THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SETVN THE MIHIA-D IL-AG _V IFIE OLM 'LOST NEVADA CITY CLLOSES MS P.M. ADVERTISING AT3P.M. CLAIMED BY STATE Inauguration Setting Is Completed I I' I EURIOPE DERIVE~S A nxiericall iPhnn INOTICE EXPERT WATCH RE0PAIRI NG Arnold SMate sNOWetJeti lor 302 South tate FOR RENT---Single room for gentle- man. $3. 2960-A. 1203 Forest. PIO REINT ---Four or five room fur- i'd-fied apaiiii' ent, located t wo blocks Al't-hoologj~s I toExploere Aiwifpid lf - mains 4d ofCave ive lers4 BURIED "UNDER DEBRIS teno, \Nov. Feb. 19. (Ty A. P.. PHIONE '86 For Typewriter Repairing (All makes) Dealer in 1voodstock typewri t ers, Sundstrand~ and Portable Add(lag machines. Ann Arbor Typewriter Itx * ai;e REFINED) MIDDLE: aged Ann Ari o~ f rom campus. Phnone 2~ l OI' iiIEN'L .Large suite< nnt, block from canpu: 1)tx 625 Church. l+,) di ~.l'NT - On fi rst floor, ro'211; icr lhousekeepinig. entIly locat ed bectw een C ll . Cal 17 3 1W lady uesiros lly comin ioll t1o 1t England, Holland, France, tc. tbhis;* FO1RiIN[- I 'lcasant ing]( June and July. lEu Liroe% ex eses less than $500. Wite box 67, Michigan Paily, for hit (i-Vi(w. TRY OUJR New W0ry$ 'Toaislod Sand- wiehes. Blest you ever ateo. A rleci' Fou ntain PARTY FAVORSh. Made to your order for \Va' sh ingt oni and] St. Patrick Platies. BROWN'S BOOK ( TOR~E 210 South Alain' t. very roa-- on able. 514 C(her a I rear ofl Unin. 24 -.I. MUSIC No. 2759) "INDIAN LOVE CAL lalyed Iby I'SIIA;A .IONI S and his 0 S'{'OFIET I'l O'N(W hA P The 'e-ceimuty cnn cvered ancient cliiff (iwe! br cityv oniet im es referred to as andl apart- Pueblo G randie ale Nevada, or lost i.Private t ity, loca ted a long the ban ks of thle Virgin River in southern Nevada, im four good largely on federal land and, in the Conveni- opinion of Governor .James Scroug- ampus aild hani, should become the prop~erty of the sthte and a separate state d(epart-i meat created to govern it and (1(on-1 le roomis- - duct further' exp)lations . sever court. Ncevada has se venal clims a gailiS1 the federal G overnment for IPubi lands, and the goverinor, in a recenut address5 at Lovelock, sa id seine sri RD) c (ofompromise agreem entI may be ar- ranged whereby the state wvill becomle sole (:upi odian of the buried city area. Two or more thousands of years ago, exploration has dleveloped, ped- piecItbought to b~e the ancestors of the rtixestra Pueblo Wxlang of today established 'l 51101' the city, which, alter reaching a high stage cof d(CveIlopneft, was allowedj to go to ruin. -Whether it was desert- RPAIIIed by its residents voluntarily, wheth- h r I er they were all slain or captured andl carried off by their enemies, or all [APSEdied of disease, is a matter' for specu- lation. 1In any event the cjty *as deserted REGULATIONS STRICT New 'ork.Fe.19. (flY A.I7 ..,, :::::::~~:z\ an.E st. tesl.dsthe world in radio lzaize (by overnmzental<1 restric- ".< :.:...": ;;;Strtns, is> beglining to "tune in," ac- nw~aJ. wh,:":.;. r.' Y:,- (!"dIng to ... . 11rofos{/y:1, European <.:.x.-.:~.; imaager of the International Western txr .lectric comnpany, who recently re- tuirnedI to th-is country. ~ "England is the only country which (:oflpa es with the United S3tates," Mr. lrofos said. "Germany, with 13 sta- .y{,""" -:-* 1 °1 " 'ions, is progressing rapidly. Czecho- Slovakia sees the radio as a means of "stablishing Prazgue as one of the out- 1""t andlifg musical and cult ural cent ers {. :} " "'.: 5^^tries are also considering musical pro- -} .