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February 21, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-21

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Hour of Mlanoeuiering Precedes Vote;
Attitude of President
Is Unknown
Washington, Feb. 20, (By A. P.).-
Salary increases for members of Con-
gress and the President's cabinet were
put up to the executive today with the
adoption by the House of a Senate
amendment to the legislative ap-
propriation bill.
The president's attitude towards
the proposal has not been determined
and he is expected to consult the bud-
get bureau before he decides whether
to approve or veto the bill.
The House, like the Senate, avoid-
ed a roll call which would have put
the members definitely on record, in
approving the salaries amendment to-
day by a vote of 237-93. Unless ve-
toed, it will increase the salaries of
senators and representatives from1
$7,500 to $10,000 a year, effective4
March 4, and the speaker, vice-presi-
dent and cabinet officers from $12,000
to $15,000.1
An hour of parlimentary manoeuver-I
ing preceded the House decision. In-1
stead of sending the measure to con-I
ference as is customary, Representa-
tive Dickinson, Republican, Iowa, in1
charge of it, proposed that all Senate1
amendments including the salary rid-1
er be accepted.
Explorer Talks
Here Tuesdy
Donald B. MacMillan, noted Arctic
explorer, will rpeak on the subject,
"My Winter in North Greenland," un-
der the auspices of the Oratorical as-
sociation at 8 o'clock Tuesday, in Hill
auditorium. Mr. MacMillan is substi-
tuted for Henry Van Dyke who is un-
able to fill his engagement.
Mr. MacMillan's first endeavors as
an arctic explorer were in 1908-1909
when he accompanied Peary's famous
expedition which resulted in the dis-
covery of the North Pole. Since thatI
time, although holding a professorship
at Bowdoin, Mr. MacMillanhas contin-I
ued his northern expeditions, journey-
ing to Labrador, Crocker land, Baf-
fin land, and his recently completed
voyage to Greenland.
Mr. MacMillan's lecture will be il-
lustrated with motion pictures and
lantern slides from photographs tak-
en on his latest expedition.
Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 20.-Investi-
gation of the Ohio State university
poison case was reopened today by
Governor Donahey who ordered M. MN1.
N. Ford, secretary of the Ohio Board
of Pharmacy to conduct an investiga-
tion of methods used at the university
drug dispensary where capsules con-
taining poison were dispensed, re-
sulting in the death of two students
and the illness of four others.
The governor declared lie was con-
vinced the dispensary was "loosely
conducted," he said, "the investigation

must not be permitted to end until
every resource is exhausted."
Mr. Ford's investigation will center
on whether or not the state law requir-
ing the presence of a registered phar-
macist in a drug store at all times
was violated. Mr. Ford said he would
report his findings to the governor
and the latter will decide whether
there is to be prosecution or not.
OurWeatherMan I

