PAGE E$IGIIT DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to tho President until. 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdayj" ! .l ame 6 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, ,1925 f Number 10:3 i To all muembers of the University: As Monday, February 23. is a legal holiday all classes will be suspended and:Iall University offices closed, The convocation called for Monday after- noon has been cancelled. -WHERE TO ASSEMlIBLE , SATUJRDAY AFTERNOON itien Literary college--South University to East University street. Law school, School of Business Administration, and School of Educa- tion-East University to Church street. College of Engineering and Architecture--On Church street from South University to College, avenue. Medical school, School of Dental Surgery, and School of Pharmacy-- College avenue to Washtenaw avenue. Women On G-eddes avenue from Washtenaw avenue to the Forest Hill cemetery. After the funeral procession passes 'the students will fall in line and march to the cemetery. i I # t i #1 I I i I f i I Engineer Is New Alaskan Goverrno Niscsse Fide Methods Which ltiineftSuiccess in 'i'lils (outtry Have 1 ® ® ® ® B ®E ® i ® ® 1 ® ® 0 m ® r fi THlE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 ;I!'AY 1 t l A) 132 m~n a ma n n rr m mu r 1,41gavel 1in conldition and displosing 'of PC I IToi 9lli'ai ik~~l ~'Vi5ltAU r 1111111 L1 I L. I U ~ !ilight snow.lnrdviUIDM(1eur 2liueph eato- M ~ ii L (~ L to astat cineutisswed recently by'Ir L sing, Feb. 1l)__.- A ini a sure to0 Iho i s 1 Ohi , cie o jp li(-e, al[~i A[r NN iNz ;i1l'iiulil co-operative organ TGoATRTMOR 2eJim, Fl. 2tl,cr \\X l as otrl te sat~l'- -It J f > klben 'fIesrftay. Only one more day of grace i left drvrl l beh('liabile to a fine . 2 SECOND SEMESTER To M1enmbers of the Faculty and Staff : insofar as possible, the Secretary's Office has distributed copies of the January, 1925, issue of the telephone directory to the various University offices,. Any one who has not yet received a copy may have one delivered. by notifying the Secretary's Office. S .W Snmith, Secretary of University'. Library -Closing : Tlie University Library and all departmental libraries will be closed from 'Friday, February 20th, at 12:34 until Saturday morning. They will also be; closed from 1:30 until 3:400P. M. Saturday, February 21st. Win. WV. Bishop, Librarian. 1PhySics 45, 45,17: Tlie new section in Physics 37 will meet first on February 27. Members of the. new section may come this week to Room 311 Saturday at 8 or to Room 309 Saturday at 11, if they wish. Memibers of the Laboratory Section ii meeting Friday afternoon may nake up Experiment 2 Friday mornin :9-12 or Saturday morning 8-4 1 or 9-12, if they wish. W..1V. Sleaitor. Zoology, 31. (Organic Evolution) : A mke-up examination for those students who, were absent from the final. will be given inwRoom 2233 on Saturday, Feb. 28, at 0 o'clock. Doctor's excu'ies must be presented to allow students to take this examination. Jacob E. Reighard. Exac1i oaneous Contest: ''le tryouts for the extemporaneous contest will be held at 9 o'clock Satur'day, morning in Room 302 Mason Hall instead of Friday afternoon as previously announced. Speeches will he three minutes in length and may be on any phase of the general subject of "Child Labor." - IT. C. Dixon, Director Locail Contests. Senior tW'onn: . All S'0.60oxs '*men trust have their measurements taken for caps and gowifs by Saturday, February 21, on the second~ floor of. Mack's. E. S. Nei.sel, Cap and flown Commiiitee. tI1i~1iy Clubi of' Ann Arbor: 'Te February Club Night ,of the University Club, set for Fridlay eveing. Febrmary 20, is postponed;, further notice will be given of the (late to be .set for the later meeting.. t treetrge A. Parks Thefnew governor of Alaska, George. Alxader c Parks, is a r;esident of the territory,.lie is a mining eng;ineer, WHAT'S GOING ON Notices to apear in this cnl"h roust h e left in the box at fhe D~ady office )pro)v1ied for t nat purl~ose before 4 -o'clock oreceedintnc w d.y of issue FRl I I)A Y 8 :00)-AL. T '. C. iiiets ait Pre:-idlen Burton's home. r3 :(_- Profe'smirr Sandel4rs si)&'i s on1 "11 ow the New Testam)enlt was T] ansinitted to Us" i the C'ongrega- tional church par'lors. 1:1I5--sigmilai ielf a Pil ueels at Sig-s in aKappa house. 