SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1925, THE MICHIGAN DAILY rPAGE .URErI i EDU CATIO SAF ATTENDSMETN Ntiona~l ('oulc ull olr in ( inii iuna; At~tracts M any Proen~ iit SCI-ORLING TO PRE SIDE al members o:ilhe El afl' of tIlo 'School (i Edu1cat io n arc leavingat tlhe end of tbhis week to atte('ld the gfner-al sessions of 0 e, National4)1 'di- cation. as;ociat Ion from February 22 to 26 at Cinciniatal, Dean ,A.: S. Wit- ney ,,idl yest erd,,,y. '[he' neetin ,g whidch iK;t;(XIremiely b~road' in itsir- pose, includles l1tnIires;a ud W(Ii SiOI2i; of 'aln tit 8n ijIl (','t f0 t I cally every l)Vr ion in edweat iona I fields. M~eetng:, will e It, t Ihe si hall, where eevera I Ithou :an(I :)J:;as will be inl at endance. Ve:3p(eI services oil Sunday at Owe WvithIirow high sci' o] wi~ll onI~ Mor11- ate Washiligtoll', ann ihorsary;amlaad- (ress, "The Faith of the Founders," will be dliuvered lby R...('ondo, superintend~ent of Cincinnati schools. At 9 o'clock Monday lectures on sup- erint1end~ence and it s progress are t) he given,.rThe associat ion will bold a joint session with the American muedical association in the afternoon01 while special groups meeting separ~- ately will discuss undler the be ad of National ideals egq ti Iy of educationi- al opportunity, jistice for pupils. teachers,~ and admn istrat Iors, stuldenit self-goverinent, and fortification by puhlic ppinion. On Tu~esday an 'ec:utive session2 for members of the (lopert.ient of ,-up- erintelljlence will be held and~ :,even- miinute' speeches ore various pressing school' problemls ill be nade. Short speeches, will he continued On Wed- nesday. The convention will he brough to a climax Thursday Frith a high school pageant, lee clubs' con-. c~ et, and teachers' chorus. Lora do Taft, the C{hicago sculptor, will speak that evening on "The Gospel of Beauc- Leaves Sick-Bed T Sign SovietTreaty The Camus Credo Samuel C. Sonkin, '28).--"My per- moun t; however, these Yidn o sonal opinion is that the llractical f liviateo the cultural." tures of the University cur riulm hcuild be 1paromount since the m~ajor I pr,,cofessions, as medic ine and dentistry~NO C aPCEL, AL in the future will be more towards fl at lye. Cultural atmosphere is acquir- ed i n ' r f s i n l e v r n e t"Irving G . Schneider, '27.- "B y ail! A ll d am'- imeans the practical. Cultural willi 811d coe i hady'bu foa oIP care er the nractieal Iwyr"senior dn. Richard C. Fuller, '2 .-- ."Without the .ext Tueea.. Ii' ',.. 0 1 T.IGI Y, qtuestion;l: Wch features (lo you thzink; should be paramount in tlI UIn'1fivrerril curriculum, the prac- 11(81 0or the (cultura'il? prctical features of our mowdern uni- ed, the date o Hit wvili c itui 'Xlanae as d l St1 >ate ;street. (,rnsity curricula, that element of de-m- - to be annous'~i'r~ h hl 'IiI e : nsa exs a Arnold O. Abraham , ocracy so essential to time prostige of ! Out of r' o ".~ mrn "i.-- Toery generally speaking, I con- our igh'Ier institutions of learn ingjthe bowliinccrt f heclurlasetssoldj he ,,,, x a 1* i sI antding, a stutdent way's brilliant at creating excuses f'or having; violated t r'alic ri'iu s,''says Thoias 14. C'- Birien, elm ief of th-~ city polie depart- macel t. ''Aff0'rlhero, g ar'e- edm''chief 0'8ren (2)111 inn es, ''one st ud(nt toll(1 me in the! mjost i at hot ic tonme lthatlhe was earn- ing his own way through college andj c ont'cqucnfiy ('01111not possibly pay a! fi ne'. Hfe p5.111.0 his liiinib] e condition i i i I I i i I i 1 'ic vividly that I was temptedl to 1)0 Varius (epatmens, icluing .hoc 1.,,y 111 111111. . ljcit hpee, how~ever, ofl thei deasofmen, nldintaoseto glane'e ouitside andl see his car park- of te (;,as o womn, lemntay ;ed there. It was a new and expensive school; )pincipals, rural education, 'o' imake of limousine. Ini a short time cational edIucation andI practical arts, thestuden~tltf. wishing that he ha~d teacher training schools, and kinder- drvndwnt h teLon .Fr. garten supervisors and training teach- cifOBintlso n tdn ers will meet simultaneously wvith tihe ('of 'rintlsfonsudt association, ?s will also the national wholl, on becing a rrested for having de- association of high school inspectors Ililsled a telelphone hole, saidl in all and of secondary school principals, eaiiiestii('5s that oil account. of a p)e- and