Daily To Give
SPictures With
Sunday Issue
With each copy of The Daily to-
morrow morning will be distributed
a large photograph of the late Presi-
dent Marion L. Burton. This is being
done to fill the large demand for pic-
tures of the deceased University lead-
er both by students and townspeople
who desire to have some remembrance
of him-one of the nation's truly great
The pictures will be printed on spe-
cially prepared buff paper designed
expresslyhfor framing. Additional
copies of the picture may be secured
at The Daily office in the Press build-
ing by those who desire them, a price
covering the cost of printing being
charged. These will be available the!
first of next week.
Mine Explosion
Buries 45 Men
Sullivan, Ind., Feb. 20. (By A. P.)-
A large force of mine rescue teams
was battling against hope this even-
ing in an effort to reach 35 to 45 men
entombed by a gas explosion in the
City Coal company's mine here. Eight
dead have been brought from the
mine and several injuredamen have
been taken out. The dead have not
been identified on account of the burn-
ed condition of the bodies.
Those in charge of the rescue efforts
were of the opinion that few if any
of the entombed men would be
brought out alive. The interior of
that part of the mine in which the ex-
plosion occurred at 10:30 o'clock this
morning was wrecked and the fumes
have been so dense in the workings
that men have been unable to pene-1
trate into the entries affected.
About 140 men were at work in the
mine when the blast occurred. A huger
cloud of black smoke poured from the
mouth of the shaft, wrecking thet
hoisting machinery. The explosion
occurred in the northwestern sectionj
of the mine and it is here that the,
men have been entombed. Miners in;
the other sections of the mine hasten-
ed to the shaft and to the main ways
and were brought out.
Stuart H. Perry, vice president of
the American Press association and
editor of the Adrian Telegram, will
be the principal speaker at the Amer-
icanization banquet given by the
American legion, Tuesday evening,
Feb. 24, at the Chamber of Commerce
inn. The 35 new foreign-born citizens
who were admitted at the October and'
February naturalization terms of the
Washtenaw circuit court are to be
guests of the Legion, and will be for-
mally welcomed by Judge George W.
Sample, of the district court.
Invitations to attend the banquet
as guests of honor have been sent to
Mayor George E. Lewis, Judge Sample,
and P. P. Woodbridge, secretary of
the Chamber of Commerce. Hackley
Butler, president of the chamber, will
not be able to attend, owing to busi-
ness matters out of the city.
On this occasion Commander Roscoe
0. Bonisteel, of the Erwin Preskorn
Post No. 46 of the American legion,
will make the annual presentation of
citations to citizens selected for out-
standing service to the community in
the past.

Roy Kegerreis and G. S. Cook, both
of the physics department, presented
a paper before the annual meeting
of the American Roentgen ray so-
ciety in Detroit, yesterday. The sub-
ject of the address was "A Portable
X-Ray Measuring Apparatus and
Standardization Tests," and their talk
was illustrated.
Three-dimensional models showing
the dosage in X-ray therapy work,
and lantern slides were used. Mr.
Kegerreis, who recently developed a
portable X-ray measuring apparatus,
illustrated its use. Mr. Cook, who is-
a co-author of the paper has been in-
terested in radiation work for several
years. He was recently connected
with the Nela Research Laboratories


"Count each affliction, whether light or grave,
God's messenger sent down to thee; do thou
With courtesy receive him; rise and bow;

And, ere his shadow pass thy threshold, crave
Permission first his heavenly feet to lave;
Then lay before him all thou hast, allow
No cloud of passion to usurp thy brow,
Or mar thy hospitality; no wave
Of mortal tumult to obliterate
The soul's marmoreal calmness: Grief should be
Like joy, majestic, equable, sedate,
Confirming, cleansing, raising, making free;
Strong to consume small troubles; to commend
Great thoughts, grave thoughts,, thoughts lasting to the end."
-Aubrey de Vere

General Assails Findings of Navy
Board in Respect to Anti-
Aircraft Fire

Nation Has Lost Loyal Worker, Brave
Fighter, and Noble Son
Act Reads


Speakers Are Limited to Ten Minutes
In Long Debate. Farm Groups
Oppose Measure.
Lansing, Feb. 20.-(By A. P.)-By a
vote of nearly 3 to 1 the House of
Representatives today rejected the
proposed child labor amendment to
the federal constitution. Beset on
one side by the demand of women's
organizations and organized labor
that they accept the amendment, and
on the other by farmers' organizations
and industrial associations that they
go on record against it, the members
debated at length before the roll call
was finally reached. Each speaker was
limited to 10 minutes.
The vote was not a straight out
proposition offor or against ratifica-
tion. It was on a negative resolution
sponsored by Rep. Charles Culver, of
Wayne, proposing that the State of
Michigan reject the amendment, Six-
ty-one members voted for the repolu-
tion and 24 against.
Rep. John Epsie, of Clinton, led
the opponents of the amendment, and
urged a favorable vote on the rejec-
tion resolution, with a stirring ad-
dress in which he declared that the
proposal to permit Congress to reg-
ulate the labor of children under 18
years of age is "going at the problem
in the wrong way." Such action
would rob parents of their control
over their children, he urged.
"If this amendment provided that
every, child be. compelled to attend
school up to the age of 16, there
would not be a resenting vote against
It," he declared. Rep. John Holland,
of Gogebic, and William J. Thomas,
of Kent, were others who spoke for
the adoption of the resolution. Reps.
John Crutchfield, of Saginaw, Ate
Dykstra, of Kent, and Charles Haight,
of Ingham, urged the assembly to vote
down the Culver resolution.
According to some members of the
House the adoption of the rejection
resolution would prohibit action on
the child labor amendment by future
Slegislatures for seven years, but the
attorney general in an opinion today
ruled that the action of this assembly
would not prevent the 1925 legislature
from again considering the proposed
Several students will speak in cities
and towns in Michigan during the
coming week under the auspices of the
extension depratment of the Student
Christian association. C. P. Wang,
'25L, president of the Chinese stu-
dents' club, and Baurice Rhodes, '25L,


