifiedl eussion of the four main types of with cur pirimiary aimn in full view." 'mindl. t econdly, "lh curricula of our vani- "the' Independent" for August 3 0115 SchoolS andt colleges within the '191f4, says the following of President St'nivesity ilst. tin. defintitely directed Euston's b)ook enititled ''Our Intellect- t o-,ai'ds comniity needls.'' Thirdly, ual Attitude in an Age of Criticism." < 11le University must utilize definitely "Thle causes of dloubt and the dimf- its equipment and personnel for re- culties of faith are frankly discussed,' c':-i.i eb. work in solving the problems an nugent aplpeal is made in the of the state." Finally, hie said in con-~ interest of students for larger freedom {.luision, "The University must per-; of thought, a more ready acceptance mnc; te the state with knowledge." ; of critical and scientific conclusions, Early in 1923 tile "Alumnus" ran a' anid the establishment of a broader, series of three articles upon the sub- basis of belief." .fect of "Educational Standards." In the first installment President Bur'-! London, Feb. 21. - Milliners are Ion discussed tile problem of hand- breaking egg shells in various shapes ' Iig different types of students telling i and sticking them on the crown of o'~ special means which had been the new hiats designed for Easter. ! , --- K 2> THE finest materials, expert de- signing and careful workmanship make every Stetson a masterpiece. STETSON HATS 1 FOR S 11l,._-alt a Iacr~ifice, ' ry tine Sir H-arcourt Butler, British govern- Grand piano, maho1gany case. I'hione or of Burmnah, rode 100 miles thiroughi 123x,. a dense jungle to deliver an ultima- tuni to wild Naga chiefta ins, requiring FIOR SAtLE--Onte bachelor-'s gown auand them to cease human sacrifices andl to cap, $6.00.- One bachelor's hood, $3. free all slaves. 'Telephone evenings, 8-J TYPE WRI TERS TRY OUR Ilot Toasted Sandwiches. They are delicious. Arbor Foun- tain. Our moderate prices make it possible for all to have FRESH HO0ME GROWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. '122 E. Liberty. Phone 1 630 I ~YOU WILL, FIND GOOD AND EF{I+FI( LENTl SERVICE at the CIURCII STREET BARBER 5110 P SIIALTP'S AND) BOWEtNI 607 Church Street1 .RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 50. IT IS hiEALTRY T IO EAT IT IS GOOD) TO EAT IT IS PROPER TO EAT YOU MUST EAT Tdo/iKEE13 FIT- TRY OUR SANDI)WCHES We Deliver KEWPIE H-OTEL Opp. Bng. Arch Phone 799-M Hlargis Bootery-ffeuirt Arcade Educator Shoes ar'e better. Light tan, smooth leathers for Spring are the :Eastern styles. I have them at o nly $3.50. f- TYPEWRITER I HEADQUARTERS New and second hand Corona, Rem- ington and Underwood portables. L. C. Smith, Underwood, Royal, Reming- ton used andl factory rebuilt machines. Save $40.00 or more by buying from us. /1('asy terms if dlesired. Renting andl repairing a specialty. 0. I). MORRILL 17 Nickel's Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery Store. Open evenings. Established 1908 TYP1 EWRI TING & M IMEOG RAPHING REIIINGT ON PO RTABLE i TYPEWRITERS T1ime playmnents if desired I G(EO101E REGISTER 604 E. Madison Phone 1809 ' "TYPEWRITING & MIMEOGRAPHING Promptly and neatly done by experi- enced operators at moder'ate rates.- ' 17 Nickel's Arcade jEstablished 1908 Open evenings FOR RENT FOR RENT---Furnished, ste am-heated, five room apart ment. First floor. 50.1 Lawirence St. FOR RENT--Single room for gentle- muan. $8. 