the national c'ouncil of primary ciiliar defect, in his car, accidents like o~luca lion. that. loid a tendlenc y to happen all the Many organizations for thxe stud]y of' tulle, i udl added t hat perha ps the pol- In ethiods to) be0used4 In1the IUaciiing of ( 'ul naTe o0 raenn various .,ubjects will lie in sessioli. xvit.ilthe Ic' da Ici' to eliminate the rath- .Prof. Schorling;, urinu(ipal orPcr 1)1 oyini g ' oule. the Uji'yerscity high school, will bare- '"A hew t tiuwle ago,'' Chief O'Bl'iell tide ovePt'the national council ot' teach- ;S" Y!',5, ., ;'l)0i; Iva'; t m01 U ilt hat:.aa er's of mathematics. Miss S. A. ill- s toiI aititie;i~ (I i '(t dlell, of =the mathematics (lel~ai'tnlent; ~ifol ) nalyajiigate .r F.J.Curtis, science, iand iDr. 0. a1r lii iehoocceltlcia WX. Stephenson and Miss; Edith M oyle, 1armri vedI nt t he itlaeIh' found Itbat an -; social studies, will go from University rather) stuidenit. failing to fiind parking hiigh school to attend similar meetings. spac(e fori his fear. had pushed"I the first Special exper't considIerations will be (-r ' hso Offt' wa, ysthatlie z could given to fields. of research and pr t- a i' hiS ( W 1 8' 1lc'C Of ( 1'5 cedure,. t heopolicemlan arresit er? t heo wnr of _______________________thy.:;eeonml ('ari, ho timere'upon gave al. i r t ( fI I I, ) ' I i , ' I . i , - . .! ( i I . ' i rt Ili icia. n wifl111e strpplicd Ice tho' emiploy- mnt bllrclau of (Colm bia uni versit y accct ding to N. M.). Mclx ngght. head of the bureau of a1 polutl11eln a. hle o- flee hlas the na 111(3 of :"u lts1rCa I:. to till jobs as fatr a n~ar i wactor", uciii dete('tiveS at .a 1m1omen t,'s call11. A 1*. w (lays a gothle bu;rc~im rc civeoi a ('all for "'four lia 'c it ico, :1.p )c rill! 1"hywere wa ci 'i Intooft i 10 at 1a.ii~ :socict T Jhal. aeji ltoest",acie coam- t lion, tlley say. Of c'1'ourselthe'e ar'e lot s of willing doctors. ll\wvba;I's, :581('5I01Il in'It flt.eS, but thr ire also aii s'who believe they qua Iif'y :a';port er , 1physical iii structm's, Coni1110112i?1, wa- c1ell enanld j'ournalists. Tlhiere ark ci watys I) on, "Woille011111a i Jobs, thedirector ofi' I11(1service 58 . Besides those ot' 1the pos tiem s jiii ' m~enltioned~ to whi( i t hey ate, eligible, the womnlistudc (lt 5 a 5JO i'(' tto le (v- The t'ontent ion it(tl'l' I'111 lo:a' Ic 511' form' ianuial labur is :.'I i_ f'# by 111'' (nYlw'~1'*-w-(31of he (c0--,ln b~ia o~iiah+. Thei''v h"e s id''t:; en call1 cItall1 filt('5 who die '( clatn;'lo- in jobs o' aliiio:al,1all hind:;. ''i :; Feb. 2' 0 . - aIV' tck id 1;ed (f' r ' 1w, f. e ' 1r :t1 xCi Versa:11, i i iall <11 ickIj , , tIe end15 (o i unis uci~ thl l a i0'ni c t10at 11 'i'fi'i' ;lilfi'fr ils1'te lnres- ' P . ._c 4i9 3 rm "Jn p- : >. n yr n {. SACK SUIT C U~iJ a conmevn 1('Y dc m u a o ,ina~ rV 1 ',im m't-a "' LUXEc.2".t .0.1:'N ;"TZRG iCY f4i~D Ju syl tvnic on requestR P17roud 11' ~'iL~1 le ir e offer picturization of the gre ate s romantic drama by RAFAE L SABHT Author of Scarianionl c 1t . kJ ~INI a Featuring And ),000 Corcairs, Pirates, Galley Slaves ageid Fighting Men _. , , . s WC +=1Y+L#:tlM 1:A%,::it:}}py.:-utli:,]a/WS:A 'i -:i ", - -K Z ;a. 5h: Tu +. yl 2 J M '' ;nli? . ._ 'A§.^ ili ".L r P 3'. -._ . . .i .. , Orders were issuledl today by ofiii.ia'ls; of the, People's llol orcoacli i'n iy servigAin A rbor'with ('i.t Ii' s p~w tatfio l, 1f')eoiil( to a.lpause t''I'!-two illiintit(", ;it'2 "',(loc' a u' yafhi- noon, vihieVel. they ilmay 1)",. in hioar 01' of the late Dri. M~arion I,.fBur t on. ihs ,owni' Alould riot he airstod foir jiirlig ;a('l'0;s anl alley,8al(d itllo(-, ing s;o I lath my own ('ar1' threby in ist a e." Don't delay-Pay your Subsuwription II vcen 6,00' f W ac~i today. laud evwery ea ix. office 111 ;veys l'be- d ,000t,000O acre.; of LAST TIMES TOI)AY SMatineeNih l ac 1 7/I~h .nthrrc lug Drama of. Ia Ruiin " J i yet. -4K4. IraI~ii~l ;lC I11'_ __ _ _'~~ '_ _ i I - -STARTING SUNDAY -'- Remnember tthe Punch, the Romance and the Thrills o '~ r~tS'v W EIl~L HEE'S ONE 1EQUALILYAS'O'D ' fJ - f I r i liltSI' SM AE BSCH - EUGENE 0'RIE MIL D DHARIS ;t EN ALEXANDER J. K.lMcDonald presents ., Iis or'gim 1l stor y-directed "" ~by Victor Schertzinger ; '<;. A pr DANIA'nh 'l~~ "Open All Night" ---Oln theStage- .EN'IIRE' NEW IOG RA I biy Bie Closed Saturday 1 terii eop w m