Literary college-South Uni-
versity to East University ave-
Law school, School of Busi-
ness Administration, and School
of Education-East University
to Church street.
College of Engineering and
Architecture-On Church street
from South University to Col-
lege street.
Medical school, School of Den-
tal Surgery, and School of Phar-
macy-College street to Wash-
tenaw ave.
On Geddes avenue from Wash-
tenaw avenue to the Forest Hill
Students will please stay in
line till the procession is pass-


Washington, Feb. 20.-(By A.P.)-
Brigader General Mitchell, assistant
army air chief, continuing his attack
on the adnistration air policy before
the House aircraft committee, today
closed the special navy board report!
on surface ships, submarines, and air-i
craft, and asserted that the bombing!
tests against the unfinished battleship
Washington had revealed no new in-
formation to disprove his statements
on the effectiveness of aerial bombing
against surface vessels.
The general suggested he be given
an opportunity to prove his statements
in new bombing tests, and Represent-
ative Prall, Democrat, New York, an-
nounced he intended within a few days
to present to the committee a resolu-
tion asking that such tests be arranged
if possible.
Findings of the special navy board
appointed at the request of President
Coolidge to determine the relative val-
ues of the naval arms with respect to
the effectiveness of anti-aircraft fire
on aircraft were assailed by General
Mitchell, who reiterated that aviators
in France had held the "utmost con-
tempt" for "ground fire." Asserting
that no bombs were used in the Wash-
ington tests the general said that state-
ments in the report dealing with this
subject "leads the people to believe
that a battleship can withstand aerial
attack, which is most decidedly in er-
Meanwhile, today, the widely adver-
tised report that the general was to
be called to the White House for a
reprimand because of testimony in
conflict with administration aircraft
policies, definitely collapsed when it
was made known authoritatively that
President Coolidge would be guided
solely by the recommendations of Sec-
retary Weeks in determining whether
the assistant air chief is to be reap-
pointed next month or assigned to
some other duty, an alternative which
would have the effect of reducing him
to the rank of colonel. Mr. Coolidge
regards the question as one for decis-
ion solely by the war department to
be treated no differently than any oth-
er appointment within the department.
The following telegram was receiv-
ed by Mrs. M. L. Burton today from
the newsboys of Minneapolis.
"The newsboys of Minneapolis
share in the profound sorrow over theI
loss of their friend, Dr. Burton, and
send you their sincere sympathy. A
common bond existed between Dr.
Burton and the membership of our
association. Having been a newsboy
in his youth, he could appreciate the
problems confronting us and the ready
encouragement and wise counsel giv-
en by him to our membership will al-
ways be remembered.