- ramns to knit the national spirit and 1 to advance culture. liesident of the United States on March A.,.Installation of receiving sets is still task cif setting up stands for spectator s illegal throughout continental E±'urope uenrony which the oath of ogkewill be give. gneal, but outlaw listening is be- 4 -2 W atch Saturda y E ven ing I oI ' UEEu a o h e . H r i l o ter. l n in n r n n ii a r '.RY OUR H ot TIoastedl San(wiches.I t They are dlelicious. Arbor Foun- ATl 1-H . tain. fi I WIL The ;stage upon which Calvin C )olidge -will be inaugurated as already is preparedl for thle ceremony. Workmen have completedl the over teahe srf the capitol, and the erection of the steel structure the I U esidien±:.acb he chief justice, Williamin toward Taft. The photo aim }Show S how the standls appear fionm the New Nurses 1Home Completed; 1 Awiait ufIntrrurns hillsi l Our mioderat~e prices make it possibie for all to have FRtEShII lf)MI' GROWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 122 E. Liberty. Phione 1630 YOU WILL FIND ~' GOOD AND) EFFICIENT SERVICE T at the "1 CIITTI STREET BARBRlI51101P 607 Church Street N NURSES 'TRAINING -Lake View f1lospital, 4421) (Clarendon, Chicago.r S Accredi tedl sch ool. 2 yrs. 1I. S. re- Squiredl. Splendid priofessionfo r Syoung women. Scnd for catalogn TODAY. 17EAUTY SIIOPPES 4 Permanent Waving and Marcelling MA.CK AND CO. 3rd Floor Main St. ~?Three expert imareedlers. Shlingle trims. Soft water use(I at -all times. DI MTri BEAUTY STIOP'.111 (Above Cushing's) TYPE WRITE RS rl'e eectica eninerin deart 'andl in Iine became buried under sand Th'lcrclegiern eatandl debris so that hardly a, trace of 1 een t is offering a. course this semester ; t remained until recent (discoveries. Wit h construed-in work coinletcd. I in the, principles of electrical comy- AWhat is believed anl irrigation sys-tenwnrss oe teX0,0 lmudtcat ion for the first time in six; tern has been found, andl from this it - 'ift ofSentorsJahme, hzei $60f,00-) ifto entZ-J1sCozu o years. The American Telephone and3 is presunmedl the cit y's inhabitants I rcit, ;«waits lbt furnituare to matte it Telegraph company and the Bell sys- were agriculturists and male_ the des-i ready feor(1 cupancv. emo are giving tim lss opr-etboinmucl! the same manner as i In the opinion of meimers of the of hiscooera it does tdy in certain sections of Iburilding; commit tee. (it which Dr. ..I Iinintedvlmetfthscus.the west. S e-p zI, as an pet visor of building L a st summer the Bell systemn held Arhooia ivsigtnise~ -,, l anArcheologicalninvestigation is Ne- tans, is hot,,,,l, Ihen.Yli omiie is one of01 an eucalioiml comferumeeiii e cteCl to go forward rapidly this sum- Ithim iest of its tyvue in the (ounitry. York city, at whilm thme first plans for mci'r. Many mummmies and imuclm pot- O t orfor.Ih e nidn I his course were laid. bthe Bell systemni iSfr. ICr',tenwbrllr- hi lteri se nt several pieces of apparaturs ; tery from the ruins are now b~eing !will provide a e(-omnmindat ionrs for 2501 , (0t each of the 20 s; hools represented die.murses. l . ac t-al lrv tcilo(f the rooms art its conflerencee for use in these i esige Pnr~aai r~ r X(C (-orriclctin:,, td t~ro conis .hemr- 'Ehe a ppar atu s consistedl of a vacuu m u ril i J. Ceoe , i in s ed iiI icti a n Itithe oscillating circuit. gener ator giv- llxitmIie2f\V0lodorin 111 '(elc cis rm10to 50,I00f IEL I I~ish ed1 a deep walnt, .give a. lela sing cy(cles per secoimd, and an imp~edance T BESILI O efc. I brrcmpsto il,1 hinimdge suitale for mesuenents up- ;- ng the effect c-f lelgian marble, is to1 10,0010 cycles per second, a 200 IlerbertX Steger, '5 udIlrl sed ocii1th0 fir--t floor, while floors on mmile artificial line, anid a vacfuum tube , Coffma n, general secretary of imretmenlerlcisaeICaz. av ii I& f/Hv ! 