2960-M. 1208 Forest. ENGLISHSHEUL I Jest it~erat ure % 'l~r, ;'.i of ITh'giular Session ; o Be I nt- i ui 'd in Pi'og'a ni OFFER 17 C(.URS11S Foll 1owX11'ing te pi'oA1'8 liof expasion l c'tr the 1!25 Srruuiuer sejool of the Iinivei'sity, the El) gi i] dleisirt III ('li will follow 17 cours'es this yo'a '. The courses which xWililit,' given) iiicludl thle lHest of t hose offered dulring"ti lie regular school s('551011. IProf. .13..moore will give thle ii)- troductory cou rse to 0 P!lglishLui t era- tcure. Prof. V. 0. Raymond a ml IProf. L. L. Bredvold. will give courss inl "Shakespeare.'' A course inl'"Old ug lisli' will be gixvull hiller the direct hm~ of Prof. C. C. F~ries. P'ro'. . .11 1 all- fo-d will give a cou rse in ''Chau~cer.'' A course in "1t1 Iton" will h)e offered Under thle direction (if Professor Bred- Vold. Prof. IS. F. Cingei-ichl will he in (-harge of a, couirse inl''The Age o1' Wordsworth." A course in ''Victorian Literature"' will be gi ven by Professor Ra.ymrond. Other cou'rses which will lbe offered during the Summner s-ession include:I ''The English Di ble," by Plrof. 1N. R. H-umiphreys ; " ShtaklieeameanTll°fra edly,'' by Prof. M. P'. Tilley ; '' lhgl ishi Drama lbefdre Shakespeare," l4 P ro- fessor Tilley; ''Eng'lish Literature filli I 1730 to 1798," by Professor i lum- phreys ; "American Literature," by Professor M~oore ; "The DPevelopment: of thIgEn glishi Novel," b;y Professor B3redvold ; and "The 'reachig of Eng- lish," by :Professor Fries. A seminairy in ixI c,,nthI and scvenl-! Leen,'h (Oilt tiny Englisll Literattn'e wvill be li('(-euhcted tindel(r tie (ti5(ct iou lt P'r(feC'501 1tii!'d. 1 rofesu'11 li uget-ich will ca ndytucI lie sent ill:l rv iii American I t era te.c Bern e, Feb. 21. - - Anliarbitr1at ion treaty between Swvit zen antltd Pn l--1 gium has lbeen signedl. 6 ttlul)YIE1, R'lY 01,111l All second seune~ster Fr-esinime wishing to try ouit for the Illsi- ness Staff of "The Gargoyle" are urged to report any afternoon this week at the Gargoyle office in the Press Bldg. from 2 to 4 P. Styled for young ., HATE YOU SBSCR'IBED YE~TI n s "ri r i i I I i i i i 1 t ..,__ . .. .._ ., .....,. FF .. I i+ stn rt BILLIARID ROOMI Fine Tables Satisfactory Rates Cigars Tobacos Dunhill Pipes Gilbert Candies Magazines Brick Ice Cream JOHSTON BROTHERS 514 E. Williams FOR? RENT-Large suite and apart- ment, ilock ifron campus. Private bath. 625 Church. NINE DJOLLARS ,secures fifteen dol)- lalr, very large, beautiful, front room. Suitable for two or three. I-as a large lhay window, also two( windows on side. Nicely furnished, steamn heat, plenty of hiot water, near cam- pius. Also a room-mate wanted for a dandy front suite. 387 Thompson. Ann Arbor's Newest an d Fi est Men's Clothing Store OPENED YESTERDAY IHere's a storc with a distinctive appeal to students who want to dress at their best yet obtain the utmost in value for every dollar invested. A PERSONAL MESSAGE '1114 exit('ri(iene of tienty3yeaLrs iin t; lailoritig-' tiiness hai11 1iiiict mue to open suich at high ealihei' store. It will1 be Miy ,Hir to sell (only the lal;est; styled suits of the eery hest fiailoring. Every garment is sold 11nder 11 g'uurantee of complIete sattishaction. Every price offers thle miaxlintum of clothiing value. Louis Del Prcte r~ t il 0%u ~ ~sWITH EVERY SUIT SOLD) DURING OUR OPENING MONTH A special inducement! Select your suit during this month and we will give you an extra pair of trousers without cost. Take advantage of this opportunity ! AS LOW AS $25 GILBERT CHOCOLATES from the KA NDY-KOLD-CASEF ARCADE 111,IAhIMACY "Petty" NEW SPRING DRESSES+ a Most attractive designs and ma- terials, sizes 2 to 6 years, in voils and taffetas. Novelties for gifts. New line; prettier than ever. DE L1A-NO)SHOP 4 Nickel's Arcade SIT7S $25-$30-$35 HERtMAN THlE TAILOR 802 South State Street TYPEWRITERS Splendid machines. Best makes for resit or for sale. Phone 342-R. HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 'Waffles Also Coupon Books CART.TERIS LUNCH 1117 So. Uniersity TREY #(4AI MAN~ When is Statec St. not State St? I hiave the only 'Typewriter store on Sta:t e St. I repair all makes of type- I writers and sell the famous Royal TIypewrite rs ,-mcw and rebuilt. ' ~A. C. STIMSONt 308 S. Slate St. Over College hnn j 2nd floor Phones 316-M and 1128-M rThe only T1ypewrite~r store on State St. F ORI RENT-On first floor, four goodt !roonms for housekeeping. Conveni- ently located between Campus and Maiin. Call 1713-M. FO()R REN1__PI leasant single rooms- very reasonable. 