FEBRUARY 20, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAIL\ ._.. - - - -~ - ~ i25 WOM[IN ASKED TO LAVESCHOOL FIgures Show 171 Women Students WithI Scholarship Below Average $0 ARE GRADUATED Statistics from the office of the dean of women concerning the scholarship of women show that 25 women were sent home and 2 cases are now pend- ing, from the college of Literature, Science and Arts. There are 92 wo- men on probation and 79 on warning, making a total of 171 women whose scholarship is below the required standard. Of this number 53 are hang-overs from June 1924 or from mid-semesters. One of the total is from the school of Pharnacy, the re- maining number from the Literary school and the School of Education. Seventy-seven women have with- drawn from the University for reasons other than scholarship. Thirty wo- men graduated at the end of the first semester. -Women on warning are allowed only i two engagements a week and these must be during the week-end. One engagement may be a dance;' the other must terminate at the regular closing hour of the house, that is at 11:30. & unless the engagement should be on Sunday night when the closing hour is 10:30 o'clock. Women on proba- tion are allowed one engagement a week, to be at the week-end, and it may be a dance. Women on warning and probation are not permitted to serve on any committee or to take part in any pub- lic activity. The restriction on social activities is made by the office of the dean of women. The restrictions on campus activities are controlled by the senate committee on student _af- fairs. As arranged by class the number of women on probation and on warning are as follows: freshmen, 74; sopho- more, 49; junior, 31; senior, 17. HEIRf' YW RNTARI Ku AV&= Pw o WHERE TO DINE Beads Continue To Trim Frocks I NAMETEAMCPTINS FOK CLASSBASKETBAL As a result of the elections for class basketball captains held late yester- (lay afternoon in Barbour gymnasium, the following women will lead their teams in the interclass tournament which will open March 3: Senior,| Alma Crouse; junior, Norma Barlow; sophomore, Etruia Doster; freshman, Evelyn Ogbern. Nine series of games are scheduled for this tourney. The opening games will be played between the senior and junior women and the sophomore and freshman teams. Class champion- ships will be determined upon the percentage rather than the elimination basis. NOTICES 1 i I r Elect Officers nrrir E ct OOf Black Quil - 'Ih Black Quill itray society met FORJUNIOR CIOLS'PLA W'edoday eveniing at the Green Tree inn. Professor It. C. Cowden address- Applications are beginning to come ed the iembers of the society with a in for the twenty-first annual Junior talk on "Words." Pauline Bridgman, Girls' play which will be held March '27. and Matilda Somerfield, '28, gave 17 to 21 inclusive, at the Whitney a sketch and Helen Edwards, '27, gave theater. The first performance, Tues- a reading. day night, will be open only to wo- New officers were elected for the men, all others, including Saturday I seiester as follows: President, Lucille matinee will be open to the general Walsh, '27; secretary, Marie Van public. Mail order applications should Osenbruggen, '26; and treasurer, Hel- be sent to Eunice Rose, 1501 Washte- en Edwards, '27. Helen Gerberbing, new, before March 9.1 '27, was appointed chairman for the Prices are as follows: boxes, $3; next three meetings. orchestra, $2.50; first 4 rows of bal- cony, $2; second 4 rows of balcony, afternoon has been postponed until $1.50; remaining balcony, $1. 9:130 o'clock tomorrow morning, from harbour gymnasium. arranged. Two hundred dollars has -- - --been set as the quota of the Michigan As its first step in the national fi- district of the National Association of nancial drive program, the Social Ser- hospital workers. vice department of the University hos- pital will give a card-party at 8 o'- 'lock tonight at the nurses' dormit- Read the W ant Ads ory. iBetwecn 20 and 25 tables will he I p,.J LUNCHEONS (16arbiru DINNERS Chinese or American Dishes 106 So. Main ( American Student Management Junior play chorus rehearsals will be hold as follows: today, 4 and I5 at 7:15 B and BB at 8 o'clock; Sat- urday, 5 at 10 o'clock, BB at 11 -o'- clock.I Measurements for senior caps and gowns are being taken now on the second floor of Mack's. All seniors must have their measurements taken before March 1. Portia tryouts for new ,imember. I have been postponed until next Tues day night. The Kappa Phi initiation and ban- quet will not be held today as planned on account of the death of President Burton. The date will be announced later. All material for the examination which is to be given for the women who have completed the Y. W. C. A. club leaders course will be found in I the reading room of the Y. W. C, A at Newberry hail. The e:amination will be given any time today or