0 b i/%.l N W W 9 W. v One of the imost pleasing irooums in the houme is time directors' room. oim the first floor, which is finished in w xalimut-frnisk gum-woodl, anmd panmeled. 1 Preumel doors throughout the lower floors add( to time pleasing effect. iIn addit ion to the four top) floors, a1 fifth flooir or basenment provides sewing rooms, a, gymunasium, assenmbly room,} jlcctui-e anmlitheater, class demonstra- tion rooms, and storage space. 1 Stairways ax-c finished "in salt glazedj brick, antd arne fire pr'oof. The stairs are steel anmdh terrazzo. Corridors open on the sun porches at the rear of time building, over-looking Pal mer field. P rovision has also been umade for anj electric signal system, reaching all thle roomis.j The b~uildling was designed biy Albert Kt hm. Detot it: achit ect. IVIER 1f f:TO ASSE:MBLE Mien Literary college--Soutth U ni-I versity to East. University ave-I nu1e. Law school, School of -Rusi-j ness Administration, and School4 of fEdu1caltioI-lest University to Church street. College of E4'ngineering and Architecture--tOn Church street fromSeut h University t* Col-j lege street. tI Medical school, School of Den-j tal -Surgery, and( School of Pimar- umacy--college street to Wash- tenaw ave. Womn On Geddes avenue from Wasm- teniaw avenue to thle ForestI till (cemetery.I ing practiced on a wide scale, Mr. TBrofos continuedl. The freedom, with which thme !ovemmental regulations arec beirg itruore, lie said, indicated Sa trendl of polic.y whict forecasts ac- ceptance of l roadlcasting on a ss sy-teinaticeplan. ".Licensing of owneis of receiving sets, and(I divorsion of part of the pro- (coeds to then browaleasting companies, is am almiost universal characteristic of thme expansion. Germany has under iconsideratiom a plant for renting re- Scowving sets a a low price. Spain inmakes it prolitalecfor the btroadcast- ing conmpanies by allowing publhicity. j "Expected interference b e t w e e n b~roadcastinmg stations in the several jicountries is said to have been one of tme reasons for goverunmental restric- Stions of iadio. Italy has effected a combination of groups which has re- ceived time concession for tme entire Scountry. It is understood that Spain. will follow this procedure. "England's system centers about the British Broadcasting Company, which. opierates 17 stations. A license fee paid to tme governument b~y 800,000 people is partly diverted to tme company. "Rlolland has seven concerns, hut no mg-trular pr'ograms aire a~s yet sent out. 9 Attempt Saving jnitiol -Olmet rn--inmitIliameter which per- Student Chiistian ass nilts of making voltage and current' Wednesday to speak l)e a-ta a rnmetsat anmy point in the ar- Boys' conference of thme 0ii line withmout distttrbing t lie sula held in IIa imock, (-Olclit ioins oif lalanmce. ginning today tInd 'rlie ou(r11se is primarily a laboratory Sunday night. Steg-er cour ise, sup pleinented by lec tires giv- are the main sp~eaker-s TYPEWRITER i i trougbhiIle courtesy oaline AMicum- IIEA)QUATERSigami Bell Telephone comipanmy, b~y some New and seconmtl land~ Corona, Rtein- of its leadling engineers. Time lectures ington and U nderwood port ables. L . 3xvill'egvn ahWdmedya 1 C. Smlit vlUndei-wood, Royal, R('imiuig jt'-lck ton i sen andl fa(,'rbry rebluilt nmachines. aive $40.0() or more 1by lblyi frliomn ghit., To P s us. Easy termns ift(desiredl. Rentinug iG -r en ence. Saturday morning speak on "'Will Your Saturday night, at thmez of the conterence, a Steger andl Coffman wi ger will deliver a,spe( thing More Than Fo~ot] andic relmairiig a spiecialty. 0. 