514 Cheever court. at rear of Union. 243-J. .FOR .REN'T----Single room in quiet honie. 1145 Forest ave. 261-W. F'OUNTAIN PEN INK A viscuous ink mlay work for a shortj time. It clogs the delicate mechan- ism of the pen and cannot be remov- ed by or'dinary means. It is chemi- cally antagonistic to a good ink, which' will work and renders the ink color- less. Consult Rider's Pen Shop, where you will always find a fresh supply_ of the best Government standard wvriting fluid. It is the only satisfac- tory ink for 'the fountain pen. I ~IDER'S PEN SHOP Pen and Ink Specialists TELL your friends what a wonderful } pen your Masterpen is. You have been doing it. Thank you. RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St.' WANTEDI 1 WANTED-A college girl who can write xvell is wanted for local ad- riigvertising work that will require part I- or full time. Address Box 68,!t Michigan Daily. MELL GILLESPIE, Soloist and teach- er, thirty years experience. Man- dolin, guitar, banjo, and chord construction Telephone 1791-M. BRUNSWICK RECORD No. 2789 "ALABAMY BOUND" and 'INDIAN LOVE CALL" played by ISIAM JONES and, his Orchestra S'IOFFLET PHIONOG4RAPHI SHIOP Read the Want Ads WANTED WANTED-Students to see our type- writer bargains. Good machines for sale or rent. S A. Moran, 711 N.j University Ave., Room 2. FO NT IN L'E~ FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIItING SAVE that long wait while havinl- 1 your pen sent away for repairs. We repair it the same day it is brou- ght in and insure that it will be ad- justed to your hand when you call for it. RII)ER'S 'PEN SHOP f ._.,_.BE3IAUT'IY IIOPPESy ...._. P~ermanent Waving and Marceihing MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Main St. Three expert mnarcellers. Shingle trims. Soft water usedl at all times. IM3AT TIA I B9IEA TSHOPPE (Above ('ushing's) fI We represent Adler B1altimore and1 Dan- iel Boone New Spring Clothes. Ex- clusive of the latest styles in the very X3O $35. $4O AND UP Every garment hand tailored of the very finest workmanship. T~he loose fitting English models in the newest shade of colors. Unequalled value! ISHIRTS Yott will admimt that we have the most com- p~lete stock of finier shirts at value giving l?:"ices., Spring weight flani- at, $4.00. The new nel. $2.50. blues with cross Regular $3.00 values stripes, with ceol- in the new stripes and colors. Super- lar detachmed Or sylk broadcloth. attached. English broadcloth. $2.50, a special for Saturdhay only. Guaranteed $3.50 values. highest grade inaterials. of NEW SPRING TOP COATS The new Spring topcoats are exception- ally attractive both in style and price. Featuring the new shades of blue. $25 to $40. TIES CAP'S $1:00 $2.00 to $3.00 Regular $1.50 neck- Flashing the new wear'. Opening spe- colors in new cials of new spring styles. All stripes and combi- shades and pat- nations. terns. SWEATERS Attractive, individual designs, livid colors, all in the best of quality and value. Popular pull over styles. $5.50 to $8.00. PARAGON HATS $4450 .to $6.00O The styles are anew this se-ason. We have them! All shades. of colors are here in every variation. Every hat backed by mnanufactur-. er's guarantee. SOCKS- - UNDERWEAR BELTS - = COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS - ETC. SLICKERS $5 Regular $7.50 oilskins in yellow and olive green. Prepare for rainy spring weather. 213 E. LIBERTY 1 HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED) YET' 1 I ma"I a m taM^ =nmofi ma nat im* *11dM nt~r" MU ie dt 66ih