7:,A--Poiatmi hi Litekary circle imeet s in Lane hell. 8 :00)--Sacred cto-ert at 811. P'aul's SLutheran church. 9 J:09.l-- 1xt al;ere ('oude:t, in roo iii 1llas(un 1hall. 7 ~ D :00 -8:1 'rde ssr W at er'an asiwakx Lane hall. 7 :30~- ('i'itsmen mieet at 4ol41 lasonle Tieiip. jNorman, Olio", Feb. 19.--Okla bourn unfiverbit y's Stai i tim-Ui Ion Itimi (Iwas ral sed to $4 15,0)00 today by the gift of $10,000 fromi an unklnown lperson. Normian, Okla., 1Feb. 109.--Approxi- mutely 100 members of the Oklahoma ADVISES STATE CONTROL; ('oncluding a series of tour lectures,- entitled '"City PlManning fronm the Law- 1 y's Point of View," Frank B. Wit- m liams spoke on "'Regional Tlanning with Especial Reference to the Re- gional Planning of New York" yester -i day afternoon in Natural Scienceudi- tot mmn. Defining his topi sth p)anning of a considerable area as aI unit," he stressed the physical and administrative rmasons for the neces- ! g sit y of regional planning.V ir. Willianms then went on to give . five mnethods which lie said had not }l anined any conspicuous success in 1 his country. "Counties," he said "gene rally prove neglectful and fail in their tasik." lie (describ~edlthe Imethtod whereby cities are allowed to lanu beyond their linmit~s as the most popu- lar' in this country. "TFhe most satisfactory method," lie Saod "i'is that of state supervision arid( c Cnt1rol, \VbicO) will not lie- adopted in his countriy for a long timie." "I would counsel that the state hire experts," Air. Williams dleclar'ed, ''and they would1 eliminate town zoning, which is thte worst in this country." 'The latter imirt of the lecture was I {owernedl with New York's planning' andt its history which was described a, one (of the most di fficult ever under- I ak, n a nywhere. Slide illustrations e'xplainedl the lproject. Power Scrapers Dentonstrated In } Front Of Union 'r Ic. imanataivye souls, who, see-. inu; the "'red engines'' performing in f runt of the Union yesterday, believ- ed themr to be fore-shadowers of the alj~jioacliiig godt of war, were happily mii:;aken, as they were lbnt represent- ;itive denionstators of three kindls 0f highway surface scrapers being shown to I ho convention of visiting state r'oad coini missionei's. The three makes of piower graders i'epi :sentedl were the Austin Western, 'lie Hladfieldl Pennfield, and the Weir. F~or lack of a more realistic setting, tHe dlemonstration took place at the{ corner of State and North University atvenues and consisted of having the machines drive up and down the street under the power of their F'ordlson motors. These tractor-scrap~ers are esp~ecial- 10,000 SECOND-HAND WILL SAVE YOU TEXT-BOOKS WA 9S UJNIVERS ITY BOOK STOCRE *uEN su m OEEE ®0UUUEEEE EE®a m UUEEEE,® I BOOKS THAT MONEY S U S S S U U U Craftsm en: 'There will be an Mlasbic Tenmple, at"TA tim&.- All members art Evans1Hobrook~, maIrman 01 Prograi m ommittete. meeting Saturday evening, Feb. 21, 1925. at tthe old 30 t'. M. The craft team picture: way he seen at this e urged to 'attend this meeting. Arthiur It. Tiurner, President. Siena Delta h1' ~lahe eiiary meceting of Sigmia. Delta Phi has been postponed to Wed- nesday, February 25, at the Sigma Kappa House. PO'omla Literary "Circle-: The meeting scheduled for tonight is postponed until further notice. Leo J. Nowieki. pill 0~ The He-Man Thc correct shoe for Spring, one that you wvill be proud to wear. Gives that neat, well- groomed appearance to the foot and just the i i III university this week. work, such as keeping the surface I -t w wI FOR ".YOUNG MEK 2N1AD1 Elny tFiFItFtiVFR STEIN COMPANY wa w I- - - . lish opcoats sindo - splendid fabrics in the newer2 patterns. Priced very rea- sonably at $25, $28 and $30t. 2w Remember that all F'itform Clothes are made expressly - for. Tom Corbett by Eder- heimer Stein Company. I They are styled with an I-- - Very latest in Spring aI-Iats and Caps - w i We're willing to pay you half the price of many of these overcoats if you'll buy now for next winter. We can't afford to hold them any longer; you can!' Hart Schaf/ner &r Plarx and other fine makes included Iie le- o I II thing to go with your new light suit. of a light tan imported Russian calf. Made Come in and 'see our displa.. $10. w & r G iSiatp M I i