1). MORliLL 17 Nickel's Arcade Tphe Typewriter & Stat ionery Stor(e.I Open evenings. IEstIAblismed 19081 I - M 1VTY PEO WYPR0 RT'El Al LS Time paymlenlts if'desiredl xI(kit RCECEISTEI 601 E. M.,dison Phonle 1809 Whenm is State St., iot State St ? II have thlie only Typew n it em stor on !i State St. I repair all1 makles of t ype- writers andl sell the famous Royal Typewriters---new and rebuilt. A. C. ST IS%)NI 208 S. State St. Over College Inn 2nd floor Phones 210-Al andl 11 28-M The only Typewriter store oil State St - TYV PEWR I'FING ,Mld EOGIAJ. IHNGz rfYPjE~RYPJIG& IIEOGRAI'IING prom ptly and neatly (lone by (experi- en~cedl operat ori'at. mioderait erateCs. 17 Nickel's Arcade Established 11908 Opomi evenings WANTED WANTE~D-Student~s to see our type- writer bargains. Good machnes for Paper At AlCn.u nan -is scheduled to p - the Mediocre." Trhese Several miembers of the chmca sent by the extension 1ami~ ' the Student Clhristianm o ngineering depairtnment will attend . 0Ime sessioin of time Michigani section of1 thle Aumerican I nstit ute of Chemical; Objects JTo D 1 t~itinerstobe hieIl in Detroit I a- movrow night. Prof. A. 11. White, Bieadl Infl IYCWbe of time (chemical engineerinmg depart- muemt, anmd secret ary of the section, will Object ionms hiave' leen p ari ,;cip!at e in the techimical1 discuss5ion ministrative offices of on thxe "tliciencies and~ Relative Value jby Pm-of. C. II. Van Ty o.01 5 s0tad (6(0 B.T.U. Gas." I tomry depainrtiment regai Other muemblers of time departmeintE dition of Nowvberry hal who N>,ill at tenmd are Professors J. C. um in wvhich time lect1 Ile- W. Lc~ V.I. Badger, G. G-. Brown,; can history are given. l and MT]%.Johin C. Geniesse. The group -;Students have ob~jeete will (-onvene at 6:20) o'clock at the condition of the rooimi i3cok CaLhiliac hotel. aindh this has been pre to time attention of the IntraGmuralftems grounds deparutnment. "I can see every st ° on this platform in i (Continued froni Page Six) weeks,", declared Profe: eacli,,as follows : League 1, Delta befor'e thle lecture ye IKappa Epsilon, winner of Alpha Tau looking at time dutst co Ommeg-a vs. Dleta T'au D~elta, Pi IKap- Ior sociatiomleft i .) i,,~ ~'. Fr 1ance has five stations, three of 'fore the 0110'dfrlr;,b Tb Onf Water~ Uppr Pnin3 (/2gls ,a ''fu"re"' which are operated lby the govern- _i - neut with a license fee for receivers. Michigan, be- A;i~~Ii,~ ~ t l In anl effort to (ttd(own University "Norway installed one of thme first lasting utit A iI ®#- A' SiclW e' water imills, repairs are to be nmatte oin broadcasting stations on the continent an 11 o ffmmuan -___ ____Iydm-'auic elevaltera used in University andh is conisidlered ammong thme leaders. of the confer-; buiildingYs. Sweden, with one station erected and ('01 aldei inthe in ('n oi'tue T iatiai-that time anomn t will(cont inueit~o iii-! An ituvestigation eendulctedl by I. W.I two in pirospect, has plans for a corn- Coffnan will hImrg, Gein-uia iv.thalta luhilox inately (,risilSClye(ar~s to (:(nlC'';Tiruettnmer of t~me buildings and I hrehiensive system of inter-linked sta- Stakes llold?''1 $40:0,000,00 wa:;s spout oby theto2(10,00)0:Ii-ofessor Van Si(cklhe pointed out gr-ounds depatment his revealed that Lions. Switzerland and Ireland each limain _gal bering 'Aiiericrus visitiuig Iurope (Inuring the uhait th~is exchange of money firom Am thiere is a loss of 25 cubic feet of' have one station, but no organized banquet, biothin ear 19 24, Pu-of'. J1. A'.\'an Sickle of eri-a to Eutronean handm~s was Must water per uminute from thme storehnouse! broadceasting. [ll speak. Ste- ( lie School of Blusiness AMtimistra it t Oll(ae way bly whii(h a financial ianthume (elevatornm, a, loss of 2300 cub~ic feet in "Thme flurst station in Turkey began ccll onm 'Sounic- leclareu'Ci yost erda