Appreciation of the work of Pres.
Marion L. Burton was expressed in a
resolution passed by the Ann Arbor
Chamber of Commerce yesterday
morning. The resolution reads:
"We, the members of the Ann Ar-
bor Chamber of Commerce, do here-
by resolve:
"That, Ann Arbor, the University,
and the Nation, have lost one of their
most loyal workers, bravest fighters,
and noblest sons in the untimely
death of Marion Leroy Burton, Presi-
dent of the University of Michigan,
our friend and colleague. He was a
man inspired in his ideals and inde-
fatigable in the service of his fellow
man. Manly of bearing, fearless of
spirit, honest of life,-he was one of
those great personifications of the
highest and finest in the name Ameri-
"That, to those on whom the great-
est sorrow has fallen-Dr. Burton's
family-we express the deepest sym-
pathy of our hearts. May they find
solace in the thoughts of a Compas-
sionate God.
"That, this body hereby declares it-
self in favor of every suitable plan
for the perpetual commemoration and
memorial of the great man who has
passed from our life.
"That, sorrowing and overwhelmed
in the shadow of the tragedy that has
just occurred among us, this simple
expression of our grief for our lost
leader be recorded in the minutes of
this organization and transmitted to
the family of the deceased.
"May we, in the death of our belov-
ed friend, find reborn in our own
hearts those ideals which made his
life so u.seful, and in our own souls
the resolve to ever encourage the
great work in which he has engaged."

Gabrlowitsch to Conduct Funeral
Music From Wagner as Memorial
to President Barton
Opening their program with the
Funeral Music from Wagner's "Got-
terdammerung" as a memorial to
President Marion LeRoy Burton, Os-
sip Gabrilowitsch and the Detroit
Symphony orchestra will make their
second appearance in Ann Arbor this
season at 8 o'clock Monday night in
Hill auditorium.
Guy Maier, Lee Pattison, and Arthur
Shattuck, all well-known American
pianists will, be the assisting artists,
who will play the Concerto in C ma-
jor for three pianos and orchestra by
Bach. Messrs. Maier and Pattison,
are well known in Ann Arbor where
they appeared earlier in the season in
a two piano recital. Mr. Maier is head
of the piano department of the Uni-,
versity School of Music and he is con,
sidered one of the outstanding native
artists. Mr. Pattison, who is also
widely known in musical circles has
played with Maier in many two piano
programs and together they have
come to be considered the outstanding
artists in this field today. Mr. Shat-
tuck, who appeared here last year
with the Detroit Symphony orchestra,
made a very favorable impression on
a majority of those who heard him.
Another unusual number on the
program will be Liszt's Concerta
Pathetique for two pianos and orches-
tra. The orchestration and arrange-
ment for this piece has been done by
Lee Pattison, who with Guy Maier
will play it. The Detroit Symphony
will also play two very popular num-
bers, Grieg's well known "Peer
Gynt" suite, and Beethoven's Seventh
symphony, in A major.
As part of a state-wide drive. to
help finance the Sunnycrest school for
girls in Holland, Mich., collections
were taken by the local Women's club
last night and Thursday and will
again be repeated tonight at the Ma-
jestic and Arcade theaters. Dona-
tions received during the first day of
this campaign, it is reported, amount
to more than $110.
The Sunnycrest school is a charit-
able institution, founded about two
years ago to take care of girls from
five to fourteen years of age. It aims
to give girls whose home environ-
ment may be undesirable, an oppor-
tunity to live under healthful and fa-
vorable conditions.