to- morrow. Elective classes in beginning swim- ming will be held at 4 o'clock Mon- days and Wednesdays and 4 o'clock 'esdays and Thursdays, in Barbour gymnasium. Anyone interested should report today. A SOOTHING LOTION Protects the hands and face. We highly recommend ESCO VELVET SKIN Its an ideal lotion to use these cold wintry days. 35c bottles Jnticipatfed PIedajure SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER MArUCK TE.hO4P 1n-22:30 6j3.2 orcst Ave. Phonic 2641P, E BERBACH & SON CO. 200-204 E. LIBERTY ST. fay 113t, LIS ET11 Beaded frocks have beenr favorites f fashion for a number of seasons anl there seems no diminution of their popularity. A pretty dinner dress is shown here fashioned of printed white chiffon and beaded in crystal. IVUIIiJLU hI H LU I fUL1,11I SCHOLARSHIP IN CHINA Members of the nurse association of the Y. W. C. A. recently decided to send $30 to Hazel M. Attwood, '20, superintendent of the Congregational training school for nurses at Foochow, China, to establish a scholarship there, for the student who has shown the most exceptional ability and scol- arship. The scholarship will give the women a year of training at a larger school, probably Shanghai. Miss Attwood was president of the nurses association of the Y. W. C. A. in 1920, and took the position at Foo- chow in 1922. When Miss Attwood returns to this country on a furlough next year, the student who holds the scholarship will take her place. Education Club Meets Pi Lambda Theta held a short busi- ness meeting Wednesday night in Martha Cook library. Plans for thef next two meetings were presented by the social committee and discussed. The social meeting, which was to have been held, was postponed. Munimers dramatic society met Tuesday afternoon at the Alpha Epsi-i Ion Phi house. The next meeting willI be held March 11 at the Alpha Phi { house. t WOMEN ASSEMBLE women will assemble on Ged- Idesi avenue from Washtenaw avenue to the Forest H1ll cem- etery at 2 o'clock Saturday for the line of procession which is to be made by the entire student body to pay tribute to the late f President Marion L. Burton. IVICTOR" I Swimming Class Open To Women Several plaesa re still otwn in the elective swimming classes 'which 'vill be held at 4 o'clock, Mondays and Wed- nesdays in Barbour gymnasiui. Wo- mnen wh'o known how to swim will be given an opportunity -to practice or learn new strokes, and full instruc- tions will be given to beginners. The instructors include Miss Louise Howe and Miss Elsie Erley. Gray cotton suits are regulation outfits to be worn in the pool. GLEE CLUB ENTERTAINS The University Girls' glee club will entertain the Freshman Girls' glee club at a tea next, Wednesday after- noon at the home of a former glee club president, Bernice Nickels. 337 Maynard street. The tea is to be a get acquainted party, and the enter- tainment will take the form of "sings" by both the guests and the hostesses.j Owing to the fact that the member- ship quota of Athena is full at the pre- sent time, there will be no second se- (mnester t ryouts. All meetings, .how- ever, are open to the public and those interested in trying out next fall are IcordIially inlvited to attend1. Sigma Delta Phi will m %o'clock today at the Si house. An im'ortant meeting of sity Girls' Glee club will 14 :30 this afternoon in School of Musi. eet at 4:15 gia Kappa the Univer- be held at room 3L5, i / 111 Ferry Field Lunch State Street and Packard WHERE QUALITY QUICK SERVICE AND QUANTITY COUNT CLEAN SURROUNDfNGS WHOLESOME FOOD There with be no meeting of (lie tfn iversity Girls' Glee club Saturtiay The regular meeting will be held at' 4:30 Tuesday in room 305. School ofl Music, and a special meeting will be held at 4:30 Thursday afternoon in the same place. The W. A. A. hike scheduled foi -this T WO-PIECE jumpers of flannel, wool crepe and cashmere cleverly conceal the fullness of their skirts by using inverted pleats and grou) pleats. Many colors. $20 and $25. SECOND FLOOR GOOD YEA R'S 11A SOUTH MAIN For the Past, Present and Future OUR MOTTO TO PLEASE ALL Come in and see Our ClassicWave For Bobbed Hair Stoddard Hair Shoppe 707 North University Ave. ! Phone 2652 [i o t ., ...a,... ''' e o 1 It 0 The Season s Newest! In Kashas and Flannels Popularly Priced I TUTTLE' LUNCH ROOM 338 Maynard -- I.. If you want a dish of ice cream or a delicious lunch the very best place in SAnn Arbor is the Sugar Bowl. SWe make all our own candies and once Syou have tried them you will have no :other. k- DANA Adding Machines Burroughs, Victor; Barrett, Portable and other makes. New, rebuilt. and second- hand. Sold and rented. 0. D. Morrill 17 Nickels' Arcade A Sparkling Frenchy Comedy "Open All Night" '-On the Stage- ENTIRE NEW PROGRAM by rch estra I I W. S. Buttelield's Arcade and Majestic Theatres Will Ie Closed Saturday Afternoon 1 I - I i ('o nmin~ Suuidiey- I i! '.1 I!!