Regents Will Act as Honorary Pa
Bearers; Secretary Hughes
Sends Condolences
Reverently filing through Alumni
Memorial Hall, where the body of
President Burton lay in state from
9:30 until 5:30 o'clock yesterday, a
continuous line of persons from all
walks of life paid their final respect
to a beloved friend and leader. When
the doors were first opened in the
morning townspeople and out-of-town
friends began slowly walking through
the hall of tribute.
At 1 o'clock students and members
of the faculty swelled the numbers of
the mourners, and from then until the
last person walked out of the North
door of the building at 5:30, the line
was kept constantly moving. With
tear dimmed eyes and impressive sil-
ence thousands of people took a final
lingering look at the man who had
done so much for the University and
for many of them individually. Sad-
dened were the glances that were
turned upon the kindly face of the
man whom all had learned to love.
Hanging over the front entrance of
Memorial hall was a huge black ban-
ner with a purple band near its bor-
der. In the center of the banner,
standing out in contrast with the
black background, was the University
of Michigan seal in gold.
Lining Athe path which the griet
stricken friends followed stood mem-
bers of the National Guard, motion-
less, in a position of attention. Those
who stood around the bier had bay-
onets fixed in their rifles, and black
ribbons hung from the hilts of the
officers' swords.
Floral tributes from departments
of the University, fraternities, sorori-
ties, and individual friends formed a
bank of gorgeousness back of the cof-
fin. In front stood bronzed baskets
of roses, lilies, and carnations, and
huge wreaths were artistically placed
amongst them. Near the body .were
placed tall white lilies standing out
sharply from the mass of color in the
rear. A perfect banking of flowers,
plants, and wreaths led up to green
palms massed as a background.
The decorations and military guard
of honor keeping its watch over the
dead imparted to the whole building
an air of splendor, only fitting to a
man such as President Burton. Yet
the true beauty, the real glory, lay in
the multitudes of friends and admir-
ers who, overcome with sorrow, came
to see their leader once more before
he was taken to his final resting place.
Today at 2 o'clock the ceremonies
will be of a private nature, the stu-
dent body taking part only by form-
Ing a line along the march of the
funeral cortege. Students are asked
not to follow the procession. The
same eight students will act as pall-
bearers, while Gov. Alex J. Groesbeck,
and members of the Board of Regents
will participate as honorary pall-
bearers. A delegaton from the state
legislature, consisting of five members
from both the house of represent-
atives and the. senate, will be on
hand to represent the state at the
Governor Groesbeck will arrive here
at noon today, it was announced yes-
terday. Regent James 0. Murfin, of
Detroit, may not arrive in time for
the ceremonies, as he is still on the
way to Ann Arbor from California. It
is also doubtful that Mrs. J. A. Gilden,
of Melbourne, Iowa, Dr. Burton's aged
mother, will be able to make the jour-
ney here, Dr. Donald Cowling, presi-
dent of Carleton college, the Presi-
dent's closest friend, has already ar-
rived in Ann Arbor.
In addition to the telegrams hither-
to received at the Burton residence

is that from Charles Evans Hughes,
Secretary of State, expressing the
deepest sympathy from his wife and
himself. Many others continued to
The services for the funeral will
take place at the Burton residence at
2 o'clock under the direction of Rev-
erends Lloyd C. Douglas, of Akron,
Ohio, and Herbert A. Jump, pastor of

v speak before church groups tomorrow
in Detroit and Pinckney, Michigan.
Wang will address the St. Marks
Methodist Episcopal congregation of
Detroit tomorrow evening on "Con-
temporary Conditions in China."
Rhodes will speak at the evening scr-
Preliminaries in the all-campus ex- vice of the Congregational church in
tempore contest will be held at 9 Pinckney. His subject is "Helping
o'clock this morning in room 302 Solve the Boy Problem."
Mason hall. Candidates will be limit- On Friday and Saturday, Feb. 27
ed to a three minute speech on any and 28, George H. Baker, '25Ed, will
phase of the child labor question, that be the main speaker at several ban-
subject having been chosen by the quets in Kalamazoo. His main talk
contestants. will be given Friday night at the Fa-
Seven of the tryouts will be select- ther and Son banquet at the Y. M. C.

ed to compete in the final contest
which will be completed the latter
part of next week. The final contest
will be of a more extemporaneous na-
ture, the candidates receiving their
special phase of the subject at 5
o'clock and being required to deliver
their speech at 8 o'clock that night
in University hall.
Alpha Epsilon Mu
Will Initiate 11,
Alpha Epsilon Mu, honorary fra-
ternity composed of students prom.i-
nent in campus musical organizations,
will initiate eleven new members next
Tuesday at the Union. Arthur Smith,

A. which is given by the combined
Hi-Y organizations of the city. Sat-
urday morning Baker is scheduled to
appear before several other gather-
ings. 'His stay in Kalamazoo will be
sponsored by the Y. M. C. A.
On March 4, a "Michigan day" will
be observed by students of one.of the
high schools of Flint. Alfred Con-
nable, '25, president of the Student
council, will probably be sent on this
trip and will address 2000 high school
students of Flint on the afternoon of
March 4 in assemblies of students
held in the school auditorium.
On the following day, March 5, a
combined Hi-Y convention of Oakland
county will open in Farmington. The
extension department of the Student
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